[AETHER-76] Impelentation of a new Trellis Troubleshoot Tool (T3) for offline mode

- For the performance improvement, T3 offline mode uses snapshots of the network states
called Network Information Base (NIB) instead of runtime interactions with ONOS core
during troubleshooting a Trellis system.
- Partially tested with some mininet topos for trellis
- Usage instruction docs (https://docs.trellisfabric.org/troubleshooting.html).

Change-Id: Ice608f77aa96bfbcadfff34991c4a1b6d93125b6
(cherry picked from commit eaa6329aba67c2577fdca7d3ddf230611e82f9f7)
diff --git a/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics b/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics
index 2ac2310..0daa320 100755
--- a/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics
+++ b/tools/package/runtime/bin/onos-diagnostics
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 # Tool to collect cluster-wide diagnostics into a single tar stream.
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 function usage() {
-    echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-x] [-n name] [-P port] [-u user] [-p password] [ip1 ip2...]"
+    echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-x] [-j] [-n name] [-P port] [-u user] [-p password] [ip1 ip2...]"
     echo ""
     echo "Environment Variables:"
     echo "    ONOS_INSTANCES    IPs or hostnames of ONOS cluster machines"
@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@
     echo "    # The cluster node IPs will be drawn from ONOS_INSTANCES variable."
     echo "    > $(basename $0) -x -n prague -u onos -p rules"
     echo ""
+    echo "    # Collect diagnostics for the cluster and store them in JSON files."
+    echo "    # JSON_CLI_COMMANDS below lists JSON-supported diagnostics commands."
+    echo "    # Collection archive will be named /tmp/onos-diags.tar.gz"
+    echo "    > $(basename $0) -j"
+    echo ""
     echo "    # Collect compressed diagnostics for a cluster."
     echo "    # REST API user name is 'onos' and password is 'rules'."
     echo "    # Collection archive will be named /tmp/onos-diags.tar.gz"
@@ -75,14 +80,15 @@
-    "ports -e"
+    "ports"
     "portstats -nz"
+    "edge-ports"
-    "flows -s"
+    "flows"
@@ -118,18 +124,34 @@
+    "netcfg -j"
+    "devices -j"
+    "device-drivers -j"
+    "links -j"
+    "hosts -j"
+    "ports -j"
+    "edge-ports -j"
+    "flows -j"
+    "groups -j"
+    "masters -j"
+    "routes -j"
+    "mcast-host-show -j"
 # Scan arguments for user/password or other options...
-while getopts n:P:u:p:x?h o; do
+while getopts n:P:u:p:x?j?h o; do
     case "$o" in
         n) name=$OPTARG;;
         P) port=$OPTARG;;
         u) user=$OPTARG;;
         p) password=$OPTARG;;
         x) extract=true;;
+        j) json=true;;
         *) usage;;
@@ -158,8 +180,10 @@
     tar zxf ../$node.tar.gz && rm ../$node.tar.gz
     # Acquire remotely obtained diagnostics via ssh CLI
+    [ ! -z $json ] && CLI_COMMANDS=("${JSON_CLI_COMMANDS[@]}")
     for cmd in "${CLI_COMMANDS[@]}"; do
         cmdLog="$(echo $cmd | cut -d\  -f1 | sed 's/:/-/g').txt"
+        [ ! -z $json ] && cmdLog="${cmdLog%.txt}.json"
         printf "$cmdLog "
         onos $node $cmd 2>/dev/null >$cmdLog