Using $(maven_coords :target) marco

Note: This this macro is not yet available on buck master

Also, simplifying app/fwd buck file and improving onos_app
readability by using feature_coords instead of feature_name

Change-Id: I9aff07d66331a537f6711bf15fd760cf910f1afc
diff --git a/buck-tools/ b/buck-tools/
index 99fd498..4e56888 100755
--- a/buck-tools/
+++ b/buck-tools/
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
                 extension = filename.split('.')[-1]
                 if extension == 'jar':
                     filename = '%s-%s.jar' % ( artifactId, version )
+                elif 'features.xml' in filename:
+                    filename = '%s-%s-features.xml' % ( artifactId, version )
                 dest = 'm2/%s/%s/%s/%s' % ( groupId, artifactId, version, filename )
-            print file, '->', dest
             zip.write(file, dest)
 if __name__ == '__main__':