Added bootstrap code to auto-generate cluster.json, tablets.json and hazelcast.xml using local site address.

Change-Id: I3210aadc63403022b4aac3bc3591736801240b50
diff --git a/core/store/dist/src/main/resources/hazelcast.xml b/core/store/dist/src/main/resources/hazelcast.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2354bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/store/dist/src/main/resources/hazelcast.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  ~ Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
+  ~
+  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  ~
+  ~
+  ~
+  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  ~ limitations under the License.
+  -->
+    The default Hazelcast configuration. This is used when:
+    - no hazelcast.xml if present
+<hazelcast xsi:schemaLocation=" hazelcast-config-3.3.xsd"
+           xmlns=""
+           xmlns:xsi="">
+    <group>
+        <name>@NAME</name>
+        <password>rocks</password>
+    </group>
+    <management-center enabled="false">http://localhost:8080/mancenter</management-center>
+    <properties>
+        <property name="">30</property>
+        <property name="">30</property>
+        <property name="">30</property>
+    </properties> 
+    <network>
+        <port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">5701</port>
+        <outbound-ports>
+            <!--
+            Allowed port range when connecting to other nodes.
+            0 or * means use system provided port.
+            -->
+            <ports>0</ports>
+        </outbound-ports>
+        <join>
+            <multicast enabled="true">
+                <multicast-group></multicast-group>
+                <multicast-port>54327</multicast-port>
+            </multicast>
+            <tcp-ip enabled="false">
+                <interface></interface>
+            </tcp-ip>
+        </join>
+        <interfaces enabled="true">
+            <interface>@PREFIX</interface>
+        </interfaces>
+        <ssl enabled="false"/>
+        <socket-interceptor enabled="false"/>
+        <symmetric-encryption enabled="false">
+            <!--
+               encryption algorithm such as
+               DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding,
+               PBEWithMD5AndDES,
+               AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding,
+               Blowfish,
+               DESede
+            -->
+            <algorithm>PBEWithMD5AndDES</algorithm>
+            <!-- salt value to use when generating the secret key -->
+            <salt>thesalt</salt>
+            <!-- pass phrase to use when generating the secret key -->
+            <password>thepass</password>
+            <!-- iteration count to use when generating the secret key -->
+            <iteration-count>19</iteration-count>
+        </symmetric-encryption>
+    </network>
+    <partition-group enabled="false"/>
+    <executor-service name="default">
+        <pool-size>16</pool-size>
+        <!--Queue capacity. 0 means Integer.MAX_VALUE.-->
+        <queue-capacity>0</queue-capacity>
+    </executor-service>
+    <queue name="default">
+        <!--
+            Maximum size of the queue. When a JVM's local queue size reaches the maximum,
+            all put/offer operations will get blocked until the queue size
+            of the JVM goes down below the maximum.
+            Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means
+            Integer.MAX_VALUE. Default is 0.
+        -->
+        <max-size>0</max-size>
+        <!--
+            Number of backups. If 1 is set as the backup-count for example,
+            then all entries of the map will be copied to another JVM for
+            fail-safety. 0 means no backup.
+        -->
+        <backup-count>1</backup-count>
+        <!--
+            Number of async backups. 0 means no backup.
+        -->
+        <async-backup-count>0</async-backup-count>
+        <empty-queue-ttl>-1</empty-queue-ttl>
+    </queue>
+    <map name="default">
+        <!--
+           Data type that will be used for storing recordMap.
+           Possible values:
+           BINARY (default): keys and values will be stored as binary data
+           OBJECT : values will be stored in their object forms
+           OFFHEAP : values will be stored in non-heap region of JVM
+        -->
+        <in-memory-format>BINARY</in-memory-format>
+        <!--
+            Number of backups. If 1 is set as the backup-count for example,
+            then all entries of the map will be copied to another JVM for
+            fail-safety. 0 means no backup.
+        -->
+        <backup-count>1</backup-count>
+        <!--
+            Number of async backups. 0 means no backup.
+        -->
+        <async-backup-count>0</async-backup-count>
+        <!--
+            Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay in the map. Entries that are
+            older than <time-to-live-seconds> and not updated for <time-to-live-seconds>
+            will get automatically evicted from the map.
+            Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means infinite. Default is 0.
+        -->
+        <time-to-live-seconds>0</time-to-live-seconds>
+        <!--
+            Maximum number of seconds for each entry to stay idle in the map. Entries that are
+            idle(not touched) for more than <max-idle-seconds> will get
+            automatically evicted from the map. Entry is touched if get, put or containsKey is called.
+            Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means infinite. Default is 0.
+        -->
+        <max-idle-seconds>0</max-idle-seconds>
+        <!--
+            Valid values are:
+            NONE (no eviction),
+            LRU (Least Recently Used),
+            LFU (Least Frequently Used).
+            NONE is the default.
+        -->
+        <eviction-policy>NONE</eviction-policy>
+        <!--
+            Maximum size of the map. When max size is reached,
+            map is evicted based on the policy defined.
+            Any integer between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE. 0 means
+            Integer.MAX_VALUE. Default is 0.
+        -->
+        <max-size policy="PER_NODE">0</max-size>
+        <!--
+            When max. size is reached, specified percentage of
+            the map will be evicted. Any integer between 0 and 100.
+            If 25 is set for example, 25% of the entries will
+            get evicted.
+        -->
+        <eviction-percentage>25</eviction-percentage>
+        <!--
+            Minimum time in milliseconds which should pass before checking
+            if a partition of this map is evictable or not.
+            Default value is 100 millis.
+        -->
+        <min-eviction-check-millis>100</min-eviction-check-millis>
+        <!--
+            While recovering from split-brain (network partitioning),
+            map entries in the small cluster will merge into the bigger cluster
+            based on the policy set here. When an entry merge into the
+            cluster, there might an existing entry with the same key already.
+            Values of these entries might be different for that same key.
+            Which value should be set for the key? Conflict is resolved by
+            the policy set here. Default policy is PutIfAbsentMapMergePolicy
+            There are built-in merge policies such as
+  ; entry will be added if there is no existing entry for the key.
+   ; entry will be added if the merging entry doesn't exist in the cluster.
+   ; entry with the higher hits wins.
+   ; entry with the latest update wins.
+        -->
+        <merge-policy></merge-policy>
+    </map>
+    <multimap name="default">
+        <backup-count>1</backup-count>
+        <value-collection-type>SET</value-collection-type>
+    </multimap>
+    <multimap name="default">
+        <backup-count>1</backup-count>
+        <value-collection-type>SET</value-collection-type>
+    </multimap>
+    <list name="default">
+        <backup-count>1</backup-count>
+    </list>
+    <set name="default">
+        <backup-count>1</backup-count>
+    </set>
+    <jobtracker name="default">
+        <max-thread-size>0</max-thread-size>
+        <!-- Queue size 0 means number of partitions * 2 -->
+        <queue-size>0</queue-size>
+        <retry-count>0</retry-count>
+        <chunk-size>1000</chunk-size>
+        <communicate-stats>true</communicate-stats>
+        <topology-changed-strategy>CANCEL_RUNNING_OPERATION</topology-changed-strategy>
+    </jobtracker>
+    <semaphore name="default">
+        <initial-permits>0</initial-permits>
+        <backup-count>1</backup-count>
+        <async-backup-count>0</async-backup-count>
+    </semaphore>
+    <serialization>
+        <portable-version>0</portable-version>
+    </serialization>
+    <services enable-defaults="true"/>