[SDFAB-1196] Build ONOS with Bazel 6.0.0 pre-release

This was a quite big jump (3.7.2 -> 6.x.x) and we had
to face the deprecation of several components.

- javabase/host_javabase -> java_language_version and

- java_toolchain/host_java_toolchain -> java_language_version
and java_runtime_version

- Turnedoff "ReturnValueIgnored" related to ErrorProne

- Moved to bazelisk v1.11.0

- patched again the grpc code due to the deprecation of host_javabase
as java_toolcahin contains already this information.

- resource_jars are also handled as resources because java constructs
do not accept them anymore.

- Use the OSGIWrapper to fix the path of the resource_hars and untar them.
Additionally clean up the code and enable/disable logging through a param.

- Fix absolute_javabase in the Dockerfile by providing the absolute
path of the local jvm through local_java_repository. The latter is
appended to the WORKSPACE file on demand inside the Dockerfile.

Change-Id: I96e06fe52b3b49a1a34f01443eec583a95347323
diff --git a/tools/build/bazel/grpc_workspace.bzl b/tools/build/bazel/grpc_workspace.bzl
index f2f3dfc..1a680da 100644
--- a/tools/build/bazel/grpc_workspace.bzl
+++ b/tools/build/bazel/grpc_workspace.bzl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
-GRPC_SHA = "e6915ea60ab8a6e17de86bd94a8db320b0115cc214db19bef8f2ba4af2dab430"
+GRPC_SHA = "073395219d611c21a460d21dfe5cb77550030d6396b400f796e568b5175c2ec0"
 GAPIS_COMMIT = "37cc0e5acae50ee91f00827a7010c3b07dfa5311"
 GAPIS_SHA = "17d023f48ea290f25edaf25a967973b5a42ce6d71b1570862f302d95aa8b9f77"
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
     # grpc-java fork that fixes the OSGi split brain problem.
         name = "io_grpc_grpc_java",
-        urls = ["https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/grpc-java/archive/v%s-patched.zip" % GRPC_JAVA_VERSION],
+        urls = ["https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/grpc-java/archive/v%s-fix-host_javabase.zip" % GRPC_JAVA_VERSION],
         sha256 = GRPC_SHA,
-        strip_prefix = "grpc-java-%s-patched" % GRPC_JAVA_VERSION,
+        strip_prefix = "grpc-java-%s-fix-host_javabase" % GRPC_JAVA_VERSION,
     # Google APIs protos (status.proto, etc.)