blob: 3d80228d8cf49a1d14059f07e8271f3930d0eee8 [file] [log] [blame]
tom6a9f2722014-09-13 17:00:02 -07001#!/bin/bash
2# ONOS developer BASH profile conveniences
tom5a18e802014-09-18 12:38:15 -07003# Simply include in your own .bash_aliases or .bash_profile
tom6a9f2722014-09-13 17:00:02 -07004
5# Root of the ONOS source tree
6export ONOS_ROOT=${ONOS_ROOT:-~/onos-next}
8# Setup some environmental context for developers
pankajdff24442014-09-30 15:12:45 -07009export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7)
tom6a9f2722014-09-13 17:00:02 -070010export MAVEN=${MAVEN:-~/Applications/apache-maven-3.2.2}
11export KARAF=${KARAF:-~/Applications/apache-karaf-3.0.1}
12export KARAF_LOG=$KARAF/data/log/karaf.log
14# Setup a path
tom1cd74ae2014-10-01 14:58:32 -070015export PATH="$PATH:$ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bin:$ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/bin"
16export PATH="$PATH:$ONOS_ROOT/tools/build"
tom6a9f2722014-09-13 17:00:02 -070017export PATH="$PATH:$MAVEN/bin:$KARAF/bin"
18export PATH="$PATH:."
20# Convenience utility to warp to various ONOS source projects
21# e.g. 'o api', 'o dev', 'o'
22function o {
pankajdff24442014-09-30 15:12:45 -070023 cd $(find $ONOS_ROOT/ -type d | egrep -v '\.git|target' | \
tom9a693fd2014-10-03 11:32:19 -070024 egrep "${1:-$ONOS_ROOT}" | egrep -v "$ONOS_ROOT/.+/src/" | head -n 1)
tom6a9f2722014-09-13 17:00:02 -070025}
27# Short-hand for 'mvn clean install' for us lazy folk
28alias mci='mvn clean install'
tom82d6bde2014-09-23 17:33:58 -070030# Short-hand for ONOS build, package and test.
31alias ob='onos-build'
tom1cd74ae2014-10-01 14:58:32 -070032alias obs='onos-build-selective'
tom82d6bde2014-09-23 17:33:58 -070033alias op='onos-package'
tomcaf3bf72014-09-23 13:20:53 -070034alias ot='onos-test'
tom6a9f2722014-09-13 17:00:02 -070035
36# Short-hand for tailing the ONOS (karaf) log
tom1cd74ae2014-10-01 14:58:32 -070037alias tl='$ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/bin/onos-local-log'
tom6a9f2722014-09-13 17:00:02 -070038alias tlo='tl | grep --colour=always org.onlab'
40# Pretty-print JSON output
41alias pp='python -m json.tool'
43# Short-hand to launch API docs and sample topology viewer GUI
44alias docs='open $ONOS_ROOT/target/site/apidocs/index.html'
tom1a2908c2014-09-23 16:37:39 -070045alias gui='onos-gui'
tom5c255702014-09-18 06:57:39 -070046
tom5a18e802014-09-18 12:38:15 -070048# Test related conveniences
tom5a18e802014-09-18 12:38:15 -070050# SSH to a specified ONOS instance
tom0872a172014-09-23 11:24:26 -070051alias sshctl='onos-ssh'
52alias sshnet='onos-ssh $OCN'
tom5a18e802014-09-18 12:38:15 -070053
tomecd0fbd2014-09-19 08:47:05 -070054# Applies the settings in the specified cell file or lists current cell definition
55# if no cell file is given.
56function cell {
57 if [ -n "$1" ]; then
58 [ ! -f $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/cells/$1 ] && \
59 echo "No such cell: $1" >&2 && return 1
tom2482e6f2014-10-01 16:51:48 -070060 unset OC1 OC2 OC3 OC4 OC5 OC6 OC7 OC8 OC9 OCN OCI
tomecd0fbd2014-09-19 08:47:05 -070061 . $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/cells/$1
62 export OCI=$OC1
63 export ONOS_CELL=$1
64 cell
65 else
66 env | egrep "ONOS_CELL"
67 env | egrep "OCI"
68 env | egrep "OC[0-9]+" | sort
tom0872a172014-09-23 11:24:26 -070069 env | egrep "OCN"
tome797a5d2014-09-30 11:57:50 -070070 env | egrep "ONOS_" | egrep -v 'ONOS_ROOT|ONOS_CELL'
tomecd0fbd2014-09-19 08:47:05 -070071 fi
74cell local >/dev/null # Default cell is the local VMs
76# Lists available cells
77function cells {
tom2482e6f2014-10-01 16:51:48 -070078 for cell in $(ls -1 $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/cells); do
79 printf "%-12s %s\n" \
80 "$([ $cell = $ONOS_CELL ] && echo $cell '*' || echo $cell)" \
81 "$(grep '^#' $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/cells/$cell | head -n 1)"
82 done
tomecd0fbd2014-09-19 08:47:05 -070083}
tom5a18e802014-09-18 12:38:15 -070084
tom5c255702014-09-18 06:57:39 -070085# Miscellaneous
86function spy {
87 ps -ef | egrep "$@" | grep -v egrep
90function nuke {
91 spy | cut -c7-11 | xargs kill