Backport fabric-spgw TNA changes to v1model

Allow building fabric.p4 with custom S1U_SGW_PREFIX

Change-Id: I4fcaf3f2b56e6d024e54f8897467c280be73e001

Backport fabric-spgw TNA changes to v1model

This branch ports the SPGW pipeline of fabric-tna back to v1model to
make the tables and actions consistent across the two versions. This
consistency will allow for testing of ONOS apps on both software and
hardware targets, since the only available software target that works
with ONOS requires v1model p4 programs. Changes to the fabric testing
suite (fabric-p4test) will be pushed in parallel.

Change-Id: Iad393b27f08a4fcd29f82e59d181871475ef2b10
diff --git a/pipelines/fabric/impl/src/main/resources/include/control/spgw.p4 b/pipelines/fabric/impl/src/main/resources/include/control/spgw.p4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1bbcaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pipelines/fabric/impl/src/main/resources/include/control/spgw.p4
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ * Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef __SPGW__
+#define __SPGW__
+#define DEFAULT_FAR_ID 0
+#ifndef MAX_UES
+#define MAX_UES        1024
+#endif // MAX_UES
+#define MAX_INTERFACES 128
+#define MAX_FARS          2 * MAX_UES
+control SpgwIngress(inout parsed_headers_t hdr,
+                    inout fabric_metadata_t fabric_md,
+                    inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) {
+    //=============================//
+    //===== Interface Tables ======//
+    //=============================//
+    action set_source_iface(spgw_interface_t src_iface, direction_t direction,
+                            bit<1> skip_spgw) {
+        // Interface type can be access, core, n6_lan, etc (see InterfaceType enum)
+        // If interface is from the control plane, direction can be either up or down
+        fabric_md.spgw.src_iface = src_iface;
+        fabric_md.spgw.direction = direction;
+        fabric_md.spgw.skip_spgw = (_BOOL)skip_spgw;
+    }
+    // TODO: check also that gtpu.msgtype == GTP_GPDU... somewhere
+    table interface_lookup {
+        key = {
+            hdr.ipv4.dst_addr  : lpm    @name("ipv4_dst_addr");  // outermost header
+            hdr.gtpu.isValid() : exact  @name("gtpu_is_valid");
+        }
+        actions = {
+            set_source_iface;
+        }
+        const default_action = set_source_iface(SPGW_IFACE_UNKNOWN, SPGW_DIR_UNKNOWN, 1);
+        size = MAX_INTERFACES;
+    }
+    //=============================//
+    //===== PDR Tables ======//
+    //=============================//
+    action set_pdr_attributes(pdr_ctr_id_t ctr_id,
+                              far_id_t far_id,
+                              bit<1> needs_gtpu_decap) {
+        fabric_md.spgw.pdr_hit = _TRUE;
+        fabric_md.spgw.ctr_id = ctr_id;
+        fabric_md.spgw.far_id = far_id;
+        fabric_md.spgw.needs_gtpu_decap = (_BOOL)needs_gtpu_decap;
+    }
+    // These two tables scale well and cover the average case PDR
+    table downlink_pdr_lookup {
+        key = {
+            // only available ipv4 header
+            hdr.ipv4.dst_addr : exact @name("ue_addr");
+        }
+        actions = {
+            set_pdr_attributes;
+        }
+        const default_action = set_pdr_attributes(DEFAULT_PDR_CTR_ID, DEFAULT_FAR_ID, 0);
+        size = MAX_DOWNLINK_PDRS;
+    }
+    table uplink_pdr_lookup {
+        key = {
+            // tunnel_dst_addr will be static for Q2 target. Can remove if need more scaling
+            hdr.ipv4.dst_addr           : exact @name("tunnel_ipv4_dst");
+            hdr.gtpu.teid               : exact @name("teid");
+            hdr.inner_ipv4.src_addr     : exact @name("ue_addr");
+        }
+        actions = {
+            set_pdr_attributes;
+        }
+        const default_action = set_pdr_attributes(DEFAULT_PDR_CTR_ID, DEFAULT_FAR_ID, 0);
+        size = MAX_UPLINK_PDRS;
+    }
+    // This table scales poorly and covers uncommon PDRs
+    table flexible_pdr_lookup {
+        key = {
+            fabric_md.spgw.src_iface    : ternary @name("src_iface");
+            // GTPU
+            hdr.gtpu.isValid()          : ternary @name("gtpu_is_valid");
+            hdr.gtpu.teid               : ternary @name("teid");
+            // SDF
+            // outer 5-tuple
+            hdr.ipv4.src_addr           : ternary @name("ipv4_src");
+            hdr.ipv4.dst_addr           : ternary @name("ipv4_dst");
+            hdr.ipv4.protocol           : ternary @name("ip_proto");
+            fabric_md.l4_sport          : ternary @name("l4_sport");
+            fabric_md.l4_dport          : ternary @name("l4_dport");
+            // inner 5-tuple
+            hdr.inner_ipv4.src_addr     : ternary @name("inner_ipv4_src");
+            hdr.inner_ipv4.dst_addr     : ternary @name("inner_ipv4_dst");
+            hdr.inner_ipv4.protocol     : ternary @name("inner_ip_proto");
+            fabric_md.inner_l4_sport    : ternary @name("inner_l4_sport");
+            fabric_md.inner_l4_dport    : ternary @name("inner_l4_dport");
+        }
+        actions = {
+            set_pdr_attributes;
+        }
+        const default_action = set_pdr_attributes(DEFAULT_PDR_CTR_ID, DEFAULT_FAR_ID, 0);
+    }
+    //=============================//
+    //===== FAR Tables ======//
+    //=============================//
+    action load_normal_far_attributes(bit<1> drop,
+                                      bit<1> notify_cp) {
+        // general far attributes
+        fabric_md.spgw.far_dropped  = (_BOOL)drop;
+        fabric_md.spgw.notify_spgwc = (_BOOL)notify_cp;
+    }
+    action load_tunnel_far_attributes(bit<1>      drop,
+                                      bit<1>      notify_cp,
+                                      bit<16>   tunnel_src_port,
+                                      bit<32>   tunnel_src_addr,
+                                      bit<32>   tunnel_dst_addr,
+                                      teid_t    teid) {
+        // general far attributes
+        fabric_md.spgw.far_dropped  = (_BOOL)drop;
+        fabric_md.spgw.notify_spgwc = (_BOOL)notify_cp;
+        // GTP tunnel attributes
+        fabric_md.spgw.needs_gtpu_encap = _TRUE;
+        fabric_md.spgw.teid = teid;
+        fabric_md.spgw.tunnel_src_port = tunnel_src_port;
+        fabric_md.spgw.tunnel_src_addr = tunnel_src_addr;
+        fabric_md.spgw.tunnel_dst_addr = tunnel_dst_addr;
+        // update metadata for correct routing/hashing
+        fabric_md.ipv4_src_addr = tunnel_src_addr;
+        fabric_md.ipv4_dst_addr = tunnel_dst_addr;
+        fabric_md.l4_sport = tunnel_src_port;
+        fabric_md.l4_dport = UDP_PORT_GTPU;
+    }
+    table far_lookup {
+        key = {
+            fabric_md.spgw.far_id : exact @name("far_id");
+        }
+        actions = {
+            load_normal_far_attributes;
+            load_tunnel_far_attributes;
+        }
+        // default is drop and don't notify CP
+        const default_action = load_normal_far_attributes(1, 1);
+        size = MAX_FARS;
+    }
+    //=============================//
+    //===== Misc Things ======//
+    //=============================//
+    counter(MAX_PDR_COUNTERS, CounterType.packets_and_bytes) pdr_counter;
+    @hidden
+    action decap_inner_common() {
+        // Correct parser-set metadata to use the inner header values
+        fabric_md.ip_eth_type   = ETHERTYPE_IPV4;
+        fabric_md.ip_proto      = hdr.inner_ipv4.protocol;
+        fabric_md.ipv4_src_addr = hdr.inner_ipv4.src_addr;
+        fabric_md.ipv4_dst_addr = hdr.inner_ipv4.dst_addr;
+        fabric_md.l4_sport      = fabric_md.inner_l4_sport;
+        fabric_md.l4_dport      = fabric_md.inner_l4_dport;
+        // Move GTPU and inner L3 headers out
+        hdr.ipv4 = hdr.inner_ipv4;
+        hdr.inner_ipv4.setInvalid();
+        hdr.gtpu.setInvalid();
+    }
+    action decap_inner_tcp() {
+        decap_inner_common();
+        hdr.udp.setInvalid();
+        hdr.tcp = hdr.inner_tcp;
+        hdr.inner_tcp.setInvalid();
+    }
+    action decap_inner_udp() {
+        decap_inner_common();
+        hdr.udp = hdr.inner_udp;
+        hdr.inner_udp.setInvalid();
+    }
+    action decap_inner_icmp() {
+        decap_inner_common();
+        hdr.udp.setInvalid();
+        hdr.icmp = hdr.inner_icmp;
+        hdr.inner_icmp.setInvalid();
+    }
+    action decap_inner_unknown() {
+        decap_inner_common();
+        hdr.udp.setInvalid();
+    }
+    @hidden
+    table decap_gtpu {
+        key = {
+            hdr.inner_tcp.isValid()     : exact;
+            hdr.inner_udp.isValid()     : exact;
+            hdr.inner_icmp.isValid()    : exact;
+        }
+        actions = {
+            decap_inner_tcp;
+            decap_inner_udp;
+            decap_inner_icmp;
+            decap_inner_unknown;
+        }
+        const default_action = decap_inner_unknown;
+        const entries = {
+            (true,  false, false) : decap_inner_tcp();
+            (false, true,  false) : decap_inner_udp();
+            (false, false, true)  : decap_inner_icmp();
+        }
+    }
+    //=============================//
+    //===== Apply Block ======//
+    //=============================//
+    apply {
+        // Interfaces
+        interface_lookup.apply();
+        // If interface table missed, or the interface skips PDRs/FARs (TODO: is that a thing?)
+        if (fabric_md.spgw.skip_spgw == _TRUE) return;
+        // PDRs
+        // Currently only best-case PDR tables to make v1model-to-tofino compiler happy
+        if (hdr.gtpu.isValid()) {
+            uplink_pdr_lookup.apply();
+        } else {
+            downlink_pdr_lookup.apply();
+        }
+        // Inefficient PDR table if efficient tables missed
+        // Removed to make v1model-to-tofino compiler happy. Not removed in TNA port
+        //if (fabric_md.spgw.pdr_hit == _FALSE) {
+        //    flexible_pdr_lookup.apply();
+        //}
+        pdr_counter.count(fabric_md.spgw.ctr_id);
+        // GTPU Decapsulate
+        if (fabric_md.spgw.needs_gtpu_decap == _TRUE) { 
+            decap_gtpu.apply();
+        }
+        // FARs
+        // Load FAR info
+        far_lookup.apply();
+        if (fabric_md.spgw.notify_spgwc == _TRUE) {
+            // TODO: cpu clone action here
+        }
+        if (fabric_md.spgw.far_dropped == _TRUE) {
+            // Do dropping in the same way as fabric's filtering.p4, so we can traverse
+            // the ACL table, which is good for cases like DHCP.
+            fabric_md.skip_forwarding = _TRUE;
+            fabric_md.skip_next = _TRUE;
+        }
+        // Nothing to be done immediately for forwarding or encapsulation.
+        // Forwarding is done by other parts of fabric.p4, and
+        // encapsulation is done in the egress
+        // Needed for correct GTPU encapsulation in egress
+        fabric_md.spgw.ipv4_len = hdr.ipv4.total_len;
+    }
+//============== Egress ==============//
+control SpgwEgress(
+        inout parsed_headers_t hdr,
+        inout fabric_metadata_t fabric_md) {
+    counter(MAX_PDR_COUNTERS, CounterType.packets_and_bytes) pdr_counter;
+    @hidden
+    action gtpu_encap() {
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.setValid();
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.version = IP_VERSION_4;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.ihl = IPV4_MIN_IHL;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.dscp = 0;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.ecn = 0;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.total_len = hdr.ipv4.total_len
+                + (IPV4_HDR_SIZE + UDP_HDR_SIZE + GTP_HDR_SIZE);
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.identification = 0x1513; /* From NGIC. TODO: Needs to be dynamic */
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.flags = 0;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.frag_offset = 0;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.ttl = DEFAULT_IPV4_TTL;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.protocol = PROTO_UDP;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.src_addr = fabric_md.spgw.tunnel_src_addr;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.dst_addr = fabric_md.spgw.tunnel_dst_addr;
+        hdr.gtpu_ipv4.hdr_checksum = 0; // Updated later
+        hdr.gtpu_udp.setValid();
+ = fabric_md.spgw.tunnel_src_port; 
+        hdr.gtpu_udp.dport = UDP_PORT_GTPU;
+        hdr.gtpu_udp.len = fabric_md.spgw.ipv4_len
+                + (UDP_HDR_SIZE + GTP_HDR_SIZE);
+        hdr.gtpu_udp.checksum = 0; // Updated later, if WITH_SPGW_UDP_CSUM_UPDATE
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.setValid();
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.version = GTPU_VERSION;
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.spare = 0;
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.ex_flag = 0;
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.seq_flag = 0;
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.npdu_flag = 0;
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.msgtype = GTP_GPDU;
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.msglen = fabric_md.spgw.ipv4_len;
+        hdr.outer_gtpu.teid = fabric_md.spgw.teid;
+    }
+    apply {
+        if (fabric_md.spgw.skip_spgw == _TRUE) return;
+        pdr_counter.count(fabric_md.spgw.ctr_id);
+        if (fabric_md.spgw.needs_gtpu_encap == _TRUE) {
+            gtpu_encap();
+        }
+    }
+control update_gtpu_checksum(
+        inout ipv4_t gtpu_ipv4,
+        inout udp_t  gtpu_udp,
+        in    gtpu_t gtpu,
+        in    ipv4_t ipv4,
+        in    udp_t  udp
+    ) {
+    apply {
+        // Compute outer IPv4 checksum.
+        update_checksum(gtpu_ipv4.isValid(),
+            {
+                gtpu_ipv4.version,
+                gtpu_ipv4.ihl,
+                gtpu_ipv4.dscp,
+                gtpu_ipv4.ecn,
+                gtpu_ipv4.total_len,
+                gtpu_ipv4.identification,
+                gtpu_ipv4.flags,
+                gtpu_ipv4.frag_offset,
+                gtpu_ipv4.ttl,
+                gtpu_ipv4.protocol,
+                gtpu_ipv4.src_addr,
+                gtpu_ipv4.dst_addr
+            },
+            gtpu_ipv4.hdr_checksum,
+            HashAlgorithm.csum16
+        );
+        // Compute outer UDP checksum.
+        update_checksum_with_payload(gtpu_udp.isValid(),
+            {
+                gtpu_ipv4.src_addr,
+                gtpu_ipv4.dst_addr,
+                8w0,
+                gtpu_ipv4.protocol,
+                gtpu_udp.len,
+      ,
+                gtpu_udp.dport,
+                gtpu_udp.len,
+                gtpu,
+                ipv4,
+                // FIXME: we are assuming only UDP for downlink packets
+                // How to conditionally switch between UDP/TCP/ICMP?
+                udp
+            },
+            gtpu_udp.checksum,
+            HashAlgorithm.csum16
+        );
+    }