Fix tests that were hiding the setUp() mthod in the JerseyTest framework

REST API tests were defining a set up method called setUp(), which had
the unwanted side effect of hinding the parent class' implementation.
Made the set up and tear down methods for the tests have unique names so
both will be executed.

Also fixed some javadocs while editing the files.

Change-Id: Ifaa75fe650d5909b066769e5e12cb5c834267a20
8 files changed
tree: 69b651c68a4e52ef88607ad75eba0d3e422ce976
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  3. LICENSE.txt
  5. apps/
  6. cli/
  7. core/
  8. docs/
  9. features/
  10. openflow/
  11. pom.xml
  12. providers/
  13. tools/
  14. utils/
  15. web/

ONOS : Open Network Operating System

What is ONOS?

ONOS is a new SDN network operating system designed for high availability, performance, scale-out.

Top-Level Features

  • High availability through clustering and distributed state management.
  • Scalability through clustering and sharding of network device control.
  • Performance that is good for a first release, and which has an architecture that will continue to support improvements.
  • Northbound abstractions for a global network view, network graph, and application intents.
  • Pluggable southbound for support of OpenFlow and new or legacy protocols.
  • Graphical user interface to view multi-layer topologies and inspect elements of the topology.
  • REST API for access to Northbound abstractions as well as CLI commands.
  • CLI for debugging.
  • Support for both proactive and reactive flow setup.
  • SDN-IP application to support interworking with traditional IP networks controlled by distributed routing protocols such as BGP.
  • IP-Optical use case demonstration.

Checkout out our website and our tools