Added a REST command to upload topology configuration.
diff --git a/tools/test/cells/single b/tools/test/cells/single
index 6b13756..125477a 100644
--- a/tools/test/cells/single
+++ b/tools/test/cells/single
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
 export OCN=""
 export OCI="${OC1}"
-export ONOS_FEATURES="${ONOS_FEATURES:-webconsole,onos-api,onos-core-trivial,onos-cli,onos-openflow,onos-app-fwd,onos-app-proxyarp,onos-app-tvue}"
+export ONOS_FEATURES="${ONOS_FEATURES:-webconsole,onos-api,onos-core-trivial,onos-cli,onos-rest,onos-openflow,onos-app-fwd,onos-app-proxyarp,onos-app-tvue}"
diff --git a/tools/test/topos/oe-linear-3.json b/tools/test/topos/oe-linear-3.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9214bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/topos/oe-linear-3.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+    "devices" : [
+        {
+            "uri": "of:0000ffffffffff01", "mac": "ffffffffffff01", "type": "ROADM",
+            "mfr": "Linc", "hw": "OE", "sw": "?", "serial": "?",
+            "annotations": { "latitude": 37.6, "longitude": 122.3, "optical.regens": 0 }
+        },
+        {
+            "uri": "of:0000ffffffffff02", "mac": "ffffffffffff02", "type": "ROADM",
+            "mfr": "Linc", "hw": "OE", "sw": "?", "serial": "?",
+            "annotations": { "latitude": 37.3, "longitude": 121.9, "optical.regens": 0 }
+        },
+        {
+            "uri": "of:0000ffffffffff03", "mac": "ffffffffffff03", "type": "ROADM",
+            "mfr": "Linc", "hw": "OE", "sw": "?", "serial": "?",
+            "annotations": { "latitude": 33.9, "longitude": 118.4, "optical.regens": 2 }
+        },
+        {
+            "uri": "of:0000ffffffff0001", "mac": "ffffffffff0003", "type": "SWITCH",
+            "mfr": "Linc", "hw": "PK", "sw": "?", "serial": "?",
+            "annotations": { "latitude": 37.6, "longitude": 122.3 }
+        },
+        {
+            "uri": "of:0000ffffffff0002", "mac": "ffffffffff0002", "type": "SWITCH",
+            "mfr": "Linc", "hw": "PK", "sw": "?", "serial": "?",
+            "annotations": { "latitude": 37.3, "longitude": 121.9 }
+        }
+    ],
+    "links" : [
+        { "src": "of:0000ffffffffff01/10", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff03/30", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM" } },
+        { "src": "of:0000ffffffffff02/20", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff03/31", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "optical.waves": 80, "optical.type": "WDM" } },
+        { "src": "of:0000ffffffff0001/10", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff01/11", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect" } },
+        { "src": "of:0000ffffffff0002/10", "dst": "of:0000ffffffffff02/21", "type": "OPTICAL", "annotations": { "bandwidth": 100000, "optical.type": "cross-connect" } }
+    ],
+    "hosts" : [
+        { "mac": "a0:00:00:00:00:11", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000ffffffff0001/11", "ip": "" },
+        { "mac": "a0:00:00:00:00:12", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000ffffffff0001/12", "ip": "" },
+        { "mac": "a0:00:00:00:00:21", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000ffffffff0002/11", "ip": "" },
+        { "mac": "a0:00:00:00:00:22", "vlan": -1, "location": "of:0000ffffffff0002/12", "ip": "" }
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file