Allow sharing the same gRPC channel between clients

This change introduces a refactoring of the gRPC protocol subsystem that
allows the creation of a gRPC chanel independently of the client, while
allowing multiple clients to share the same channel (e.g. as in Stratum
where we use 3 clients).

Moreover, we refactor the P4RuntimeClient API to support multiple
P4Runtime-internal device ID using the same client. While before the
client was associated to one of such ID.

Finally, we provide an abstract implementation for gRPC-based driver
behaviors, reducing code duplication in P4Runtime, gNMI and gNOI drivers.

Change-Id: I1a46352bbbef1e0d24042f169ae8ba580202944f
diff --git a/protocols/grpc/BUILD b/protocols/grpc/BUILD
index f82e1f0..3dd1084 100644
--- a/protocols/grpc/BUILD
+++ b/protocols/grpc/BUILD
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 load("//tools/build/bazel:variables.bzl", "PROTOBUF_VERSION")
-    "//protocols/grpc/proto:onos-protocols-grpc-proto",
+    "//protocols/grpc/utils:onos-protocols-grpc-utils",
     # gRPC dependencies (with patched core)