Added BUILD file for gui2-fw-lib bazel build

This is another step along the way of having Native Bazel builds for Angular
Not fully there yet - waiting for Angular v9 in next 2 weeks
but don't want to wait that long to merge all of this

For most people the main concern is updates to WORKSPACE

Change-Id: I28170b8f8daaa2959327c259fe6a10df075113bb
diff --git a/.bazelrc b/.bazelrc
index 3cc21a2..6908e34 100644
--- a/.bazelrc
+++ b/.bazelrc
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 build --incompatible_generated_protos_in_virtual_imports=false
 build --incompatible_depset_union=false
+common --experimental_allow_incremental_repository_updates
 test --test_summary=terse
 test --test_output=errors
 test --test_verbose_timeout_warnings