Added native Bazel build to GUI2. Reduced a lot of the unused Angular CLI structures

Reviewers should look at the changes in WORKSPACE, BUILD, BUILD.bazel, files
This is only possible now as rules_nodejs went to 1.0.0 on December 20
gui2 has now been made the entry point (rather than gui2-fw-lib)
No tests or linting are functional yet for Typescript
Each NgModule now has its own BUILD.bazel file with ng_module
gui2-fw-lib is all one module and has been refactored to simplify the directory structure
gui2-topo-lib is also all one module - its directory structure has had 3 layers removed
The big bash script in web/gui2/BUILD has been removed - all is done through ng_module rules
in web/gui2/src/main/webapp/BUILD.bazel and web/gui2/src/main/webapp/app/BUILD.bazel

Change-Id: Ifcfcc23a87be39fe6d6c8324046cc8ebadb90551
diff --git a/web/gui2-topo-lib/lib/layer/forcesvg/models/force-directed-graph.spec.ts b/web/gui2-topo-lib/lib/layer/forcesvg/models/force-directed-graph.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb9155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/gui2-topo-lib/lib/layer/forcesvg/models/force-directed-graph.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import {ForceDirectedGraph, Options} from './force-directed-graph';
+import {Node} from './node';
+import {Link} from './link';
+import {LogService} from '../../../../../gui2-fw-lib/public_api';
+import {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';
+export class TestNode extends Node {
+    constructor(id: string) {
+        super(id);
+    }
+export class TestLink extends Link {
+    constructor(source: Node, target: Node) {
+        super(source, target);
+    }
+ * ONOS GUI -- ForceDirectedGraph - Unit Tests
+ */
+describe('ForceDirectedGraph', () => {
+    let logServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<LogService>;
+    let fdg: ForceDirectedGraph;
+    const options: Options = {width: 1000, height: 1000};
+    beforeEach(() => {
+        const logSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('LogService', ['info', 'debug', 'warn', 'error']);
+        const nodes: Node[] = [];
+        const links: Link[] = [];
+        fdg = new ForceDirectedGraph(options, logSpy);
+        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+            const newNode: TestNode = new TestNode('id' + i);
+            nodes.push(newNode);
+        }
+        for (let j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
+            const newLink = new TestLink(nodes[0], nodes[j]);
+            links.push(newLink);
+        }
+        fdg.nodes = nodes;
+        fdg.links = links;
+        fdg.reinitSimulation();
+        logServiceSpy = TestBed.get(LogService);
+    });
+    afterEach(() => {
+        fdg.stopSimulation();
+        fdg.nodes = [];
+        fdg.links = [];
+        fdg.reinitSimulation();
+    });
+    it('should be created', () => {
+        expect(fdg).toBeTruthy();
+    });
+    it('should have simulation', () => {
+        expect(fdg.simulation).toBeTruthy();
+    });
+    it('should have 10 nodes', () => {
+        expect(fdg.nodes.length).toEqual(10);
+    });
+    it('should have 10 links', () => {
+        expect(fdg.links.length).toEqual(9);
+    });
+    // TODO fix these up to listen for tick
+    // it('nodes should not be at zero', () => {
+    //     expect(nodes[0].x).toBeGreaterThan(0);
+    // });
+    // it('ticker should emit', () => {
+    //     let tickMe = jasmine.createSpy("tickMe() spy");
+    //     fdg.ticker.subscribe((simulation) => tickMe());
+    //     expect(tickMe).toHaveBeenCalled();
+    // });
+    // it('init links chould be called ', () => {
+    //     spyOn(fdg, 'initLinks');
+    //     // expect(fdg).toBeTruthy();
+    //     fdg.reinitSimulation(options);
+    //     expect(fdg.initLinks).toHaveBeenCalled();
+    // });