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  1. 6374a34 Use `--depth` flag to `git clone` in Dockerfiles, to save space by Pratik raj · 4 years, 4 months ago master
  2. fff5db6 Adds scaled env. for multicast testing. by Pier · 5 years ago
  3. 11081f8 added and modified files for lacp by William Davies · 5 years ago
  4. 86582b9 Fixed typo error by Federico Garcia · 5 years ago
  5. 4bcd956 Disable NIC offloading such that this NAT can be used with user space OVS by Charles Chan · 5 years ago

Routing libraries and topologies for Mininet

This repository contains a set of libraries and scripts that build on top of Mininet to construct topologies that include L3 routing elements. Quagga is used to construct routes that support a variety of routing protocols.


  • Mininet: sudo apt-get install mininet
  • Quagga: sudo apt-get install quagga
  • ipaddress: sudo pip install ipaddress (if that doesn't work use sudo apt-get install python-pip)