blob: 1a6b767b3774a57dd516aad2fd482a12b35bcaf1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Unit and integration tests for code under the /app directory
To run these tests, karma, node.js etc needs to be installed in the
build environment.
Once Node.js is installed from this folder execute:
$ npm install
And then execute the following:
$ npm test
This will launch and capture a browser, install and run the unit tests.
To re-run the tests every time a
file change is detected, (i.e. each time a source file is saved) use:
$ npm run test:dev
Useful Notes
Set a 'breakpoint' with the debugger command:
it('should define four functions', function () {
// ...
Open Developer Tools in the captured Chrome browser, and reload the page.
The debugger will break at the given point, allowing you to inspect context.
Most of the skipped test were failing because of: `ReferenceError: userPrefs is not defined`