Refactored tunnel and interface config behavior

- Added tunnel interface configuratoin to interfaceConfig and
  deprecated tunnelConfig
- OVSDB client service provides interface create/remove APIs instead
  of tunnel interface create/remove, and this APIs can be used to
  create/remove various types of interfaces like tunnel, patch, tap and so on
- Use tunnel description when create tunnel interface so that we can extend
  more config options later
- Some cleaup OVSDB client

Change-Id: I4653595504a27b18384a92ebe4b31ce9d99237cd
diff --git a/drivers/ovsdb/src/main/resources/ovsdb-drivers.xml b/drivers/ovsdb/src/main/resources/ovsdb-drivers.xml
index e70925b..9e88ba9 100644
--- a/drivers/ovsdb/src/main/resources/ovsdb-drivers.xml
+++ b/drivers/ovsdb/src/main/resources/ovsdb-drivers.xml
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
         <behaviour api=""
+        <behaviour api=""
+                   impl="org.onosproject.drivers.ovsdb.OvsdbInterfaceConfig"/>
     <driver name="ovs" extends="default"
             manufacturer="Nicira, Inc\." hwVersion="Open vSwitch" swVersion="2\..*">