T3 Fixing HW miss on table 40

Change-Id: Ie98a3671017b4063129af58f326e6996d50d8b28
diff --git a/apps/t3/src/main/java/org/onosproject/t3/impl/TroubleshootManager.java b/apps/t3/src/main/java/org/onosproject/t3/impl/TroubleshootManager.java
index 0ff8906..6db93bc 100644
--- a/apps/t3/src/main/java/org/onosproject/t3/impl/TroubleshootManager.java
+++ b/apps/t3/src/main/java/org/onosproject/t3/impl/TroubleshootManager.java
@@ -790,6 +790,10 @@
                     log.debug("A miss on Table 20 on OFDPA means that we skip directly to table 50");
                     tableId = IndexTableId.of(50);
+                } else if (((IndexTableId) tableId).id() == 40) {
+                    //if the table is 40 OFDPA skips to table 60
+                    log.debug("A miss on Table 40 on OFDPA means that we skip directly to table 60");
+                    tableId = IndexTableId.of(60);
                 } else {
                     tableId = nextTableIdEntry.table();