blob: df94ed1e19db1bff0a97952625d30b8e1ec0177c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { LogService } from '../../../log.service';
import { FnService } from '../../../fw/util/fn.service';
import { LoadingService } from '../../../fw/layer/loading.service';
import { DialogService } from '../../../fw/layer/dialog.service';
import { WebSocketService } from '../../../fw/remote/websocket.service';
import { TableResponse, TableBaseImpl, SortDir } from '../../../fw/widget/table.base';
const RESUBMITINTENT = 'resubmitIntent';
const REMOVEINTENT = 'removeIntent';
const REMOVEINTENTS = 'removeIntents';
const INTENTRESUBMITTED = 'Intent resubmitted';
const INTENTWITHDRAWN = 'Intent withdrawn';
const INTENTPURGE = 'Intents purged';
* Model of the response from WebSocket
interface IntentTableResponse extends TableResponse {
intents: Intent[];
* Model of the Intents returned from the WebSocket
interface Intent {
appId: string;
appName: string;
key: string;
type: string;
priority: string;
state: string;
purge: boolean;
export enum IntentAction {
NONE = 0,
PURGE = 3,
* ONOS GUI -- Intents View Component extends TableBaseImpl
selector: 'onos-intent',
templateUrl: './intent.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./intent.component.css', './intent-theme.css', '../../../fw/widget/table.css', '../../../fw/widget/table.theme.css']
export class IntentComponent extends TableBaseImpl implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
brief: boolean;
withdrwanIntent: boolean;
intentData: Intent;
warnMsg: string = '';
intentActionMsg: string;
intentTableData: IntentTableResponse;
IntentActionEnum: any = IntentAction;
intentAction: IntentAction = IntentAction.NONE;
topoTip = 'Show selected intent on topology view';
resubmitTip = 'Resubmit selected intent';
deactivateTip = 'Remove selected intent';
purgeTip = 'Purge selected intent';
purgeAllTip = 'Purge withdrawn intents';
briefTip = 'Switch to brief view';
detailTip = 'Switch to detailed view';
protected log: LogService,
protected fs: FnService,
private ds: DialogService,
protected ls: LoadingService,
protected wss: WebSocketService,
) {
super(fs, ls, log, wss, 'intent', 'key');
this.responseCallback = this.intentResponseCb;
this.parentSelCb = this.rowSelection;
this.brief = true;
this.sortParams = {
firstCol: 'appId',
firstDir: SortDir.desc,
secondCol: 'key',
secondDir: SortDir.asc,
this.intentData = <Intent>{};
ngOnInit() {
this.init();'IntentComponent initialized');
ngOnDestroy() {
this.destroy();'IntentComponent distroyed');
intentResponseCb(data: IntentTableResponse) {
this.withdrwanIntent = false;
this.log.debug('Intent response received for ', data.intents.length, 'intent');
this.intentTableData = data;
* called when a row is selected - sets the state of control icons
rowSelection(event: any, selRow: any) {
this.intentData.state = selRow.state;
const selRowAppId = selRow.appId;
const splittedRowAppId = selRowAppId.split(':');
this.intentData.appId = splittedRowAppId[0].trim();
this.intentData.appName = splittedRowAppId[1].trim();
this.intentData.key = this.selId;
briefToggle() {
this.brief = !this.brief;
intentState() {
return this.intentData.state;
isHavingWithdrawn() {
if (this.intentTableData !== undefined) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.intentTableData.intents.length; i++) {
if (this.intentTableData.intents[i].state === 'Withdrawn') {
this.withdrwanIntent = true;
return this.withdrwanIntent;
return this.withdrwanIntent;
* TO-DO intent view related function need to implement once
* topology page will be available
showIntent() {
* TO-DO intent view related function need to implement once
* topology page will be available
canShowIntent() {
* Perform one of the intent actions - resubmit, remove, purge or purge withdrawn
* Raises a dialog which calls back the dOk() below
confirmAction(action: IntentAction): void {
this.intentActionMsg = '';
this.intentAction = action;
const intentActionLc = (<string>IntentAction[this.intentAction]).toLowerCase();
if (this.intentAction === IntentAction.PURGE) {
this.intentData.purge = true;
} else {
this.intentData.purge = false;
if (this.intentAction === IntentAction.PURGEWITHDRAWN) {
this.warnMsg = 'Are you sure you want to purge all the withdrawn intents?';
} else {
this.warnMsg = 'Are you sure you want to ' + intentActionLc + ' the selected intent?';
this.log.debug('Initiating', this.intentAction, 'of', this.selId);
* Callback when the Confirm dialog is shown and a choice is made
dOk(choice: boolean) {
const intentActionLc = (<string>IntentAction[this.intentAction]).toLowerCase();
if (choice) {
if (this.intentAction === IntentAction.RESUBMIT) {
this.wss.sendEvent(RESUBMITINTENT, {
appId: this.intentData.appId,
appName: this.intentData.appName,
key: this.intentData.key,
purge: this.intentData.purge,
this.selId = '';
this.intentActionMsg = INTENTRESUBMITTED;
} else if ((this.intentAction === IntentAction.PURGE) || (this.intentAction === IntentAction.WITHDRAWN)) {
this.wss.sendEvent(REMOVEINTENT, {
appId: this.intentData.appId,
appName: this.intentData.appName,
key: this.intentData.key,
purge: this.intentData.purge,
this.selId = '';
if (this.intentData.purge) {
this.intentActionMsg = INTENTPURGE;
} else {
this.intentActionMsg = INTENTWITHDRAWN;
} else if (this.intentAction === IntentAction.PURGEWITHDRAWN) {
this.wss.sendEvent(REMOVEINTENTS, {});
this.intentActionMsg = INTENTPURGE;
} else {
this.log.debug('Some worng input provided');
} else {
this.log.debug('Cancelled', intentActionLc, 'on', this.selId);
this.warnMsg = '';