blob: 864b08e780e87e0d101096d5bbf30fb87db7088a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.onosproject.isis.controller.impl.lsdb;
import org.onosproject.isis.controller.IsisInterface;
import org.onosproject.isis.controller.IsisLsdbAge;
import org.onosproject.isis.controller.IsisPduType;
import org.onosproject.isis.controller.LspWrapper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Representation of LSP wrapper where the LSPs are stored with metadata.
public class DefaultLspWrapper implements LspWrapper {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultLspWrapper.class);
private int binNumber = -1;
private boolean selfOriginated = false;
private IsisPduType lspType;
private int lspAgeReceived;
private int ageCounterWhenReceived;
private LsPdu lsPdu;
private IsisLsdbAge lsdbAge;
private int ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded;
private int remainingLifetime;
private IsisInterface isisInterface;
private String lspProcessing;
* Returns "refreshLsp" or "maxageLsp" based on LSP to process.
* @return LSP processing string
public String lspProcessing() {
return lspProcessing;
* Sets LSP processing "refreshLsp" or "maxageLsp" based on LSP to process.
* @param lspProcessing "refreshLsp" or "maxageLsp" based on LSP to process
public void setLspProcessing(String lspProcessing) {
this.lspProcessing = lspProcessing;
* Returns LSP age received.
* @return LSP age received
public int lspAgeReceived() {
return lspAgeReceived;
* Sets LSP age received.
* @param lspAgeReceived LSP age received.
public void setLspAgeReceived(int lspAgeReceived) {
this.lspAgeReceived = lspAgeReceived;
* Returns ISIS interface instance.
* @return ISIS interface instance
public IsisInterface isisInterface() {
return isisInterface;
* Sets ISIS interface.
* @param isisInterface ISIS interface instance
public void setIsisInterface(IsisInterface isisInterface) {
this.isisInterface = isisInterface;
* Returns age counter when received.
* @return age counter when received
public int ageCounterWhenReceived() {
return ageCounterWhenReceived;
* Sets age counter when received.
* @param ageCounterWhenReceived age counter when received
public void setAgeCounterWhenReceived(int ageCounterWhenReceived) {
this.ageCounterWhenReceived = ageCounterWhenReceived;
* Returns age counter roll over.
* @return age counter roll over
public int ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded() {
return ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded;
* Sets age counter roll over when added.
* @param ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded age counter roll over when added
public void setAgeCounterRollOverWhenAdded(int ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded) {
this.ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded = ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded;
* Returns bin number.
* @return bin number
public int binNumber() {
return binNumber;
* Sets bin number.
* @param binNumber bin number
public void setBinNumber(int binNumber) {
this.binNumber = binNumber;
* Returns true if self originated.
* @return true if self originated.
public boolean isSelfOriginated() {
return selfOriginated;
* Sets true if self originated.
* @param selfOriginated true if self originated else false
public void setSelfOriginated(boolean selfOriginated) {
this.selfOriginated = selfOriginated;
* Returns ISIS PDU type.
* @return ISIS PDU type
public IsisPduType lspType() {
return lspType;
* Sets ISIS PDU type.
* @param lspType ISIS PDU type
public void setLspType(IsisPduType lspType) {
this.lspType = lspType;
* Returns LSPDU which the wrapper contains.
* @return LSPDU which the wrapper contains
public LsPdu lsPdu() {
return lsPdu;
* Sets LSPDU which the wrapper contains.
* @param lsPdu LSPDU which the wrapper contains
public void setLsPdu(LsPdu lsPdu) {
this.lsPdu = lsPdu;
* Returns ISIS LSDB age.
* @return ISIS LSDB age
public IsisLsdbAge lsdbAge() {
return lsdbAge;
* Sets LSDB age.
* @param lsdbAge LSDB age
public void setLsdbAge(IsisLsdbAge lsdbAge) {
this.lsdbAge = lsdbAge;
* Returns the current LSP Age.
* @return LSP age
public int currentAge() {
int currentAge = 0;
//ls age received
if (lsdbAge.ageCounter() >= ageCounterWhenReceived) {
if (!selfOriginated) {
if (ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded == lsdbAge.ageCounterRollOver()) {
currentAge = lspAgeReceived + (lsdbAge.ageCounter() - ageCounterWhenReceived);
} else {
return IsisConstants.LSPMAXAGE;
} else {
currentAge = lspAgeReceived + (lsdbAge.ageCounter() - ageCounterWhenReceived);
} else {
currentAge = lspAgeReceived + ((IsisConstants.LSPMAXAGE + lsdbAge.ageCounter())
- ageCounterWhenReceived);
if (currentAge >= IsisConstants.LSPMAXAGE) {
return IsisConstants.LSPMAXAGE;
} else if ((currentAge == lspAgeReceived) && ageCounterRollOverWhenAdded
!= lsdbAge.ageCounterRollOver()) {
return IsisConstants.LSPMAXAGE;
return currentAge;
* Returns remaining time.
* @return remaining time
public int remainingLifetime() {
//Calculate the remaining lifetime
remainingLifetime = IsisConstants.LSPMAXAGE - currentAge();
return remainingLifetime;
* Sets remaining life time.
* @param remainingLifetime LSPs remaining life time
public void setRemainingLifetime(int remainingLifetime) {
this.remainingLifetime = remainingLifetime;