Revamp support for building third-party apps via maven

- Publish onos-dependencies (autogenerated from deps.json). With most
  3rd-party dependencies listed as <dependencyManagement> to avoid
  version conflicts, and a minimal set listed as <dependencies> to
  simplify child poms. Similarly, we provide a number of plugins already
  configured as <pluginManagement> to support the whole life-cycle of
  apps (from build, to reporting and release).
- Update Maven plugins to work with JDK 11 (checkstyle, pmd, etc.)
- Publish onos-build-conf (with common checkstyle and pmd confs)
- Removed unused checkstyle code
- Fix OSGi version mismatch in deps.json to consistently depend on
  release 6 (the one supported by Karaf 4)
- Update/simplify archetypes to use onos-dependencies as the parent pom

Change-Id: Ic09b34e13fb49eb3d96df623b53a3617bbf7b7e4
diff --git a/tools/package/dependencies/BUILD b/tools/package/dependencies/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63adf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/package/dependencies/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+load("//tools/build/bazel:pom_file.bzl", "dependencies_pom")
+    "//tools/build/bazel:variables.bzl",
+    "//tools/build/bazel:generate_workspace.bzl",
+    "CLI",
+    "CORE_DEPS",
+    "JACKSON",
+    "JAXB",
+    "KRYO",
+    "REST",
+    "TEST",
+# Listed in the <dependencyManagement> section of the generated pom
+DEPS = [
+    d
+    for d in CORE_DEPS + JAXB + JACKSON + KRYO +
+             CLI + REST + TEST
+    # Keep only third-party (external) ones.
+    if d.startswith("@")
+] + [
+    "@org_apache_karaf_shell_console//jar",
+    "@org_osgi_cmpn//jar",
+    "@jersey_container_servlet//jar",
+# Listed in the <dependencies> section with scope 'provided'
+    "@com_google_guava_guava//jar",
+    "@slf4j_api//jar",
+    "@osgi_core//jar",
+    "@org_osgi_cmpn//jar",
+    "@org_osgi_util_promise//jar",
+    "@org_osgi_service_component//jar",
+    "@org_osgi_service_component_annotations//jar",
+    "@org_osgi_service_metatype_annotations//jar",
+# Listed in the <dependencies> section with scope 'test'.
+DEPS_TEST = [d for d in TEST if d.startswith("@")]
+VARS = [
+    name = "onos-dependencies-pom",
+    deps_provided = DEPS_PROVIDED,
+    deps_test = DEPS_TEST,
+    pom_template = "template.pom",
+    vars = VARS,
+    deps = DEPS,
+# An empty jar, so we can re-use onos-publish logic.
+    name = "onos-dependencies",
+    resources = ["empty.txt"],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],