GUI -- Major re-write of server-side Topology View code. WIP.

Change-Id: I332e8e59dc2271d3897c3a5c2fafa775324ef72d
diff --git a/web/gui/src/main/java/org/onosproject/ui/impl/topo/ b/web/gui/src/main/java/org/onosproject/ui/impl/topo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59af263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/gui/src/main/java/org/onosproject/ui/impl/topo/
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+ * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+package org.onosproject.ui.impl.topo;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
+import org.onlab.packet.IpAddress;
+import org.onosproject.cluster.ClusterEvent;
+import org.onosproject.cluster.ClusterService;
+import org.onosproject.cluster.ControllerNode;
+import org.onosproject.cluster.NodeId;
+import org.onosproject.mastership.MastershipService;
+import org.onosproject.ui.JsonUtils;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import static;
+import static org.onosproject.cluster.ControllerNode.State.ACTIVE;
+import static;
+ * Facility for generating messages in {@link ObjectNode} form from
+ * ONOS model events.
+ */
+// package private
+class TopoMessageFactory {
+    private static final ProviderId PROVIDER_ID =
+            new ProviderId("core", "org.onosproject.core", true);
+    private static final String COMPACT = "%s/%s-%s/%s";
+    private static final PortNumber PORT_ZERO = portNumber(0);
+    private static final Map<Enum<?>, String> LOOKUP = new HashMap<>();
+    static {
+        LOOKUP.put(ClusterEvent.Type.INSTANCE_ADDED, "addInstance");
+        LOOKUP.put(ClusterEvent.Type.INSTANCE_REMOVED, "removeInstance");
+        LOOKUP.put(DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_ADDED, "addDevice");
+        LOOKUP.put(DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_UPDATED, "updateDevice");
+        LOOKUP.put(DeviceEvent.Type.DEVICE_REMOVED, "removeDevice");
+        LOOKUP.put(LinkEvent.Type.LINK_ADDED, "addLink");
+        LOOKUP.put(LinkEvent.Type.LINK_UPDATED, "updateLink");
+        LOOKUP.put(LinkEvent.Type.LINK_REMOVED, "removeLink");
+        LOOKUP.put(HostEvent.Type.HOST_ADDED, "addHost");
+        LOOKUP.put(HostEvent.Type.HOST_UPDATED, "updateHost");
+        LOOKUP.put(HostEvent.Type.HOST_REMOVED, "removeHost");
+    }
+    private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
+    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
+    private MetaDb metaDb;
+    private ClusterService clusterService;
+    private DeviceService deviceService;
+    private LinkService linkService;
+    private HostService hostService;
+    private MastershipService mastershipService;
+    // ===================================================================
+    // Private helper methods
+    private ObjectNode objectNode() {
+        return MAPPER.createObjectNode();
+    }
+    private ArrayNode arrayNode() {
+        return MAPPER.createArrayNode();
+    }
+    private String toLc(Object o) {
+        return o.toString().toLowerCase();
+    }
+    // Event type to message type lookup (with fallback).
+    private String messageTypeLookup(Enum<?> type, String fallback) {
+        String msgType = LOOKUP.get(type);
+        return msgType == null ? fallback : msgType;
+    }
+    // Returns the name of the master node for the specified device ID.
+    private String master(DeviceId deviceId) {
+        NodeId master = mastershipService.getMasterFor(deviceId);
+        return master != null ? master.toString() : "";
+    }
+    // Produces JSON structure from annotations.
+    private ObjectNode props(Annotations annotations) {
+        ObjectNode props = objectNode();
+        if (annotations != null) {
+            for (String key : annotations.keys()) {
+                props.put(key, annotations.value(key));
+            }
+        }
+        return props;
+    }
+    // Adds a geo location JSON to the specified payload object.
+    private void addGeoLocation(Annotated annotated, ObjectNode payload) {
+        Annotations annot = annotated.annotations();
+        if (annot == null) {
+            return;
+        }
+        String slat = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.LATITUDE);
+        String slng = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.LONGITUDE);
+        try {
+            if (!isNullOrEmpty(slat) && !isNullOrEmpty(slng)) {
+                double lat = Double.parseDouble(slat);
+                double lng = Double.parseDouble(slng);
+                ObjectNode loc = objectNode()
+                        .put("type", "latlng")
+                        .put("lat", lat)
+                        .put("lng", lng);
+                payload.set("location", loc);
+            }
+        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+            log.warn("Invalid geo data latitude={}; longitude={}", slat, slng);
+        }
+    }
+    // Produces compact string representation of a link.
+    private String compactLinkString(Link link) {
+        return String.format(COMPACT, link.src().elementId(), link.src().port(),
+                             link.dst().elementId(), link.dst().port());
+    }
+    // Generates an edge link from the specified host location.
+    private EdgeLink edgeLink(Host host, boolean isIngress) {
+        ConnectPoint cp = new ConnectPoint(, PORT_ZERO);
+        return new DefaultEdgeLink(PROVIDER_ID, cp, host.location(), isIngress);
+    }
+    // Encodes the specified host location into a JSON object.
+    private ObjectNode hostConnect(HostLocation loc) {
+        return objectNode()
+                .put("device", loc.deviceId().toString())
+                .put("port", loc.port().toLong());
+    }
+    // Returns the first IP address from the specified set.
+    private String firstIp(Set<IpAddress> addresses) {
+        Iterator<IpAddress> it = addresses.iterator();
+        return it.hasNext() ? : "unknown";
+    }
+    // Returns a JSON array of the specified strings.
+    private ArrayNode labels(String... labels) {
+        ArrayNode array = arrayNode();
+        for (String label : labels) {
+            array.add(label);
+        }
+        return array;
+    }
+    // ===================================================================
+    // API for generating messages
+    /**
+     * Injects service references so that the message compilation methods
+     * can do required lookups when needed.
+     *
+     * @param meta meta DB
+     * @param cs cluster service
+     * @param ds device service
+     * @param ls link service
+     * @param hs host service
+     * @param ms mastership service
+     */
+    public void injectServices(MetaDb meta, ClusterService cs, DeviceService ds,
+                               LinkService ls, HostService hs,
+                               MastershipService ms) {
+        metaDb = meta;
+        clusterService = cs;
+        deviceService = ds;
+        linkService = ls;
+        hostService = hs;
+        mastershipService = ms;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transforms a cluster event into an object-node-based message.
+     *
+     * @param ev cluster event
+     * @return marshaled event message
+     */
+    public ObjectNode instanceMessage(ClusterEvent ev) {
+        ControllerNode node = ev.subject();
+        NodeId nid =;
+        String id = nid.toString();
+        String ip = node.ip().toString();
+        int switchCount = mastershipService.getDevicesOf(nid).size();
+        ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
+                .put("id", id)
+                .put("ip", ip)
+                .put("online", clusterService.getState(nid) == ACTIVE)
+                .put("uiAttached", node.equals(clusterService.getLocalNode()))
+                .put("switches", switchCount);
+        ArrayNode labels = arrayNode().add(id).add(ip);
+        payload.set("labels", labels);
+        metaDb.addMetaUi(id, payload);
+        String msgType = messageTypeLookup(ev.type(), "addInstance");
+        return JsonUtils.envelope(msgType, payload);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transforms a device event into an object-node-based message.
+     *
+     * @param ev device event
+     * @return marshaled event message
+     */
+    public ObjectNode deviceMessage(DeviceEvent ev) {
+        Device device = ev.subject();
+        DeviceId did =;
+        String id = did.toString();
+        ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
+                .put("id", id)
+                .put("type", toLc(device.type()))
+                .put("online", deviceService.isAvailable(did))
+                .put("master", master(did));
+        Annotations annot = device.annotations();
+        String name = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.NAME);
+        String friendly = isNullOrEmpty(name) ? id : name;
+        payload.set("labels", labels("", friendly, id));
+        payload.set("props", props(annot));
+        addGeoLocation(device, payload);
+        metaDb.addMetaUi(id, payload);
+        String msgType = messageTypeLookup(ev.type(), "updateDevice");
+        return JsonUtils.envelope(msgType, payload);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transforms a link event into an object-node-based message.
+     *
+     * @param ev link event
+     * @return marshaled event message
+     */
+    public ObjectNode linkMessage(LinkEvent ev) {
+        Link link = ev.subject();
+        ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
+                .put("id", compactLinkString(link))
+                .put("type", toLc(link.type()))
+                .put("online", link.state() == Link.State.ACTIVE)
+                .put("linkWidth", 1.2)
+                .put("src", link.src().deviceId().toString())
+                .put("srcPort", link.src().port().toString())
+                .put("dst", link.dst().deviceId().toString())
+                .put("dstPort", link.dst().port().toString());
+        String msgType = messageTypeLookup(ev.type(), "updateLink");
+        return JsonUtils.envelope(msgType, payload);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transforms a host event into an object-node-based message.
+     *
+     * @param ev host event
+     * @return marshaled event message
+     */
+    public ObjectNode hostMessage(HostEvent ev) {
+        Host host = ev.subject();
+        HostId hid =;
+        String id = hid.toString();
+        Annotations annot = host.annotations();
+        String hostType = annot.value(AnnotationKeys.TYPE);
+        ObjectNode payload = objectNode()
+                .put("id", id)
+                .put("type", isNullOrEmpty(hostType) ? "endstation" : hostType)
+                .put("ingress", compactLinkString(edgeLink(host, true)))
+                .put("egress", compactLinkString(edgeLink(host, false)));
+        // TODO: make cp an array of connect point objects (multi-homed)
+        payload.set("cp", hostConnect(host.location()));
+        String ipStr = firstIp(host.ipAddresses());
+        String macStr = host.mac().toString();
+        payload.set("labels", labels(ipStr, macStr));
+        payload.set("props", props(annot));
+        addGeoLocation(host, payload);
+        metaDb.addMetaUi(id, payload);
+        String mstType = messageTypeLookup(ev.type(), "updateHost");
+        return JsonUtils.envelope(mstType, payload);
+    }