Adding tool to repair the state of an STC cell slave.
Change-Id: Iaaac4432f750445a72f73d90f4280d774424da6e
(cherry picked from commit 45197709f32c2c0f6f5ca695053f89f2e3013f32)
diff --git a/tools/test/bin/stc-cell-repair b/tools/test/bin/stc-cell-repair
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad91eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/bin/stc-cell-repair
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Utility to repair cell slave by destroying all cell-related containers and
+# by cancelling all cell reservations hosted by that slave. Intended for use
+# after the cell slave has been rebooted as a result of some H/W or OS issues.
+[ -z "$slave" -o "$slave" = "-h" -o "$slave" = "-?" ] \
+ && echo "usage: $(basename $0) slaveIp" && exit 1
+# Destroy all cell-related containers on the specified slave; do not touch
+# the base-* template images though.
+ssh sdn@$slave "
+ containers=\$(sudo lxc-ls --fancy | grep -E '[a-z]*-[0-9n]' | cut -d\ -f1)
+ for c in \$containers; do
+ sudo lxc-stop -n \$c
+ sudo lxc-destroy -n \$c
+ done
+# Cancel all reservations hosted on the specified slave
+# Also, kill any warden spawned processes
+ssh sdn@$CELL_WARDEN "
+ cells=\$(grep -l $slave warden/cells/supported/* | xargs -n1 basename)
+ for c in \$cells; do
+ [ -f warden/cells/reserved/\$c ] && rm warden/cells/reserved/\$c
+ done
+ pids=\$(ps -ef | grep warden | grep -Ev 'grep|java' | cut -c10-15)
+ [ -n \"\$pids\" ] && kill -9 \$pids