[ONOS-3203] End-to-end demo of Fault Management via SNMP.

This adds SNMP device-discovery, and a Fault Management app which makes alarms available to users via REST/GUI/CLI interfaces.
There is still code cleanup that could be done, but aim of this commit is an end-to-end proof of concept.

To demonstrate :

1) /opt/onos/bin/onos-service
onos> app activate org.onosproject.snmp
onos> app activate org.onosproject.faultmanagement

2) SNMP devices are seeded via config file. The default seed file contains connection details for devices (SNMP agents) available via internet  e.g. demo.snmplabs.com
cp /opt/onos/apache-karaf-3.0.3/etc/samples/org.onosproject.provider.snmp.device.impl.SnmpDeviceProvider.cfg   /opt/onos/apache-karaf-3.0.3/etc/

3) ONOS will poll these SNMP devices and store their alarms.

4) You can now manipulate the alarms via REST  e.g. http://<onos>:8181/onos/v1/fm/alarms , via CLI  via various "alarm-*” commands or in UI with an Alarms Overlay.

More info at https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Fault+Management

15/Dec/15: Updated regarding review comments from Thomas Vachuska.
17/Dec/15: Updated coreService.registerApplication(name) as per https://gerrit.onosproject.org/#/c/6878/

Change-Id: I886f8511f178dc4600ab96e5ff10cc90329cabec
diff --git a/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTopov/alarmTopovOverlay.js b/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTopov/alarmTopovOverlay.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ebda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/faultmanagement/fmgui/src/main/resources/app/view/alarmTopov/alarmTopovOverlay.js
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// alarm topology overlay - client side
+// This is the glue that binds our business logic (in alarmTopovDemo.js)
+// to the overlay framework.
+(function () {
+    'use strict';
+    // injected refs
+    var $log, tov, stds, ns;
+    // internal state should be kept in the service module (not here)
+    // our overlay definition
+    var overlay = {
+        // NOTE: this must match the ID defined in AppUiTopovOverlay
+        overlayId: 'alarmsTopo-overlay',
+        glyphId: '*star4',
+        tooltip: 'Alarms Overlay',
+        // These glyphs get installed using the overlayId as a prefix.
+        // e.g. 'star4' is installed as 'alarmsTopo-overlay-star4'
+        // They can be referenced (from this overlay) as '*star4'
+        // That is, the '*' prefix stands in for 'alarmsTopo-overlay-'
+        glyphs: {
+            star4: {
+                vb: '0 0 8 8',
+                // TODO new icon needed
+                d: 'M1,4l2,-1l1,-2l1,2l2,1l-2,1l-1,2l-1,-2z'
+            },
+            banner: {
+                vb: '0 0 6 6',
+                // TODO new icon needed
+                d: 'M1,1v4l2,-2l2,2v-4z'
+            }
+        },
+        activate: function () {
+            $log.debug("Alarm topology overlay ACTIVATED");
+        },
+        deactivate: function () {
+            stds.stopDisplay();
+            $log.debug("Alarm topology overlay DEACTIVATED");
+        },
+        // detail panel button definitions
+        buttons: {
+            alarm1button: {
+                gid: 'chain',
+                tt: 'Show alarms for this device',
+                cb: function (data) {
+                    $log.debug('Show alarms for selected device. data:', data);
+                    ns.navTo("alarmTable", {devId: data.id});
+                }
+            },
+            alarm2button: {
+                gid: '*banner',
+                tt: 'Show alarms for all devices',
+                cb: function (data) {
+                    $log.debug('Show alarms for all devices. data:', data);
+                    ns.navTo("alarmTable");
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        // Key bindings for traffic overlay buttons
+        // NOTE: fully qual. button ID is derived from overlay-id and key-name
+        keyBindings: {
+            0: {
+                cb: function () {
+                    stds.stopDisplay();
+                },
+                tt: 'Cancel Alarm Count on Device',
+                gid: 'xMark'
+            },
+            V: {
+                cb: function () {
+                    stds.startDisplay('mouse');
+                },
+                tt: 'Start Alarm Count on Device',
+                gid: '*banner'
+            },
+            _keyOrder: [
+                '0', 'V'
+            ]
+        },
+        hooks: {
+            // hook for handling escape key
+            // Must return true to consume ESC, false otherwise.
+            escape: function () {
+                // Must return true to consume ESC, false otherwise.
+                return stds.stopDisplay();
+            },
+            // hooks for when the selection changes...
+            empty: function () {
+                selectionCallback('empty');
+            },
+            single: function (data) {
+                selectionCallback('single', data);
+            },
+            multi: function (selectOrder) {
+                selectionCallback('multi', selectOrder);
+                tov.addDetailButton('alarm1button');
+                tov.addDetailButton('alarm2button');
+            },
+            mouseover: function (m) {
+                // m has id, class, and type properties
+                $log.debug('mouseover:', m);
+                stds.updateDisplay(m);
+            },
+            mouseout: function () {
+                $log.debug('mouseout');
+                stds.updateDisplay();
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    function buttonCallback(x) {
+        $log.debug('Toolbar-button callback', x);
+    }
+    function selectionCallback(x, d) {
+        $log.debug('Selection callback', x, d);
+    }
+    // invoke code to register with the overlay service
+    angular.module('ovAlarmTopov')
+            .run(['$log', 'TopoOverlayService', 'AlarmTopovDemoService', 'NavService',
+                function (_$log_, _tov_, _stds_, _ns_) {
+                    $log = _$log_;
+                    tov = _tov_;
+                    stds = _stds_;
+                    ns = _ns_;
+                    tov.register(overlay);
+                }]);