Adding optical topo files

[Merged from onos-1.0]

Change-Id: I276454b09d32e1a7b7182271ddba8cf6add71c40
(cherry picked from commit e84ab32f84aea4a0604e8b15fd22e75f85aaa85b)
diff --git a/tools/test/topos/ b/tools/test/topos/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25e4c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/topos/
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+This file contains classes and methods useful for integrating LincOE with Mininet, 
+such as startOE, stopOE, OpticalLink, and OpticalSwitch
+- $ONOS_ROOT ust be set
+- Need to run with sudo -E to preserve ONOS_ROOT env var
+- We assume LINC-Config-Generator is named LINC-Config-Generator
+- We also assume linc-oe is named linc-oe
+- LINC-config-generator and linc-oe must be subdirectories of the user's
+  home directory
+            TODO
+        -----------
+    - clean up files after runtime
+        - maybe save the old files in a separate directory?
+    - modify script to allow startOE to run before net.start()
+    - add ONOS as a controller in script
+            Usage:
+        ------------
+    - import OpticalLink and OpticalSwitch from this module
+    - import startOE and stopOE from this module
+    - create topology as you would a normal topology. when 
+      to an optical switch with topo.addLink, always specify cls=OpticalLink
+    - when creating an optical switch, use cls=OpticalSwitch in topo.addSwitch
+    - for annotations on links and switches, a dictionary must be passed in as
+      the annotations argument
+    - startOE must be run AFTER net.start() with net as an argument.
+    - stopOE can be run at any time
+I created a separate function to start lincOE to avoid subclassing Mininet.
+In case anyone wants to write something that DOES subclass Mininet, I
+thought I would outline how:
+If we want an object that starts lincOE within the mininet class itself,
+we need to add another object to Mininet that contains all of the json object
+information for each switch. We would still subclass switch and link, but these
+classes would basically be dummy classes that store their own json information
+in the Mininet class object. We may also change the default switch class to add
+it's tap interfaces from lincOE during startup. The start() method for mininet would 
+grab all of the information from these switches and links, write configuration files
+for lincOE using the json module, start lincOE, then run the start methodfor each
+switch. The new start() method for each switch would parse through the sys.config
+file that was created and find the tap interface it needs to connect to, similar 
+to the findTap function that I currently use. After all of the controllers and 
+switches have been started, the new Mininet start() method should also push the 
+Topology configuration file to ONOS.
+import re
+import json
+import os
+from time import sleep
+from mininet.node import Switch, RemoteController
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+from mininet.util import quietRun
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.log import  setLogLevel, info, error, warn
+from import Link, Intf
+from mininet.cli import CLI
+class OpticalSwitch( Switch ):
+    def __init__( self, name, dpid=None, allowed=True,
+                  switchType='ROADM', annotations={}, **params ):
+        params[ 'inNamespace' ] = False
+        Switch.__init__( self, name, dpid=dpid, **params )
+ = name
+        self.annotations = annotations
+        self.allowed = allowed
+        self.switchType = switchType
+        self.configDict = {} # dictionary that holds all of the JSON configuration data
+    def start( self, *opts, **params ):
+        '''Instead of starting a virtual switch, we build the JSON
+           dictionary for the emulated optical switch'''
+        self.configDict[ 'uri' ] = 'of:' + self.dpid
+        self.configDict[ 'annotations' ] = self.annotations
+        self.configDict[ 'annotations' ].setdefault( 'name', )
+        self.configDict[ 'hw' ] = 'OE'
+        self.configDict[ 'mfr' ] = 'Linc'
+        self.configDict[ 'mac' ] = 'ffffffffffff' + self.dpid[-2] + self.dpid[-1]
+        self.configDict[ 'type' ] = self.switchType
+        self.configDict[ 'ports' ] = []
+        for port, intf in self.intfs.items():
+            if == 'lo':
+                continue
+            else:
+                self.configDict[ 'ports' ].append( intf.json() )
+    def json( self ):
+        "return json configuration dictionary for switch"
+        return self.configDict
+    def terminate( self ):
+        pass
+class OpticalLink( Link ):
+    def __init__( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None, allowed=True,
+                  intfName1=None, intfName2=None, linkType='OPTICAL',
+                  annotations={}, speed1=0, speed2=0, **params ):
+        "Creates a dummy link without a virtual ethernet pair."
+        self.allowed = allowed
+        self.annotations = annotations
+        self.linkType = linkType
+        params1 = { 'speed': speed1 }
+        params2 = { 'speed': speed2 }
+        if isinstance( node1, OpticalSwitch ):
+            cls1 = OpticalIntf
+        else:
+            cls1 = Intf
+            # bad hack to stop error message from appearing when we try to set up intf in a packet switch, 
+            # and there is no interface there( because we do not run makeIntfPair ). This way, we just set lo up
+            intfName1 = 'lo'
+        if isinstance( node2, OpticalSwitch ):
+            cls2 = OpticalIntf
+        else:
+            cls2 = Intf
+            intfName2 = 'lo'
+        Link.__init__( self, node1, node2, port1=port1, port2=port2,
+                       intfName1=intfName1, intfName2=intfName2, cls1=cls1,
+                       cls2=cls2, params1=params1, params2=params2 )
+    @classmethod
+    def makeIntfPair( _cls, intfName1, intfName2, *args, **kwargs ):
+        pass
+    def json( self ):
+        "build and return the json configuration dictionary for this link"
+        configData = {}
+        configData[ 'src' ] = ( 'of:' +  self.intf1.node.dpid + 
+                                '/%s' % self.intf1.node.ports[ self.intf1 ] )
+        configData[ 'dst' ] = ( 'of:' +  self.intf2.node.dpid +
+                                '/%s' % self.intf2.node.ports[ self.intf2 ] )
+        configData[ 'type' ] = self.linkType
+        configData[ 'annotations' ] = self.annotations
+        return configData
+class OpticalIntf( Intf ):
+    def __init__( self, name=None, node=None, speed=0, 
+                  port=None, link=None, **params ):
+        self.node = node
+        self.speed = speed
+        self.port = port
+ = link
+ = name
+        node.addIntf( self, port=port )
+        self.params = params
+        self.ip = None
+    def json( self ):
+        "build and return the JSON information for this interface( not used right now )"
+        configDict = {}
+        configDict[ 'port' ] = self.port
+        configDict[ 'speed' ] = self.speed
+        configDict[ 'type' ] = 'FIBER'
+        return configDict
+    def config( self, *args, **kwargs ):
+        "dont configure a dummy interface"
+        pass
+def switchJSON( switch ):
+    "Returns the json configuration for a packet switch"
+    configDict = {}
+    configDict[ 'uri' ] = 'of:' + switch.dpid
+    configDict[ 'mac' ] = quietRun( 'cat /sys/class/net/%s/address' % ).strip( '\n' ).translate( None, ':' )
+    configDict[ 'hw' ] = 'PK' # FIXME what about OVS?
+    configDict[ 'mfr' ] = 'Linc' # FIXME what about OVS?
+    configDict[ 'type' ] = 'SWITCH' # FIXME what about OVS?
+    annotations = switch.params.get( 'annotations', {} )
+    annotations.setdefault( 'name', )
+    configDict[ 'annotations' ] = annotations
+    ports = []
+    for port, intf in switch.intfs.items():
+        if == 'lo':
+            continue
+        portDict = {}
+        portDict[ 'port' ] = port
+        portDict[ 'type' ] = 'FIBER' if isinstance(, OpticalLink ) else 'COPPER'
+        intfList = [, ]
+        intfList.remove( intf )
+        portDict[ 'speed' ] = intfList[ 0 ].speed if isinstance(, OpticalLink ) else 0
+        ports.append( portDict )
+    configDict[ 'ports' ] = ports
+    return configDict
+def startOE( net, controllerIP=None, controllerPort=None ):
+    "Start the LINC optical emulator within a mininet instance"
+    opticalJSON = {}
+    linkConfig = []
+    devices = []
+    # if we are not given a controller IP or Port, we use the first found in Mininet
+    if controllerIP is None:
+        controllerIP = net.controllers[ 0 ].ip
+    if controllerPort is None:
+        controllerPort = net.controllers[ 0 ].port
+    for switch in net.switches:
+        if isinstance( switch, OpticalSwitch ):
+            devices.append( switch.json() )
+        else:
+            devices.append( switchJSON( switch ) )
+    opticalJSON[ 'devices' ] = devices
+    for link in net.links:
+        if isinstance( link, OpticalLink ) :
+            linkConfig.append( link.json() )
+    opticalJSON[ 'links' ] = linkConfig
+    try:
+        onosDir = os.environ[ 'ONOS_ROOT' ]
+    except:
+        onosDir = findDir( 'onos' )
+        os.environ[ 'ONOS_ROOT' ] = onosDir
+        if not onosDir:
+            error( 'Please set ONOS_ROOT environment variable!\n' )
+            return False
+    info( '*** Writing Topology.json file\n' )
+    with open( 'Topology.json', 'w' ) as outfile:
+        json.dump( opticalJSON, outfile, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ') )
+    info( '*** Converting Topology.json to linc-oe format (TopoConfig.json) file\n' )
+    output = quietRun( '%s/tools/test/bin/onos-oecfg ./Topology.json > TopoConfig.json' % onosDir, shell=True )
+    if output:
+        error( '***ERROR: Error creating topology file: %s ' % output + '\n' )
+        return False
+    info( '*** Creating sys.config...\n' )
+    configGen = findDir( 'LINC-config-generator' )
+    if not configGen:
+        error( "***ERROR: Could not find LINC-config-generator in user's home directory\n" )
+        return False
+    output = quietRun( '%s/config_generator TopoConfig.json %s/sys.config.template %s %s'
+                    % ( configGen, configGen, controllerIP, controllerPort ), shell=True )
+    if output:
+        error( '***ERROR: Error creating sys.config file: %s\n' % output )
+        return False
+    info( '*** Copying sys.config to linc-oe directory: ', output + '\n' )
+    lincDir = findDir( 'linc-oe' )
+    if not lincDir:
+        error( "***ERROR: Could not find linc-oe in user's home directory\n" )
+        return False
+    output = quietRun( 'cp -v sys.config %s/rel/linc/releases/1.0/' % lincDir, shell=True ).strip( '\n' )
+    info( output + '\n' )
+    info( '*** Starting linc OE...\n' )
+    output = quietRun( '%s/rel/linc/bin/linc start' % lincDir, shell=True )
+    if output:
+        error( '***ERROR: LINC-OE: %s' % output + '\n' )
+        quietRun( '%s/rel/linc/bin/linc stop' % lincDir, shell=True )
+        return False
+    info( '*** Waiting for linc-oe to start...\n' )
+    waitStarted( net )
+    info( '*** Adding cross-connect (tap) interfaces to packet switches...\n' )
+    for link in net.links:
+        if isinstance( link, OpticalLink ):
+            if link.annotations[ 'optical.type' ] == 'cross-connect':
+                for intf in [ link.intf1, link.intf2 ]:
+                    if not isinstance( intf, OpticalIntf ):
+                        intfList = [, ]
+                        intfList.remove( intf )
+                        intf2 = intfList[ 0 ]
+                        intf.node.attach( findTap( intf2.node, intf2.node.ports[ intf2 ] ) )
+    info( '*** Press any key to push Topology.json to onos...\n' )
+    raw_input() # FIXME... we should eventually remove this
+    info( '*** Pushing Topology.json to ONOS\n' )
+    output = quietRun( '%s/tools/test/bin/onos-topo-cfg %s Topology.json' % ( onosDir, controllerIP ), shell=True )
+    # successful output contains the two characters '{}'
+    # if there is more output than this, there is an issue
+    if output.strip( '{}' ):
+        warn( '***WARNING: Could not push topology file to ONOS: %s' % output )
+def waitStarted( net, timeout=None ):
+    "wait until all tap interfaces are available"
+    tapCount = 0
+    time = 0
+    for link in net.links:
+        if isinstance( link, OpticalLink ):
+            if link.annotations[ 'optical.type' ] == 'cross-connect':
+                tapCount += 1
+    while True:
+        if str( tapCount ) == quietRun( 'ip addr | grep tap | wc -l', shell=True ).strip( '\n' ):
+            return True
+        if timeout:
+            if time >= timeout:
+                error( '***ERROR: Linc OE did not start within %s seconds' % timeout )
+                return False
+            time += .5
+        sleep( .5 )
+def stopOE():
+    "stop the optical emulator"
+    info( '*** Stopping linc OE...\n' )
+    lincDir = findDir( 'linc-oe' )
+    quietRun( '%s/rel/linc/bin/linc stop' % lincDir, shell=True )
+def findDir( directory ):
+    "finds and returns the path of any directory in the user's home directory"
+    user = findUser()
+    homeDir = '/home/' + user
+    Dir = quietRun( 'find %s -maxdepth 1 -name %s -type d' % ( homeDir, directory ) ).strip( '\n' )
+    DirList = Dir.split( '\n' )
+    if not Dir:
+        return None
+    elif len( DirList ) > 1 :
+        warn( '***WARNING: Found multiple instances of %s; using %s\n'
+                 % ( directory, DirList[ 0 ] ) )
+        return DirList[ 0 ]
+    else:
+        return Dir
+def findUser():
+    "Try to return logged-in (usually non-root) user"
+    try:
+        # If we're running sudo
+        return os.environ[ 'SUDO_USER' ]
+    except:
+        try:
+            # Logged-in user (if we have a tty)
+            return quietRun( 'who am i' ).split()[ 0 ]
+        except:
+            # Give up and return effective user
+            return quietRun( 'whoami' )
+def findTap( node, port, path=None ):
+    '''utility function to parse through a sys.config
+       file to find tap interfaces for a switch'''
+    switch=False
+    portLine = ''
+    intfLines = []
+    if path is None:
+        lincDir = findDir( 'linc-oe' )
+        if not lincDir:
+            error( '***ERROR: Could not find linc-oe in users home directory\n' )
+            return None
+        path = '%s/rel/linc/releases/1.0/sys.config' % lincDir
+    with open( path ) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            if 'tap' in line:
+                intfLines.append( line )
+            if node.dpid in line.translate( None, ':' ):
+                switch=True
+                continue
+            if switch:
+                if 'switch' in line:
+                    switch = False
+                if 'port_no,%s}' % port in line:
+                    portLine = line
+                    break 
+    if portLine:
+        m = 'port,\d+', portLine )
+        port = 0 ).split( ',' )[ 1 ]
+    else:
+        error( '***ERROR: Could not find any ports in sys.config\n' )
+        return
+    for intfLine in intfLines:
+        if 'port,%s' % port in intfLine:
+            return re.findall( 'tap\d+', intfLine )[ 0 ]
+class MininetOE( Mininet ):
+    "Mininet with Linc-OE support (starts and stops linc-oe)"
+    def start( self ):
+        Mininet.start( self )
+        startOE( self )
+    def stop( self ):
+        Mininet.stop( self )
+        stopOE()
+    def addControllers( self, controllers ):
+        i = 0
+        for ctrl in controllers:
+            self.addController( RemoteController( 'c%d' % i, ip=ctrl ) )
+class OpticalTestTopo( Topo ):
+    def build( self ):
+        opticalAnn = { 'optical.waves': 80, 'optical.type': "WDM", 'durable': True }
+        switchAnn = { 'bandwidth': 100000, 'optical.type': 'cross-connect', 'durable': True }
+        h1 = self.addHost( 'h1' )
+        h2 = self.addHost( 'h2' )
+        s1 = self.addSwitch( 's1' )
+        s2 = self.addSwitch( 's2' )
+        O4 = self.addSwitch( 'O4', cls=OpticalSwitch )
+        O5 = self.addSwitch( 'O5', cls=OpticalSwitch )
+        O6 = self.addSwitch( 'O6', cls=OpticalSwitch )
+        self.addLink( O4, O5, cls=OpticalLink, annotations=opticalAnn )
+        self.addLink( O5, O6, cls=OpticalLink, annotations=opticalAnn )
+        self.addLink( s1, O4, cls=OpticalLink, annotations=switchAnn )
+        self.addLink( s2, O6, cls=OpticalLink, annotations=switchAnn )
+        self.addLink( h1, s1 )
+        self.addLink( h2, s2 )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import sys
+    if len( sys.argv ) >= 2:
+        controllers = sys.argv[1:]
+    else:
+        print 'Usage: ./ (<Controller IP>)+'
+        print 'Using localhost...\n'
+        controllers = [ '' ]
+    setLogLevel( 'info' )
+    net = MininetOE( topo=OpticalTestTopo(), controller=None, autoSetMacs=True )
+    net.addControllers( controllers )
+    net.start()
+    CLI( net )
+    net.stop()