ONOS-6886 Move interface classes from incubator to core

Change-Id: Iaae4d98279e4b77fc3f0b5a63d547921f93aeb46
diff --git a/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/intf/impl/InterfaceManagerTest.java b/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/intf/impl/InterfaceManagerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f2eede3..0000000
--- a/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/intf/impl/InterfaceManagerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.impl;
-import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
-import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
-import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address;
-import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
-import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
-import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
-import org.onosproject.incubator.net.config.basics.ConfigException;
-import org.onosproject.incubator.net.config.basics.InterfaceConfig;
-import org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.Interface;
-import org.onosproject.net.ConnectPoint;
-import org.onosproject.net.config.Config;
-import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigEvent;
-import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigListener;
-import org.onosproject.net.config.NetworkConfigServiceAdapter;
-import org.onosproject.net.host.InterfaceIpAddress;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import static junit.framework.TestCase.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
- * Unit tests for InterfaceManager.
- */
-public class InterfaceManagerTest {
-    private static final Class<InterfaceConfig> CONFIG_CLASS = InterfaceConfig.class;
-    private static final int NUM_INTERFACES = 4;
-    private Set<ConnectPoint> subjects = Sets.newHashSet();
-    private Map<ConnectPoint, InterfaceConfig> configs = Maps.newHashMap();
-    private Set<Interface> interfaces = Sets.newHashSet();
-    private NetworkConfigListener listener;
-    private InterfaceManager interfaceManager;
-    @Before
-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
-        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INTERFACES; i++) {
-            ConnectPoint cp = createConnectPoint(i);
-            subjects.add(cp);
-            Interface intf = createInterface(i);
-            interfaces.add(intf);
-            InterfaceConfig ic = new TestInterfaceConfig(cp, Sets.newHashSet(intf));
-            configs.put(cp, ic);
-        }
-        TestNetworkConfigService configService =
-                new TestNetworkConfigService(subjects, configs);
-        interfaceManager = new InterfaceManager();
-        interfaceManager.configService = configService;
-        interfaceManager.activate();
-    }
-    private Interface createInterface(int i) {
-        ConnectPoint cp = createConnectPoint(i);
-        InterfaceIpAddress ia = InterfaceIpAddress.valueOf("192.168." + i + ".1/24");
-        Interface intf = new Interface(Interface.NO_INTERFACE_NAME, cp,
-                Collections.singletonList(ia),
-                MacAddress.valueOf(i),
-                VlanId.vlanId((short) i));
-        return intf;
-    }
-    private ConnectPoint createConnectPoint(int i) {
-        return  ConnectPoint.deviceConnectPoint("of:000000000000000" + i + "/1");
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetInterfaces() throws Exception {
-        assertEquals(interfaces, interfaceManager.getInterfaces());
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetInterfacesByPort() throws Exception {
-        ConnectPoint cp = ConnectPoint.deviceConnectPoint("of:0000000000000001/1");
-        Set<Interface> byPort = Collections.singleton(createInterface(1));
-        assertEquals(byPort, interfaceManager.getInterfacesByPort(cp));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetInterfacesByIp() throws Exception {
-        IpAddress ip = Ip4Address.valueOf("");
-        Set<Interface> byIp = Collections.singleton(createInterface(2));
-        assertEquals(byIp, interfaceManager.getInterfacesByIp(ip));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetMatchingInterface() throws Exception {
-        IpAddress ip = Ip4Address.valueOf("");
-        Interface matchingIntf = createInterface(1);
-        assertEquals(matchingIntf, interfaceManager.getMatchingInterface(ip));
-        // Searching for an IP with no match should return null
-        ip = Ip4Address.valueOf("");
-        assertNull(interfaceManager.getMatchingInterface(ip));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testGetInterfacesByVlan() throws Exception {
-        VlanId vlanId = VlanId.vlanId((short) 1);
-        Set<Interface> byVlan = Collections.singleton(createInterface(1));
-        assertEquals(byVlan, interfaceManager.getInterfacesByVlan(vlanId));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testAddInterface() throws Exception {
-        // Create a new InterfaceConfig which will get added
-        VlanId vlanId = VlanId.vlanId((short) 1);
-        ConnectPoint cp = ConnectPoint.deviceConnectPoint("of:0000000000000001/2");
-        Interface newIntf = new Interface(Interface.NO_INTERFACE_NAME, cp,
-                Collections.emptyList(),
-                MacAddress.valueOf(100),
-                vlanId);
-        InterfaceConfig ic = new TestInterfaceConfig(cp, Collections.singleton(newIntf));
-        subjects.add(cp);
-        configs.put(cp, ic);
-        interfaces.add(newIntf);
-        NetworkConfigEvent event = new NetworkConfigEvent(
-                NetworkConfigEvent.Type.CONFIG_ADDED, cp, CONFIG_CLASS);
-        assertEquals(NUM_INTERFACES, interfaceManager.getInterfaces().size());
-        // Send in a config event containing a new interface config
-        listener.event(event);
-        // Check the new interface exists in the InterfaceManager's inventory
-        assertEquals(interfaces, interfaceManager.getInterfaces());
-        assertEquals(NUM_INTERFACES + 1, interfaceManager.getInterfaces().size());
-        // There are now two interfaces with vlan ID 1
-        Set<Interface> byVlan = Sets.newHashSet(createInterface(1), newIntf);
-        assertEquals(byVlan, interfaceManager.getInterfacesByVlan(vlanId));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testUpdateInterface() throws Exception {
-        ConnectPoint cp = createConnectPoint(1);
-        // Create an interface that is the same as the existing one, but adds a
-        // new IP address
-        Interface intf = createInterface(1);
-        List<InterfaceIpAddress> addresses = Lists.newArrayList(intf.ipAddressesList());
-        addresses.add(InterfaceIpAddress.valueOf(""));
-        intf = new Interface(Interface.NO_INTERFACE_NAME, intf.connectPoint(), addresses, intf.mac(), intf.vlan());
-        // Create a new interface on the same connect point as the existing one
-        InterfaceIpAddress newAddr = InterfaceIpAddress.valueOf("");
-        Interface newIntf = new Interface(Interface.NO_INTERFACE_NAME, cp,
-                Collections.singletonList(newAddr),
-                MacAddress.valueOf(101),
-                VlanId.vlanId((short) 101));
-        Set<Interface> interfaces = Sets.newHashSet(intf, newIntf);
-        // New interface config updates the existing interface and adds a new
-        // interface to the same connect point
-        InterfaceConfig ic = new TestInterfaceConfig(cp, interfaces);
-        configs.put(cp, ic);
-        NetworkConfigEvent event = new NetworkConfigEvent(
-                NetworkConfigEvent.Type.CONFIG_UPDATED, cp, CONFIG_CLASS);
-        // Send in the event signalling the interfaces for this connect point
-        // have been updated
-        listener.event(event);
-        assertEquals(NUM_INTERFACES + 1, interfaceManager.getInterfaces().size());
-        assertEquals(interfaces, interfaceManager.getInterfacesByPort(cp));
-    }
-    @Test
-    public void testRemoveInterface() throws Exception {
-        ConnectPoint cp = createConnectPoint(1);
-        NetworkConfigEvent event = new NetworkConfigEvent(
-                NetworkConfigEvent.Type.CONFIG_REMOVED, cp, CONFIG_CLASS);
-        assertEquals(NUM_INTERFACES, interfaceManager.getInterfaces().size());
-        // Send in a config event removing an interface config
-        listener.event(event);
-        assertEquals(NUM_INTERFACES - 1, interfaceManager.getInterfaces().size());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test version of NetworkConfigService which allows us to pass in subjects
-     * and InterfaceConfigs directly.
-     */
-    private class TestNetworkConfigService extends NetworkConfigServiceAdapter {
-        private final Set<ConnectPoint> subjects;
-        private final Map<ConnectPoint, InterfaceConfig> configs;
-        public TestNetworkConfigService(Set<ConnectPoint> subjects,
-                                        Map<ConnectPoint, InterfaceConfig> configs) {
-            this.subjects = subjects;
-            this.configs = configs;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public <S, C extends Config<S>> Set<S> getSubjects(Class<S> subjectClass,
-                                                           Class<C> configClass) {
-            return (Set<S>) subjects;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public <S, C extends Config<S>> C getConfig(S subject, Class<C> configClass) {
-            return (C) configs.get(subject);
-        }
-        @Override
-        public void addListener(NetworkConfigListener listener) {
-            InterfaceManagerTest.this.listener = listener;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Test version of InterfaceConfig where we can inject interfaces directly,
-     * rather than parsing them from JSON.
-     */
-    private class TestInterfaceConfig extends InterfaceConfig {
-        private final ConnectPoint subject;
-        private final Set<Interface> interfaces;
-        @Override
-        public ConnectPoint subject() {
-            return subject;
-        }
-        public TestInterfaceConfig(ConnectPoint subject, Set<Interface> interfaces) {
-            this.subject = subject;
-            this.interfaces = interfaces;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public Set<Interface> getInterfaces() throws ConfigException {
-            return interfaces;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/DefaultNeighbourMessageActionsTest.java b/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/DefaultNeighbourMessageActionsTest.java
index df73f3d..0faa303 100644
--- a/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/DefaultNeighbourMessageActionsTest.java
+++ b/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/DefaultNeighbourMessageActionsTest.java
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
 import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
 import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
-import org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.Interface;
+import org.onosproject.net.intf.Interface;
 import org.onosproject.net.ConnectPoint;
 import org.onosproject.net.edge.EdgePortServiceAdapter;
 import org.onosproject.net.flow.DefaultTrafficTreatment;
diff --git a/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/NeighbourResolutionManagerTest.java b/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/NeighbourResolutionManagerTest.java
index edc1adb..78459c2 100644
--- a/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/NeighbourResolutionManagerTest.java
+++ b/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/NeighbourResolutionManagerTest.java
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 import org.onosproject.cfg.ComponentConfigAdapter;
 import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
 import org.onosproject.core.CoreService;
-import org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.Interface;
+import org.onosproject.net.intf.Interface;
 import org.onosproject.incubator.net.neighbour.NeighbourHandlerRegistration;
 import org.onosproject.incubator.net.neighbour.NeighbourMessageContext;
 import org.onosproject.incubator.net.neighbour.NeighbourMessageHandler;
diff --git a/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/NeighbourTestUtils.java b/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/NeighbourTestUtils.java
index 44914b2..ca347e6 100644
--- a/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/NeighbourTestUtils.java
+++ b/incubator/net/src/test/java/org/onosproject/incubator/net/neighbour/impl/NeighbourTestUtils.java
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
 import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
 import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
-import org.onosproject.incubator.net.intf.Interface;
+import org.onosproject.net.intf.Interface;
 import org.onosproject.net.ConnectPoint;
 import org.onosproject.net.host.InterfaceIpAddress;