blob: 8cfaadfb639455d530d6b842dc3af382a96e070e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* limitations under the License.
ONOS GUI -- Topology Layout Module.
Module that contains the d3.force.layout logic
(function () {
'use strict';
var $log, sus, t2rs, t2d3, t2vs;
var linkG, linkLabelG, numLinkLabelsG, nodeG, portLabelG;
var link, linkLabel, node;
var nodes, links;
var force;
// default settings for force layout
var defaultSettings = {
gravity: 0.4,
friction: 0.7,
charge: {
// note: key is node.class
device: -8000,
host: -5000,
_def_: -12000
linkDistance: {
// note: key is link.type
direct: 100,
optical: 120,
hostLink: 3,
_def_: 50
linkStrength: {
// note: key is link.type
// range: {0.0 ... 1.0}
//direct: 1.0,
//optical: 1.0,
//hostLink: 1.0,
_def_: 1.0
// configuration
var linkConfig = {
light: {
baseColor: '#939598',
inColor: '#66f',
outColor: '#f00'
dark: {
// TODO : theme
baseColor: '#939598',
inColor: '#66f',
outColor: '#f00'
inWidth: 12,
outWidth: 10
// internal state
var settings, // merged default settings and options
force, // force layout object
drag, // drag behavior handler
network = {
nodes: [],
links: [],
linksByDevice: {},
lookup: {},
revLinkToKey: {}
lu, // shorthand for lookup
rlk, // shorthand for revLinktoKey
showHosts = false, // whether hosts are displayed
showOffline = true, // whether offline devices are displayed
nodeLock = false, // whether nodes can be dragged or not (locked)
fTimer, // timer for delayed force layout
fNodesTimer, // timer for delayed nodes update
fLinksTimer, // timer for delayed links update
dim, // the dimensions of the force layout [w,h]
linkNums = []; // array of link number labels
var tickStuff = {
nodeAttr: {
transform: function (d) {
var dx = isNaN(d.x) ? 0 : d.x,
dy = isNaN(d.y) ? 0 : d.y;
return sus.translate(dx, dy);
linkAttr: {
x1: function (d) { return d.get('position').x1; },
y1: function (d) { return d.get('position').y1; },
x2: function (d) { return d.get('position').x2; },
y2: function (d) { return d.get('position').y2; }
linkLabelAttr: {
transform: function (d) {
var lnk = tms.findLinkById(d.get('key'));
if (lnk) {
return t2d3.transformLabel(lnk.get('position'));
function init(_svg_, forceG, _uplink_, _dim_, opts) {
$log.debug("Initialising Topology Layout");
settings = angular.extend({}, defaultSettings, opts);
linkG = forceG.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-links');
linkLabelG = forceG.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-linkLabels');
numLinkLabelsG = forceG.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-numLinkLabels');
nodeG = forceG.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-nodes');
portLabelG = forceG.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-portLabels');
link = linkG.selectAll('.link');
linkLabel = linkLabelG.selectAll('.linkLabel');
node = nodeG.selectAll('.node');
force = d3.layout.force()
.on('tick', tick);
function tick() {
// guard against null (which can happen when our view pages out)...
if (node && node.size()) {
if (link && link.size()) {
// t2d3.applyNumLinkLabels(linkNums, numLinkLabelsG);
if (linkLabel && linkLabel.size()) {
function update() {
function _updateNodes() {
var regionNodes = t2rs.regionNodes();
// select all the nodes in the layout:
node = nodeG.selectAll('.node')
.data(regionNodes, function (d) { return d.get('id'); });
var entering = node.enter()
id: function (d) { return sus.safeId(d.get('id')); },
class: function (d) { return d.svgClassName() },
transform: function (d) {
// Need to guard against NaN here ??
return sus.translate(d.node.x, d.node.y);
opacity: 0
// .on('mouseover', tss.nodeMouseOver)
// .on('mouseout', tss.nodeMouseOut)
.attr('opacity', 1);
// operate on both existing and new nodes:
// node.filter('.device').each(function (device) {
// t2d3.updateDeviceColors(device);
// });
function _updateLinks() {
// var th = ts.theme();
var regionLinks = t2rs.regionLinks();
link = linkG.selectAll('.link')
.data(regionLinks, function (d) { return d.get('key'); });
// operate on existing links:
link.each(function (d) {
// this is supposed to be an existing link, but we have observed
// occasions (where links are deleted and added rapidly?) where
// the DOM element has not been defined. So protect against that...
if (d.el) {
restyleLinkElement(d, true);
// operate on entering links:
var entering = link.enter()
x1: function (d) { return d.get('position').x1; },
y1: function (d) { return d.get('position').y1; },
x2: function (d) { return d.get('position').x2; },
y2: function (d) { return d.get('position').y2; },
stroke: linkConfig['light'].inColor,
'stroke-width': linkConfig.inWidth
// operate on both existing and new links:
// add labels for how many links are in a thick line
// t2d3.applyNumLinkLabels(linkNums, numLinkLabelsG);
// apply or remove labels
// t2d3.applyLinkLabels();
// operate on exiting links:
.attr('stroke-dasharray', '3 3')
.attr('stroke', linkConfig['light'].outColor)
.style('opacity', 0.5)
'stroke-dasharray': '3 12',
'stroke-width': linkConfig.outWidth
.style('opacity', 0.0)
function calcPosition() {
var lines = this,
linkNums = [];
lines.each(function (d) {
if (d.get('type') === 'hostLink') {
d.set('position', getDefaultPos(d));
function normalizeLinkSrc(link) {
// ensure source device is consistent across set of links
// temporary measure until link modeling is refactored
if (!linkSrcId) {
linkSrcId =;
return false;
return !== linkSrcId;
lines.each(function (d) {
d.set('position', getDefaultPos(d));
function getDefaultPos(link) {
return {
x1: link.get('source').x,
y1: link.get('source').y,
x2: link.get('target').x,
y2: link.get('target').y
function setDimensions() {
if (force) {
function start() {
'$log', 'SvgUtilService', 'Topo2RegionService',
'Topo2D3Service', 'Topo2ViewService',
function (_$log_, _sus_, _t2rs_, _t2d3_, _t2vs_) {
$log = _$log_;
t2rs = _t2rs_;
t2d3 = _t2d3_;
t2vs = _t2vs_;
sus = _sus_;
return {
init: init,
update: update,
start: start,
setDimensions: setDimensions