Working on IO loop stuff.
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index 0000000..91fc0d7
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+++ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+package org.onlab.nio;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import static java.util.concurrent.Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor;
+import static;
+import static org.onlab.util.Tools.namedThreads;
+ * Base class for various NIO loop unit tests.
+ */
+public abstract class AbstractLoopTest {
+    protected static final long MAX_MS_WAIT = 500;
+    /** Block on specified countdown latch. Return when countdown reaches
+     * zero, or fail the test if the {@value #MAX_MS_WAIT} ms timeout expires.
+     *
+     * @param latch the latch
+     * @param label an identifying label
+     */
+    protected void waitForLatch(CountDownLatch latch, String label) {
+        try {
+            boolean ok = latch.await(MAX_MS_WAIT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
+            if (!ok) {
+                fail("Latch await timeout! [" + label + "]");
+            }
+        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+            System.out.println("Latch interrupt [" + label + "] : " + e);
+            fail("Unexpected interrupt");
+        }
+    }
+    protected ExecutorService exec;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() {
+        exec = newSingleThreadExecutor(namedThreads("test"));
+    }
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+package org.onlab.nio;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
+import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.onlab.junit.TestTools.delay;
+ * Unit tests for AcceptLoop.
+ */
+public class AcceptorLoopTest extends AbstractLoopTest {
+    private static final int PORT = 9876;
+    private static final SocketAddress SOCK_ADDR = new InetSocketAddress("", PORT);
+    private static class MyAcceptLoop extends AcceptorLoop {
+        private final CountDownLatch loopStarted = new CountDownLatch(1);
+        private final CountDownLatch loopFinished = new CountDownLatch(1);
+        private final CountDownLatch runDone = new CountDownLatch(1);
+        private final CountDownLatch ceaseLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
+        private int acceptCount = 0;
+        MyAcceptLoop() throws IOException {
+            super(500, SOCK_ADDR);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void acceptConnection(ServerSocketChannel ssc) throws IOException {
+            acceptCount++;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void loop() throws IOException {
+            loopStarted.countDown();
+            super.loop();
+            loopFinished.countDown();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void run() {
+  ;
+            runDone.countDown();
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void shutdown() {
+            super.shutdown();
+            ceaseLatch.countDown();
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+//    @Ignore("Doesn't shut down the socket")
+    public void basic() throws IOException {
+        MyAcceptLoop myAccLoop = new MyAcceptLoop();
+        AcceptorLoop accLoop = myAccLoop;
+        exec.execute(accLoop);
+        waitForLatch(myAccLoop.loopStarted, "loopStarted");
+        delay(200); // take a quick nap
+        accLoop.shutdown();
+        waitForLatch(myAccLoop.loopFinished, "loopFinished");
+        waitForLatch(myAccLoop.runDone, "runDone");
+        assertEquals(0, myAccLoop.acceptCount);
+    }
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@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+package org.onlab.nio;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.text.DecimalFormat;
+import java.util.Random;
+import static org.onlab.junit.TestTools.delay;
+ * Integration test for the select, accept and IO loops.
+ */
+public class IOLoopIntegrationTest {
+    private static final int MILLION = 1000000;
+    private static final int TIMEOUT = 60;
+    private static final int THREADS = 6;
+    private static final int MSG_COUNT = 20 * MILLION;
+    private static final int MSG_SIZE = 128;
+    private static final long MIN_MPS = 10 * MILLION;
+    @Before
+    public void warmUp() throws Exception {
+        try {
+            run(MILLION, MSG_SIZE, 15, 0);
+        } catch (Throwable e) {
+            System.err.println("Failed warmup but moving on.");
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    @Ignore
+    @Test
+    public void basic() throws Exception {
+    }
+    private void run(int count, int size, int timeout, double mps) throws Exception {
+        DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#,##0");
+        System.out.print(f.format(count * THREADS) +
+                                 (mps > 0.0 ? " messages: " : " message warm-up: "));
+        // Setup the test on a random port to avoid intermittent test failures
+        // due to the port being already bound.
+        int port = StandaloneSpeedServer.PORT + new Random().nextInt(100);
+        InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress();
+        StandaloneSpeedServer sss = new StandaloneSpeedServer(ip, THREADS, size, port);
+        StandaloneSpeedClient ssc = new StandaloneSpeedClient(ip, THREADS, count, size, port);
+        sss.start();
+        ssc.start();
+        delay(250);       // give the server and client a chance to go
+        ssc.await(timeout);
+        delay(1000);
+        sss.stop();
+        // Note that the client and server will have potentially significantly
+        // differing rates. This is due to the wide variance in how tightly
+        // the throughput tracking starts & stops relative to to the short
+        // test duration.
+//        System.out.println(f.format(ssc.messages.throughput()) + " mps");
+//        // Make sure client sent everything.
+//        assertEquals("incorrect client message count sent",
+//                     (long) count * THREADS,;
+//        assertEquals("incorrect client bytes count sent",
+//                     (long) size * count * THREADS,;
+//        // Make sure server received everything.
+//        assertEquals("incorrect server message count received",
+//                     (long) count * THREADS,;
+//        assertEquals("incorrect server bytes count received",
+//                     (long) size * count * THREADS,;
+//        // Make sure speeds were reasonable.
+//        if (mps > 0.0) {
+//            assertAboveThreshold("insufficient client speed", mps,
+//                                 ssc.messages.throughput());
+//            assertAboveThreshold("insufficient server speed", mps / 2,
+//                                 sss.messages.throughput());
+//        }
+    }
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index 0000000..f0f896f
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+++ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+package org.onlab.nio;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
+import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
+import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel;
+import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
+import java.nio.channels.Selector;
+import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+ * Tests of the message message stream implementation.
+ */
+public class MessageStreamTest {
+    private static final int LENGTH = 16;
+    private static final TestMessage TM1 = new TestMessage(LENGTH);
+    private static final TestMessage TM2 = new TestMessage(LENGTH);
+    private static final TestMessage TM3 = new TestMessage(LENGTH);
+    private static final TestMessage TM4 = new TestMessage(LENGTH);
+    private static final int BIG_SIZE = 32 * 1024;
+    private static final TestMessage BIG_MESSAGE = new TestMessage(BIG_SIZE);
+    private static enum WritePending {
+        ON, OFF;
+        public boolean on() {
+            return this == ON;
+        }
+    }
+    private static enum FlushRequired {
+        ON, OFF;
+        public boolean on() {
+            return this == ON;
+        }
+    }
+    private FakeIOLoop loop;
+    private TestByteChannel channel;
+    private TestMessageStream buffer;
+    private TestKey key;
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws IOException {
+        loop = new FakeIOLoop();
+        channel = new TestByteChannel();
+        key = new TestKey(channel);
+        buffer = loop.createStream(channel);
+        buffer.setKey(key);
+    }
+    @After
+    public void tearDown() {
+        loop.shutdown();
+        buffer.close();
+    }
+    // Check state of the message buffer
+    private void assertState(WritePending wp, FlushRequired fr,
+                             int read, int written) {
+        assertEquals(wp.on(), buffer.isWritePending());
+//        assertEquals(fr.on(), buffer.requiresFlush());
+        assertEquals(read, channel.readBytes);
+        assertEquals(written, channel.writtenBytes);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void endOfStream() throws IOException {
+        channel.close();
+        List<TestMessage> messages =;
+        assertNull(messages);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void bufferGrowth() throws IOException {
+        // Create a buffer for big messages and test the growth.
+        buffer = new TestMessageStream(BIG_SIZE, channel, loop);
+        buffer.write(BIG_MESSAGE);
+        buffer.write(BIG_MESSAGE);
+        buffer.write(BIG_MESSAGE);
+        buffer.write(BIG_MESSAGE);
+        buffer.write(BIG_MESSAGE);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void discardBeforeKey() {
+        // Create a buffer that does not yet have the key set and discard it.
+        buffer = loop.createStream(channel);
+        assertNull(buffer.key());
+        buffer.close();
+        // There is not key, so nothing to check; we just expect no problem.
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void bufferedRead() throws IOException {
+        channel.bytesToRead = LENGTH + 4;
+        List<TestMessage> messages =;
+        assertEquals(1, messages.size());
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, LENGTH + 4, 0);
+        channel.bytesToRead = LENGTH - 4;
+        messages =;
+        assertEquals(1, messages.size());
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, LENGTH * 2, 0);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void bufferedWrite() throws IOException {
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, 0);
+        // First write is immediate...
+        buffer.write(TM1);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, LENGTH);
+        // Second and third get buffered...
+        buffer.write(TM2);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH);
+        buffer.write(TM3);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH);
+        // Reset write, which will flush if needed; the next write is again buffered
+        buffer.flushIfWriteNotPending();
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, LENGTH * 3);
+        buffer.write(TM4);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH * 3);
+        // Select reset, which will flush if needed; the next write is again buffered
+        buffer.flushIfPossible();
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, LENGTH * 4);
+        buffer.write(TM1);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH * 4);
+        buffer.flush();
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH * 4);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void bufferedWriteList() throws IOException {
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, 0);
+        // First write is immediate...
+        List<TestMessage> messages = new ArrayList<TestMessage>();
+        messages.add(TM1);
+        messages.add(TM2);
+        messages.add(TM3);
+        messages.add(TM4);
+        buffer.write(messages);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, LENGTH * 4);
+        buffer.write(messages);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH * 4);
+        buffer.flushIfPossible();
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, LENGTH * 8);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void bufferedPartialWrite() throws IOException {
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, 0);
+        // First write is immediate...
+        buffer.write(TM1);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, LENGTH);
+        // Tell test channel to accept only half.
+        channel.bytesToWrite = LENGTH / 2;
+        // Second and third get buffered...
+        buffer.write(TM2);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH);
+        buffer.flushIfPossible();
+        assertState(WritePending.ON, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH + LENGTH / 2);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void bufferedPartialWrite2() throws IOException {
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, 0);
+        // First write is immediate...
+        buffer.write(TM1);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, 0, LENGTH);
+        // Tell test channel to accept only half.
+        channel.bytesToWrite = LENGTH / 2;
+        // Second and third get buffered...
+        buffer.write(TM2);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH);
+        buffer.flushIfWriteNotPending();
+        assertState(WritePending.ON, FlushRequired.ON, 0, LENGTH + LENGTH / 2);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void bufferedReadWrite() throws IOException {
+        channel.bytesToRead = LENGTH + 4;
+        List<TestMessage> messages =;
+        assertEquals(1, messages.size());
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, LENGTH + 4, 0);
+        buffer.write(TM1);
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, LENGTH + 4, LENGTH);
+        channel.bytesToRead = LENGTH - 4;
+        messages =;
+        assertEquals(1, messages.size());
+        assertState(WritePending.OFF, FlushRequired.OFF, LENGTH * 2, LENGTH);
+    }
+    // Fake IO driver loop
+    private static class FakeIOLoop extends IOLoop<TestMessage, TestMessageStream> {
+        public FakeIOLoop() throws IOException {
+            super(500);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected TestMessageStream createStream(ByteChannel channel) {
+            return new TestMessageStream(LENGTH, channel, this);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void processMessages(List<TestMessage> messages,
+                                       MessageStream<TestMessage> stream) {
+        }
+    }
+    // Byte channel test fixture
+    private static class TestByteChannel extends SelectableChannel implements ByteChannel {
+        private static final int BUFFER_LENGTH = 1024;
+        byte[] bytes = new byte[BUFFER_LENGTH];
+        int bytesToWrite = BUFFER_LENGTH;
+        int bytesToRead = BUFFER_LENGTH;
+        int writtenBytes = 0;
+        int readBytes = 0;
+        @Override
+        public int read(ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException {
+            int l = Math.min(dst.remaining(), bytesToRead);
+            if (bytesToRead > 0) {
+                readBytes += l;
+                dst.put(bytes, 0, l);
+            }
+            return l;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException {
+            int l = Math.min(src.remaining(), bytesToWrite);
+            writtenBytes += l;
+            src.get(bytes, 0, l);
+            return l;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public Object blockingLock() {
+            return null;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public SelectableChannel configureBlocking(boolean arg0) throws IOException {
+            return null;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean isBlocking() {
+            return false;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean isRegistered() {
+            return false;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public SelectionKey keyFor(Selector arg0) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public SelectorProvider provider() {
+            return null;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public SelectionKey register(Selector arg0, int arg1, Object arg2)
+                throws ClosedChannelException {
+            return null;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int validOps() {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void implCloseChannel() throws IOException {
+            bytesToRead = -1;
+        }
+    }
+    // Selection key text fixture
+    private static class TestKey extends SelectionKey {
+        private SelectableChannel channel;
+        public TestKey(TestByteChannel channel) {
+   = channel;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void cancel() {
+        }
+        @Override
+        public SelectableChannel channel() {
+            return channel;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int interestOps() {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public SelectionKey interestOps(int ops) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public boolean isValid() {
+            return true;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int readyOps() {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public Selector selector() {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
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+++ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package org.onlab.nio;
+import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
+import java.nio.channels.Selector;
+import java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel;
+import java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelector;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * A selector instrumented for unit tests.
+ */
+public class MockSelector extends AbstractSelector {
+    int wakeUpCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Creates a mock selector, specifying null as the SelectorProvider.
+     */
+    public MockSelector() {
+        super(null);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public String toString() {
+        return "{MockSelector: wake=" + wakeUpCount + "}";
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected void implCloseSelector() throws IOException {
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected SelectionKey register(AbstractSelectableChannel ch, int ops,
+                                    Object att) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Set<SelectionKey> keys() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Set<SelectionKey> selectedKeys() {
+        return null;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int selectNow() throws IOException {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int select(long timeout) throws IOException {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int select() throws IOException {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Selector wakeup() {
+        wakeUpCount++;
+        return null;
+    }
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+++ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+package org.onlab.nio;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
+import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
+import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
+import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
+import static org.onlab.junit.TestTools.delay;
+import static org.onlab.util.Tools.namedThreads;
+ * Auxiliary test fixture to measure speed of NIO-based channels.
+ */
+public class StandaloneSpeedClient {
+    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StandaloneSpeedClient.class);
+    private final InetAddress ip;
+    private final int port;
+    private final int msgCount;
+    private final int msgLength;
+    private final List<CustomIOLoop> iloops = new ArrayList<>();
+    private final ExecutorService ipool;
+    private final ExecutorService wpool;
+//    ThroughputTracker messages;
+//    ThroughputTracker bytes;
+    /**
+     * Main entry point to launch the client.
+     *
+     * @param args command-line arguments
+     * @throws IOException          if unable to connect to server
+     * @throws InterruptedException if latch wait gets interrupted
+     * @throws ExecutionException   if wait gets interrupted
+     * @throws TimeoutException     if timeout occurred while waiting for completion
+     */
+    public static void main(String[] args)
+            throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
+        InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "");
+        int wc = args.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 6;
+        int mc = args.length > 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[2]) : 50 * 1000000;
+        int ml = args.length > 3 ? Integer.parseInt(args[3]) : 128;
+        int to = args.length > 4 ? Integer.parseInt(args[4]) : 30;
+"Setting up client with {} workers sending {} {}-byte messages to {} server... ",
+                 wc, mc, ml, ip);
+        StandaloneSpeedClient sc = new StandaloneSpeedClient(ip, wc, mc, ml, StandaloneSpeedServer.PORT);
+        sc.start();
+        delay(2000);
+        sc.await(to);
+        System.exit(0);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a speed client.
+     *
+     * @param ip   ip address of server
+     * @param wc   worker count
+     * @param mc   message count to send per client
+     * @param ml   message length in bytes
+     * @param port socket port
+     * @throws IOException if unable to create IO loops
+     */
+    public StandaloneSpeedClient(InetAddress ip, int wc, int mc, int ml, int port) throws IOException {
+        this.ip = ip;
+        this.port = port;
+        this.msgCount = mc;
+        this.msgLength = ml;
+        this.wpool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(wc, namedThreads("worker"));
+        this.ipool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(wc, namedThreads("io-loop"));
+        for (int i = 0; i < wc; i++) {
+            iloops.add(new CustomIOLoop());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Starts the client workers.
+     *
+     * @throws IOException if unable to open connection
+     */
+    public void start() throws IOException {
+//        messages = new ThroughputTracker();
+//        bytes = new ThroughputTracker();
+        // First start up all the IO loops
+        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops) {
+            ipool.execute(l);
+        }
+//        // Wait for all of them to get going
+//        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops)
+//            l.waitForStart(TIMEOUT);
+        // ... and Next open all connections; one-per-loop
+        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops) {
+            openConnection(l);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Initiates open connection request and registers the pending socket
+     * channel with the given IO loop.
+     *
+     * @param loop loop with which the channel should be registered
+     * @throws IOException if the socket could not be open or connected
+     */
+    private void openConnection(CustomIOLoop loop) throws IOException {
+        SocketAddress sa = new InetSocketAddress(ip, port);
+        SocketChannel ch =;
+        ch.configureBlocking(false);
+        loop.connectStream(ch);
+        ch.connect(sa);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Waits for the client workers to complete.
+     *
+     * @param secs timeout in seconds
+     * @throws ExecutionException   if execution failed
+     * @throws InterruptedException if interrupt occurred while waiting
+     * @throws TimeoutException     if timeout occurred
+     */
+    public void await(int secs) throws InterruptedException,
+            ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
+        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops) {
+            if (l.worker.task != null) {
+                l.worker.task.get(secs, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+            }
+        }
+//        messages.freeze();
+//        bytes.freeze();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reports on the accumulated throughput trackers.
+     */
+    public void report() {
+//        DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#,##0");
+//"{} messages; {} bytes; {} mps; {} Mbs",
+//                 f.format(,
+//                 f.format(,
+//                 f.format(messages.throughput()),
+//                 f.format(bytes.throughput() / (1024 * 128)));
+    }
+    // Loop for transfer of fixed-length messages
+    private class CustomIOLoop extends IOLoop<TestMessage, TestMessageStream> {
+        Worker worker = new Worker();
+        public CustomIOLoop() throws IOException {
+            super(500);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected TestMessageStream createStream(ByteChannel channel) {
+            return new TestMessageStream(msgLength, channel, this);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected synchronized void removeStream(MessageStream<TestMessage> b) {
+            super.removeStream(b);
+//            messages.add(b.inMessages().total());
+//            bytes.add(b.inBytes().total());
+//            b.inMessages().reset();
+//            b.inBytes().reset();
+//  "Disconnected client; inbound {} mps, {} Mbps; outbound {} mps, {} Mbps",
+//                     StandaloneSpeedServer.format.format(b.inMessages().throughput()),
+//                     StandaloneSpeedServer.format.format(b.inBytes().throughput() / (1024 * 128)),
+//                     StandaloneSpeedServer.format.format(b.outMessages().throughput()),
+//                     StandaloneSpeedServer.format.format(b.outBytes().throughput() / (1024 * 128)));
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void processMessages(List<TestMessage> messages,
+                                       MessageStream<TestMessage> b) {
+            worker.release(messages.size());
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void connect(SelectionKey key) {
+            super.connect(key);
+            TestMessageStream b = (TestMessageStream) key.attachment();
+            Worker w = ((CustomIOLoop) b.loop()).worker;
+            w.pump(b);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Auxiliary worker to connect and pump batched messages using blocking I/O.
+     */
+    private class Worker implements Runnable {
+        private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 1000;
+        private static final int PERMITS = 2 * BATCH_SIZE;
+        private TestMessageStream b;
+        private FutureTask<Worker> task;
+        // Stuff to throttle pump
+        private final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(PERMITS);
+        private int msgWritten;
+        void pump(TestMessageStream b) {
+            this.b = b;
+            task = new FutureTask<>(this, this);
+            wpool.execute(task);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void run() {
+            try {
+      "Worker started...");
+                List<TestMessage> batch = new ArrayList<>();
+                for (int i = 0; i < BATCH_SIZE; i++) {
+                    batch.add(new TestMessage(msgLength));
+                }
+                while (msgWritten < msgCount) {
+                    msgWritten += writeBatch(b, batch);
+                }
+                // Now try to get all the permits back before sending poison pill
+                semaphore.acquireUninterruptibly(PERMITS);
+                b.close();
+      "Worker done...");
+            } catch (IOException e) {
+                log.error("Worker unable to perform I/O", e);
+            }
+        }
+        private int writeBatch(TestMessageStream b, List<TestMessage> batch)
+                throws IOException {
+            int count = Math.min(BATCH_SIZE, msgCount - msgWritten);
+            acquire(count);
+            if (count == BATCH_SIZE) {
+                b.write(batch);
+            } else {
+                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                    b.write(batch.get(i));
+                }
+            }
+            return count;
+        }
+        // Release permits based on the specified number of message credits
+        private void release(int permits) {
+            semaphore.release(permits);
+        }
+        // Acquire permit for a single batch
+        private void acquire(int permits) {
+            semaphore.acquireUninterruptibly(permits);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a193f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+package org.onlab.nio;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
+import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
+import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
+import java.text.DecimalFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
+import static org.onlab.junit.TestTools.delay;
+import static org.onlab.util.Tools.namedThreads;
+ * Auxiliary test fixture to measure speed of NIO-based channels.
+ */
+public class StandaloneSpeedServer {
+    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StandaloneSpeedServer.class);
+    private static final int PRUNE_FREQUENCY = 1000;
+    static final int PORT = 9876;
+    static final long TIMEOUT = 1000;
+    static final boolean SO_NO_DELAY = false;
+    static final int SO_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
+    static final int SO_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
+    static final DecimalFormat FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("#,##0");
+    private final AcceptorLoop aloop;
+    private final ExecutorService apool = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(namedThreads("accept"));
+    private final List<CustomIOLoop> iloops = new ArrayList<>();
+    private final ExecutorService ipool;
+    private final int workerCount;
+    private final int msgLength;
+    private int lastWorker = -1;
+//    ThroughputTracker messages;
+//    ThroughputTracker bytes;
+    /**
+     * Main entry point to launch the server.
+     *
+     * @param args command-line arguments
+     * @throws IOException if unable to crate IO loops
+     */
+    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
+        InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "");
+        int wc = args.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 6;
+        int ml = args.length > 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[2]) : 128;
+"Setting up the server with {} workers, {} byte messages on {}... ",
+                 wc, ml, ip);
+        StandaloneSpeedServer ss = new StandaloneSpeedServer(ip, wc, ml, PORT);
+        ss.start();
+        // Start pruning clients.
+        while (true) {
+            delay(PRUNE_FREQUENCY);
+            ss.prune();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a speed server.
+     *
+     * @param ip   optional ip of the adapter where to bind
+     * @param wc   worker count
+     * @param ml   message length in bytes
+     * @param port listen port
+     * @throws IOException if unable to create IO loops
+     */
+    public StandaloneSpeedServer(InetAddress ip, int wc, int ml, int port) throws IOException {
+        this.workerCount = wc;
+        this.msgLength = ml;
+        this.ipool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(workerCount, namedThreads("io-loop"));
+        this.aloop = new CustomAcceptLoop(new InetSocketAddress(ip, port));
+        for (int i = 0; i < workerCount; i++) {
+            iloops.add(new CustomIOLoop());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Start the server IO loops and kicks off throughput tracking.
+     */
+    public void start() {
+//        messages = new ThroughputTracker();
+//        bytes = new ThroughputTracker();
+        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops) {
+            ipool.execute(l);
+        }
+        apool.execute(aloop);
+//        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops)
+//            l.waitForStart(TIMEOUT);
+//        aloop.waitForStart(TIMEOUT);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stop the server IO loops and freezes throughput tracking.
+     */
+    public void stop() {
+        aloop.shutdown();
+        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops) {
+            l.shutdown();
+        }
+//        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops)
+//            l.waitForFinish(TIMEOUT);
+//        aloop.waitForFinish(TIMEOUT);
+//        messages.freeze();
+//        bytes.freeze();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Reports on the accumulated throughput trackers.
+     */
+    public void report() {
+//        DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#,##0");
+//"{} messages; {} bytes; {} mps; {} Mbs",
+//                 f.format(,
+//                 f.format(,
+//                 f.format(messages.throughput()),
+//                 f.format(bytes.throughput() / (1024 * 128)));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Prunes the IO loops of stale message buffers.
+     */
+    public void prune() {
+        for (CustomIOLoop l : iloops) {
+            l.pruneStaleStreams();
+        }
+    }
+    // Get the next worker to which a client should be assigned
+    private synchronized CustomIOLoop nextWorker() {
+        lastWorker = (lastWorker + 1) % workerCount;
+        return iloops.get(lastWorker);
+    }
+    // Loop for transfer of fixed-length messages
+    private class CustomIOLoop extends IOLoop<TestMessage, TestMessageStream> {
+        public CustomIOLoop() throws IOException {
+            super(500);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected TestMessageStream createStream(ByteChannel channel) {
+            return new TestMessageStream(msgLength, channel, this);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void removeStream(MessageStream<TestMessage> stream) {
+            super.removeStream(stream);
+//            messages.add(b.inMessages().total());
+//            bytes.add(b.inBytes().total());
+//  "Disconnected client; inbound {} mps, {} Mbps; outbound {} mps, {} Mbps",
+//                     format.format(b.inMessages().throughput()),
+//                     format.format(b.inBytes().throughput() / (1024 * 128)),
+//                     format.format(b.outMessages().throughput()),
+//                     format.format(b.outBytes().throughput() / (1024 * 128)));
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void processMessages(List<TestMessage> messages,
+                                       MessageStream<TestMessage> stream) {
+            try {
+                stream.write(messages);
+            } catch (IOException e) {
+                log.error("Unable to echo messages", e);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Loop for accepting client connections
+    private class CustomAcceptLoop extends AcceptorLoop {
+        public CustomAcceptLoop(SocketAddress address) throws IOException {
+            super(500, address);
+        }
+        @Override
+        protected void acceptConnection(ServerSocketChannel channel) throws IOException {
+            SocketChannel sc = channel.accept();
+            sc.configureBlocking(false);
+            Socket so = sc.socket();
+            so.setTcpNoDelay(SO_NO_DELAY);
+            so.setReceiveBufferSize(SO_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE);
+            so.setSendBufferSize(SO_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE);
+            nextWorker().acceptStream(sc);
+  "Connected client");
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00315ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package org.onlab.nio;
+ * Fixed-length message.
+ */
+public class TestMessage extends AbstractMessage {
+    private final byte[] data;
+    /**
+     * Creates a new message with the specified length.
+     *
+     * @param length message length
+     */
+    public TestMessage(int length) {
+        this.length = length;
+        data = new byte[length];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a new message with the specified data.
+     *
+     * @param data message data
+     */
+    TestMessage(byte[] data) {
+        this.length = data.length;
+ = data;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the backing byte array data.
+     *
+     * @return backing byte array
+     */
+    public byte[] data() {
+        return data;
+    }
diff --git a/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8ab8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/nio/src/test/java/org/onlab/nio/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+package org.onlab.nio;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
+ * Fixed-length message transfer buffer.
+ */
+public class TestMessageStream extends MessageStream<TestMessage> {
+    private static final String E_WRONG_LEN = "Illegal message length: ";
+    private final int length;
+    /**
+     * Create a new buffer for transferring messages of the specified length.
+     *
+     * @param length message length
+     * @param ch     backing channel
+     * @param loop   driver loop
+     */
+    public TestMessageStream(int length, ByteChannel ch,
+                             IOLoop<TestMessage, ?> loop) {
+        super(loop, ch, 64 * 1024, 500);
+        this.length = length;
+    }
+    @Override
+    protected TestMessage read(ByteBuffer rb) {
+        if (rb.remaining() < length) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        TestMessage message = new TestMessage(length);
+        rb.get(;
+        return message;
+    }
+    /**
+     * {@inheritDoc}
+     * <p/>
+     * This implementation enforces the message length against the buffer
+     * supported length.
+     *
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message size does not match the
+     *                                  supported buffer size
+     */
+    @Override
+    protected void write(TestMessage message, ByteBuffer wb) {
+        if (message.length() != length) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(E_WRONG_LEN + message.length());
+        }
+        wb.put(;
+    }