[Hummingbird - ONOS4647] Check for the standard l3vpn yang

Change-Id: I3008b9da2ed61c8902789abd064b8f77dfa73245
(cherry picked from commit f6e6037b564061bf7e39956f1e5109ba21d1fe99)
diff --git a/utils/yangutils/src/test/resources/ietfyang/l3vpnservice/ietf-sd-onos-service-l3vpn.yang b/utils/yangutils/src/test/resources/ietfyang/l3vpnservice/ietf-sd-onos-service-l3vpn.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b55f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/yangutils/src/test/resources/ietfyang/l3vpnservice/ietf-sd-onos-service-l3vpn.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+   module ietf-sd-onos-service-l3vpn {
+     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-sd-onos-service-l3vpn";
+     prefix l3vpn ;
+     /*
+     import ietf-inet-types{
+       prefix inet;
+     }
+     import ietf-yang-types {
+       prefix yang-types;
+     }
+     */
+     import ietf-sd-onos-service-types {
+       prefix service-types;
+     }
+     import ietf-sd-onos-common-types {
+       prefix types;
+     }
+     organization "";
+     contact "";
+     description
+       "L3vpn configuration model in ONOS.";
+     revision "2015-12-16" {
+       reference "";
+     }
+      grouping l3vpn {
+       description
+         "The configuration module of l3 vpn.";
+       leaf name {
+         type string ;
+         mandatory true;
+         description "name of snc eline." ;
+       }
+       leaf id {
+         type uint32 ;
+         mandatory true;
+         description "ID of snc eline." ;
+       }
+       leaf user-label {
+         type string ;
+         description "user label of snc eline." ;
+       }
+       leaf parent-ncd-id {
+         type string ;
+         description "parent ncd id." ;
+       }
+       leaf admin-status {
+         type types:admin-status;
+         description "administration status." ;
+       }
+       leaf operate-status {
+         type types:operate-status;
+         description "operation status." ;
+       }
+       uses service-type-grouping;
+       container acess-information {
+              description "access information of the l3 vpn." ;
+           uses service-types:l3-ac;        }
+       container protect-policy{
+         description "L3VPN Service protect policy." ;
+         uses service-types:protect-policy;
+       }
+       container tunnel-service {
+         description "tunnel service." ;
+         uses service-types:tunnel-service;
+       }
+     }
+     grouping service-type-grouping {
+       description "Basic service type" ;
+       leaf service-topology {
+         type enumeration {
+           enum full-mesh {
+             value 1 ;
+             description "full-mesh." ;
+           }
+           enum hub-spoke {
+             value 2 ;
+             description "hub-spoke." ;
+           }
+         }
+         default full-mesh;
+         description "service topology type." ;
+       }
+     }
+     container service {
+       description
+         "Root level of L3vpn service module.";
+       container l3vpn-cfg {
+         description
+           "L3vpn configuration model in ONOS.";
+         list vpn-cfg {
+           key name;
+           description
+             "vpn configuration parameter list.";
+           uses l3vpn;
+         }
+       }
+       container service-paths {
+         description
+           "The service path of the l3 vpn.";
+       }
+     }
+     rpc create-l3vpn-instance {
+       description "Create l3vpn instance." ;
+       input {
+         container l3vpn-instance {
+           description "Create l3vpn instance." ;
+           uses l3vpn;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     rpc delete-l3vpn-instance {
+       description "Delete l3vpn instance." ;
+       input {
+         leaf l3vpn-id {
+           type string;
+           description "vpn id." ;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     rpc close-l3vpn {
+     description "Close l3vpn." ;
+         input {
+             leaf l3vpn-id {
+                 type string;
+           description "vpn id." ;
+             }
+             container ac-status {
+           description "Access status of the vpn." ;
+                 list acs{
+                     key "id";
+             description "Access information." ;
+                     leaf id {
+                         type string;
+               description "Access id." ;
+                     }
+                     leaf admin-status {
+                         type types:admin-status;
+               description "Administration status." ;
+                     }
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     rpc modify-l3vpn-instance-basic {
+       description "Modify l3vpn instance basic information." ;
+       input {
+         leaf l3vpn-id {
+           type string;
+           description "vpn id." ;
+         }
+         leaf user-label {
+           type string ;
+           description "user label." ;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     rpc modify-l3vpn-instance-ac-qos {
+       description "Modify l3vpn instance ac qos information." ;
+       input {
+         leaf l3vpn-id {
+           type string;
+           description "L3vpn ID." ;
+         }
+         container ac-qos {
+           description "ac qos information." ;
+           list acs{
+           key "id";
+           description "acs list." ;
+                 leaf id {
+                   type string;
+                   description "acs ID." ;
+               }
+               container qos-policy {
+             description "qos policy." ;
+                   container qos-if-cars {
+               description "cars qos policy." ;
+                          uses service-types:qos-if-car;
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     rpc modify-l3vpn-instance-connection {
+       description "Modify a l3vpn connection." ;
+       input {
+         leaf l3vpn-id {
+           type string;
+           description "L3vpn ID." ;
+         }
+         container ac-connection {
+           description "ac connection." ;
+           list acs{
+             key "id";
+             description "acs ID." ;
+             leaf id {
+               type string ;
+               description "acs ID." ;
+             }
+             container connection {
+               description "CE to PE  connection." ;
+               uses service-types:connection;
+             }
+           }
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     rpc inquire-l3vpn-instance-work-path {
+       description "Inquire a L3VPN instance work path." ;
+        input {
+              leaf service-id {
+                type string;
+             description "service ID." ;
+              }
+               leaf ingress-ne-id {
+                 type string ;
+              description "ingress network element ID." ;
+               }
+               leaf destination-ne-id {
+                 type string ;
+              description "destination network element ID." ;
+               }
+               leaf ingress-ac-id {
+                 type string ;
+              description "ingress ac ID." ;
+               }
+               leaf destination-ac-id {
+                 type string ;
+              description "destination ac ID." ;
+               }
+               leaf path-layer {
+                  type string ;
+               description "path layer." ;
+               }
+               leaf path-role {
+                  type string ;
+             description "path role." ;
+               }
+       }
+       output {
+           container service-path {
+            description "service path." ;
+              leaf service-id {
+                type string;
+             description "service ID." ;
+              }
+               leaf ingress-ne-id {
+                 type string ;
+              description "ingress network element ID." ;
+               }
+               leaf destination-ne-id {
+                 type string ;
+               description "destination network element ID." ;
+               }
+               leaf ingress-ac-id {
+                 type string ;
+              description "ingress access circuit ID." ;
+               }
+               leaf destination-ac-id {
+                 type string ;
+              description "destination access circuit ID." ;
+               }
+               leaf path-layer {
+                  type string ;
+               description "path layer." ;
+               }
+               leaf path-role {
+                  type string ;
+               description "path role." ;
+               }
+               list path-list {
+                   key "ne-id";
+             description "path list." ;
+                   leaf ne-id {
+                      type string;
+              description "network element ID." ;
+                   }
+                   leaf ingress-ltp-id {
+                      type string;
+              description "LTP ID." ;
+                   }
+                   leaf backward-peer-id {
+                      type string;
+              description "backward peer ID." ;
+                   }
+                   leaf egress-ltp-id {
+                      type string;
+              description "egress ltp ID." ;
+                   }
+                   leaf forward-peer-id {
+                      type string;
+              description "forward peer ID." ;
+                   }
+               }
+             }
+       }
+     }
+   }