1. 3b8101a Refactored IntentPartitionService as WorkPartitionService by Madan Jampani · 8 years ago[Renamed (90%) from core/store/dist/src/test/java/org/onosproject/store/intent/impl/IntentPartitionManagerTest.java]
  2. 783d3d2 Ensure all active nodes are in contention before relinquishing a partition by Madan Jampani · 8 years ago
  3. a4a5994 Mark couple of expensive LeadershipService methods as deprecated by Madan Jampani · 8 years ago
  4. 5ab426f Updating copyrights by Brian O'Connor · 8 years ago
  5. a9673fd Fixes NPE in map event listener by Madan Jampani · 8 years ago
  6. 620f70d LeadershipStore updates: by Madan Jampani · 8 years ago
  7. 1c96510 Renaming Partition{Service, Manager, Event} to IntentPartition{Service, Manager, Event} to better disambiguate between another PartitionService that is responsible for managing datastore partitions by Madan Jampani · 8 years ago[Renamed (93%) from core/store/dist/src/test/java/org/onosproject/store/intent/impl/PartitionManagerTest.java]
  8. e2b6a2b Fix for ONOS-3220 : Implement Comparable on intent Key. by Simon Hunt · 9 years ago
  9. 69d6ac7 ONOS-2003 Fixing intent reroute after cluster change by Brian O'Connor · 9 years ago
  10. 4732c1b ONOS-1981: Move partition manager rebalance activity off of the event loop thread by Madan Jampani · 9 years ago
  11. de003d9 LeadershipService and MastershipService/Store APIs return CompletableFutures so that callers can (optionally) chain together dependent operations by Madan Jampani · 9 years ago
  12. 7061acd Unit tests for PartitionManager by Jonathan Hart · 9 years ago