blob: 83a62103e8e668f0b0b4dc595a477e2e1adc56dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.pcepio.types;
* Provide the PCEP Error Info Details.
public final class PcepErrorDetailInfo {
private PcepErrorDetailInfo() {
// Error Types
Error- Meaning Reference:RFC 5440
1 PCEP session establishment failure
Error-value=1: reception of an invalid Open message or a non Open message.
Error-value=2: no Open message received before the expiration of the OpenWait timer
Error-value=3: unacceptable and non-negotiable session characteristics
Error-value=4: unacceptable but negotiable session characteristics
Error-value=5: reception of a second Open message with still unacceptable session characteristics
Error-value=6: reception of a PCErr message proposing unacceptable session characteristics
Error-value=7: No Keepalive or PCErr message received before the expiration of the KeepWait timer
Error-value=8: PCEP version not supported
2 Capability not supported
3 Unknown Object
Error-value=1: Unrecognized object class
Error-value=2: Unrecognized object Type
4 Not supported object
Error-value=1: Not supported object class
Error-value=2: Not supported object Type
5 Policy violation
Error-value=1: C bit of the METRIC object set (request rejected)
Error-value=2: O bit of the RP object cleared (request rejected)
6 Mandatory Object missing
Error-value=1: RP object missing
Error-value=2: RRO missing for a re-optimization request (R bit of the RP object set)
Error-value=3: END-POINTS object missing
7 Synchronized path computation request missing
8 Unknown request reference
9 Attempt to establish a second PCEP session
10 Reception of an invalid object
Error-value=1: reception of an object with P flag not set although the P flag must be
set according to this specification.
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_1 = 1;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_2 = 2;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_3 = 3;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_4 = 4;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_5 = 5;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_6 = 6;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_7 = 7;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_8 = 8;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_9 = 9;
public static final byte ERROR_TYPE_10 = 10;
// Error Values
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_1 = 1;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_2 = 2;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_3 = 3;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_4 = 4;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_5 = 5;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_6 = 6;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_7 = 7;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_8 = 8;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_9 = 9;
public static final byte ERROR_VALUE_10 = 10;