[ONOS-4711] Removed cyclic dependencies
because of JUNIT testcases

Change-Id: I0402d224cbb0d0d541a1f47333a4e5de5cf240b0
diff --git a/utils/yangutils/plugin/src/test/java/org/onosproject/yangutils/plugin/manager/IntraFileUsesLinkingTest.java b/utils/yangutils/plugin/src/test/java/org/onosproject/yangutils/plugin/manager/IntraFileUsesLinkingTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c264979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/yangutils/plugin/src/test/java/org/onosproject/yangutils/plugin/manager/IntraFileUsesLinkingTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+ * Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onosproject.yangutils.plugin.manager;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ListIterator;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangContainer;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangDataTypes;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangGrouping;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangLeaf;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangList;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangModule;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangNode;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangNodeType;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangTypeDef;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.YangUses;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.datamodel.utils.ResolvableStatus;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.linker.exceptions.LinkerException;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.exceptions.ParserException;
+import org.onosproject.yangutils.parser.impl.YangUtilsParserManager;
+import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
+import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is;
+ * Test cases for testing uses intra file linking.
+ */
+public class IntraFileUsesLinkingTest {
+    @Rule
+    public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
+    private final YangUtilsParserManager manager = new YangUtilsParserManager();
+    /**
+     * Checks self resolution when grouping and uses are siblings.
+     * Grouping followed by uses.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfResolutionWhenUsesAndGroupingAtRootLevel()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        YangNode node = manager.getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfResolutionWhenUsesAndGroupingAtRootLevel.yang");
+        // Check whether the data model tree returned is of type module.
+        assertThat((node instanceof YangModule), is(true));
+        // Check whether the node type is set properly to module.
+        assertThat(node.getNodeType(), is(YangNodeType.MODULE_NODE));
+        // Check whether the module name is set correctly.
+        YangModule yangNode = (YangModule) node;
+        assertThat(yangNode.getName(), is("Test"));
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator;
+        YangLeaf leafInfo;
+        // Check whether grouping is the sibling of module's child.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getNextSibling() instanceof YangGrouping), is(true));
+        YangGrouping grouping = (YangGrouping) yangNode.getChild().getNextSibling();
+        leafIterator = grouping.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("hello"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+        // Check whether uses is module's child.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses uses = (YangUses) yangNode.getChild();
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(uses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<List<YangLeaf>> leafIterator1 = uses.getUsesResolvedLeavesList().listIterator();
+        List<YangLeaf> leafInfo1 = leafIterator1.next();
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator2 = leafInfo1.listIterator();
+        YangLeaf leafInfo2 = leafIterator2.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under module.
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getName(), is("hello"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks self resolution when grouping and uses are siblings.
+     * Grouping has a child node.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfResolutionWhenUsesAndGroupingAtRootLevelGroupingWithChild()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        YangNode node = manager.getDataModel(
+                "src/test/resources/SelfResolutionWhenUsesAndGroupingAtRootLevelGroupingWithChild.yang");
+        // Check whether the data model tree returned is of type module.
+        assertThat((node instanceof YangModule), is(true));
+        // Check whether the node type is set properly to module.
+        assertThat(node.getNodeType(), is(YangNodeType.MODULE_NODE));
+        // Check whether the module name is set correctly.
+        YangModule yangNode = (YangModule) node;
+        assertThat(yangNode.getName(), is("Test"));
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator;
+        YangLeaf leafInfo;
+        // Check whether grouping is the sibling of module's child.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getNextSibling() instanceof YangGrouping), is(true));
+        YangGrouping grouping = (YangGrouping) yangNode.getChild().getNextSibling();
+        leafIterator = grouping.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("treat"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+        // Check whether container is the child of grouping.
+        assertThat((grouping.getChild() instanceof YangContainer), is(true));
+        YangContainer container = (YangContainer) grouping.getChild();
+        // Check whether the container name is set correctly which is under grouping.
+        assertThat(container.getName(), is("test"));
+        leafIterator = container.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under container which is under grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("leaf2"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+        // Check whether uses is module's child.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses uses = (YangUses) yangNode.getChild();
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(uses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<List<YangLeaf>> leafIterator1 = uses.getUsesResolvedLeavesList().listIterator();
+        List<YangLeaf> leafInfo1 = leafIterator1.next();
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator2 = leafInfo1.listIterator();
+        YangLeaf leafInfo2 = leafIterator2.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under module.
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getName(), is("treat"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+        ListIterator<YangNode> usesChildren = uses.getUsesResolvedNodeList().listIterator();
+        YangNode usesChild = usesChildren.next();
+        // Check whether container is the child of module.
+        assertThat((usesChild instanceof YangContainer), is(true));
+        container = (YangContainer) usesChild;
+        // Check whether the container name is set correctly which is under module.
+        assertThat(container.getName(), is("test"));
+        leafIterator = container.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under container which is under module.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("leaf2"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks self resolution when grouping in rpc and uses in output of the same rpc.
+     * Uses is followed by grouping.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfResolutionGroupingInRpcAndUsesInOutput()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        YangNode node = manager
+                .getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfResolutionGroupingInRpcAndUsesInOutput.yang");
+        // Check whether the data model tree returned is of type module.
+        assertThat((node instanceof YangModule), is(true));
+        // Check whether the node type is set properly to module.
+        assertThat(node.getNodeType(), is(YangNodeType.MODULE_NODE));
+        // Check whether the module name is set correctly.
+        YangModule yangNode = (YangModule) node;
+        assertThat(yangNode.getName(), is("rock"));
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator;
+        YangLeaf leafInfo;
+        // Check whether grouping is the child of rpc.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getChild() instanceof YangGrouping), is(true));
+        YangGrouping grouping = (YangGrouping) yangNode.getChild().getChild();
+        // Check whether the grouping name is set correctly.
+        assertThat(grouping.getName(), is("hello"));
+        // Check whether list is the child of grouping.
+        assertThat((grouping.getChild() instanceof YangList), is(true));
+        YangList yangListNode = (YangList) grouping.getChild();
+        // Check whether the list name is set correctly.
+        assertThat(yangListNode.getName(), is("valid"));
+        leafIterator = yangListNode.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under list which is under grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("invalid-interval"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("uint16"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.UINT16));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getUnits(), is("\"seconds\""));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getReference(), is("\"RFC 6020\""));
+        // Check whether uses is input's child.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getChild().getNextSibling().getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses uses = (YangUses) yangNode.getChild().getChild().getNextSibling().getChild();
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(uses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<YangNode> usesChildren = uses.getUsesResolvedNodeList().listIterator();
+        YangNode usesChild = usesChildren.next();
+        // Check whether list is the sibling of uses which has been deep copied from grouping.
+        assertThat((usesChild instanceof YangList), is(true));
+        YangList yangList = (YangList) usesChild;
+        // Check whether the list name is set correctly.
+        assertThat(yangList.getName(), is("valid"));
+        leafIterator = yangList.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under list which is deep copied.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("invalid-interval"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("uint16"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.UINT16));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getUnits(), is("\"seconds\""));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getReference(), is("\"RFC 6020\""));
+        // Check whether uses is output's child.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getChild().getNextSibling().getNextSibling().getChild() instanceof YangUses),
+                is(true));
+        YangUses usesInOuput = (YangUses) yangNode.getChild().getChild().getNextSibling().getNextSibling().getChild();
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(usesInOuput.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<YangNode> usesInOuputChildren = usesInOuput.getUsesResolvedNodeList().listIterator();
+        YangNode usesInOuputChild = usesInOuputChildren.next();
+        // Check whether list is the sibling of uses which has been deep copied from grouping.
+        assertThat((usesInOuputChild instanceof YangList), is(true));
+        YangList yangListInOutput = (YangList) usesInOuputChild;
+        // Check whether the list name is set correctly.
+        assertThat(yangListInOutput.getName(), is("valid"));
+        leafIterator = yangListInOutput.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under list which is deep copied.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("invalid-interval"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("uint16"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.UINT16));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getUnits(), is("\"seconds\""));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getReference(), is("\"RFC 6020\""));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks the failure scenario when uses is referring to its own grouping directly.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfResolutionGroupingReferencingItselfFailureScenerio()
+            throws IOException {
+        thrown.expect(LinkerException.class);
+        thrown.expectMessage(
+                "YANG file error: Duplicate input identifier detected, same as leaf \"zip-code\"");
+        YangNode node = manager
+                .getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfResolutionGroupingReferencingItselfFailureScenerio.yang");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks the when multiple uses are present and are referred to the grouping at different levels.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfResolutionGroupingWithMultipleUses()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        YangNode node = manager
+                .getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfResolutionGroupingWithMultipleUses.yang");
+        // Check whether the data model tree returned is of type module.
+        assertThat((node instanceof YangModule), is(true));
+        // Check whether the node type is set properly to module.
+        assertThat(node.getNodeType(), is(YangNodeType.MODULE_NODE));
+        // Check whether the module name is set correctly.
+        YangModule yangNode = (YangModule) node;
+        assertThat(yangNode.getName(), is("Test"));
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator;
+        YangLeaf leafInfo;
+        // Check whether grouping is the child of container.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getChild() instanceof YangGrouping), is(true));
+        YangGrouping grouping = (YangGrouping) yangNode.getChild().getChild();
+        // Check whether the grouping name is set correctly.
+        assertThat(grouping.getName(), is("endpoint"));
+        // Check whether uses is endpoint-grouping's child.
+        assertThat((grouping.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses firstUses = (YangUses) grouping.getChild();
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(firstUses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<YangNode> firstUsesChildren = firstUses.getUsesResolvedNodeList().listIterator();
+        YangNode firstUsesChild = firstUsesChildren.next();
+        // Check whether list is the sibling of uses.
+        assertThat((firstUsesChild instanceof YangList), is(true));
+        YangList yangList = (YangList) firstUsesChild;
+        assertThat(yangList.getName(), is("valid"));
+        leafIterator = yangList.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under list which has been deep copied from grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("invalid-interval"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("uint16"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.UINT16));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getUnits(), is("\"seconds\""));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getReference(), is("\"RFC 6020\""));
+        // Check whether container is the sibling of uses.
+        assertThat((firstUses.getNextSibling() instanceof YangContainer), is(true));
+        YangContainer yangContainer = (YangContainer) firstUses.getNextSibling();
+        // Check whether the container name is set correctly.
+        assertThat(yangContainer.getName(), is("design"));
+        // Check whether uses is design-container's child.
+        assertThat((yangContainer.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses secondUses = (YangUses) yangContainer.getChild();
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(secondUses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<List<YangLeaf>> leafIterator1 = secondUses.getUsesResolvedLeavesList().listIterator();
+        List<YangLeaf> leafInfo1 = leafIterator1.next();
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator2 = leafInfo1.listIterator();
+        YangLeaf leafInfo2 = leafIterator2.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under design-container.
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getName(), is("ink"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("int32"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo2.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.INT32));
+        // Check whether container is the sibling of uses.
+        assertThat((secondUses.getNextSibling() instanceof YangContainer), is(true));
+        YangContainer yangContainer2 = (YangContainer) secondUses.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(yangContainer2.getName(), is("correct"));
+        leafIterator = yangContainer2.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under correct-container.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("newone"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+        // Check whether uses is correct container's child.
+        assertThat((yangContainer2.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses thirdUses = (YangUses) yangContainer2.getChild();
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(thirdUses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<YangNode> thirdUsesChildren = thirdUses.getUsesResolvedNodeList().listIterator();
+        YangNode thirdUsesChild = thirdUsesChildren.next();
+        // Check whether container is the child of uses.
+        assertThat((thirdUsesChild instanceof YangContainer), is(true));
+        YangContainer yangContainer3 = (YangContainer) thirdUsesChild;
+        assertThat(yangContainer3.getName(), is("value"));
+        leafIterator = yangContainer3.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under container
+        // which has been deep copied from grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("zip-code"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+        // Check whether uses is the sibling of container-design.
+        assertThat((yangContainer.getNextSibling() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses fourthUses = (YangUses) yangContainer.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(fourthUses.getName(), is("fourth"));
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(fourthUses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<List<YangLeaf>> fourthUsesChildren = fourthUses.getUsesResolvedLeavesList().listIterator();
+        List<YangLeaf> fourthUsesChild = fourthUsesChildren.next();
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> fourthUsesChildren1 = fourthUsesChild.listIterator();
+        YangLeaf fourthUsesChild1 = fourthUsesChildren1.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under correct-container.
+        assertThat(fourthUsesChild1.getName(), is("correct"));
+        assertThat(fourthUsesChild1.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("my-type"));
+        assertThat(fourthUsesChild1.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.DERIVED));
+        // Check whether uses is the sibling of previous uses.
+        assertThat((fourthUses.getNextSibling() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses fifthUses = (YangUses) fourthUses.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(fifthUses.getName(), is("fifth"));
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(fifthUses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        ListIterator<List<YangLeaf>> fifthUsesChildren = fifthUses.getUsesResolvedLeavesList().listIterator();
+        List<YangLeaf> fifthUsesChild = fifthUsesChildren.next();
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> fifthUsesChildren1 = fifthUsesChild.listIterator();
+        YangLeaf fifthUsesChild1 = fifthUsesChildren1.next();
+        //Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under correct-container.
+        assertThat(fifthUsesChild1.getName(), is("abc"));
+        assertThat(fifthUsesChild1.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(fifthUsesChild1.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+        //Check whether uses is endpoint-grouping's sibling.
+        assertThat((grouping.getNextSibling() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses endpointUses = (YangUses) grouping.getNextSibling();
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        assertThat(endpointUses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        assertThat(endpointUses.getName(), is("endpoint"));
+        ListIterator<YangNode> endpointUsesUsesChildren = endpointUses.getUsesResolvedNodeList().listIterator();
+        YangNode endpointUsesUsesChild = endpointUsesUsesChildren.next();
+        // Check whether list is the sibling of uses.
+        assertThat((endpointUsesUsesChild instanceof YangList), is(true));
+        YangList yangList1 = (YangList) firstUsesChild;
+        assertThat(yangList1.getName(), is("valid"));
+        leafIterator = yangList1.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under list which has been deep copied from grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("invalid-interval"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("uint16"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.UINT16));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getUnits(), is("\"seconds\""));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getReference(), is("\"RFC 6020\""));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks the failure scenario when uses is present under the same node many times.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfResolutionGroupingHavingSameUsesManyTimes()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        thrown.expect(ParserException.class);
+        thrown.expectMessage(
+                "YANG file error: Duplicate input identifier detected, same as uses \"failure\"");
+        YangNode node = manager
+                .getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfResolutionGroupingHavingSameUsesManyTimes.yang");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks the rpc having both typedef and grouping.
+     * It also checks that the grouping under different nodes will not give any problem in resolving uses.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfResolutionRpcWithOneTypedefAndTwoGroupingUnderDifferentNode()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        YangNode node = manager
+                .getDataModel(
+                        "src/test/resources/SelfResolutionRpcWithOneTypedefAndTwoGroupingUnderDifferentNode.yang");
+        // Check whether the data model tree returned is of type module.
+        assertThat((node instanceof YangModule), is(true));
+        // Check whether the node type is set properly to module.
+        assertThat(node.getNodeType(), is(YangNodeType.MODULE_NODE));
+        // Check whether the module name is set correctly.
+        YangModule yangNode = (YangModule) node;
+        assertThat(yangNode.getName(), is("rock"));
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator;
+        YangLeaf leafInfo;
+        // Check whether grouping is the child of input.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getChild().getChild() instanceof YangGrouping), is(true));
+        YangGrouping groupingUnderInput = (YangGrouping) yangNode.getChild().getChild().getChild();
+        // Check whether the grouping name is set correctly.
+        assertThat(groupingUnderInput.getName(), is("creative"));
+        leafIterator = groupingUnderInput.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("carry"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+        // Check whether grouping is the child of output.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getChild().getNextSibling().getChild() instanceof YangGrouping), is(true));
+        YangGrouping grouping = (YangGrouping) yangNode.getChild().getChild().getNextSibling().getChild();
+        assertThat(grouping.getName(), is("creative"));
+        // Check whether typedef is the sibling of grouping.
+        assertThat((grouping.getNextSibling() instanceof YangTypeDef), is(true));
+        YangTypeDef typedef = (YangTypeDef) grouping.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(typedef.getName(), is("my-type"));
+        // Check whether uses is the sibling of typedef.
+        assertThat((typedef.getNextSibling() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        // Check whether uses get resolved.
+        YangUses uses = (YangUses) typedef.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(uses.getName(), is("creative"));
+        assertThat(uses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks the failure scenario when uses is cannot resolve its grouping.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfResolutionNestedGroupingWithUnresolvedUses()
+            throws IOException, LinkerException {
+        thrown.expect(LinkerException.class);
+        thrown.expectMessage(
+                "YANG file error: Unable to find base grouping for given uses");
+        YangNode node = manager
+                .getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfResolutionNestedGroupingWithUnresolvedUses.yang");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks self resolution when typedef hierarchical references are present
+     * with last type is unresolved.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfFileLinkingWithGroupingHierarchicalRefUnresolved()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        YangNode node = manager
+                .getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfFileLinkingWithGroupingHierarchicalRefUnresolved.yang");
+        // Check whether the data model tree returned is of type module.
+        assertThat((node instanceof YangModule), is(true));
+        // Check whether the node type is set properly to module.
+        assertThat(node.getNodeType(), is(YangNodeType.MODULE_NODE));
+        // Check whether the module name is set correctly.
+        YangModule yangNode = (YangModule) node;
+        assertThat(yangNode.getName(), is("Test"));
+        // Check whether container is the sibling of grouping.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild().getNextSibling() instanceof YangContainer), is(true));
+        YangContainer containerWithUses = (YangContainer) yangNode.getChild().getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(containerWithUses.getName(), is("test"));
+        // Check whether uses is the child of container.
+        assertThat((containerWithUses.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses uses = (YangUses) containerWithUses.getChild();
+        assertThat(uses.getName(), is("create"));
+        // Check whether uses is getting resolved.
+        assertThat(uses.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        // Check whether grouping is the child of module.
+        assertThat((yangNode.getChild() instanceof YangGrouping), is(true));
+        YangGrouping groupingWithUses = (YangGrouping) yangNode.getChild();
+        assertThat(groupingWithUses.getName(), is("create"));
+        // Check whether uses with prefix from from other file, is the child of grouping.
+        assertThat((groupingWithUses.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses uses1 = (YangUses) groupingWithUses.getChild();
+        assertThat(uses1.getName(), is("valid"));
+        // Check whether this uses is getting intra-file-resolved.
+        assertThat(uses1.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.INTRA_FILE_RESOLVED));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks self resolution when uses has prefix of self module.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfFileLinkingWithGroupingWithSelfModulePrefix()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        YangNode node = manager.getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfFileLinkingWithGroupingWithSelfModulePrefix.yang");
+        // Check whether the data model tree returned is of type module.
+        assertThat((node instanceof YangModule), is(true));
+        // Check whether the node type is set properly to module.
+        assertThat(node.getNodeType(), is(YangNodeType.MODULE_NODE));
+        // Check whether the module name is set correctly.
+        YangModule yangNode = (YangModule) node;
+        assertThat(yangNode.getName(), is("Test"));
+        // Check whether container is the sibling of grouping.
+        YangContainer yangContainer = (YangContainer) node.getChild().getNextSibling();
+        // Check whether list is the child of container.
+        YangList yangList = (YangList) yangContainer.getChild();
+        // Check whether uses is the child of list.
+        assertThat((yangList.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses yangUses1 = (YangUses) yangList.getChild();
+        assertThat(yangUses1.getName(), is("FirstClass"));
+        // Check whether uses is getting resolved.
+        assertThat(yangUses1.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        // Check whether grouping is the sibling of uses.
+        YangGrouping yangGrouping1 = (YangGrouping) yangUses1.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(yangGrouping1.getName(), is("FirstClass"));
+        // Check whether uses is the child of grouping.
+        YangUses yangUses2 = (YangUses) yangGrouping1.getChild();
+        assertThat(yangUses2.getName(), is("PassingClass"));
+        // Check the uses gets resolved.
+        assertThat(yangUses2.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        // Check whether grouping is the sibling of list.
+        YangGrouping yangGrouping2 = (YangGrouping) yangList.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(yangGrouping2.getName(), is("PassingClass"));
+        // Check uses is the child of that grouping which has prefix of the same module.
+        YangUses yangUses3 = (YangUses) yangGrouping2.getChild();
+        assertThat(yangUses3.getName(), is("Percentage"));
+        // Check uses is getting resolved.
+        assertThat(yangUses3.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        // Check grouping is the child of module.
+        YangGrouping yangGrouping3 = (YangGrouping) node.getChild();
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator;
+        YangLeaf leafInfo;
+        leafIterator = yangGrouping3.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("hello"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks self resolution when some type uses prefix of self module
+     * some uses external prefix.
+     */
+    @Test
+    public void processSelfFileLinkingWithGroupingWithSelfAndExternalPrefixMix()
+            throws IOException, ParserException {
+        YangNode node = manager
+                .getDataModel("src/test/resources/SelfFileLinkingWithGroupingWithSelfAndExternalPrefixMix.yang");
+        // Check whether the data model tree returned is of type module.
+        assertThat((node instanceof YangModule), is(true));
+        // Check whether the node type is set properly to module.
+        assertThat(node.getNodeType(), is(YangNodeType.MODULE_NODE));
+        // Check whether the module name is set correctly.
+        YangModule yangNode = (YangModule) node;
+        assertThat(yangNode.getName(), is("Test"));
+        // Check whether container is the sibling of grouping.
+        YangContainer yangContainer = (YangContainer) node.getChild().getNextSibling();
+        // Check whether list is the child of container.
+        YangList yangList = (YangList) yangContainer.getChild();
+        // Check whether uses is the child of list.
+        assertThat((yangList.getChild() instanceof YangUses), is(true));
+        YangUses yangUses1 = (YangUses) yangList.getChild();
+        assertThat(yangUses1.getName(), is("FirstClass"));
+        // Check whether uses is getting resolved.
+        assertThat(yangUses1.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        // Check whether grouping is the sibling of uses.
+        YangGrouping yangGrouping1 = (YangGrouping) yangUses1.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(yangGrouping1.getName(), is("FirstClass"));
+        // Check whether uses is the child of grouping which has prefix from other module.
+        YangUses yangUses2 = (YangUses) yangGrouping1.getChild();
+        assertThat(yangUses2.getName(), is("PassingClass"));
+        // Check whether uses gets intra-file-resolved.
+        assertThat(yangUses2.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.INTRA_FILE_RESOLVED));
+        // Check whether grouping is the sibling of list.
+        YangGrouping yangGrouping2 = (YangGrouping) yangList.getNextSibling();
+        assertThat(yangGrouping2.getName(), is("PassingClass"));
+        // Check uses is the child of that grouping which has prefix of the same module.
+        YangUses yangUses3 = (YangUses) yangGrouping2.getChild();
+        assertThat(yangUses3.getName(), is("Percentage"));
+        // Check uses is getting resolved.
+        assertThat(yangUses3.getResolvableStatus(),
+                is(ResolvableStatus.RESOLVED));
+        // Check grouping is the child of module.
+        YangGrouping yangGrouping3 = (YangGrouping) node.getChild();
+        ListIterator<YangLeaf> leafIterator;
+        YangLeaf leafInfo;
+        leafIterator = yangGrouping3.getListOfLeaf().listIterator();
+        leafInfo = leafIterator.next();
+        // Check whether the information in the leaf is correct under grouping.
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getName(), is("hello"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataTypeName(), is("string"));
+        assertThat(leafInfo.getDataType().getDataType(), is(YangDataTypes.STRING));
+    }