ONOS is a new SDN network operating system designed for high availability, performance, scale-out.
Checkout our website and our tools
Code is hosted and maintained using gerrit.
The GitHub code is only a mirror. The ONOS project does not accept code through pull requests on GitHub, please do not submit them.
git clone https://gerrit.onosproject.org/onos
On Ubuntu/Debian, you can do the following.
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y && \ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y && \ sudo apt-get update && \ echo "oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true" | sudo debconf-set-selections && \ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer oracle-java8-set-default -y
ONOS is built with Buck, an open-source build tool created by Facebook and inspired by Google. It is also in use by number of well-known projects, including all Facebook’s mobile apps, Gerrit, etc. By relying on explicit dependencies between targets and SHA hashes of files (rather than on timestamps), Buck avoids unnecessary work by recognizing whether or not a target artifact requires a rebuild. This also helps to increase reproducibility of builds.
ONOS currently uses a modified version of Buck, which has been packaged with ONOS. Please use this version until our changes have been upstreamed and released as part of an official Buck release.
This will compile all source code assemble the installable onos.tar.gz, which is located in the buck-out directory. Note the --show-output option, which can be omitted, will display the path to this file.
export ONOS_ROOT=$(pwd) tools/build/onos-buck build onos --show-output
To run ONOS locally on the development machine, simply run the following command:
tools/build/onos-buck run onos-local -- clean debug
The above command will create a local installation from the onos.tar.gz file (re-building it if necessary) and will start the ONOS server in the background. In the foreground, it will display a continuous view of the ONOS (Apache Karaf) log file. Options following the double-dash (–) are passed through to the ONOS Apache Karaf and can be omitted. Here, the clean option forces a clean installation of ONOS and the debug option means that the default debug port 5005 will be available for attaching a remote debugger.
GUI or tools/test/bin/onos-gui localhost
To attach to the ONOS CLI console, run:
tools/test/bin/onos localhost
To start up a Mininet network controlled by an ONOS instance that is already running on your development machine, you can use a command like:
sudo mn --controller remote,ip=<ONOS IP address> --topo torus,3,3
Note that you should replace with the IP address of your development machine where ONOS is running.
To execute ONOS unit tests, including code Checkstyle validation, run the following command:
tools/build/onos-buck test
or more specific tests:
# All tools/build/onos-buck test //drivers/ciena/waveserver:onos-drivers-ciena-waveserver-tests # Only check style tools/build/onos-buck test //drivers/ciena/waveserver:onos-drivers-ciena-waveserver-checkstyle
When you are ready to commit, use this guide
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