This project is based on Angular 9 and ES6 (aka ES2015), as an alternative to the 1.0.0 GUI which was based off AngularJS 1.3.5
Building, testing and running lint are all handled by Bazel. See
To use this new GUI you simply have to ensure it is running on ONOS at the onos> cli:
app activate gui2
and the gui will be accessible at http://localhost:8181/onos/ui
Gui2 is loaded by default as ONOS starts since it is added to ONOS_APPS
export ONOS_APPS=${ONOS_APPS:-drivers,openflow,gui2}
The original legacy GUI is also loadable as an app, and is available at the same web resource onos/ui on port 8181 The legacy GUI should be disabled if GUI2 is active and vice versa
app deactivate gui
As usual with ONOS if you want to run it in a different language set the ONOS_LOCALE environment variable to the locale you want before starting onos. e.g.
ONOS_LOCALE=fr_FR SHLVL=1 bazel run onos-local -- clean debug
The whole application comprises of a number of modules on the client side
All of these modules talk to the backend server mainly through a WebSocket connection passing JSON snippets asynchronously in both directions. In some places the client side code loads data through a plain HTTP GET call, and these are served by servlets on the backend. Similarly raster graphics are loaded through a servlet.
Much of the graphics in the application are made from SVG paths and primitive objects, and are displayed smoothly by HTML5 compatible browsers. Occasionally the d3 libraries (such as d3-force) are used to help position graphics, but an over dependence on d3 is mainly avoided.
The main framework used is Angular 9, with a strong emphasis on making resuable components, directives, services and classes. Angular Routing and animation are also used.
Issues found on the GUI2 should be added to the existing list on the ONOS GUI Jira Kanban board (requires Jira login). Assigning the Epic Link GUI
will ensure the issue appears on this board
Development requires a TypeScript capable IDE (Intellij WebStorm or Idea Ultimate Edition)
Generally the simplest option for development is to rebuild and redeploy on the command line with:
bazel build //web/gui2:onos-web-gui2-oar && onos-app localhost reinstall! bazel-bin/web/gui2/onos-web-gui2-oar.oar
In future support for devmode target will be added in conjunction with IBazel.
There is no need to install node, npm or yarn on your system, and indeed if they are already installed, it's best to use the versions used by Bazel in ONOS.
All building of GUI artefacts is now done through native Bazel rules from
The build sequence is
In WORKSPACE targets are defined to install specific versions of Javascript packages
- this uses NPM to install all the NPM packages in //tools/gui:package.json
- this uses Yarn to install all the NPM packages listed in //web/gui2:package.json
It is not possible to rename this
at this time because many of the Javascript bazel rules depend on this naming convention.
To check the Yarn installation you can run
bazel run @nodejs//:yarn -- versions
NPM is also available (but this is mainly used for GUI 1) (and will be phased out eventually).
bazel run @nodejs//:npm version
The project no longer fully supports Angular CLI (with the ng command). Some standalone commands can be run like version, help, generate, config, but actions like build, test, serve, lint, run are just a wrapper for bazel commands, and should be run directly in Bazel as described elsewhere.
The Angular CLI (ng) is available inside Bazel as (from ~/onos/web/gui2
bazel run @npm//:node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng version
To give an argument to a sub command of bazel like this it must be prefixed with an extra
bazel run @npm//:node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng config -- version
When run inside an Angular Project (from ~/onos/web/gui2
) we get:
Angular CLI: 9.0.0-rc.7 Node: 10.16.0 OS: linux x64 Angular: 9.0.0-rc.7 ... animations, bazel, cli, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core ... forms, platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic, router Ivy Workspace: <error> Package Version ------------------------------------------------------ @angular-devkit/architect 0.900.0-rc.7 @angular-devkit/core 9.0.0-rc.7 @angular-devkit/schematics 9.0.0-rc.7 @bazel/hide-bazel-files 1.0.0 @bazel/karma 1.0.0 @bazel/protractor 1.0.0 @bazel/rollup 1.0.0 @bazel/terser 1.0.0 @bazel/typescript 1.0.0 @schematics/angular 9.0.0-rc.7 @schematics/update 0.900.0-rc.7 rxjs 6.5.4 typescript 3.6.4
The Angular CLI (ng generate) command for generating new modules and components can still be used. For example to create a new module inside an project (from web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/view
) do:
bazel run @npm//:node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng generate module mynewmodule
Components can then be added to this module:
cd mynewmodule bazel run @npm//:node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng generate component comp1
This module should then be given it's own BUILD.Bazel
file to compile this ng_module
, with at least the following:
package(default_visibility = ["//:__subpackages__"]) load("@io_bazel_rules_sass//:defs.bzl", "sass_binary") load("@npm_angular_bazel//:index.bzl", "ng_module") sass_binary( name = "mynewmodule-styles", src = ":comp1/comp1.component.scss", ) ng_module( name = "mynewmodule", srcs = [ "comp1/comp1.component.ts", "mynewmodule.module.ts", ], assets = [ ":mynewmodule-styles", ":comp1/comp1.component.html", ], module_name = "mynewmodule", deps = [ "//web/gui2-fw-lib", "@npm//@angular/core", "@npm//@angular/platform-browser-dynamic", "@npm//@angular/router", "@npm//rxjs", ], )
This can be built directly with
bazel build //web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/view/mynewmodule:mynewmodule
To add it to the overall ONOS GUI it can be added to the list of dependencies of the app
target in web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/BUILD.bazel
For regular embedded use, this component can be referenced from another component by its selector (defined in web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/view/mynewmodule/comp1/comp1.component.ts
this component can be used as a Routable module and accessed from the top level of onos GUI, as described in the next section.
To make the module routable, add it to the top level onos router in web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/onos-routing.module.ts
Add it to the onosRoutes
set as:
<Route>{ path: 'mynewmodule', pathMatch: 'full', loadChildren: () => import('./view/mynewmodule/mynewmodule.module').then(m => m.MynewmoduleModule), },
and then update the modules own routing table in web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/view/mynewmodule/mynewmodule.module.ts
with a subroute:
... import {RouterModule} from '@angular/router'; @NgModule({ imports: [ CommonModule RouterModule.forChild([{path: '', component: Comp1Component}]), ], declarations: [Comp1Component] }) ...
This can then be accessed at [http://localhost:8181/onos/ui/#/mynewmodule]
and should display comp1 works! from comp1.component.html
The GUI2 framework (in ~/onos/web/gui2-fw-lib
) is at the heart of the GUI2 implementation and contains core items like icon libraries, base classes etc. The main GUI application is in ~/onos/web/gui2
(and depends on this framework).
When the library is packaged up in Angular Package Format and can be manually uploaded to to be used in other projects (e.g. onos-gui
The GUI2 Topology is in ~/onos/web/gui2-topo-lib
and the GUI application includes this Topology application through the onos-routing.module
. The Topology app has its own README file.
The application is the visible front end and contains the ONOS index.html
and all of the tabular views and the topology view. It references the gui2-fw-lib
and gui2-topo-lib
as just other dependencies.
This is automatically done when using:
bazel test //web/gui2-fw-lib:test-not-coverage
bazel test //web/gui2-topo-lib:test-not-coverage
Note: these tests are not run by Jenkins, or when you do a unit test build with the
alias locally. They have been omitted, as they required everyone to have ChromeHeadless installed locally. Instead they must be run by GUI developers before submitting GUI code.Currently there is no test for the main
project. They hve been temporarily disabled because of Bazel-Karma issues.
This is automatically done when using bazel test //web/gui2:onos-gui2-ng-tests
Temporarily disabled.
To run it manually in Angular CLI run npm run compodoc
to generate documentation via Compodoc