CSS Added fill-mode for nodes
Amends based on Simons Comments
ESLinted The whole project
Topo2Link - Added Labels for PortA and PortB on mouseover
Updated breadcrumbs
Topo2.js - commented out a line causing error on panning
Topo2 Navigation between regions

Change-Id: I9cc0f4499ab68a14e246bba192f6528258471b35
diff --git a/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo2/topo2D3.js b/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo2/topo2D3.js
index 2cd4ba7..d32b55d 100644
--- a/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo2/topo2D3.js
+++ b/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo2/topo2D3.js
@@ -22,99 +22,21 @@
 (function () {
     'use strict';
-    var sus, is, ts;
+    var is;
-    // internal state
-    var deviceLabelIndex = 0,
-    hostLabelIndex = 0;
-    // configuration
-    var devIconDim = 36,
-        labelPad = 4,
-        hostRadius = 14,
-        badgeConfig = {
-            radius: 12,
-            yoff: 5,
-            gdelta: 10
-        },
-        halfDevIcon = devIconDim / 2,
-        devBadgeOff = { dx: -halfDevIcon, dy: -halfDevIcon },
-        hostBadgeOff = { dx: -hostRadius, dy: -hostRadius },
-        status = {
-            i: 'badgeInfo',
-            w: 'badgeWarn',
-            e: 'badgeError'
-        };
-    // note: these are the device icon colors without affinity (no master)
-    var dColTheme = {
-        light: {
-            online: '#444444',
-            offline: '#cccccc'
-        },
-        dark: {
-            // TODO: theme
-            online: '#444444',
-            offline: '#cccccc'
-        }
-    };
+    // Configuration
+    var hostRadius = 14;
     function init() {}
-    function renderBadge(node, bdg, boff) {
-        var bsel,
-            bcr = badgeConfig.radius,
-            bcgd = badgeConfig.gdelta;
-        node.select('g.badge').remove();
-        bsel = node.append('g')
-            .classed('badge', true)
-            .classed(badgeStatus(bdg), true)
-            .attr('transform', sus.translate(boff.dx, boff.dy));
-        bsel.append('circle')
-            .attr('r', bcr);
-        if (bdg.txt) {
-            bsel.append('text')
-                .attr('dy', badgeConfig.yoff)
-                .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
-                .text(bdg.txt);
-        } else if (bdg.gid) {
-            bsel.append('use')
-                .attr({
-                    width: bcgd * 2,
-                    height: bcgd * 2,
-                    transform: sus.translate(-bcgd, -bcgd),
-                    'xlink:href': '#' + bdg.gid
-                });
-        }
-    }
-    // TODO: Move to Device Model when working on the Exit Devices
-    function updateDeviceRendering(d) {
-        var node = d.el,
-            bdg = d.badge,
-            label = trimLabel(deviceLabel(d)),
-            labelWidth;
-        node.select('text').text(label);
-        labelWidth = label ? computeLabelWidth(node) : 0;
-        node.select('rect')
-            .transition()
-            .attr(iconBox(devIconDim, labelWidth));
-        if (bdg) {
-            renderBadge(node, bdg, devBadgeOff);
-        }
-    }
     function nodeEnter(node) {
         node.onEnter(this, node);
+    function nodeExit(node) {
+        node.onExit(this, node);
+    }
     function hostLabel(d) {
         return d.get('id');
@@ -144,19 +66,18 @@
-    ['SvgUtilService', 'IconService', 'ThemeService',
+    ['IconService',
-        function (_sus_, _is_, _ts_) {
-            sus = _sus_;
+        function (_is_) {
             is = _is_;
-            ts = _ts_;
             return {
                 init: init,
                 nodeEnter: nodeEnter,
+                nodeExit: nodeExit,
                 hostEnter: hostEnter,
                 linkEntering: linkEntering
-            }
+            };