[AETHER-544][AETHER-523] Improve versioning of `tost` docker image and simplify build workflow

VERSION file is used for the release/tag process of `tost`.

Makefile.vars file defines the stable versions of each component
to be used during the build process.

Dockerfile.tost defines a docker label for each component
and uses the *_VERSION vars to set the docker labels.

Moves build logic inside app-build.sh. Build process is stopped if there are pending
changes in the repositories

Adds check-scripts target for shellcheck verify

Add fetch targets to update the repos

Deprecates the use of git-review for git fetch ref/changes/

Updates README to explain the new build process

Change-Id: I9a3f4b1b67064cd55c755330deaf6efef19ced22
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7b22c13..b08f826 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -15,30 +15,22 @@
 # set default shell
-SHELL                    := /bin/bash -e -o pipefail
+SHELL                        := /bin/bash -e -o pipefail
-# Variables
-VERSION                  ?= $(shell cat ./VERSION)
-CURRENT_UID              := $(shell id -u)
-CURRENT_GID              := $(shell id -g)
-MKFILE_PATH              := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
-CURRENT_DIR              := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(MKFILE_PATH)))
-LOCAL_APPS               := local-apps
-# Do not attach stdin if running in an environment without it (e.g., Jenkins)
-IT                       := $(shell test -t 0 && echo "-it" || echo "-t")
+# General variables
+VERSION                      ?= $(shell cat ./VERSION)
+THIS_MAKE                    := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
 # Docker related
-DOCKER_REGISTRY          ?=
-DOCKER_TAG               ?= ${VERSION}
-DOCKER_MVN_TAG           := 3.6.3-openjdk-11-slim
-DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE         := maven:${DOCKER_MVN_TAG}
+DOCKER_REGISTRY              ?=
+DOCKER_REPOSITORY            ?=
+DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS            ?=
+DOCKER_TAG                   ?= ${VERSION}
 # Docker labels. Only set ref and commit date if committed
-DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_URL     ?= $(shell git remote get-url $(shell git remote))
-DOCKER_LABEL_BUILD_DATE  ?= $(shell date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
-DOCKER_LABEL_COMMIT_DATE  = $(shell git show -s --format=%cd --date=iso-strict HEAD)
+DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_URL         ?= $(shell git remote get-url $(shell git remote))
+DOCKER_LABEL_BUILD_DATE      ?= $(shell date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+DOCKER_LABEL_COMMIT_DATE      = $(shell git show -s --format=%cd --date=iso-strict HEAD)
 ifeq ($(shell git ls-files --others --modified --exclude-standard 2>/dev/null | wc -l | sed -e 's/ //g'),0)
   DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_REF = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
@@ -46,86 +38,58 @@
   DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_REF = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)+dirty
+# Includes the default ("working") versions of each component
+include ./Makefile.vars
+# Shellcheck related
 # ONOS related
 ONOS_IMAGENAME               := tost-onos
-ONOS_BRANCH                  ?=
-ONOS_REVIEW                  ?=
 export ONOS_ROOT             := $(shell pwd)/onos
+ONOS_REPO                    := https://gerrit.onosproject.org/onos
 ONOS_PROFILE                 := "tost"
 KARAF_VERSION                := 4.2.9
 # TOST related
+export LOCAL_APPS            := local-apps
 # Trellis-Control related
-TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT         := $(shell pwd)/trellis-control
-TRELLIS_CONTROL_GROUPID      := org.onosproject
-TRELLIS_CONTROL_ARTIFACTID   := segmentrouting-oar
+export TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT  := $(shell pwd)/trellis-control
+export TRELLIS_CONTROL_REPO  := https://gerrit.onosproject.org/trellis-control
 # Trellis-T3 related
-TRELLIS_T3_BRANCH            ?=
-TRELLIS_T3_REVIEW            ?=
-TRELLIS_T3_MVN               ?=
-TRELLIS_T3_ROOT              := $(shell pwd)/trellis-t3
-TRELLIS_T3_GROUPID           := org.onosproject
-TRELLIS_T3_ARTIFACTID        := t3-app
-TRELLIS_T3_VERSION           := 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
+export TRELLIS_T3_ROOT       := $(shell pwd)/trellis-t3
+export TRELLIS_T3_REPO       := https://gerrit.onosproject.org/trellis-t3
 # Fabric-Tofino related
-FABRIC_TOFINO_MVN            ?=
-FABRIC_TOFINO_ROOT           := $(shell pwd)/fabric-tofino
-FABRIC_TOFINO_GROUPID        := org.opencord
-FABRIC_TOFINO_ARTIFACTID     := fabric-tofino
-FABRIC_TOFINO_TARGETS        := fabric-spgw
-FABRIC_TOFINO_SDE_DOCKER_IMG := opennetworking/bf-sde:9.0.0-p4c
-FABRIC_TOFINO_P4CFLAGS       := "-DS1U_SGW_PREFIX='(8w192++8w0++8w0++8w0)' -DS1U_SGW_PREFIX_LEN=8"
+export FABRIC_TOFINO_ROOT    := $(shell pwd)/fabric-tofino
+export FABRIC_TOFINO_REPO    := https://gerrit.opencord.org/fabric-tofino
 # Up4 related
-UP4_BRANCH                   ?=
 OMECPROJECT_API              ?=
-UP4_ROOT                     := $(shell pwd)/up4
-UP4_ARTIFACTID               := up4-app
-UP4_VERSION                  := 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
-UP4_TARGETS                  := _prepare_app_build
+export UP4_ROOT              := $(shell pwd)/up4
-  UP4_REPO = https://github.com/omec-project/up4.git
+  export UP4_REPO = https://github.com/omec-project/up4.git
-  UP4_REPO = https://omecproject:${OMECPROJECT_API}@github.com/omec-project/up4.git
+  export UP4_REPO = https://omecproject:${OMECPROJECT_API}@github.com/omec-project/up4.git
 # Kafka-onos related
-KAFKA_ONOS_BRANCH            ?=
-KAKFA_ONOS_REVIEW            ?=
-KAFKA_ONOS_MVN               ?=
-KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT              := $(shell pwd)/kafka-onos
-KAFKA_ONOS_GROUPID           := org.opencord
-KAFKA_ONOS_ARTIFACTID        := kafka
+export KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT       := $(shell pwd)/kafka-onos
+export KAFKA_ONOS_REPO       := https://gerrit.opencord.org/kafka-onos
 # Fabric-TNA related
-FABRIC_TNA_BRANCH            ?=
 ONOS_BUILDER_API             ?=
-FABRIC_TNA_ROOT              := $(shell pwd)/fabric-tna
-FABRIC_TNA_ARTIFACTID        := fabric-tna
-FABRIC_TNA_TARGETS           := fabric fabric-spgw
-FABRIC_TNA_SDE_DOCKER_IMG    := opennetworking/bf-sde:9.2.0-p4c
+export FABRIC_TNA_ROOT       := $(shell pwd)/fabric-tna
 ifeq ($(ONOS_BUILDER_API),)
-  FABRIC_TNA_REPO = https://github.com/stratum/fabric-tna.git
+  export FABRIC_TNA_REPO = https://github.com/stratum/fabric-tna.git
-  FABRIC_TNA_REPO = https://onos-builder:${ONOS_BUILDER_API}@github.com/stratum/fabric-tna.git
+  export FABRIC_TNA_REPO = https://onos-builder:${ONOS_BUILDER_API}@github.com/stratum/fabric-tna.git
 .PHONY: onos trellis-control trellis-t3 fabric-tofino up4 kafka-onos fabric-tna
@@ -137,51 +101,27 @@
 	@echo "Usage: make [<target>]"
 	@echo "where available targets are:"
-	@grep '^[[:alnum:]_-]*:.* ##' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) \
+	@grep '^[[:alnum:]_-]*:.* ##' $(THIS_MAKE) \
 	| sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":.* ## "}; {printf "%-25s %s\n", $$1, $$2};'
 	@echo "Environment variables:"
-	@echo "ONOS_BRANCH               : Define to use the following branch to build the image"
-	@echo "ONOS_REVIEW               : Define to use the following review to build the image"
-	@echo "TRELLIS_CONTROL_BRANCH    : Define to use the following branch to build the image"
-	@echo "TRELLIS_CONTROL_REVIEW    : Define to use the following review to build the image"
-	@echo "TRELLIS_CONTROL_MVN       : Define to download the app using mvn"
-	@echo "TRELLIS_T3_BRANCH         : Define to use the following branch to build the image"
-	@echo "TRELLIS_T3_REVIEW         : Define to use the following review to build the image"
-	@echo "TRELLIS_T3_MVN            : Define to download the app using mvn"
-	@echo "FABRIC_TOFINO_BRANCH      : Define to use the following branch to build the image"
-	@echo "FABRIC_TOFINO_REVIEW      : Define to use the following review to build the image"
-	@echo "FABRIC_TOFINO_MVN         : Define to download the app using mvn"
-	@echo "UP4_BRANCH                : Define to use the following branch to build the image"
-	@echo "KAFKA_ONOS_BRANCH         : Define to use the following branch to build the image"
-	@echo "KAFKA_ONOS_REVIEW         : Define to use the following review to build the image"
-	@echo "KAFKA_ONOS_MVN            : Define to download the app using mvn"
-	@echo "FABRIC_TNA_BRANCH         : Define to use the following branch to build the image"
+	@echo "ONOS_VERSION              : Override to use a specific branch/commit/tag/release to build the image"
+	@echo "TRELLIS_CONTROL_VERSION   : Override to use a specific branch/commit/tag/release to build the image"
+	@echo "TRELLIS_T3_VERSION        : Override to use a specific branch/commit/tag/release to build the image"
+	@echo "FABRIC_TOFINO_VERSION     : Override to use a specific branch/commit/tag/release to build the image"
+	@echo "UP4_VERSION               : Override to use a specific branch/commit/tag/release to build the image"
+	@echo "KAFKA_ONOS_VERSION        : Override to use a specific branch/commit/tag/release to build the image"
+	@echo "FABRIC_TNA_VERSION        : Override to use a specific branch/commit/tag/release to build the image"
 	@echo ""
-	@echo "'onos' clones onos if it does not exist in the workspace."
-	@echo "Uses current workspace unless above vars are defined."
-	@echo ""
-	@echo "'trellis-control' clones trellis-control if it does not exist in the workspace."
-	@echo "Uses current workspace unless above vars are defined."
-	@echo ""
-	@echo "'trellis-t3' clones trellis-t3 if it does not exist in the workspace."
-	@echo "Uses current workspace unless above vars are defined."
-	@echo ""
-	@echo "'fabric-tofino' clones fabric-tofino if it does not exist in the workspace."
-	@echo "Uses current workspace unless above vars are defined."
-	@echo ""
-	@echo "'up4' clones up4 if it does not exist in the workspace."
-	@echo "Uses current workspace unless above vars are defined."
-	@echo ""
-	@echo "'kafka-onos' clones kafka-onos if it does not exist in the workspace."
-	@echo "Uses current workspace unless above vars are defined."
-	@echo ""
-	@echo "'fabric-tna' clones fabric-tna if it does not exist in the workspace."
-	@echo "Uses current workspace unless above vars are defined."
+	@echo "'Makefile.vars' defines default values for '*_VERSION' variables".
 	@echo ""
 ## Make targets
+check-scripts: ## : Provides warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts
+	# Fail if any of these files have warnings, exclude sed replacement warnings
+	docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/mnt" ${SHELLCHECK_IMAGE} *.sh -e SC2001
 mvn_settings.xml: mvn_settings.sh ## : Builds mvn_settings file for proxy
@@ -191,201 +131,169 @@
 trellis-control: ## : Checkout trellis-control code
 	# Clones trellis-control if it does not exist
 	if [ ! -d "trellis-control" ]; then \
-		git clone https://gerrit.onosproject.org/trellis-control; \
+		git clone ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_REPO}; \
-# Both are not supported
-	@echo "Too many parameters. You cannot specify branch and review."
-	exit 1
+	# Pending changes - do not proceed
+	@modified=$$(cd ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT} && git status --porcelain); \
+	if [ ! -z "$${modified}" ]; then \
+		echo "Unable to checkout, you have pending changes in trellis-control repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	# Try the git checkout first otherwise git review
+	if ! (cd ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT} && git checkout ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_VERSION}); then \
+	if ! (cd ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT} && git fetch ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_REPO} ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_VERSION} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD); then \
+		echo "Unable to fetch the changes from the trellis-control repository"; \
+	fi \
+	fi
 trellis-control-build: mvn_settings.xml local-apps trellis-control  ## : Builds trellis-control using local app or mvn
-	# Settings are needed by both build processes - contains proxy settings and extra
-	cp mvn_settings.xml ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT}/
-	# Dependencies are needed only by the mvn copy - contains repo settings
-	cp dependencies.xml ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT}/
-	# Mounting the current dir allows to cache the .m2 folder that is persisted and leveraged by subsequent builds
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/trellis-control ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn dependency:copy -Dartifact=${TRELLIS_CONTROL_ARTIFACT}:${TRELLIS_CONTROL_VERSION}:oar \
-		-DoutputDirectory=oar/target -Dmdep.useBaseVersion=true \
-		-Dmdep.overWriteReleases=true -Dmdep.overWriteSnapshots=true -f dependencies.xml \
-		-s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
-	# Having the same mount file allows to reduce build time.
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/trellis-control ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn clean install -s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
-	# Final step requires to move the oar to the folder used by the tost docker file
+	@./app-build.sh $@
+trellis-control-fetch: ## : downloads commits, files, and refs from remote trellis-control
+	cd ${TRELLIS_CONTROL_ROOT} && git fetch
 trellis-t3: ## : Checkout trellis-t3 code
 	if [ ! -d "trellis-t3" ]; then \
-		git clone https://gerrit.onosproject.org/trellis-t3; \
+		git clone ${TRELLIS_T3_REPO}; \
-	@echo "Too many parameters. You cannot specify branch and review."
-	exit 1
-	cd ${TRELLIS_T3_ROOT} && git checkout ${TRELLIS_T3_BRANCH}
-	cd ${TRELLIS_T3_ROOT} && git review -d ${TRELLIS_T3_REVIEW}
+	@modified=$$(cd ${TRELLIS_T3_ROOT} && git status --porcelain); \
+	if [ ! -z "$${modified}" ]; then \
+		echo "Unable to checkout, you have pending changes in trellis-t3 repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	if ! (cd ${TRELLIS_T3_ROOT} && git checkout ${TRELLIS_T3_VERSION}); then \
+	if ! (cd ${TRELLIS_T3_ROOT} && git fetch ${TRELLIS_T3_REPO} ${TRELLIS_T3_VERSION} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD); then \
+		echo "Unable to fetch the changes from the trellis-t3 repository"; \
+	fi \
+	fi
 trellis-t3-build: mvn_settings.xml local-apps trellis-t3  ## : Builds trellis-t3 using local app or mvn
-	cp mvn_settings.xml ${TRELLIS_T3_ROOT}/
-	cp dependencies.xml ${TRELLIS_T3_ROOT}/
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/trellis-t3 ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn dependency:copy -Dartifact=${TRELLIS_T3_ARTIFACT}:${TRELLIS_T3_VERSION}:oar \
-		-DoutputDirectory=app/target -Dmdep.useBaseVersion=true \
-		-Dmdep.overWriteReleases=true -Dmdep.overWriteSnapshots=true -f dependencies.xml \
-		-s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/trellis-t3 ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn clean install -s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
+	@./app-build.sh $@
+trellis-t3-fetch: ## : downloads commits, files, and refs from remote trellis-t3
+	cd ${TRELLIS_T3_ROOT} && git fetch
 fabric-tofino: ## : Checkout fabric-tofino code
 	if [ ! -d "fabric-tofino" ]; then \
-		git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/fabric-tofino; \
+		git clone ${FABRIC_TOFINO_REPO}; \
-	@echo "Too many parameters. You cannot specify branch and review."
-	exit 1
+	@modified=$$(cd ${FABRIC_TOFINO_ROOT} && git status --porcelain); \
+	if [ ! -z "$${modified}" ]; then \
+		echo "Unable to checkout, you have pending changes in fabric-tofino repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	if ! (cd ${FABRIC_TOFINO_ROOT} && git checkout ${FABRIC_TOFINO_VERSION}); then \
+	if ! (cd ${FABRIC_TOFINO_ROOT} && git fetch ${FABRIC_TOFINO_REPO} ${FABRIC_TOFINO_VERSION} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD); then \
+		echo "Unable to fetch the changes from the fabric-tofino repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi \
+	fi
 fabric-tofino-build: mvn_settings.xml local-apps fabric-tofino  ## : Builds fabric-tofino using local app or mvn
-	cp mvn_settings.xml ${FABRIC_TOFINO_ROOT}/
-	cp dependencies.xml ${FABRIC_TOFINO_ROOT}/
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/fabric-tofino ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn dependency:copy -Dartifact=${FABRIC_TOFINO_ARTIFACT}:${FABRIC_TOFINO_VERSION}:oar \
-		-DoutputDirectory=target -Dmdep.useBaseVersion=true \
-		-Dmdep.overWriteReleases=true -Dmdep.overWriteSnapshots=true -f dependencies.xml \
-		-s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
-	# This workaround is temporary - typically we need to build only the pipeconf
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/fabric-tofino ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn clean install -s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
+	@./app-build.sh $@
+fabric-tofino-fetch: ## : downloads commits, files, and refs from remote fabric-tofino
+	cd ${FABRIC_TOFINO_ROOT} && git fetch
 up4: ## : Checkout up4 code
 	if [ ! -d "up4" ]; then \
 		git clone ${UP4_REPO}; \
-ifdef UP4_BRANCH
-	cd ${UP4_ROOT} && git checkout ${UP4_BRANCH}
+	@modified=$$(cd ${UP4_ROOT} && git status --porcelain); \
+	if [ ! -z "$${modified}" ]; then \
+		echo "Unable to checkout, you have pending changes in up4 repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	if ! (cd ${UP4_ROOT} && git checkout ${UP4_VERSION}); then \
+	if ! (cd ${UP4_ROOT} && git fetch ${UP4_REPO} ${UP4_VERSION} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD); then \
+		echo "Unable to fetch the changes from the up4 repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi \
+	fi
 up4-build: mvn_settings.xml local-apps up4  ## : Builds up4 using local app
-	cp mvn_settings.xml ${UP4_ROOT}/app
-	# Copy the p4 reources inside the app before the actual build
-	cd ${UP4_ROOT} && make ${UP4_TARGETS}
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/up4/app ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn clean install -s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
-	cp ${UP4_ROOT}/app/app/target/${UP4_ARTIFACTID}-${UP4_VERSION}.oar ${LOCAL_APPS}/
+	@./app-build.sh $@
+up4-fetch: ## : downloads commits, files, and refs from remote up4
+	cd ${UP4_ROOT} && git fetch
 kafka-onos: ## : Checkout kafka-onos code
 	if [ ! -d "kafka-onos" ]; then \
-		git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/kafka-onos; \
+		git clone ${KAFKA_ONOS_REPO}; \
-	@echo "Too many parameters. You cannot specify branch and review."
-	exit 1
-	cd ${KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT} && git checkout ${KAFKA_ONOS_BRANCH}
-	cd ${KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT} && git review -d ${KAFKA_ONOS_REVIEW}
+	@modified=$$(cd ${KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT} && git status --porcelain); \
+	if [ ! -z "$${modified}" ]; then \
+		echo "Unable to checkout, you have pending changes in kafka-onos repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	if ! (cd ${KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT} && git checkout ${KAFKA_ONOS_VERSION}); then \
+	if ! (cd ${KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT} && git fetch ${KAFKA_ONOS_REPO} ${KAFKA_ONOS_VERSION} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD); then \
+		echo "Unable to fetch the changes from the kafka-onos repository"; \
+	fi \
+	fi
 kafka-onos-build: mvn_settings.xml local-apps kafka-onos  ## : Builds kafka-onos using local app or mvn
-	cp mvn_settings.xml ${KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT}/
-	cp dependencies.xml ${KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT}/
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/kafka-onos ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn dependency:copy -Dartifact=${KAFKA_ONOS_ARTIFACT}:${KAFKA_ONOS_VERSION}:oar \
-		-DoutputDirectory=target -Dmdep.useBaseVersion=true \
-		-Dmdep.overWriteReleases=true -Dmdep.overWriteSnapshots=true -f dependencies.xml \
-		-s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/kafka-onos ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn clean install -s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
+	@./app-build.sh $@
+kafka-onos-fetch: ## : downloads commits, files, and refs from remote kafka-onos
+	cd ${KAFKA_ONOS_ROOT} && git fetch
 fabric-tna: ## : Checkout fabric-tna code
 	if [ ! -d "fabric-tna" ]; then \
 		git clone ${FABRIC_TNA_REPO}; \
-	cd ${FABRIC_TNA_ROOT} && git checkout ${FABRIC_TNA_BRANCH}
+	@modified=$$(cd ${FABRIC_TNA_ROOT} && git status --porcelain); \
+	if [ ! -z "$${modified}" ]; then \
+		echo "Unable to checkout, you have pending changes in fabric-tna repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	if ! (cd ${FABRIC_TNA_ROOT} && git checkout ${FABRIC_TNA_VERSION}); then \
+	if ! (cd ${FABRIC_TNA_ROOT} && git fetch ${FABRIC_TNA_REPO} ${FABRIC_TNA_VERSION} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD); then \
+		echo "Unable to fetch the changes from the fabric-tna repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi \
+	fi
 fabric-tna-build: mvn_settings.xml local-apps fabric-tna  ## : Builds fabric-tna using local app
-	cp mvn_settings.xml ${FABRIC_TNA_ROOT}/
-	# Rebuilds the artifact and the pipeconf
-	docker run ${IT} --rm -v ${CURRENT_DIR}:/root -w /root/fabric-tna ${DOCKER_MVN_IMAGE} \
-		bash -c "mvn clean install -s mvn_settings.xml; \
-		chown -R ${CURRENT_UID}:${CURRENT_GID} /root"
+	@./app-build.sh $@
+fabric-tna-fetch: ## : downloads commits, files, and refs from remote fabric-tna
+	cd ${FABRIC_TNA_ROOT} && git fetch
+apps-fetch: trellis-control-fetch trellis-t3-fetch fabric-tofino-fetch up4-fetch kafka-onos-fetch fabric-tna-fetch ## : downloads commits, files, and refs from remotes
+apps-build: trellis-control-build trellis-t3-build fabric-tofino-build up4-build kafka-onos-build fabric-tna-build ## : Build the onos apps
 onos: ## : Checkout onos code
 	if [ ! -d "onos" ]; then \
 		git clone https://gerrit.onosproject.org/onos; \
-	@echo "Too many parameters. You cannot specify branch and review."
-	exit 1
-	cd ${ONOS_ROOT} && git checkout ${ONOS_BRANCH}
-	cd ${ONOS_ROOT} && git review -d ${ONOS_REVIEW}
-apps-build: trellis-control-build trellis-t3-build fabric-tofino-build up4-build kafka-onos-build fabric-tna-build ## : Build the onos apps
+	@modified=$$(cd ${ONOS_ROOT} && git status --porcelain); \
+	if [ ! -z "$${modified}" ]; then \
+		echo "Unable to checkout, you have pending changes in onos repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi
+	# In case of failure, we do not proceed because we cannot build with mvn
+	if ! (cd ${ONOS_ROOT} && git checkout ${ONOS_VERSION}); then \
+	if ! (cd ${ONOS_ROOT} && git fetch ${ONOS_REPO} ${ONOS_VERSION} && git checkout FETCH_HEAD); then \
+		echo "Unable to fetch the changes from the onos repository"; \
+		exit 1; \
+	fi \
+	fi
 onos-build: onos ## : Builds the tost-onos docker image
 	# Set some env variables
@@ -403,7 +311,13 @@
     --build-arg org_label_schema_vcs_url="${DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_URL}" \
     --build-arg org_label_schema_vcs_ref="${DOCKER_LABEL_VCS_REF}" \
     --build-arg org_label_schema_build_date="${DOCKER_LABEL_BUILD_DATE}" \
-    --build-arg org_onosproject_vcs_commit_date="${DOCKER_LABEL_COMMIT_DATE}" \
+    --build-arg org_onosproject_onos_version="${ONOS_VERSION}"\
+    --build-arg org_onosproject_trellis_control_version="${TRELLIS_CONTROL_VERSION}"\
+    --build-arg org_onosproject_trellis_t3_version="${TRELLIS_T3_VERSION}"\
+    --build-arg org_opencord_fabric_tofino_version="${FABRIC_TOFINO_VERSION}"\
+    --build-arg org_omecproject_up4_version="${UP4_VERSION}"\
+    --build-arg org_opencord_kafka_onos_version="${KAFKA_ONOS_VERSION}"\
+    --build-arg org_stratumproject_fabric_tna_version="${FABRIC_TNA_VERSION}"\
     -f Dockerfile.tost .
 onos-push: ## : Pushes the tost-onos docker image to an external repository
@@ -413,7 +327,7 @@
 	docker push ${TOST_IMAGENAME}
 # Used for CI job
-docker-build: onos-build apps-build tost-build ## : Builds the tost image
+docker-build: check-scripts onos-build apps-build tost-build ## : Builds the tost image
 # User for CD job
 docker-push: tost-push ## : Pushes the tost image