Adding skeletal structure for the ONLP gNMI GUI demo.

Change-Id: I6796ebf200e20a51bdc098fcc3696b78d7c1132e
diff --git a/apps/onlp-demo/src/main/resources/app/view/odTopov/odTopovOverlay.js b/apps/onlp-demo/src/main/resources/app/view/odTopov/odTopovOverlay.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..682ea17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/onlp-demo/src/main/resources/app/view/odTopov/odTopovOverlay.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// path painter topology overlay - client side
+// This is the glue that binds our business logic (in ppTopov.js)
+// to the overlay framework.
+(function () {
+    'use strict';
+    // injected refs
+    var $log, tov, ns, lts, sel;
+    // our overlay definition
+    var overlay = {
+        overlayId: 'od-overlay',
+        glyphId: 'm_disjointPaths',
+        tooltip: 'ONLP Data Overlay',
+        activate: function () {
+            $log.debug("ONLP data topology overlay ACTIVATED");
+        },
+        deactivate: function () {
+            lts.clear();
+            $log.debug("ONLP data topology overlay DEACTIVATED");
+        },
+        // detail panel button definitions
+        buttons: {
+            showOnlpView: {
+                gid: 'chain',
+                tt: 'ONLP data',
+                cb: function (data) {
+                    $log.debug('ONLP action invoked on selection:', sel);
+                    ns.navTo('onlp', { devId: });
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        hooks: {
+            // hooks for when the selection changes...
+            single: function (data) {
+                $log.debug('selection data:', data);
+                sel = data;
+                tov.addDetailButton('showOnlpView');
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    // invoke code to register with the overlay service
+    angular.module('ovOdTopov')
+        .run(['$log', 'TopoOverlayService', 'NavService', 'OnlpDemoTopovService',
+            function (_$log_, _tov_, _ns_, _lts_) {
+                $log = _$log_;
+                tov = _tov_;
+                ns = _ns_;
+                lts = _lts_;
+                tov.register(overlay);
+            }]);