Enabling opportunity to store in ONOS Flow Rules already installed on the device. This option should be activated via following Cli command: 'cfg set org.onosproject.net.flow.impl.FlowRuleManager allowExtraneousRules true'.
Change-Id: Ie603bff643d6d2aa16002c16861628e1417bd84d
(cherry picked from commit 3f56eb1ebd4bfde1eb364c193dc6e227aadf99e5)
diff --git a/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/OsgiPropertyConstants.java b/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/OsgiPropertyConstants.java
index bcf9d2f..fe6ac63 100644
--- a/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/OsgiPropertyConstants.java
+++ b/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/OsgiPropertyConstants.java
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
public static final String ALLOW_EXTRANEOUS_RULES = "allowExtraneousRules";
public static final boolean ALLOW_EXTRANEOUS_RULES_DEFAULT = false;
+ public static final String IMPORT_EXTRANEOUS_RULES = "importExtraneousRules";
+ public static final boolean IMPORT_EXTRANEOUS_RULES_DEFAULT = false;
public static final String PURGE_ON_DISCONNECTION = "purgeOnDisconnection";
public static final boolean PURGE_ON_DISCONNECTION_DEFAULT = false;
diff --git a/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/flow/impl/FlowRuleManager.java b/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/flow/impl/FlowRuleManager.java
index a35d7a7..bdc48ac 100644
--- a/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/flow/impl/FlowRuleManager.java
+++ b/core/net/src/main/java/org/onosproject/net/flow/impl/FlowRuleManager.java
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
import static org.onlab.util.Tools.groupedThreads;
import static org.onosproject.net.OsgiPropertyConstants.ALLOW_EXTRANEOUS_RULES;
import static org.onosproject.net.OsgiPropertyConstants.ALLOW_EXTRANEOUS_RULES_DEFAULT;
+import static org.onosproject.net.OsgiPropertyConstants.IMPORT_EXTRANEOUS_RULES;
+import static org.onosproject.net.OsgiPropertyConstants.IMPORT_EXTRANEOUS_RULES_DEFAULT;
import static org.onosproject.net.OsgiPropertyConstants.POLL_FREQUENCY;
import static org.onosproject.net.OsgiPropertyConstants.POLL_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT;
import static org.onosproject.net.OsgiPropertyConstants.PURGE_ON_DISCONNECTION;
@@ -97,20 +99,21 @@
* Provides implementation of the flow NB & SB APIs.
- immediate = true,
- service = {
- FlowRuleService.class,
- FlowRuleProviderRegistry.class
- },
- property = {
- }
+ immediate = true,
+ service = {
+ FlowRuleService.class,
+ FlowRuleProviderRegistry.class
+ },
+ property = {
+ }
public class FlowRuleManager
extends AbstractListenerProviderRegistry<FlowRuleEvent, FlowRuleListener,
- FlowRuleProvider, FlowRuleProviderService>
+ FlowRuleProvider, FlowRuleProviderService>
implements FlowRuleService, FlowRuleProviderRegistry {
private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass());
@@ -121,6 +124,9 @@
/** Allow flow rules in switch not installed by ONOS. */
private boolean allowExtraneousRules = ALLOW_EXTRANEOUS_RULES_DEFAULT;
+ /** Allow to import flow rules in switch not installed by ONOS. */
+ private boolean importExtraneousRules = IMPORT_EXTRANEOUS_RULES_DEFAULT;
/** Purge entries associated with a device when the device goes offline. */
private boolean purgeOnDisconnection = PURGE_ON_DISCONNECTION_DEFAULT;
@@ -189,7 +195,7 @@
driverProvider.init(new InternalFlowRuleProviderService(driverProvider),
- deviceService, mastershipService, fallbackFlowPollFrequency);
+ deviceService, mastershipService, fallbackFlowPollFrequency);
@@ -209,21 +215,31 @@
flag = Tools.isPropertyEnabled(properties, ALLOW_EXTRANEOUS_RULES);
if (flag == null) {
log.info("AllowExtraneousRules is not configured, " +
- "using current value of {}", allowExtraneousRules);
+ "using current value of {}", allowExtraneousRules);
} else {
allowExtraneousRules = flag;
log.info("Configured. AllowExtraneousRules is {}",
- allowExtraneousRules ? "enabled" : "disabled");
+ allowExtraneousRules ? "enabled" : "disabled");
+ }
+ flag = Tools.isPropertyEnabled(properties, IMPORT_EXTRANEOUS_RULES);
+ if (flag == null) {
+ log.info("ImportExtraneousRules is not configured, " +
+ "using current value of {}", importExtraneousRules);
+ } else {
+ importExtraneousRules = flag;
+ log.info("Configured. importExtraneousRules is {}",
+ importExtraneousRules ? "enabled" : "disabled");
flag = Tools.isPropertyEnabled(properties, PURGE_ON_DISCONNECTION);
if (flag == null) {
log.info("PurgeOnDisconnection is not configured, " +
- "using current value of {}", purgeOnDisconnection);
+ "using current value of {}", purgeOnDisconnection);
} else {
purgeOnDisconnection = flag;
log.info("Configured. PurgeOnDisconnection is {}",
- purgeOnDisconnection ? "enabled" : "disabled");
+ purgeOnDisconnection ? "enabled" : "disabled");
String s = get(properties, POLL_FREQUENCY);
@@ -374,9 +390,9 @@
// if device supports FlowRuleProgrammable,
// use FlowRuleProgrammable via FlowRuleDriverProvider
return Optional.ofNullable(deviceService.getDevice(deviceId))
- .filter(dev -> dev.is(FlowRuleProgrammable.class))
- .<FlowRuleProvider>map(x -> driverProvider)
- .orElseGet(() -> super.getProvider(deviceId));
+ .filter(dev -> dev.is(FlowRuleProgrammable.class))
+ .<FlowRuleProvider>map(x -> driverProvider)
+ .orElseGet(() -> super.getProvider(deviceId));
private class InternalFlowRuleProviderService
@@ -567,6 +583,8 @@
// the device has a rule the store does not have
if (!allowExtraneousRules) {
+ } else if (importExtraneousRules) { // Stores the rule, if so is indicated
+ store.addOrUpdateFlowRule(rule);
} catch (Exception e) {
@@ -599,7 +617,7 @@
public void pushTableStatistics(DeviceId deviceId,
- List<TableStatisticsEntry> tableStats) {
+ List<TableStatisticsEntry> tableStats) {
store.updateTableStatistics(deviceId, tableStats);
@@ -614,54 +632,54 @@
public void notify(FlowRuleBatchEvent event) {
final FlowRuleBatchRequest request = event.subject();
switch (event.type()) {
- // Request has been forwarded to MASTER Node, and was
- request.ops().forEach(
- op -> {
- switch (op.operator()) {
- case ADD:
- post(new FlowRuleEvent(RULE_ADD_REQUESTED, op.target()));
- break;
- case REMOVE:
- post(new FlowRuleEvent(RULE_REMOVE_REQUESTED, op.target()));
- break;
- case MODIFY:
- //TODO: do something here when the time comes.
- break;
- default:
- log.warn("Unknown flow operation operator: {}", op.operator());
+ // Request has been forwarded to MASTER Node, and was
+ request.ops().forEach(
+ op -> {
+ switch (op.operator()) {
+ case ADD:
+ post(new FlowRuleEvent(RULE_ADD_REQUESTED, op.target()));
+ break;
+ case REMOVE:
+ post(new FlowRuleEvent(RULE_REMOVE_REQUESTED, op.target()));
+ break;
+ case MODIFY:
+ //TODO: do something here when the time comes.
+ break;
+ default:
+ log.warn("Unknown flow operation operator: {}", op.operator());
+ }
- }
- );
+ );
- DeviceId deviceId = event.deviceId();
- FlowRuleBatchOperation batchOperation = request.asBatchOperation(deviceId);
- // getProvider is customized to favor driverProvider
- FlowRuleProvider flowRuleProvider = getProvider(deviceId);
- if (flowRuleProvider != null) {
- log.trace("Sending {} flow rules to {}", batchOperation.size(), deviceId);
- flowRuleProvider.executeBatch(batchOperation);
- }
- break;
- // Operation completed, let's retrieve the processor and trigger the callback
- FlowOperationsProcessor fops = pendingFlowOperations.remove(
- event.subject().batchId());
- if (fops != null) {
- if (event.result().isSuccess()) {
- fops.satisfy(event.deviceId());
- } else {
- fops.fail(event.deviceId(), event.result().failedItems());
+ DeviceId deviceId = event.deviceId();
+ FlowRuleBatchOperation batchOperation = request.asBatchOperation(deviceId);
+ // getProvider is customized to favor driverProvider
+ FlowRuleProvider flowRuleProvider = getProvider(deviceId);
+ if (flowRuleProvider != null) {
+ log.trace("Sending {} flow rules to {}", batchOperation.size(), deviceId);
+ flowRuleProvider.executeBatch(batchOperation);
- } else {
- log.warn("Unable to find flow operations processor for batch: {}", event.subject().batchId());
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ break;
+ // Operation completed, let's retrieve the processor and trigger the callback
+ FlowOperationsProcessor fops = pendingFlowOperations.remove(
+ event.subject().batchId());
+ if (fops != null) {
+ if (event.result().isSuccess()) {
+ fops.satisfy(event.deviceId());
+ } else {
+ fops.fail(event.deviceId(), event.result().failedItems());
+ }
+ } else {
+ log.warn("Unable to find flow operations processor for batch: {}", event.subject().batchId());
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
@@ -707,14 +725,14 @@
for (FlowRuleOperation op : ops) {
- new FlowRuleBatchEntry(mapOperationType(op.type()), op.rule()));
+ new FlowRuleBatchEntry(mapOperationType(op.type()), op.rule()));
for (DeviceId deviceId : perDeviceBatches.keySet()) {
long id = idGenerator.getNewId();
final FlowRuleBatchOperation b = new FlowRuleBatchOperation(perDeviceBatches.get(deviceId),
- deviceId, id);
+ deviceId, id);
pendingFlowOperations.put(id, this);
deviceInstallers.execute(() -> store.storeBatch(b));