[SDFAB-1197] First stab to update ONOS to py3

Update has been performed only on the scripts and the
executables strictly necessary for the following use cases:

- Build (including Intellij)
- Tests (including Intellij)
- Docker build (including dev and yourkit)
- Upload snapshot (including local)
- Release

Finally, fix the ability to run ONOS using onos-local targets,
stc and docker stc (aka up4 stc env). Last but not least, updated
the azul image to a newer one which exports also the PYTHONENCODING

Change-Id: Ie96f3a9c76dbba83b1fc3896a372f1045d3d7ccc
diff --git a/tools/dev/Dockerfile-bazel b/tools/dev/Dockerfile-bazel
index 4860e04..1eae2df 100644
--- a/tools/dev/Dockerfile-bazel
+++ b/tools/dev/Dockerfile-bazel
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 # COPY command incompatibilities).
 # e.g. docker build -t onosproject/onos:latest -f $ONOS_ROOT/tools/dev/Dockerfile-bazel $ONOS_ROOT/bazel-bin
-ARG TAG=11.0.8-11.41.23
-ARG JAVA_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/zulu11-ca-amd64
+ARG TAG=11.0.13-11.52.13
+ARG JAVA_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/zulu11
 # Firts stage to copy and untar ONOS archive inside the container.
 FROM bitnami/minideb:jessie as untar