ONOS-7059 Port counters in tor.p4 and bmv2/tofino compiler output
Tested on BMv2 and working.
Change-Id: Ia6e4b3c823b0bdfd1671419558e8a350b1d99990
diff --git a/apps/pi-demo/tor/src/main/java/org/onosproject/pi/demo/app/tor/TorPipeconfFactory.java b/apps/pi-demo/tor/src/main/java/org/onosproject/pi/demo/app/tor/TorPipeconfFactory.java
index d6c635c..8b6b94d 100644
--- a/apps/pi-demo/tor/src/main/java/org/onosproject/pi/demo/app/tor/TorPipeconfFactory.java
+++ b/apps/pi-demo/tor/src/main/java/org/onosproject/pi/demo/app/tor/TorPipeconfFactory.java
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@
final URL p4InfoUrl = TorPipeconfFactory.class.getResource(format(TOFINO_P4INFO_PATH_BASE, system));
final URL tofinoUrl = TorPipeconfFactory.class.getResource(format(TOFINO_BIN_PATH_BASE, system));
final URL contextUrl = TorPipeconfFactory.class.getResource(format(TOFINO_CONTEXT_JSON_PATH_BASE, system));
return baseBuilder()
.withId(new PiPipeconfId(format(TOFINO_PIPECONF_ID_BASE, system)))
.addExtension(P4_INFO_TEXT, p4InfoUrl)
diff --git a/apps/pi-demo/tor/src/main/resources/p4c-out b/apps/pi-demo/tor/src/main/resources/p4c-out
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..707dd87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/pi-demo/tor/src/main/resources/p4c-out
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/Makefile b/tools/test/p4src/tor/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5dc8d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+all: tor-bmv2 tor-tofino
+tor-bmv2: class_id.p4 headers.p4 ipv4_checksum.p4 l3_fwd.p4 \
+ packetio.p4 parser.p4 punt.p4 \
+ spoof_protection.p4 tor.p4 vrf.p4
+ p4c-bm2-ss $(BMV2_OPTIONS) -o p4c-out/tor.json \
+ --p4runtime-file p4c-out/tor.p4info \
+ --p4runtime-format text tor.p4
+tor-tofino: class_id.p4 headers.p4 ipv4_checksum.p4 l3_fwd.p4 \
+ packetio.p4 parser.p4 punt.p4 \
+ spoof_protection.p4 tor.p4 vrf.p4
+ p4c -x p4-16 -b tofino-v1model-barefoot \
+ $(MAVERICKS_OPTIONS) -o p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks \
+ --p4runtime-file p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/tor.p4info \
+ --p4runtime-format text tor.p4
+ p4c -x p4-16 -b tofino-v1model-barefoot \
+ $(MONTARA_OPTIONS) -o p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara \
+ --p4runtime-file p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/tor.p4info \
+ --p4runtime-format text tor.p4
+ rm -rf p4c-out/*.json
+ rm -rf p4c-out/*.p4info
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/context.json b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/context.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..936b3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/context.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7002 @@
+ "build_date": "09/27/17 09:33:37",
+ "compiler_version": "6.0.0-pre-alpha.2",
+ "program_name": "tor",
+ "learn_quanta": [],
+ "parser": { "ingress": [], "egress": [] },
+ "phv_allocation": [],
+ "tables": [
+ {
+ "direction": "ingress",
+ "handle": 16777217,
+ "name": "tbl_act",
+ "table_type": "match",
+ "size": 1,
+ "stage_tables": [],
+ "statistics_table_refs": [],
+ "match_attributes": {
+ "match_type": "match_with_no_key",
+ "uses_dynamic_key_masks": false,
+ "stage_tables": [
+ {
+ "stage_number": 0,
+ "logical_table_id": 0,
+ "memory_resource_allocation": null,
+ "size": 1,
+ "stage_table_type": "match_with_no_key",
+ "default_next_table": 255,
+ "pack_format": [
+ {
+ "table_word_width": 0,
+ "memory_word_width": 0,
+ "entries_per_table_word": 1,
+ "number_memory_units_per_table_word": 0 } ],
+ "action_format": [
+ {
+ "next_table": 1,
+ "next_table_full": 2,
+ "action_name": "act_1",
+ "action_handle": 536870914,
+ "table_name": "cond-1",
+ "vliw_instruction": 1,
+ "vliw_instruction_full": 64,
+ "immediate_fields": [] } ],
+ "hash_functions": [] } ] },
+ "preferred_match_type": "exact",
+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "act_1",
+ "handle": 536870914,
+ "indirect_resources": [],
+ "allowed_as_default_action": false,
+ "disallowed_as_default_action_reason": "USES_HASH_DIST",
+ "p4_parameters": [],
+ "override_meter_addr": false,
+ "override_meter_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_meter_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stat_addr": false,
+ "override_stat_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stat_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stateful_addr": false,
+ "override_stateful_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
+ "default_action_handle": 536870914,
+ "action_profile": "",
+ "default_next_table_mask": 0,
+ "ap_bind_indirect_res_to_match": [],
+ "is_resource_controllable": true,
+ "uses_range": false,
+ "match_key_fields": [],
+ "performs_hash_action": false,
+ "meter_table_refs": [],
+ "selection_table_refs": [],
+ "stateful_table_refs": [],
+ "action_data_table_refs": [] },
+ {
+ "direction": "egress",
+ "handle": 16777218,
+ "name": "tbl_act_4",
+ "table_type": "match",
+ "size": 1,
+ "stage_tables": [],
+ "statistics_table_refs": [],
+ "match_attributes": {
+ "match_type": "match_with_no_key",
+ "uses_dynamic_key_masks": false,
+ "stage_tables": [
+ {
+ "stage_number": 0,
+ "logical_table_id": 1,
+ "memory_resource_allocation": null,
+ "size": 1,
+ "stage_table_type": "match_with_no_key",
+ "default_next_table": 255,
+ "pack_format": [
+ {
+ "table_word_width": 0,
+ "memory_word_width": 0,
+ "entries_per_table_word": 1,
+ "number_memory_units_per_table_word": 0 } ],
+ "action_format": [
+ {
+ "next_table": 1,
+ "next_table_full": 3,
+ "action_name": "act_5",
+ "action_handle": 536870927,
+ "table_name": "tbl_packetio_egress_encap_packet_in_header",
+ "vliw_instruction": 1,
+ "vliw_instruction_full": 65,
+ "immediate_fields": [] } ],
+ "hash_functions": [] } ] },
+ "preferred_match_type": "exact",
+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "act_5",
+ "handle": 536870927,
+ "indirect_resources": [],
+ "allowed_as_default_action": false,
+ "disallowed_as_default_action_reason": "USES_HASH_DIST",
+ "p4_parameters": [],
+ "override_meter_addr": false,
+ "override_meter_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_meter_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stat_addr": false,
+ "override_stat_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stat_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stateful_addr": false,
+ "override_stateful_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
+ "default_action_handle": 536870927,
+ "action_profile": "",
+ "default_next_table_mask": 0,
+ "ap_bind_indirect_res_to_match": [],
+ "is_resource_controllable": true,
+ "uses_range": false,
+ "match_key_fields": [],
+ "performs_hash_action": false,
+ "meter_table_refs": [],
+ "selection_table_refs": [],
+ "stateful_table_refs": [],
+ "action_data_table_refs": [] },
+ {
+ "direction": "egress",
+ "handle": 16777219,
+ "name": "tbl_packetio_egress_encap_packet_in_header",
+ "table_type": "match",
+ "size": 1,
+ "stage_tables": [],
+ "statistics_table_refs": [],
+ "match_attributes": {
+ "match_type": "match_with_no_key",
+ "uses_dynamic_key_masks": false,
+ "stage_tables": [
+ {
+ "stage_number": 0,
+ "logical_table_id": 3,
+ "memory_resource_allocation": null,
+ "size": 1,
+ "stage_table_type": "match_with_no_key",
+ "default_next_table": 255,
+ "pack_format": [
+ {
+ "table_word_width": 0,
+ "memory_word_width": 0,
+ "entries_per_table_word": 1,
+ "number_memory_units_per_table_word": 0 } ],
+ "action_format": [
+ {
+ "next_table": 1,
+ "next_table_full": 4,
+ "action_name": "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header",
+ "action_handle": 536870928,
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_6",
+ "vliw_instruction": 1,
+ "vliw_instruction_full": 66,
+ "immediate_fields": [] } ],
+ "hash_functions": [] } ] },
+ "preferred_match_type": "exact",
+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header",
+ "handle": 536870928,
+ "indirect_resources": [],
+ "allowed_as_default_action": false,
+ "disallowed_as_default_action_reason": "USES_HASH_DIST",
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+ "override_stat_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stat_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stateful_addr": false,
+ "override_stateful_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
+ "default_action_handle": 536870928,
+ "action_profile": "",
+ "default_next_table_mask": 0,
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+ "selection_table_refs": [],
+ "stateful_table_refs": [],
+ "action_data_table_refs": [] },
+ {
+ "direction": "egress",
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+ "name": "tbl_act_6",
+ "table_type": "match",
+ "size": 512,
+ "stage_tables": [],
+ "statistics_table_refs": [
+ {
+ "name": "packetio_egress.ingress_port_counter",
+ "handle": 67108865,
+ "how_referenced": "indirect" } ],
+ "match_attributes": {
+ "match_type": "hash_action",
+ "uses_dynamic_key_masks": false,
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+ {
+ "stage_number": 0,
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+ "memory_resource_allocation": null,
+ "size": 512,
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+ "pack_format": [
+ {
+ "table_word_width": 0,
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+ "entries_per_table_word": 0,
+ "number_memory_units_per_table_word": 0 } ],
+ "action_format": [
+ {
+ "next_table": 1,
+ "next_table_full": 5,
+ "action_name": "act_6",
+ "action_handle": 536870929,
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_5",
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+ "vliw_instruction_full": 64,
+ "immediate_fields": [] } ],
+ "hash_functions": [] } ] },
+ "preferred_match_type": "exact",
+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "act_6",
+ "handle": 536870929,
+ "indirect_resources": [],
+ "allowed_as_default_action": false,
+ "disallowed_as_default_action_reason": "USES_HASH_DIST",
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+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
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+ "stateful_table_refs": [],
+ "action_data_table_refs": [] },
+ {
+ "direction": "egress",
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+ {
+ "stage_number": 0,
+ "size": 4096,
+ "stage_table_type": "statistics",
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+ "pack_format": [
+ {
+ "table_word_width": 128,
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+ "number_memory_units_per_table_word": 1 } ],
+ "memory_resource_allocation": {
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+ "memory_units_and_vpns": [
+ { "memory_units": [ 78 ], "vpns": [ 0 ] },
+ { "memory_units": [ 79 ], "vpns": [ 1 ] } ],
+ "spare_bank_memory_unit": 79 } } ],
+ "enable_per_flow_enable": false,
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+ "how_referenced": "indirect",
+ "enable_pfe": false,
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+ {
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+ {
+ "name": "packetio_egress.egress_port_counter",
+ "handle": 67108866,
+ "how_referenced": "indirect" } ],
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+ {
+ "stage_number": 0,
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+ {
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+ "action_format": [
+ {
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+ "immediate_fields": [] } ],
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+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "act_4",
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+ "disallowed_as_default_action_reason": "USES_HASH_DIST",
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+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
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+ {
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+ {
+ "stage_number": 0,
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+ {
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+ { "memory_units": [ 54 ], "vpns": [ 0 ] },
+ { "memory_units": [ 55 ], "vpns": [ 1 ] } ],
+ "spare_bank_memory_unit": 55 } } ],
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+ "how_referenced": "indirect",
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ "action_name": "act",
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+ "immediate_fields": [] } ],
+ "hash_functions": [] } ] },
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+ {
+ "name": "act",
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+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
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+ "action_profile": "",
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+ "stateful_table_refs": [],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ "size": 1,
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+ {
+ "table_word_width": 0,
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+ "entries_per_table_word": 1,
+ "number_memory_units_per_table_word": 0 } ],
+ "action_format": [
+ {
+ "next_table": 1,
+ "next_table_full": 19,
+ "action_name": "act_0",
+ "action_handle": 536870916,
+ "table_name": "vrf_vrf_classifier_table_0",
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+ "immediate_fields": [] } ],
+ "hash_functions": [] } ] },
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+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "act_0",
+ "handle": 536870916,
+ "indirect_resources": [],
+ "allowed_as_default_action": false,
+ "disallowed_as_default_action_reason": "USES_HASH_DIST",
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+ "override_stateful_addr": false,
+ "override_stateful_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
+ "default_action_handle": 536870916,
+ "action_profile": "",
+ "default_next_table_mask": 0,
+ "ap_bind_indirect_res_to_match": [],
+ "is_resource_controllable": true,
+ "uses_range": false,
+ "match_key_fields": [],
+ "performs_hash_action": false,
+ "meter_table_refs": [],
+ "selection_table_refs": [],
+ "stateful_table_refs": [],
+ "action_data_table_refs": [] },
+ {
+ "direction": "ingress",
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+ "name": "vrf.vrf_classifier_table",
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+ "statistics_table_refs": [],
+ "match_attributes": {
+ "stage_tables": [
+ {
+ "stage_number": 1,
+ "size": 512,
+ "stage_table_type": "ternary_match",
+ "logical_table_id": 3,
+ "pack_format": [
+ {
+ "table_word_width": 282,
+ "memory_word_width": 47,
+ "entries_per_table_word": 1,
+ "number_memory_units_per_table_word": 6,
+ "entries": [
+ {
+ "entry_number": 0,
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "field_name": "--tcam_payload_5--",
+ "lsb_mem_word_offset": 0,
+ "lsb_mem_word_idx": 5,
+ "msb_mem_word_idx": 5,
+ "source": "payload",
+ "start_bit": 0,
+ "field_width": 1 },
+ {
+ "field_name": "--tcam_parity_5--",
+ "lsb_mem_word_offset": 45,
+ "lsb_mem_word_idx": 5,
+ "msb_mem_word_idx": 5,
+ "source": "parity",
+ "start_bit": 0,
+ "field_width": 2 },
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+ "indirect_resources": [],
+ "allowed_as_default_action": false,
+ "disallowed_as_default_action_reason": "USES_HASH_DIST",
+ "p4_parameters": [],
+ "override_meter_addr": false,
+ "override_meter_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_meter_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stat_addr": false,
+ "override_stat_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stat_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stateful_addr": false,
+ "override_stateful_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
+ "default_action_handle": 536870926,
+ "action_profile": "",
+ "default_next_table_mask": 0,
+ "ap_bind_indirect_res_to_match": [],
+ "is_resource_controllable": true,
+ "uses_range": false,
+ "match_key_fields": [],
+ "performs_hash_action": false,
+ "meter_table_refs": [],
+ "selection_table_refs": [],
+ "stateful_table_refs": [],
+ "action_data_table_refs": [] } ],
+ "configuration_cache": [
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+ {
+ "fully_qualified_name": "pmarb.ebp18_reg.ebp_reg[0].epb_prsr_port_regs.chnl_ctrl[1]",
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+ "value": "00a40000" },
+ {
+ "fully_qualified_name": "pmarb.ebp18_reg.ebp_reg[0].epb_prsr_port_regs.chnl_ctrl[2]",
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+ "value": "00a40000" },
+ {
+ "fully_qualified_name": "pmarb.ebp18_reg.ebp_reg[0].epb_prsr_port_regs.chnl_ctrl[3]",
+ "name": "parser0_chnl_ctrl_3",
+ "value": "00a40000" },
+ {
+ "fully_qualified_name": "pmarb.ebp18_reg.ebp_reg[0].epb_prsr_port_regs.multi_threading",
+ "name": "parser0_multi_threading",
+ "value": "19522020" },
+ {
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+ "value": "00000001000000000000000200000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" },
+ {
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+ "value": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" },
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+ "fully_qualified_name": "mau[4].rams.match.adrdist.meter_sweep_ctl[3]",
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+ "value": "00040000" },
+ {
+ "fully_qualified_name": "mau[4].dp.match_input_xbar_din_power_ctl",
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diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/p4_name_lookup.json b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/p4_name_lookup.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9929b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/p4_name_lookup.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2112 @@
+ "directions": {
+ "0": {
+ "parser_states": {
+ "0": "$ingress_metadata_shim",
+ "1": "$ingress_metadata",
+ "2": "$phase0",
+ "3": "start",
+ "4": "parse_cpu_header",
+ "5": "parse_ethernet",
+ "6": "parse_ethernet.$split",
+ "7": "parse_vlan",
+ "8": "parse_vlan.0",
+ "9": "parse_ipv4",
+ "10": "parse_ipv4.$split",
+ "11": "parse_icmp",
+ "12": "parse_ipv4.$split.0",
+ "13": "parse_tcp",
+ "14": "parse_tcp.$split",
+ "15": "parse_ipv4.$split.1",
+ "16": "parse_udp",
+ "17": "parse_udp.$split",
+ "18": "parse_ipv4.$split.2",
+ "19": "parse_ipv6",
+ "20": "parse_ipv6.$split",
+ "21": "parse_ipv6.$split.0",
+ "22": "parse_ipv6.$split.1",
+ "23": "parse_ipv6.$split.2",
+ "24": "parse_ipv6.$split.3",
+ "25": "parse_ipv6.$split.4",
+ "26": "parse_ipv6.$split.5",
+ "27": "parse_ipv6.$split.6",
+ "28": "parse_vlan.5",
+ "29": "parse_vlan.10",
+ "30": "parse_vlan.15",
+ "31": "parse_ethernet.$split.0",
+ "32": "parse_ethernet.$split.1",
+ "33": "parse_ethernet.$split.2",
+ "34": "parse_ethernet.$split.3",
+ "35": "parse_ethernet.$split.4",
+ "36": "parse_ethernet.$split.5",
+ "37": "parse_arp",
+ "38": "parse_arp.$split",
+ "39": "parse_arp.$split.0",
+ "40": "parse_ethernet.$split.6" } },
+ "1": {
+ "parser_states": {
+ "0": "$egress_metadata_shim",
+ "1": "$bridge_metadata_extract",
+ "2": "start",
+ "3": "parse_cpu_header",
+ "4": "parse_ethernet",
+ "5": "parse_ethernet.$split",
+ "6": "parse_vlan",
+ "7": "parse_vlan.0",
+ "8": "parse_ipv4",
+ "9": "parse_ipv4.$split",
+ "10": "parse_icmp",
+ "11": "parse_ipv4.$split.0",
+ "12": "parse_tcp",
+ "13": "parse_tcp.$split",
+ "14": "parse_tcp.$split.0",
+ "15": "parse_ipv4.$split.1",
+ "16": "parse_udp",
+ "17": "parse_ipv4.$split.2",
+ "18": "parse_ipv6",
+ "19": "parse_ipv6.$split",
+ "20": "parse_ipv6.$split.0",
+ "21": "parse_ipv6.$split.1",
+ "22": "parse_ipv6.$split.2",
+ "23": "parse_ipv6.$split.3",
+ "24": "parse_ipv6.$split.4",
+ "25": "parse_ipv6.$split.5",
+ "26": "parse_ipv6.$split.6",
+ "27": "parse_vlan.5",
+ "28": "parse_vlan.10",
+ "29": "parse_vlan.15",
+ "30": "parse_ethernet.$split.0",
+ "31": "parse_ethernet.$split.1",
+ "32": "parse_ethernet.$split.2",
+ "33": "parse_ethernet.$split.3",
+ "34": "parse_ethernet.$split.4",
+ "35": "parse_ethernet.$split.5",
+ "36": "parse_arp",
+ "37": "parse_arp.$split",
+ "38": "parse_arp.$split.0",
+ "39": "parse_ethernet.$split.6" } } },
+ "stages": {
+ "0": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act",
+ "actions": { "act_1": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "2": {},
+ "1": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_4",
+ "actions": { "act_5": { "direction": 1, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "3": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_packetio_egress_encap_packet_in_header",
+ "actions": {
+ "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header": { "direction": 3, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "4": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_6",
+ "actions": { "act_6": { "direction": 4, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "5": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_5",
+ "actions": { "act_4": { "direction": 5, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "1": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_0",
+ "actions": { "act": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "2": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_1",
+ "actions": { "act_0": { "direction": 2, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "3": {
+ "table_name": "vrf.vrf_classifier_table",
+ "actions": { "vrf.set_vrf": { "direction": 3, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "4": {
+ "table_name": "class_id.class_id_assignment_table",
+ "actions": { "class_id.set_class_id": { "direction": 4, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "5": {
+ "table_name": "l3_fwd.l3_routing_classifier_table",
+ "actions": { "NoAction": { "direction": 5, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "1": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_7",
+ "actions": { "act_7": { "direction": 1, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "2": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": { "table_name": "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_override_table", "actions": {} },
+ "1": { "table_name": "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_vrf_table", "actions": {} },
+ "2": { "table_name": "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_fallback_table", "actions": {} },
+ "3": {},
+ "4": {
+ "table_name": "spoof_protection.dhcp_spoof_protection_table",
+ "actions": {
+ "NoAction": { "direction": 4, "primitives": [] },
+ "spoof_protection.drop_packet": { "direction": 4, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "3": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_2",
+ "actions": { "act_2": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "4": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "punt.punt_table",
+ "actions": {
+ "NoAction": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] },
+ "punt.set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] },
+ "punt.set_queue_and_send_to_cpu": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "5": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_3",
+ "actions": { "act_3": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "6": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "7": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "8": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "9": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "10": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "11": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} } } }
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/tofino.bin b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/tofino.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91df4f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/tofino.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/tor.p4info b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/tor.p4info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44c994b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/mavericks/tor.p4info
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33619357
+ name: "vrf.vrf_classifier_table"
+ alias: "vrf_classifier_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"vrf\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.diffserv"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "standard_metadata.ingress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.traffic_class"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16793447
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16793447
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33592054
+ name: "class_id.class_id_assignment_table"
+ alias: "class_id_assignment_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"class_id\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.hop_limit"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.protocol"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.next_header"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 8
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_src_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(8)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 9
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_dst_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(9)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 10
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].vid"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(10)"
+ bitwidth: 12
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 11
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].pcp"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(11)"
+ bitwidth: 3
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16778630
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16778630
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33568218
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_routing_classifier_table"
+ alias: "l3_routing_classifier_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33575570
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_override_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_override_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33581631
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_vrf_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_vrf_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "local_metadata.vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33572896
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_fallback_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_fallback_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33613201
+ name: "punt.punt_table"
+ alias: "punt_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "standard_metadata.ingress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "standard_metadata.egress_spec"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.diffserv"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.traffic_class"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.hop_limit"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 8
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(8)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 9
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(9)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 10
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(10)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 11
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(11)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 12
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.protocol"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(12)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 13
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.next_header"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(13)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 14
+ name: "hdr.arp.target_proto_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(14)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 15
+ name: "local_metadata.icmp_code"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(15)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 16
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].vid"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(16)"
+ bitwidth: 12
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 17
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].pcp"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(17)"
+ bitwidth: 3
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 18
+ name: "local_metadata.class_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(18)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 19
+ name: "local_metadata.vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(19)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16819104
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16784911
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@defaultonly()"
+ }
+ direct_resource_ids: 302050023
+ direct_resource_ids: 318814206
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33594375
+ name: "spoof_protection.dhcp_spoof_protection_table"
+ alias: "dhcp_spoof_protection_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"spoof_protection\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_dst_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "standard_metadata.egress_spec"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16827294
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@defaultonly()"
+ }
+ size: 1024
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16800567
+ name: "NoAction"
+ alias: "NoAction"
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16793447
+ name: "vrf.set_vrf"
+ alias: "set_vrf"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"vrf\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16778630
+ name: "class_id.set_class_id"
+ alias: "set_class_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"class_id\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "class_id_value"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16779406
+ name: "l3_fwd.set_nexthop"
+ alias: "set_nexthop"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 2
+ name: "smac"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 3
+ name: "dmac"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16819104
+ name: "punt.set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu"
+ alias: "set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "queue_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 5
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16784911
+ name: "punt.set_queue_and_send_to_cpu"
+ alias: "set_queue_and_send_to_cpu"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "queue_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 5
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16792485
+ name: "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header"
+ alias: "encap_packet_in_header"
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16827294
+ name: "spoof_protection.drop_packet"
+ alias: "drop_packet"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"spoof_protection\")"
+ }
+action_profiles {
+ preamble {
+ id: 285270769
+ name: "l3_fwd.wcmp_action_profile"
+ alias: "wcmp_action_profile"
+ }
+ table_ids: 33572896
+ table_ids: 33575570
+ table_ids: 33581631
+ with_selector: true
+ size: 1024
+counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302001476
+ name: "packetio_egress.egress_port_counter"
+ alias: "egress_port_counter"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ size: 510
+counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302037457
+ name: "packetio_egress.ingress_port_counter"
+ alias: "ingress_port_counter"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ size: 510
+direct_counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302050023
+ name: "punt.punt_packet_counter"
+ alias: "punt_packet_counter"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: PACKETS
+ }
+ direct_table_id: 33613201
+direct_meters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 318814206
+ name: "punt.ingress_port_meter"
+ alias: "ingress_port_meter"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ direct_table_id: 33613201
+controller_packet_metadata {
+ preamble {
+ id: 2868941301
+ name: "packet_in"
+ annotations: "@controller_header(\"packet_in\")"
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 1
+ name: "ingress_physical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 2
+ name: "padding1"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 7
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 3
+ name: "ingress_logical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 4
+ name: "target_egress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 5
+ name: "padding2"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 7
+ }
+controller_packet_metadata {
+ preamble {
+ id: 2868916615
+ name: "packet_out"
+ annotations: "@not_extracted_in_egress()"
+ annotations: "@controller_header(\"packet_out\")"
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 1
+ name: "egress_physical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 2
+ name: "submit_to_ingress"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 1
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 3
+ name: "padding"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 6
+ }
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/context.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7002 @@
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+ "program_name": "tor",
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+ "parser": { "ingress": [], "egress": [] },
+ "phv_allocation": [],
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ "allowed_as_default_action": false,
+ "disallowed_as_default_action_reason": "USES_HASH_DIST",
+ "p4_parameters": [],
+ "override_meter_addr": false,
+ "override_meter_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_meter_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stat_addr": false,
+ "override_stat_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stat_full_addr": 0,
+ "override_stateful_addr": false,
+ "override_stateful_addr_pfe": false,
+ "override_stateful_full_addr": 0 } ],
+ "default_action_handle": 536870926,
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+ "default_next_table_mask": 0,
+ "ap_bind_indirect_res_to_match": [],
+ "is_resource_controllable": true,
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+ "match_key_fields": [],
+ "performs_hash_action": false,
+ "meter_table_refs": [],
+ "selection_table_refs": [],
+ "stateful_table_refs": [],
+ "action_data_table_refs": [] } ],
+ "configuration_cache": [
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+ "value": "00a40000" },
+ {
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+ "value": "00a40000" },
+ {
+ "fully_qualified_name": "pmarb.ebp18_reg.ebp_reg[0].epb_prsr_port_regs.chnl_ctrl[3]",
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+ "value": "00a40000" },
+ {
+ "fully_qualified_name": "pmarb.ebp18_reg.ebp_reg[0].epb_prsr_port_regs.multi_threading",
+ "name": "parser0_multi_threading",
+ "value": "19522020" },
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+ "value": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" },
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diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/p4_name_lookup.json b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/p4_name_lookup.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9929b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/p4_name_lookup.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2112 @@
+ "directions": {
+ "0": {
+ "parser_states": {
+ "0": "$ingress_metadata_shim",
+ "1": "$ingress_metadata",
+ "2": "$phase0",
+ "3": "start",
+ "4": "parse_cpu_header",
+ "5": "parse_ethernet",
+ "6": "parse_ethernet.$split",
+ "7": "parse_vlan",
+ "8": "parse_vlan.0",
+ "9": "parse_ipv4",
+ "10": "parse_ipv4.$split",
+ "11": "parse_icmp",
+ "12": "parse_ipv4.$split.0",
+ "13": "parse_tcp",
+ "14": "parse_tcp.$split",
+ "15": "parse_ipv4.$split.1",
+ "16": "parse_udp",
+ "17": "parse_udp.$split",
+ "18": "parse_ipv4.$split.2",
+ "19": "parse_ipv6",
+ "20": "parse_ipv6.$split",
+ "21": "parse_ipv6.$split.0",
+ "22": "parse_ipv6.$split.1",
+ "23": "parse_ipv6.$split.2",
+ "24": "parse_ipv6.$split.3",
+ "25": "parse_ipv6.$split.4",
+ "26": "parse_ipv6.$split.5",
+ "27": "parse_ipv6.$split.6",
+ "28": "parse_vlan.5",
+ "29": "parse_vlan.10",
+ "30": "parse_vlan.15",
+ "31": "parse_ethernet.$split.0",
+ "32": "parse_ethernet.$split.1",
+ "33": "parse_ethernet.$split.2",
+ "34": "parse_ethernet.$split.3",
+ "35": "parse_ethernet.$split.4",
+ "36": "parse_ethernet.$split.5",
+ "37": "parse_arp",
+ "38": "parse_arp.$split",
+ "39": "parse_arp.$split.0",
+ "40": "parse_ethernet.$split.6" } },
+ "1": {
+ "parser_states": {
+ "0": "$egress_metadata_shim",
+ "1": "$bridge_metadata_extract",
+ "2": "start",
+ "3": "parse_cpu_header",
+ "4": "parse_ethernet",
+ "5": "parse_ethernet.$split",
+ "6": "parse_vlan",
+ "7": "parse_vlan.0",
+ "8": "parse_ipv4",
+ "9": "parse_ipv4.$split",
+ "10": "parse_icmp",
+ "11": "parse_ipv4.$split.0",
+ "12": "parse_tcp",
+ "13": "parse_tcp.$split",
+ "14": "parse_tcp.$split.0",
+ "15": "parse_ipv4.$split.1",
+ "16": "parse_udp",
+ "17": "parse_ipv4.$split.2",
+ "18": "parse_ipv6",
+ "19": "parse_ipv6.$split",
+ "20": "parse_ipv6.$split.0",
+ "21": "parse_ipv6.$split.1",
+ "22": "parse_ipv6.$split.2",
+ "23": "parse_ipv6.$split.3",
+ "24": "parse_ipv6.$split.4",
+ "25": "parse_ipv6.$split.5",
+ "26": "parse_ipv6.$split.6",
+ "27": "parse_vlan.5",
+ "28": "parse_vlan.10",
+ "29": "parse_vlan.15",
+ "30": "parse_ethernet.$split.0",
+ "31": "parse_ethernet.$split.1",
+ "32": "parse_ethernet.$split.2",
+ "33": "parse_ethernet.$split.3",
+ "34": "parse_ethernet.$split.4",
+ "35": "parse_ethernet.$split.5",
+ "36": "parse_arp",
+ "37": "parse_arp.$split",
+ "38": "parse_arp.$split.0",
+ "39": "parse_ethernet.$split.6" } } },
+ "stages": {
+ "0": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act",
+ "actions": { "act_1": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "2": {},
+ "1": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_4",
+ "actions": { "act_5": { "direction": 1, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "3": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_packetio_egress_encap_packet_in_header",
+ "actions": {
+ "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header": { "direction": 3, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "4": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_6",
+ "actions": { "act_6": { "direction": 4, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "5": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_5",
+ "actions": { "act_4": { "direction": 5, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "1": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_0",
+ "actions": { "act": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "2": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_1",
+ "actions": { "act_0": { "direction": 2, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "3": {
+ "table_name": "vrf.vrf_classifier_table",
+ "actions": { "vrf.set_vrf": { "direction": 3, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "4": {
+ "table_name": "class_id.class_id_assignment_table",
+ "actions": { "class_id.set_class_id": { "direction": 4, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "5": {
+ "table_name": "l3_fwd.l3_routing_classifier_table",
+ "actions": { "NoAction": { "direction": 5, "primitives": [] } } },
+ "1": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_7",
+ "actions": { "act_7": { "direction": 1, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "2": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": { "table_name": "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_override_table", "actions": {} },
+ "1": { "table_name": "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_vrf_table", "actions": {} },
+ "2": { "table_name": "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_fallback_table", "actions": {} },
+ "3": {},
+ "4": {
+ "table_name": "spoof_protection.dhcp_spoof_protection_table",
+ "actions": {
+ "NoAction": { "direction": 4, "primitives": [] },
+ "spoof_protection.drop_packet": { "direction": 4, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "3": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_2",
+ "actions": { "act_2": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "4": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "punt.punt_table",
+ "actions": {
+ "NoAction": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] },
+ "punt.set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] },
+ "punt.set_queue_and_send_to_cpu": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "5": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {
+ "0": {
+ "table_name": "tbl_act_3",
+ "actions": { "act_3": { "direction": 0, "primitives": [] } } } } },
+ "6": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "7": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "8": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "9": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "10": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} },
+ "11": {
+ "containers": {
+ "0": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "1": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "2": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "3": "I [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "4": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "5": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "6": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "7": "I [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "8": "I [local_metadata.vrf_id]",
+ "9": "I [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "10": "I [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "11": "I [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "12": "I [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "64": "I [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "65": "I [local_metadata.icmp_code]",
+ "66": "I [local_metadata.class_id]",
+ "67": "I [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "68": "I [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "69": "I [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "70": "I [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "71": "I [$mirror]",
+ "72": "I [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "73": "I [hasExited]",
+ "74": "I [ipv4_base.$valid]",
+ "75": "I [packet_out.$valid]",
+ "76": "I [packet_out.submit_to_ingress]",
+ "77": "I [local_metadata.color]",
+ "80": "E [packet_in.$valid]",
+ "81": "E [hasExited_0]",
+ "82": "E [udp.$valid]",
+ "83": "E [local_metadata.skip_egress]",
+ "84": "E [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "85": "E [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "86": "E [ipv6_base.hop_limit]",
+ "87": "E [ipv6_base.next_header]",
+ "88": "E [tcp.flags]",
+ "89": "E [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "90": "E [icmp_header.code]",
+ "91": "E [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "92": "E [ipv4_base.protocol]",
+ "93": "E [ipv4_base.ttl]",
+ "94": "E [ipv4_base.diffserv]",
+ "95": "E [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "128": "I [standard_metadata.egress_spec]",
+ "129": "I [packet_out.egress_physical_port]",
+ "130": "I [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match, arp.$valid]",
+ "131": "I [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "132": "I [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "133": "I [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "134": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "135": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "136": "I [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "137": "I [standard_metadata.ingress_port, $always_deparse, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "138": "I [$mirror_id, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, udp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "139": "I [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "140": "I [local_metadata.l4_src_port]",
+ "141": "I [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "142": "I [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "144": "E [standard_metadata.egress_port]",
+ "145": "E [packet_in.target_egress_port, packet_in.padding2]",
+ "146": "E [local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match]",
+ "147": "E [packet_in.ingress_physical_port, packet_in.padding1]",
+ "148": "E [standard_metadata.ingress_port, vlan_tag$1.$valid]",
+ "149": "E [standard_metadata.egress_spec, arp.$valid, ethernet.$valid, icmp_header.$valid, ipv4_base.$valid, ipv6_base.$valid, tcp.$valid, vlan_tag$0.$valid]",
+ "150": "E [local_metadata.l4_dst_port]",
+ "158": "E [vlan_tag$0.ether_type]",
+ "159": "E [ethernet.ether_type]",
+ "256": "I [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "257": "I [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "258": "I [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "272": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.0-31]",
+ "273": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.32-63]",
+ "274": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.64-95]",
+ "275": "E [ipv6_base.dst_addr.96-127]",
+ "276": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.0-31]",
+ "277": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.32-63]",
+ "278": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.64-95]",
+ "279": "E [ipv6_base.src_addr.96-127]",
+ "280": "E [ipv6_base.version, ipv6_base.traffic_class, ipv6_base.flow_label]",
+ "281": "E [packet_in.ingress_logical_port]",
+ "282": "E [arp.target_proto_addr]",
+ "283": "E [arp.sender_proto_addr]",
+ "284": "E [tcp.ack_no]",
+ "285": "E [tcp.seq_no]",
+ "286": "E [ipv4_base.dst_addr]",
+ "287": "E [ipv4_base.src_addr]",
+ "288": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "289": "I [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "290": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "291": "I [vlan_tag$0.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "292": "I [tcp.data_offset, tcp.res]",
+ "293": "I [ipv4_base.version, ipv4_base.ihl]",
+ "294": "I [arp.proto_addr_len]",
+ "295": "I [arp.hw_addr_len]",
+ "296": "I [tcp.flags]",
+ "297": "I [icmp_header.code]",
+ "298": "I [icmp_header.icmp_type]",
+ "304": "E [tcp.checksum.0-7]",
+ "305": "E [tcp.checksum.8-15]",
+ "306": "E [tcp.window.0-7]",
+ "307": "E [tcp.window.8-15]",
+ "308": "E [tcp.dst_port.0-7]",
+ "309": "E [tcp.dst_port.8-15]",
+ "310": "E [tcp.src_port.0-7]",
+ "311": "E [tcp.src_port.8-15]",
+ "312": "E [icmp_header.checksum.0-7]",
+ "313": "E [icmp_header.checksum.8-15]",
+ "314": "E [ipv4_base.identification.0-7]",
+ "315": "E [ipv4_base.identification.8-15]",
+ "316": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.0-7]",
+ "317": "E [ipv4_base.total_len.8-15]",
+ "318": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.0-7]",
+ "319": "E [vlan_tag$1.ether_type.8-15]",
+ "320": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "321": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "322": "I [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "323": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "324": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "325": "I [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "326": "I [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "327": "I [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "328": "I [arp.opcode]",
+ "329": "I [arp.proto_type]",
+ "330": "I [arp.hw_type]",
+ "331": "I [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "332": "I [udp.checksum]",
+ "333": "I [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "334": "I [udp.dst_port]",
+ "335": "I [udp.src_port]",
+ "336": "I [tcp.urgent_ptr]",
+ "337": "I [tcp.checksum]",
+ "338": "I [tcp.window]",
+ "339": "I [tcp.dst_port]",
+ "340": "I [tcp.src_port]",
+ "341": "I [icmp_header.checksum]",
+ "342": "I [ipv4_base.identification]",
+ "343": "I [ipv4_base.total_len]",
+ "344": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "345": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "346": "E [arp.target_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "347": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.0-15]",
+ "348": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.16-31]",
+ "349": "E [arp.sender_hw_addr.32-47]",
+ "350": "E [ethernet.src_addr.0-15]",
+ "351": "E [ethernet.src_addr.16-31]",
+ "352": "E [ethernet.src_addr.32-47]",
+ "353": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.0-15]",
+ "354": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.16-31]",
+ "355": "E [ethernet.dst_addr.32-47]",
+ "356": "E [ipv4_base.flags, ipv4_base.frag_offset]",
+ "357": "E [vlan_tag$1.pcp, vlan_tag$1.cfi, vlan_tag$1.vid]",
+ "358": "E [vlan_tag$0.pcp, vlan_tag$0.cfi, vlan_tag$0.vid]",
+ "359": "E [arp.opcode]",
+ "360": "E [arp.proto_type]",
+ "361": "E [arp.hw_type]",
+ "362": "E [ipv6_base.payload_length]",
+ "363": "E [udp.checksum]",
+ "364": "E [udp.hdr_length]",
+ "365": "E [udp.dst_port]",
+ "366": "E [udp.src_port]",
+ "367": "E [tcp.urgent_ptr]" },
+ "logical_tables": {} } } }
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/tofino.bin b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/tofino.bin
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ad94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/tofino.bin
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/tor.p4info b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/tor.p4info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44c994b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tofino/tor/montara/tor.p4info
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33619357
+ name: "vrf.vrf_classifier_table"
+ alias: "vrf_classifier_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"vrf\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.diffserv"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "standard_metadata.ingress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.traffic_class"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16793447
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16793447
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33592054
+ name: "class_id.class_id_assignment_table"
+ alias: "class_id_assignment_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"class_id\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.hop_limit"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.protocol"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.next_header"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 8
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_src_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(8)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 9
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_dst_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(9)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 10
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].vid"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(10)"
+ bitwidth: 12
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 11
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].pcp"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(11)"
+ bitwidth: 3
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16778630
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16778630
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33568218
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_routing_classifier_table"
+ alias: "l3_routing_classifier_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33575570
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_override_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_override_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33581631
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_vrf_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_vrf_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "local_metadata.vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33572896
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_fallback_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_fallback_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33613201
+ name: "punt.punt_table"
+ alias: "punt_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "standard_metadata.ingress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "standard_metadata.egress_spec"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.diffserv"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.traffic_class"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.hop_limit"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 8
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(8)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 9
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(9)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 10
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(10)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 11
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(11)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 12
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.protocol"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(12)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 13
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.next_header"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(13)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 14
+ name: "hdr.arp.target_proto_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(14)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 15
+ name: "local_metadata.icmp_code"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(15)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 16
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].vid"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(16)"
+ bitwidth: 12
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 17
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].pcp"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(17)"
+ bitwidth: 3
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 18
+ name: "local_metadata.class_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(18)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 19
+ name: "local_metadata.vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(19)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16819104
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16784911
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@defaultonly()"
+ }
+ direct_resource_ids: 302050023
+ direct_resource_ids: 318814206
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33594375
+ name: "spoof_protection.dhcp_spoof_protection_table"
+ alias: "dhcp_spoof_protection_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"spoof_protection\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_dst_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "standard_metadata.egress_spec"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16827294
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@defaultonly()"
+ }
+ size: 1024
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16800567
+ name: "NoAction"
+ alias: "NoAction"
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16793447
+ name: "vrf.set_vrf"
+ alias: "set_vrf"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"vrf\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16778630
+ name: "class_id.set_class_id"
+ alias: "set_class_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"class_id\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "class_id_value"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16779406
+ name: "l3_fwd.set_nexthop"
+ alias: "set_nexthop"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 2
+ name: "smac"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 3
+ name: "dmac"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16819104
+ name: "punt.set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu"
+ alias: "set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "queue_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 5
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16784911
+ name: "punt.set_queue_and_send_to_cpu"
+ alias: "set_queue_and_send_to_cpu"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "queue_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 5
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16792485
+ name: "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header"
+ alias: "encap_packet_in_header"
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16827294
+ name: "spoof_protection.drop_packet"
+ alias: "drop_packet"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"spoof_protection\")"
+ }
+action_profiles {
+ preamble {
+ id: 285270769
+ name: "l3_fwd.wcmp_action_profile"
+ alias: "wcmp_action_profile"
+ }
+ table_ids: 33572896
+ table_ids: 33575570
+ table_ids: 33581631
+ with_selector: true
+ size: 1024
+counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302001476
+ name: "packetio_egress.egress_port_counter"
+ alias: "egress_port_counter"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ size: 510
+counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302037457
+ name: "packetio_egress.ingress_port_counter"
+ alias: "ingress_port_counter"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ size: 510
+direct_counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302050023
+ name: "punt.punt_packet_counter"
+ alias: "punt_packet_counter"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: PACKETS
+ }
+ direct_table_id: 33613201
+direct_meters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 318814206
+ name: "punt.ingress_port_meter"
+ alias: "ingress_port_meter"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ direct_table_id: 33613201
+controller_packet_metadata {
+ preamble {
+ id: 2868941301
+ name: "packet_in"
+ annotations: "@controller_header(\"packet_in\")"
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 1
+ name: "ingress_physical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 2
+ name: "padding1"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 7
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 3
+ name: "ingress_logical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 4
+ name: "target_egress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 5
+ name: "padding2"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 7
+ }
+controller_packet_metadata {
+ preamble {
+ id: 2868916615
+ name: "packet_out"
+ annotations: "@not_extracted_in_egress()"
+ annotations: "@controller_header(\"packet_out\")"
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 1
+ name: "egress_physical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 2
+ name: "submit_to_ingress"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 1
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 3
+ name: "padding"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 6
+ }
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tor.json b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tor.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e48c28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tor.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3176 @@
+ "program" : "tor.p4",
+ "__meta__" : {
+ "version" : [2, 7],
+ "compiler" : "https://github.com/p4lang/p4c"
+ },
+ "header_types" : [
+ {
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+ "id" : 0,
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+ ["tmp_1", 21, false],
+ ["tmp", 16, false],
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+ ["l3_fwd_tmp_3", 1, false],
+ ["l3_fwd_tmp_4", 1, false],
+ ["tmp_2", 32, false],
+ ["tmp_3", 32, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.vrf_id", 32, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.class_id", 8, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.cpu_cos_queue_id", 5, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.skip_egress", 1, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.egress_spec_at_punt_match", 9, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.color", 2, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.l4_src_port", 16, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.l4_dst_port", 16, false],
+ ["local_metadata_t.icmp_code", 8, false],
+ ["_padding_0", 7, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "ethernet_t",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["dst_addr", 48, false],
+ ["src_addr", 48, false],
+ ["ether_type", 16, false]
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id" : 2,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["version", 4, false],
+ ["ihl", 4, false],
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+ ["total_len", 16, false],
+ ["identification", 16, false],
+ ["flags", 3, false],
+ ["frag_offset", 13, false],
+ ["ttl", 8, false],
+ ["protocol", 8, false],
+ ["hdr_checksum", 16, false],
+ ["src_addr", 32, false],
+ ["dst_addr", 32, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "ipv6_base_t",
+ "id" : 3,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["version", 4, false],
+ ["traffic_class", 8, false],
+ ["flow_label", 20, false],
+ ["payload_length", 16, false],
+ ["next_header", 8, false],
+ ["hop_limit", 8, false],
+ ["src_addr", 128, false],
+ ["dst_addr", 128, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "icmp_header_t",
+ "id" : 4,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["icmp_type", 8, false],
+ ["code", 8, false],
+ ["checksum", 16, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "tcp_t",
+ "id" : 5,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["src_port", 16, false],
+ ["dst_port", 16, false],
+ ["seq_no", 32, false],
+ ["ack_no", 32, false],
+ ["data_offset", 4, false],
+ ["res", 4, false],
+ ["flags", 8, false],
+ ["window", 16, false],
+ ["checksum", 16, false],
+ ["urgent_ptr", 16, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "udp_t",
+ "id" : 6,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["src_port", 16, false],
+ ["dst_port", 16, false],
+ ["hdr_length", 16, false],
+ ["checksum", 16, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "arp_t",
+ "id" : 7,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["hw_type", 16, false],
+ ["proto_type", 16, false],
+ ["hw_addr_len", 8, false],
+ ["proto_addr_len", 8, false],
+ ["opcode", 16, false],
+ ["sender_hw_addr", 48, false],
+ ["sender_proto_addr", 32, false],
+ ["target_hw_addr", 48, false],
+ ["target_proto_addr", 32, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "packet_in_header_t",
+ "id" : 8,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["ingress_physical_port", 9, false],
+ ["padding1", 7, false],
+ ["ingress_logical_port", 32, false],
+ ["target_egress_port", 9, false],
+ ["padding2", 7, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "packet_out_header_t",
+ "id" : 9,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["egress_physical_port", 9, false],
+ ["submit_to_ingress", 1, false],
+ ["padding", 6, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "vlan_tag_t",
+ "id" : 10,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["pcp", 3, false],
+ ["cfi", 1, false],
+ ["vid", 12, false],
+ ["ether_type", 16, false]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "standard_metadata",
+ "id" : 11,
+ "fields" : [
+ ["ingress_port", 9, false],
+ ["egress_spec", 9, false],
+ ["egress_port", 9, false],
+ ["clone_spec", 32, false],
+ ["instance_type", 32, false],
+ ["drop", 1, false],
+ ["recirculate_port", 16, false],
+ ["packet_length", 32, false],
+ ["enq_timestamp", 32, false],
+ ["enq_qdepth", 19, false],
+ ["deq_timedelta", 32, false],
+ ["deq_qdepth", 19, false],
+ ["ingress_global_timestamp", 48, false],
+ ["lf_field_list", 32, false],
+ ["mcast_grp", 16, false],
+ ["resubmit_flag", 1, false],
+ ["egress_rid", 16, false],
+ ["_padding", 5, false]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "headers" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "scalars",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "header_type" : "scalars_0",
+ "metadata" : true,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "standard_metadata",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "header_type" : "standard_metadata",
+ "metadata" : true,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
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+ "id" : 2,
+ "header_type" : "ethernet_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
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+ "id" : 3,
+ "header_type" : "ipv4_base_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
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+ "name" : "ipv6_base",
+ "id" : 4,
+ "header_type" : "ipv6_base_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "icmp_header",
+ "id" : 5,
+ "header_type" : "icmp_header_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "tcp",
+ "id" : 6,
+ "header_type" : "tcp_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "udp",
+ "id" : 7,
+ "header_type" : "udp_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "arp",
+ "id" : 8,
+ "header_type" : "arp_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "packet_in",
+ "id" : 9,
+ "header_type" : "packet_in_header_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "packet_out",
+ "id" : 10,
+ "header_type" : "packet_out_header_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "vlan_tag[0]",
+ "id" : 11,
+ "header_type" : "vlan_tag_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "vlan_tag[1]",
+ "id" : 12,
+ "header_type" : "vlan_tag_t",
+ "metadata" : false,
+ "pi_omit" : true
+ }
+ ],
+ "header_stacks" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "vlan_tag",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "header_type" : "vlan_tag_t",
+ "size" : 2,
+ "header_ids" : [11, 12]
+ }
+ ],
+ "header_union_types" : [],
+ "header_unions" : [],
+ "header_union_stacks" : [],
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+ {
+ "id" : 0,
+ "name" : "fl",
+ "elements" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "errors" : [
+ ["NoError", 1],
+ ["PacketTooShort", 2],
+ ["NoMatch", 3],
+ ["StackOutOfBounds", 4],
+ ["HeaderTooShort", 5],
+ ["ParserTimeout", 6]
+ ],
+ "enums" : [],
+ "parsers" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "parser",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "init_state" : "start",
+ "parse_states" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "start",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "parser_ops" : [],
+ "transitions" : [
+ {
+ "value" : "0x00ff",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_cpu_header"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_ethernet"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transition_key" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_ethernet",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "regular",
+ "value" : "ethernet"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transitions" : [
+ {
+ "value" : "0x8100",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_vlan"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "0x9100",
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+ "next_state" : "parse_vlan"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "next_state" : "parse_ipv4"
+ },
+ {
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+ "next_state" : "parse_ipv6"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "0x0806",
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+ "next_state" : "parse_arp"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ethernet", "ether_type"]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_vlan",
+ "id" : 2,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "stack",
+ "value" : "vlan_tag"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transitions" : [
+ {
+ "value" : "0x8100",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_vlan"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "0x9100",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_vlan"
+ },
+ {
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+ "next_state" : "parse_vlan"
+ },
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+ "next_state" : "parse_vlan"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "type" : "stack_field",
+ "value" : ["vlan_tag", "ether_type"]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_ipv4",
+ "id" : 3,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "regular",
+ "value" : "ipv4_base"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ },
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "tmp_1"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "|",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "&",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "<<",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "&",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "frag_offset"]
+ },
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+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x1fffff"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x8"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
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+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "protocol"]
+ },
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+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x1fffff"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x0001ff"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "set"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "value" : "0x000001",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_icmp"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "0x000006",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_tcp"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "0x000011",
+ "mask" : null,
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+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
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+ "next_state" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "tmp_1"]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_ipv6",
+ "id" : 4,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "regular",
+ "value" : "ipv6_base"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "value" : "0x3a",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_icmp"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "0x06",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_tcp"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "0x11",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_udp"
+ },
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv6_base", "next_header"]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_tcp",
+ "id" : 5,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "regular",
+ "value" : "tcp"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ },
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_src_port"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["tcp", "src_port"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "set"
+ },
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_dst_port"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["tcp", "dst_port"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "set"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transitions" : [
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "transition_key" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_udp",
+ "id" : 6,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "regular",
+ "value" : "udp"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ },
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_src_port"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["udp", "src_port"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "set"
+ },
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_dst_port"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["udp", "dst_port"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "set"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transitions" : [
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "transition_key" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_icmp",
+ "id" : 7,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "regular",
+ "value" : "icmp_header"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transitions" : [
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "transition_key" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_arp",
+ "id" : 8,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "regular",
+ "value" : "arp"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transitions" : [
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "transition_key" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "parse_cpu_header",
+ "id" : 9,
+ "parser_ops" : [
+ {
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "regular",
+ "value" : "packet_out"
+ }
+ ],
+ "op" : "extract"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transitions" : [
+ {
+ "value" : "default",
+ "mask" : null,
+ "next_state" : "parse_ethernet"
+ }
+ ],
+ "transition_key" : []
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "deparsers" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "deparser",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "parser.p4",
+ "line" : 150,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "pkt_deparser"
+ },
+ "order" : ["packet_in", "ethernet", "vlan_tag[0]", "vlan_tag[1]", "ipv4_base", "ipv6_base", "arp", "icmp_header", "tcp", "udp"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "meter_arrays" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "punt.ingress_port_meter",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 29,
+ "column" : 40,
+ "source_fragment" : "ingress_port_meter"
+ },
+ "is_direct" : true,
+ "rate_count" : 2,
+ "type" : "bytes",
+ "size" : 1024,
+ "binding" : "punt.punt_table",
+ "result_target" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.color"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "counter_arrays" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "punt.punt_packet_counter",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "is_direct" : true,
+ "binding" : "punt.punt_table"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "packetio_egress.egress_port_counter",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 49,
+ "column" : 34,
+ "source_fragment" : "egress_port_counter"
+ },
+ "size" : 510,
+ "is_direct" : false
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "packetio_egress.ingress_port_counter",
+ "id" : 2,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 50,
+ "column" : 34,
+ "source_fragment" : "ingress_port_counter"
+ },
+ "size" : 510,
+ "is_direct" : false
+ }
+ ],
+ "register_arrays" : [],
+ "calculations" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "calc",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "ipv4_checksum.p4",
+ "line" : 37,
+ "column" : 35,
+ "source_fragment" : "ipv4_checksum.get( ..."
+ },
+ "algo" : "csum16",
+ "input" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "version"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ihl"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "diffserv"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "total_len"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "identification"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "flags"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "frag_offset"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "protocol"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "src_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "dst_addr"]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "learn_lists" : [],
+ "actions" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "NoAction",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "NoAction",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "NoAction",
+ "id" : 2,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "NoAction",
+ "id" : 3,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "NoAction",
+ "id" : 4,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "vrf.set_vrf",
+ "id" : 5,
+ "runtime_data" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "vrf_id",
+ "bitwidth" : 32
+ }
+ ],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.vrf_id"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "vrf.p4",
+ "line" : 27,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.vrf_id = vrf_id"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "class_id.set_class_id",
+ "id" : 6,
+ "runtime_data" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "class_id_value",
+ "bitwidth" : 8
+ }
+ ],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.class_id"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "class_id.p4",
+ "line" : 22,
+ "column" : 5,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.class_id = class_id_value"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "l3_fwd.set_nexthop",
+ "id" : 7,
+ "runtime_data" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "port",
+ "bitwidth" : 9
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "smac",
+ "bitwidth" : 48
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "dmac",
+ "bitwidth" : 48
+ }
+ ],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 29,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_spec = port"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ethernet", "src_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 30,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ethernet.src_addr = smac"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ethernet", "dst_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 31,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ethernet.dst_addr = dmac"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "&",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "+",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0xff"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0xff"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 33,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl = hdr.ipv4_base.ttl - 1"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "l3_fwd.set_nexthop",
+ "id" : 8,
+ "runtime_data" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "port",
+ "bitwidth" : 9
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "smac",
+ "bitwidth" : 48
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "dmac",
+ "bitwidth" : 48
+ }
+ ],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 29,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_spec = port"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ethernet", "src_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 30,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ethernet.src_addr = smac"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ethernet", "dst_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 31,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ethernet.dst_addr = dmac"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "&",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "+",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0xff"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0xff"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 33,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl = hdr.ipv4_base.ttl - 1"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "l3_fwd.set_nexthop",
+ "id" : 9,
+ "runtime_data" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "port",
+ "bitwidth" : 9
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "smac",
+ "bitwidth" : 48
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "dmac",
+ "bitwidth" : 48
+ }
+ ],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 29,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_spec = port"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ethernet", "src_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 30,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ethernet.src_addr = smac"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ethernet", "dst_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 2
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 31,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ethernet.dst_addr = dmac"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "&",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "+",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0xff"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0xff"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 33,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl = hdr.ipv4_base.ttl - 1"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "punt.set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu",
+ "id" : 10,
+ "runtime_data" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "queue_id",
+ "bitwidth" : 5
+ }
+ ],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.cpu_cos_queue_id"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 36,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.cpu_cos_queue_id = queue_id"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.egress_spec_at_punt_match"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 37,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match = standard_metadata.egress_spec"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "clone_ingress_pkt_to_egress",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x000003ff"
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x0"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "punt.set_queue_and_send_to_cpu",
+ "id" : 11,
+ "runtime_data" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "queue_id",
+ "bitwidth" : 5
+ }
+ ],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.cpu_cos_queue_id"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "runtime_data",
+ "value" : 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 46,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.cpu_cos_queue_id = queue_id"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.egress_spec_at_punt_match"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 47,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match = standard_metadata.egress_spec"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x00ff"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 48,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_spec = 255"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act",
+ "id" : 12,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.skip_egress"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x01"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 21,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.skip_egress = 1"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["packet_out", "egress_physical_port"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 22,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_spec = hdr.packet_out.egress_physical_port"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "remove_header",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "header",
+ "value" : "packet_out"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 23,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_out.setInvalid()"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_0",
+ "id" : 13,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "remove_header",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "header",
+ "value" : "packet_out"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 26,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_out.setInvalid()"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_1",
+ "id" : 14,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_4"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "b2d",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "bool",
+ "value" : true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_2",
+ "id" : 15,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_4"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "b2d",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "bool",
+ "value" : false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_3",
+ "id" : 16,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_3"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "b2d",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "bool",
+ "value" : true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_4",
+ "id" : 17,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_3"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "b2d",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "bool",
+ "value" : false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_5",
+ "id" : 18,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_2"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "b2d",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "bool",
+ "value" : true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_6",
+ "id" : 19,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_2"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "b2d",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "bool",
+ "value" : false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_7",
+ "id" : 20,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "drop",
+ "parameters" : [],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 172,
+ "column" : 10,
+ "source_fragment" : "mark_to_drop()"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_8",
+ "id" : 21,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "drop",
+ "parameters" : [],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 93,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "mark_to_drop()"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "NoAction",
+ "id" : 22,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : []
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header",
+ "id" : 23,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "add_header",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "header",
+ "value" : "packet_in"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 35,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_in.setValid()"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["packet_in", "ingress_physical_port"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 36,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_in.ingress_physical_port = standard_metadata.ingress_port"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["packet_in", "target_egress_port"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.egress_spec_at_punt_match"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 37,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_in.target_egress_port = local_metadata.egress_spec_at_punt_match"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "spoof_protection.drop_packet",
+ "id" : 24,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "drop",
+ "parameters" : [],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "spoof_protection.p4",
+ "line" : 22,
+ "column" : 4,
+ "source_fragment" : "mark_to_drop()"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_9",
+ "id" : 25,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "tmp_2"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "&",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0xffffffff"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "count",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "counter_array",
+ "value" : "packetio_egress.egress_port_counter"
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "tmp_2"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 56,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "egress_port_counter.count((bit<32>) standard_metadata.egress_spec)"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "act_10",
+ "id" : 26,
+ "runtime_data" : [],
+ "primitives" : [
+ {
+ "op" : "assign",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "tmp_3"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "&",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0xffffffff"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "op" : "count",
+ "parameters" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "counter_array",
+ "value" : "packetio_egress.ingress_port_counter"
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "tmp_3"]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 59,
+ "column" : 6,
+ "source_fragment" : "ingress_port_counter.count((bit<32> ) standard_metadata.ingress_port)"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "pipelines" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "ingress",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "tor.p4",
+ "line" : 17,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "ingress_tor"
+ },
+ "init_table" : "node_2",
+ "tables" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "tbl_act",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "key" : [],
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [12],
+ "actions" : ["act"],
+ "base_default_next" : null,
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "act" : null
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 12,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "tbl_act_0",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "key" : [],
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [13],
+ "actions" : ["act_0"],
+ "base_default_next" : "vrf.vrf_classifier_table",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "act_0" : "vrf.vrf_classifier_table"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 13,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "vrf.vrf_classifier_table",
+ "id" : 2,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "vrf.p4",
+ "line" : 31,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "vrf_classifier_table"
+ },
+ "key" : [
+ {
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "target" : ["ethernet", "ether_type"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ethernet", "src_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "diffserv"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "target" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "traffic_class"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [5],
+ "actions" : ["vrf.set_vrf"],
+ "base_default_next" : "class_id.class_id_assignment_table",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "vrf.set_vrf" : "class_id.class_id_assignment_table"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 5,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : ["0x0"],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "class_id.class_id_assignment_table",
+ "id" : 3,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "class_id.p4",
+ "line" : 26,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "class_id_assignment_table"
+ },
+ "key" : [
+ {
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "target" : ["ethernet", "ether_type"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "hop_limit"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "protocol"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "next_header"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_src_port"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_dst_port"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["vlan_tag[0]", "vid"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["vlan_tag[0]", "pcp"],
+ "mask" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [6],
+ "actions" : ["class_id.set_class_id"],
+ "base_default_next" : "l3_fwd.l3_routing_classifier_table",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "class_id.set_class_id" : "l3_fwd.l3_routing_classifier_table"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 6,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : ["0x0"],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "l3_fwd.l3_routing_classifier_table",
+ "id" : 4,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 42,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "l3_routing_classifier_table"
+ },
+ "key" : [
+ {
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "target" : ["ethernet", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [0],
+ "actions" : ["NoAction"],
+ "base_default_next" : null,
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "__HIT__" : "tbl_act_1",
+ "__MISS__" : "tbl_act_2"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 0,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "key" : [],
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+ "type" : "simple",
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+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [14],
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+ "base_default_next" : "node_11",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "act_1" : "node_11"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 14,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "key" : [],
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+ "next_tables" : {
+ "act_2" : "node_11"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 15,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_override_table",
+ "id" : 7,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 56,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "l3_ipv4_override_table"
+ },
+ "key" : [
+ {
+ "match_type" : "lpm",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ "type" : "indirect_ws",
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+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
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+ "action_ids" : [7, 1],
+ "actions" : ["l3_fwd.set_nexthop", "NoAction"],
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+ "next_tables" : {
+ "__HIT__" : "tbl_act_3",
+ "__MISS__" : "tbl_act_4"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key" : [],
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+ "type" : "simple",
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+ "act_3" : "node_16"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 16,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "tbl_act_4",
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+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 17,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_vrf_table",
+ "id" : 10,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 76,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "l3_ipv4_vrf_table"
+ },
+ "key" : [
+ {
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "target" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.vrf_id"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "lpm",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ "actions" : ["l3_fwd.set_nexthop", "NoAction"],
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+ "next_tables" : {
+ "__HIT__" : "tbl_act_5",
+ "__MISS__" : "tbl_act_6"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key" : [],
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+ "direct_meters" : null,
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+ "act_5" : "node_20"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 18,
+ "action_const" : true,
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "type" : "simple",
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+ "act_6" : "node_20"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 19,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_fallback_table",
+ "id" : 13,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 95,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "l3_ipv4_fallback_table"
+ },
+ "key" : [
+ {
+ "match_type" : "lpm",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ "type" : "indirect_ws",
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+ "with_counters" : false,
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+ "action_ids" : [9, 3],
+ "actions" : ["l3_fwd.set_nexthop", "NoAction"],
+ "base_default_next" : "node_22",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "l3_fwd.set_nexthop" : "node_22",
+ "NoAction" : "node_22"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "key" : [],
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "type" : "simple",
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+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [20],
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+ "next_tables" : {
+ "act_7" : "punt.punt_table"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 20,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "punt.punt_table",
+ "id" : 15,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 55,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "punt_table"
+ },
+ "key" : [
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ethernet", "ether_type"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "diffserv"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "traffic_class"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "hop_limit"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "src_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "src_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "dst_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "protocol"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["ipv6_base", "next_header"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["arp", "target_proto_addr"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.icmp_code"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["vlan_tag[0]", "vid"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["vlan_tag[0]", "pcp"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.class_id"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "ternary",
+ "target" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.vrf_id"],
+ "mask" : null
+ }
+ ],
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+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : "punt.ingress_port_meter",
+ "action_ids" : [10, 11, 4],
+ "actions" : ["punt.set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu", "punt.set_queue_and_send_to_cpu", "NoAction"],
+ "base_default_next" : "node_25",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "punt.set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu" : "node_25",
+ "punt.set_queue_and_send_to_cpu" : "node_25",
+ "NoAction" : "node_25"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 4,
+ "action_const" : false,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "tbl_act_8",
+ "id" : 16,
+ "key" : [],
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [21],
+ "actions" : ["act_8"],
+ "base_default_next" : null,
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "act_8" : null
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 21,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "action_profiles" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "l3_fwd.wcmp_action_profile",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "selector" : {
+ "algo" : "crc16",
+ "input" : [
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "dst_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "src_addr"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "protocol"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_src_port"]
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_dst_port"]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "conditionals" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "node_2",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "tor.p4",
+ "line" : 21,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_out.isValid()"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "==",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["packet_out", "$valid$"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x01"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "node_3",
+ "false_next" : "vrf.vrf_classifier_table"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_3",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 20,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_out.submit_to_ingress == 0"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "==",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["packet_out", "submit_to_ingress"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x00"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "tbl_act",
+ "false_next" : "tbl_act_0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_11",
+ "id" : 2,
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "d2b",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_4"]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "node_12",
+ "false_next" : "punt.punt_table"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_12",
+ "id" : 3,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 165,
+ "column" : 10,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ipv4_base.isValid()"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "==",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "$valid$"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x01"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_override_table",
+ "false_next" : "punt.punt_table"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_16",
+ "id" : 4,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 166,
+ "column" : 11,
+ "source_fragment" : "!l3_ipv4_override_table.apply().hit"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "not",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "d2b",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_3"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_vrf_table",
+ "false_next" : "node_22"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_20",
+ "id" : 5,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 167,
+ "column" : 13,
+ "source_fragment" : "!l3_ipv4_vrf_table.apply().hit"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "not",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "d2b",
+ "left" : null,
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "l3_fwd_tmp_2"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_fallback_table",
+ "false_next" : "node_22"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_22",
+ "id" : 6,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "l3_fwd.p4",
+ "line" : 171,
+ "column" : 11,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl == 0"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "==",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["ipv4_base", "ttl"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x00"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "tbl_act_7",
+ "false_next" : "punt.punt_table"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_25",
+ "id" : 7,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "punt.p4",
+ "line" : 92,
+ "column" : 7,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.color != 0"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "!=",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.color"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x00"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "false_next" : null,
+ "true_next" : "tbl_act_8"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "egress",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "tor.p4",
+ "line" : 31,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "egress_tor"
+ },
+ "init_table" : "node_29",
+ "tables" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "tbl_act_9",
+ "id" : 17,
+ "key" : [],
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [25],
+ "actions" : ["act_9"],
+ "base_default_next" : "node_31",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "act_9" : "node_31"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 25,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "tbl_act_10",
+ "id" : 18,
+ "key" : [],
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [26],
+ "actions" : ["act_10"],
+ "base_default_next" : "node_33",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "act_10" : "node_33"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 26,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "tbl_packetio_egress_encap_packet_in_header",
+ "id" : 19,
+ "key" : [],
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [23],
+ "actions" : ["packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header"],
+ "base_default_next" : "node_35",
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header" : "node_35"
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 23,
+ "action_const" : true,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "spoof_protection.dhcp_spoof_protection_table",
+ "id" : 20,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "spoof_protection.p4",
+ "line" : 30,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "dhcp_spoof_protection_table"
+ },
+ "key" : [
+ {
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "target" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.l4_dst_port"],
+ "mask" : null
+ },
+ {
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "target" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"],
+ "mask" : null
+ }
+ ],
+ "match_type" : "exact",
+ "type" : "simple",
+ "max_size" : 1024,
+ "with_counters" : false,
+ "support_timeout" : false,
+ "direct_meters" : null,
+ "action_ids" : [24, 22],
+ "actions" : ["spoof_protection.drop_packet", "NoAction"],
+ "base_default_next" : null,
+ "next_tables" : {
+ "spoof_protection.drop_packet" : null,
+ "NoAction" : null
+ },
+ "default_entry" : {
+ "action_id" : 22,
+ "action_const" : false,
+ "action_data" : [],
+ "action_entry_const" : false
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "action_profiles" : [],
+ "conditionals" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "node_29",
+ "id" : 8,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 55,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_port < 510"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "<",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_port"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x01fe"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "tbl_act_9",
+ "false_next" : "node_31"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_31",
+ "id" : 9,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 58,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.ingress_port < 510"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "<",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x01fe"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "tbl_act_10",
+ "false_next" : "node_33"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_33",
+ "id" : 10,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 63,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_port == 255"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "==",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_port"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x00ff"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : "tbl_packetio_egress_encap_packet_in_header",
+ "false_next" : "node_35"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_35",
+ "id" : 11,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "packetio.p4",
+ "line" : 66,
+ "column" : 8,
+ "source_fragment" : "local_metadata.skip_egress == 1"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "==",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["scalars", "local_metadata_t.skip_egress"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x01"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "true_next" : null,
+ "false_next" : "node_36"
+ },
+ {
+ "name" : "node_36",
+ "id" : 12,
+ "source_info" : {
+ "filename" : "spoof_protection.p4",
+ "line" : 41,
+ "column" : 7,
+ "source_fragment" : "hdr.udp.isValid()"
+ },
+ "expression" : {
+ "type" : "expression",
+ "value" : {
+ "op" : "==",
+ "left" : {
+ "type" : "field",
+ "value" : ["udp", "$valid$"]
+ },
+ "right" : {
+ "type" : "hexstr",
+ "value" : "0x01"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "false_next" : null,
+ "true_next" : "spoof_protection.dhcp_spoof_protection_table"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "checksums" : [
+ {
+ "name" : "cksum",
+ "id" : 0,
+ "target" : ["ipv4_base", "hdr_checksum"],
+ "type" : "generic",
+ "calculation" : "calc"
+ }
+ ],
+ "force_arith" : [],
+ "extern_instances" : [],
+ "field_aliases" : [
+ [
+ "queueing_metadata.enq_timestamp",
+ ["standard_metadata", "enq_timestamp"]
+ ],
+ [
+ "queueing_metadata.enq_qdepth",
+ ["standard_metadata", "enq_qdepth"]
+ ],
+ [
+ "queueing_metadata.deq_timedelta",
+ ["standard_metadata", "deq_timedelta"]
+ ],
+ [
+ "queueing_metadata.deq_qdepth",
+ ["standard_metadata", "deq_qdepth"]
+ ],
+ [
+ "intrinsic_metadata.ingress_global_timestamp",
+ ["standard_metadata", "ingress_global_timestamp"]
+ ],
+ [
+ "intrinsic_metadata.lf_field_list",
+ ["standard_metadata", "lf_field_list"]
+ ],
+ [
+ "intrinsic_metadata.mcast_grp",
+ ["standard_metadata", "mcast_grp"]
+ ],
+ [
+ "intrinsic_metadata.resubmit_flag",
+ ["standard_metadata", "resubmit_flag"]
+ ],
+ [
+ "intrinsic_metadata.egress_rid",
+ ["standard_metadata", "egress_rid"]
+ ]
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tor.p4info b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tor.p4info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44c994b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/p4c-out/tor.p4info
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33619357
+ name: "vrf.vrf_classifier_table"
+ alias: "vrf_classifier_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"vrf\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.diffserv"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "standard_metadata.ingress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.traffic_class"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16793447
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16793447
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33592054
+ name: "class_id.class_id_assignment_table"
+ alias: "class_id_assignment_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"class_id\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.hop_limit"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.protocol"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.next_header"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 8
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_src_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(8)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 9
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_dst_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(9)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 10
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].vid"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(10)"
+ bitwidth: 12
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 11
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].pcp"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(11)"
+ bitwidth: 3
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16778630
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16778630
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33568218
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_routing_classifier_table"
+ alias: "l3_routing_classifier_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33575570
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_override_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_override_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33581631
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_vrf_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_vrf_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "local_metadata.vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33572896
+ name: "l3_fwd.l3_ipv4_fallback_table"
+ alias: "l3_ipv4_fallback_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: LPM
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16779406
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ const_default_action_id: 16800567
+ implementation_id: 285270769
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33613201
+ name: "punt.punt_table"
+ alias: "punt_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "standard_metadata.ingress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "standard_metadata.egress_spec"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 3
+ name: "hdr.ethernet.ether_type"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 4
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.diffserv"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 5
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.traffic_class"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 6
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.ttl"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(6)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 7
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.hop_limit"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(7)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 8
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(8)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 9
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(9)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 10
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.src_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(10)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 11
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.dst_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(11)"
+ bitwidth: 128
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 12
+ name: "hdr.ipv4_base.protocol"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(12)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 13
+ name: "hdr.ipv6_base.next_header"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(13)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 14
+ name: "hdr.arp.target_proto_addr"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(14)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 15
+ name: "local_metadata.icmp_code"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(15)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 16
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].vid"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(16)"
+ bitwidth: 12
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 17
+ name: "hdr.vlan_tag[0].pcp"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(17)"
+ bitwidth: 3
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 18
+ name: "local_metadata.class_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(18)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 19
+ name: "local_metadata.vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(19)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ match_type: TERNARY
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16819104
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16784911
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@defaultonly()"
+ }
+ direct_resource_ids: 302050023
+ direct_resource_ids: 318814206
+ size: 1024
+tables {
+ preamble {
+ id: 33594375
+ name: "spoof_protection.dhcp_spoof_protection_table"
+ alias: "dhcp_spoof_protection_table"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"spoof_protection\")"
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 1
+ name: "local_metadata.l4_dst_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 16
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ match_fields {
+ id: 2
+ name: "standard_metadata.egress_spec"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ match_type: EXACT
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16827294
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ }
+ action_refs {
+ id: 16800567
+ annotations: "@defaultonly()"
+ }
+ size: 1024
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16800567
+ name: "NoAction"
+ alias: "NoAction"
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16793447
+ name: "vrf.set_vrf"
+ alias: "set_vrf"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"vrf\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "vrf_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16778630
+ name: "class_id.set_class_id"
+ alias: "set_class_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"class_id\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "class_id_value"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 8
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16779406
+ name: "l3_fwd.set_nexthop"
+ alias: "set_nexthop"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"l3_fwd\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 2
+ name: "smac"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 3
+ name: "dmac"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 48
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16819104
+ name: "punt.set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu"
+ alias: "set_queue_and_clone_to_cpu"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "queue_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 5
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16784911
+ name: "punt.set_queue_and_send_to_cpu"
+ alias: "set_queue_and_send_to_cpu"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ params {
+ id: 1
+ name: "queue_id"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 5
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16792485
+ name: "packetio_egress.encap_packet_in_header"
+ alias: "encap_packet_in_header"
+ }
+actions {
+ preamble {
+ id: 16827294
+ name: "spoof_protection.drop_packet"
+ alias: "drop_packet"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"spoof_protection\")"
+ }
+action_profiles {
+ preamble {
+ id: 285270769
+ name: "l3_fwd.wcmp_action_profile"
+ alias: "wcmp_action_profile"
+ }
+ table_ids: 33572896
+ table_ids: 33575570
+ table_ids: 33581631
+ with_selector: true
+ size: 1024
+counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302001476
+ name: "packetio_egress.egress_port_counter"
+ alias: "egress_port_counter"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ size: 510
+counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302037457
+ name: "packetio_egress.ingress_port_counter"
+ alias: "ingress_port_counter"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ size: 510
+direct_counters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 302050023
+ name: "punt.punt_packet_counter"
+ alias: "punt_packet_counter"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: PACKETS
+ }
+ direct_table_id: 33613201
+direct_meters {
+ preamble {
+ id: 318814206
+ name: "punt.ingress_port_meter"
+ alias: "ingress_port_meter"
+ annotations: "@proto_package(\"punt\")"
+ }
+ spec {
+ unit: BYTES
+ }
+ direct_table_id: 33613201
+controller_packet_metadata {
+ preamble {
+ id: 2868941301
+ name: "packet_in"
+ annotations: "@controller_header(\"packet_in\")"
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 1
+ name: "ingress_physical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 2
+ name: "padding1"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(4)"
+ bitwidth: 7
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 3
+ name: "ingress_logical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 32
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 4
+ name: "target_egress_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 5
+ name: "padding2"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(5)"
+ bitwidth: 7
+ }
+controller_packet_metadata {
+ preamble {
+ id: 2868916615
+ name: "packet_out"
+ annotations: "@not_extracted_in_egress()"
+ annotations: "@controller_header(\"packet_out\")"
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 1
+ name: "egress_physical_port"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(1)"
+ bitwidth: 9
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 2
+ name: "submit_to_ingress"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(2)"
+ bitwidth: 1
+ }
+ metadata {
+ id: 3
+ name: "padding"
+ annotations: "@proto_tag(3)"
+ bitwidth: 6
+ }
diff --git a/tools/test/p4src/tor/packetio.p4 b/tools/test/p4src/tor/packetio.p4
index 75b84d8..65f073a 100644
--- a/tools/test/p4src/tor/packetio.p4
+++ b/tools/test/p4src/tor/packetio.p4
@@ -44,7 +44,22 @@
// from the P4 packet_in header.
+ #define MAX_PORTS 510
+ counter(MAX_PORTS, CounterType.bytes) egress_port_counter;
+ counter(MAX_PORTS, CounterType.bytes) ingress_port_counter;
+ // L123-DEMO-HACK: END
apply {
+ if (standard_metadata.egress_port < MAX_PORTS) {
+ egress_port_counter.count((bit<32>) standard_metadata.egress_spec);
+ }
+ if (standard_metadata.ingress_port < MAX_PORTS) {
+ ingress_port_counter.count((bit<32> ) standard_metadata.ingress_port);
+ }
+ // L123-DEMO-HACK: END
if (standard_metadata.egress_port == CPU_PORT) {