Trellis Leaf-Spine Fabric


This folder contains Mininet scripts and corresponding config files that can be used to emulate Trellis leaf-spine fabric, vRouter and DHCP relay. Current Mininet setup only works with ONOS 1.11 and above. We recommend you use the tip of 1.11 branch.


git clone


Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Some dependencies need to be installed for a fresh Ubuntu.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gawk texinfo python-pip build-essential iptables automake autoconf libtool
sudo pip install -U pip
sudo pip install ipaddress


sudo apt-get install mininet


Mininet should install OVS for you. Please run sudo ovs-vsctl --version and make sure the OVS version is above 2.5.0+.

DHCP server

sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server


Trellis needs a special FPM patch for Quagga.

git clone -b onos-1.11
cd quagga
./configure --enable-fpm --sbindir=/usr/lib/quagga
sudo make install
cd ..

ONOS - Installation

Learn about how to setup ONOS at: After installation, the following ONOS apps need to be activated.

export ONOS_APPS=drivers,openflow,segmentrouting,fpm,dhcprelay,netcfghostprovider,routeradvertisement

ONOS - Network Config

onos-netcfg <onos-ip> routing/trellis/trellis.json

Update Controller IP

The location of ONOS controller needs to be updated in several places, including Mininet script and zebra config.

In routing/trellis/

net.addController(RemoteController('c0', ip=''))
net.addController(RemoteController('c1', ip=''))
net.addController(RemoteController('c2', ip=''))

In routing/trellis/zebradbgp1.conf Note: This ONOS IP need to be reachable from Mininet emulated Quagga host. is invalid.

fpm connection ip port 2620

Disable AppArmor

The apparmor will set dhcpd in enforce mode. We will need to disable the profile.

ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.dhcpd /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.dhcpd

Start Mininet Emulation

cd routing/trellis
sudo ./

Verify Network Connectivity

In Mininet, run

  • h1 ping to check IPv4 connectivity
  • h1v6 ping6 2000::9902 to check IPv6 connectivity


  • Services in the emulated hosts may still be alive if Mininet is not terminated properly. In that case, simply run the following command to clean up.
sudo killall -9 dhclient dhcpd zebra bgpd
sudo mn -c