Update README.md

Update explanation to use ./onos.sh.

Change-Id: I843b8ed92f5948d7f3725e65dfc990e5661516f7
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8062116..e57a000 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ONOS (Open Networking Operating System) is an experimental distributed
 SDN OS. Currently, it is under active development. ONOS was announced
-and demonstrated at ONS'13.
+and demonstrated at ONS'13, '14.
@@ -11,77 +11,118 @@
 Steps to download and setup a development Virtual Machine
 Building ONOS
 1. Cleanly build ONOS
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
         $ mvn clean
         $ mvn compile
-    NOTE: installing maven for the first time may switch java version
-    from 1.7 to 1.6. This might prevent Cassandra to run.
 External Dependencies
-1. Zookeeper
+1. Required packages
+        $ sudo apt-get install maven python-flask
+2. ZooKeeper
     Download and install apache-zookeeper-3.4.5:
+    By default ONOS expect ZooKeeper to be installed in `~/zookeeper-3.4.5`.  
+    This can be changed by specifing the path using `ZK_HOME` environment variable.
+    Data directory ZooKeeper uses by default is `/var/lib/zookeeper`.
+    You will need to give current user permission to write to this directory.
+    This directory can be changed using specifying `ZK_LIB_DIR` environment variable and 
+    running `./onos.sh setup` to generate `${ONOS_HOME}/conf/zoo.cfg`.
+    See Configuration for details about `./onos.sh setup`.
-2. RAMCloud
+3. RAMCloud
-    Run setup-ramcloud.sh to install RAMCloud git repository
+    Run setup-ramcloud.sh to download and install RAMCloud to `~/ramcloud`.  
+    Installation path can be changed by specifing `RAMCLOUD_HOME` environment variable.
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
+        $ ./setup-ramcloud.sh
-To configure the processes (ONOS, RAMCLoud and Zookeper) refers to the files in (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/conf.
-A detailed explanation is given in the ONOS WiKi:
-	- "ONOS Documentation/Getting Started with ONOS/Running the RAMCloud branch of ONOS"
+`./onos.sh setup` script is used to generate ONOS related configuration files.
+This script read configuration from "${ONOS_CONF_DIR}/onos_node.\`hostname\`.conf".
-Running ONOS with RAMCloud as a separate process
+Copy the file "${ONOS_HOME}/conf/onos_node.conf" to match the hostname and configure 
+the content appropriately.  
+ e.g., To use RAMCloud as data store change `host.backend` to `ramcloud`
+Once you're done with required configuration run following to generate configuration files.
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
+        $ ./onos.sh setup
+Running ONOS and required components
+To start ZooKeeper, RAMCloud (if enabled in configuration) and ONOS core.
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
+        $ ./onos.sh start single-node
+To stop all the above
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
+        $ ./onos.sh stop
+If you need to use the REST APIs, follow the instruction for
+"Start ONOS REST API server" in next section.
+Running ONOS and required components one by one
+You can manually start/stop individual ONOS components as follows:
 1. Start Zookeeper
-        $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
-        $ ./start-zk.sh start
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
+        $ ./onos.sh zk start
         ## Confirm Zookeeper is running:
-        $ ./start.zk.sh status
+        $ ./onos.sh zk status
-2. Start RAMCloud Coordinator (only one for cluster)
+2. Start RAMCloud Coordinator (only on one of the node in cluster)
-        $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
-        $ ./start-ramcloud-coordinator.sh start
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
+        $ ./onos.sh rc-coord start
         ## Confirm RAMCloud Coordinator is running:
-        $ ./start-ramcloud-coordinator.sh status
+        $ ./onos.sh rc-coord status
 3. Start RAMCloud Server
-        $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
-        $ ./start-ramcloud-server.sh start
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
+        $ ./onos.sh rc-server start
         ## Confirm RAMCloud Server is running:
-        $ ./start-ramcloud-server.sh status
+        $ ./onos.sh rc-server status
 4. Start ONOS
-        $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
-        $ ./start-onos.sh start
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
+        $ ./onos.sh core start
         ## Confirm ONOS is running:
-        $ ./start-onos.sh status
+        $ ./onos.sh core status
 5. Start ONOS REST API server
-        $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
+        $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
         $ ./start-rest.sh start
         ## Confirm the REST API server is running:
@@ -100,16 +141,3 @@
 downloaded to your local environment.
         $ ./prep-for-offline.sh
-Running in offline mode (Optional)
-Maven is used to build and run ONOS. By default, maven tries to reach
-the repositories. The '-o' option can be given to the 'mvn' command to
-suppress this behavior. The `MVN` environmental variable can be used to
-set additional options to the 'mvn' command used in ONOS.
-* Example: Running in offline mode
-        $ env MVN="mvn -o" ./start-onos.sh start