tree: eaf279c1c578b011f5d538ff213672d46cf6e619 [path history] [tgz]
  1. Dockerfile-sshd
  3. supervisord-atomix.conf
  4. supervisord-onos.conf
  5. supervisord-sshd.conf
  6. supervisord.conf

Docker container which works with ONOS Scenario Test Coordinator (STC)

Before building docker image:

  1. Check out the master branch and go to: $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/docker.
  2. Copy $ONOS_ROOT/bazel-bin/onos.tar.gz here, assuming you have successfully built one.
  3. Copy your public key ~/.ssh/ here.

Build docker image as follows. You may tag your image as you like.

$ sudo docker build -t onos-sshd . -f Dockerfile-sshd

If you want to choose the version of Atomix, pleae build as follows:

$ ATOMIX_VERSION=3.1.4 sudo docker build --build-arg ATOMIX_VERSION -t onos-sshd . -f Dockerfile-sshd

Run 3 docker containers:

$ sudo docker run -t -d --name onos1 onos-sshd
$ sudo docker run -t -d --name onos2 onos-sshd
$ sudo docker run -t -d --name onos3 onos-sshd

Check ip of docker containers created:

$ sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' onos1

If not found, create cell definition file e.g. $ONOS_ROOT/tools/test/cells/3docker. Make sure ip's match your settings.

export ONOS_NIC="172.17.0.*"
export OCI=""
export OC1=""
export OC2=""
export OC3=""
export ONOS_APPS="drivers,openflow,fwd"
export ONOS_USER="sdn"

Set up cell definition:

$ cell 3docker

Execute STC setup:

$ stc setup

Check status using ONOS CLI:

$ ssh -p 8101 karaf@$OC1    # password is karaf