Cleaning up application titles, descriptions and categories.

Change-Id: I80f9770697cbf29b6bde2b20778c341b0f403d9f
diff --git a/apps/yang-gui/BUCK b/apps/yang-gui/BUCK
index 319dbf6..4b40d73 100644
--- a/apps/yang-gui/BUCK
+++ b/apps/yang-gui/BUCK
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
     title = 'YANG Runtime GUI',
     category = 'Utility',
     url = '',
-    description = 'YANG Runtime GUI application for visualization of registered YANG models.',
+    description = 'Adds GUI extension that allows the operator to view the list of currently ' +
+        'registered YANG models, and their YANG sources. It also provides means for compiling ' +
+        'source YANG files (*.yang, *.zip, *.jar) on the fly and directly from the GUI using ' +
+        'drag-n-drop.<p/>User can simply compress a set of YANG source files and drop it on the ' +
+        'YANG Models GUI view to automatically compile and then register the compiled YANG models.',
     required_apps = [ 'org.onosproject.yang' ],