[SDFAB-872] Allow to use local maven cache via env variable

If USE_LOCAL_SNAPSHOT_ARTIFACTS=true while we are building from source code, it will use the 
snapshot artifacts in local maven cache rather than fetching from remote repositories. It is not 
effective when we are not building from source code.

Change-Id: I10cbaac0601eff40b1a7cb7c45c532bb17914c0d
diff --git a/app-build.sh b/app-build.sh
index a94146f..ca9742f 100755
--- a/app-build.sh
+++ b/app-build.sh
@@ -127,10 +127,21 @@
 	# If MVN was not successful - built from sources
 	if [ "$MVN" -eq "0" ]; then
+		# When building from source api and app jars are automatically put into the local .m2 folder.
 		# Update VERSION
 		extract_version "${TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT}"
 		# Update OAR
+	else
+		# Fetch trellis-control api and app JARs that may be needed to build other apps when using local maven cache (i.e., T3 and fabric-tna).
+		# Fetched jars will be places in the local .m2 folder.
+		docker run "${IT}" --rm -v "${CURRENT_DIR}":/root -w /root/"trellis-control" "${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE}" \
+			bash -c "mvn dependency:copy -Dartifact=${TRELLIS_CONTROL_GROUPID}:segmentrouting-api:${TRELLIS_CONTROL_VERSION} \
+			-Dmdep.useBaseVersion=true -Dmdep.overWriteReleases=true -Dmdep.overWriteSnapshots=true -f dependencies.xml \
+			-s mvn_settings.xml; \
+			mvn dependency:copy -Dartifact=${TRELLIS_CONTROL_GROUPID}:segmentrouting-app:${TRELLIS_CONTROL_VERSION} \
+			-Dmdep.useBaseVersion=true -Dmdep.overWriteReleases=true -Dmdep.overWriteSnapshots=true -f dependencies.xml \
+			-s mvn_settings.xml"
 	# Final step requires to move the oar to the folder used by the tost docker file. Moreover, it will help catch up errors