ONOS-7000 P4 tutorial application and P4 program

Change-Id: Ia0a6befa6374a1950485c1fba0cfacb5ff4ce52c
diff --git a/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/resources/main.json b/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/resources/main.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d059bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/p4-tutorial/pipeconf/src/main/resources/main.json
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+  "program" : "main.p4",
+  "__meta__" : {
+    "version" : [2, 7],
+    "compiler" : "https://github.com/p4lang/p4c"
+  },
+  "header_types" : [
+    {
+      "name" : "scalars_0",
+      "id" : 0,
+      "fields" : [
+        ["tmp", 32, false],
+        ["tmp_0", 32, false]
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "ethernet_t",
+      "id" : 1,
+      "fields" : [
+        ["dst_addr", 48, false],
+        ["src_addr", 48, false],
+        ["ether_type", 16, false]
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "ipv4_t",
+      "id" : 2,
+      "fields" : [
+        ["version", 4, false],
+        ["ihl", 4, false],
+        ["diffserv", 8, false],
+        ["len", 16, false],
+        ["identification", 16, false],
+        ["flags", 3, false],
+        ["frag_offset", 13, false],
+        ["ttl", 8, false],
+        ["protocol", 8, false],
+        ["hdr_checksum", 16, false],
+        ["src_addr", 32, false],
+        ["dst_addr", 32, false]
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "packet_out_header_t",
+      "id" : 3,
+      "fields" : [
+        ["egress_port", 9, false],
+        ["_padding", 7, false]
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "packet_in_header_t",
+      "id" : 4,
+      "fields" : [
+        ["ingress_port", 9, false],
+        ["_padding_0", 7, false]
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "standard_metadata",
+      "id" : 5,
+      "fields" : [
+        ["ingress_port", 9, false],
+        ["egress_spec", 9, false],
+        ["egress_port", 9, false],
+        ["clone_spec", 32, false],
+        ["instance_type", 32, false],
+        ["drop", 1, false],
+        ["recirculate_port", 16, false],
+        ["packet_length", 32, false],
+        ["enq_timestamp", 32, false],
+        ["enq_qdepth", 19, false],
+        ["deq_timedelta", 32, false],
+        ["deq_qdepth", 19, false],
+        ["ingress_global_timestamp", 48, false],
+        ["lf_field_list", 32, false],
+        ["mcast_grp", 16, false],
+        ["resubmit_flag", 1, false],
+        ["egress_rid", 16, false],
+        ["_padding_1", 5, false]
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "headers" : [
+    {
+      "name" : "scalars",
+      "id" : 0,
+      "header_type" : "scalars_0",
+      "metadata" : true,
+      "pi_omit" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "standard_metadata",
+      "id" : 1,
+      "header_type" : "standard_metadata",
+      "metadata" : true,
+      "pi_omit" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "ethernet",
+      "id" : 2,
+      "header_type" : "ethernet_t",
+      "metadata" : false,
+      "pi_omit" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "ipv4",
+      "id" : 3,
+      "header_type" : "ipv4_t",
+      "metadata" : false,
+      "pi_omit" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "packet_out",
+      "id" : 4,
+      "header_type" : "packet_out_header_t",
+      "metadata" : false,
+      "pi_omit" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "packet_in",
+      "id" : 5,
+      "header_type" : "packet_in_header_t",
+      "metadata" : false,
+      "pi_omit" : true
+    }
+  ],
+  "header_stacks" : [],
+  "header_union_types" : [],
+  "header_unions" : [],
+  "header_union_stacks" : [],
+  "field_lists" : [],
+  "errors" : [
+    ["NoError", 1],
+    ["PacketTooShort", 2],
+    ["NoMatch", 3],
+    ["StackOutOfBounds", 4],
+    ["HeaderTooShort", 5],
+    ["ParserTimeout", 6]
+  ],
+  "enums" : [],
+  "parsers" : [
+    {
+      "name" : "parser",
+      "id" : 0,
+      "init_state" : "start",
+      "parse_states" : [
+        {
+          "name" : "start",
+          "id" : 0,
+          "parser_ops" : [],
+          "transitions" : [
+            {
+              "value" : "0x00ff",
+              "mask" : null,
+              "next_state" : "parse_packet_out"
+            },
+            {
+              "value" : "default",
+              "mask" : null,
+              "next_state" : "parse_ethernet"
+            }
+          ],
+          "transition_key" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "parse_packet_out",
+          "id" : 1,
+          "parser_ops" : [
+            {
+              "parameters" : [
+                {
+                  "type" : "regular",
+                  "value" : "packet_out"
+                }
+              ],
+              "op" : "extract"
+            }
+          ],
+          "transitions" : [
+            {
+              "value" : "default",
+              "mask" : null,
+              "next_state" : "parse_ethernet"
+            }
+          ],
+          "transition_key" : []
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "parse_ethernet",
+          "id" : 2,
+          "parser_ops" : [
+            {
+              "parameters" : [
+                {
+                  "type" : "regular",
+                  "value" : "ethernet"
+                }
+              ],
+              "op" : "extract"
+            }
+          ],
+          "transitions" : [
+            {
+              "value" : "0x0800",
+              "mask" : null,
+              "next_state" : "parse_ipv4"
+            },
+            {
+              "value" : "default",
+              "mask" : null,
+              "next_state" : null
+            }
+          ],
+          "transition_key" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["ethernet", "ether_type"]
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "parse_ipv4",
+          "id" : 3,
+          "parser_ops" : [
+            {
+              "parameters" : [
+                {
+                  "type" : "regular",
+                  "value" : "ipv4"
+                }
+              ],
+              "op" : "extract"
+            }
+          ],
+          "transitions" : [
+            {
+              "value" : "default",
+              "mask" : null,
+              "next_state" : null
+            }
+          ],
+          "transition_key" : []
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "deparsers" : [
+    {
+      "name" : "deparser",
+      "id" : 0,
+      "source_info" : {
+        "filename" : "main.p4",
+        "line" : 264,
+        "column" : 8,
+        "source_fragment" : "DeparserImpl"
+      },
+      "order" : ["packet_in", "ethernet", "ipv4"]
+    }
+  ],
+  "meter_arrays" : [],
+  "counter_arrays" : [
+    {
+      "name" : "egr_port_counter",
+      "id" : 0,
+      "source_info" : {
+        "filename" : "main.p4",
+        "line" : 181,
+        "column" : 38,
+        "source_fragment" : "egr_port_counter"
+      },
+      "size" : 511,
+      "is_direct" : false
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "igr_port_counter",
+      "id" : 1,
+      "source_info" : {
+        "filename" : "main.p4",
+        "line" : 182,
+        "column" : 38,
+        "source_fragment" : "igr_port_counter"
+      },
+      "size" : 511,
+      "is_direct" : false
+    }
+  ],
+  "register_arrays" : [],
+  "calculations" : [],
+  "learn_lists" : [],
+  "actions" : [
+    {
+      "name" : "NoAction",
+      "id" : 0,
+      "runtime_data" : [],
+      "primitives" : []
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "send_to_cpu",
+      "id" : 1,
+      "runtime_data" : [],
+      "primitives" : [
+        {
+          "op" : "assign",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "hexstr",
+              "value" : "0x00ff"
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 24,
+            "column" : 24,
+            "source_fragment" : "255; ..."
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "op" : "add_header",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "header",
+              "value" : "packet_in"
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 137,
+            "column" : 8,
+            "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_in.setValid()"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "op" : "assign",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["packet_in", "ingress_port"]
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 138,
+            "column" : 8,
+            "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_in.ingress_port = standard_metadata.ingress_port"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "set_egress_port",
+      "id" : 2,
+      "runtime_data" : [
+        {
+          "name" : "port",
+          "bitwidth" : 9
+        }
+      ],
+      "primitives" : [
+        {
+          "op" : "assign",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "runtime_data",
+              "value" : 0
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 142,
+            "column" : 8,
+            "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_spec = port"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "_drop",
+      "id" : 3,
+      "runtime_data" : [],
+      "primitives" : [
+        {
+          "op" : "assign",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "hexstr",
+              "value" : "0x01ff"
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 25,
+            "column" : 25,
+            "source_fragment" : "511; ..."
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "_drop",
+      "id" : 4,
+      "runtime_data" : [],
+      "primitives" : [
+        {
+          "op" : "assign",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "hexstr",
+              "value" : "0x01ff"
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 25,
+            "column" : 25,
+            "source_fragment" : "511; ..."
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "act",
+      "id" : 5,
+      "runtime_data" : [],
+      "primitives" : [
+        {
+          "op" : "assign",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["packet_out", "egress_port"]
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 195,
+            "column" : 12,
+            "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_spec = hdr.packet_out.egress_port"
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "op" : "remove_header",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "header",
+              "value" : "packet_out"
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 196,
+            "column" : 12,
+            "source_fragment" : "hdr.packet_out.setInvalid()"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "act_0",
+      "id" : 6,
+      "runtime_data" : [],
+      "primitives" : [
+        {
+          "op" : "assign",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["scalars", "tmp"]
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "expression",
+              "value" : {
+                "type" : "expression",
+                "value" : {
+                  "op" : "&",
+                  "left" : {
+                    "type" : "field",
+                    "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+                  },
+                  "right" : {
+                    "type" : "hexstr",
+                    "value" : "0xffffffff"
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "op" : "count",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "counter_array",
+              "value" : "egr_port_counter"
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["scalars", "tmp"]
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 218,
+            "column" : 12,
+            "source_fragment" : "egr_port_counter.count((bit<32>) standard_metadata.egress_spec)"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "act_1",
+      "id" : 7,
+      "runtime_data" : [],
+      "primitives" : [
+        {
+          "op" : "assign",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["scalars", "tmp_0"]
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "expression",
+              "value" : {
+                "type" : "expression",
+                "value" : {
+                  "op" : "&",
+                  "left" : {
+                    "type" : "field",
+                    "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+                  },
+                  "right" : {
+                    "type" : "hexstr",
+                    "value" : "0xffffffff"
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        {
+          "op" : "count",
+          "parameters" : [
+            {
+              "type" : "counter_array",
+              "value" : "igr_port_counter"
+            },
+            {
+              "type" : "field",
+              "value" : ["scalars", "tmp_0"]
+            }
+          ],
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 221,
+            "column" : 12,
+            "source_fragment" : "igr_port_counter.count((bit<32>) standard_metadata.ingress_port)"
+          }
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "pipelines" : [
+    {
+      "name" : "ingress",
+      "id" : 0,
+      "source_info" : {
+        "filename" : "main.p4",
+        "line" : 126,
+        "column" : 8,
+        "source_fragment" : "IngressImpl"
+      },
+      "init_table" : "node_2",
+      "tables" : [
+        {
+          "name" : "tbl_act",
+          "id" : 0,
+          "key" : [],
+          "match_type" : "exact",
+          "type" : "simple",
+          "max_size" : 1024,
+          "with_counters" : false,
+          "support_timeout" : false,
+          "direct_meters" : null,
+          "action_ids" : [5],
+          "actions" : ["act"],
+          "base_default_next" : "node_7",
+          "next_tables" : {
+            "act" : "node_7"
+          },
+          "default_entry" : {
+            "action_id" : 5,
+            "action_const" : true,
+            "action_data" : [],
+            "action_entry_const" : true
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "table0",
+          "id" : 1,
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 149,
+            "column" : 10,
+            "source_fragment" : "table0"
+          },
+          "key" : [
+            {
+              "match_type" : "ternary",
+              "target" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"],
+              "mask" : null
+            },
+            {
+              "match_type" : "ternary",
+              "target" : ["ethernet", "dst_addr"],
+              "mask" : null
+            },
+            {
+              "match_type" : "ternary",
+              "target" : ["ethernet", "src_addr"],
+              "mask" : null
+            },
+            {
+              "match_type" : "ternary",
+              "target" : ["ethernet", "ether_type"],
+              "mask" : null
+            }
+          ],
+          "match_type" : "ternary",
+          "type" : "simple",
+          "max_size" : 1024,
+          "with_counters" : false,
+          "support_timeout" : false,
+          "direct_meters" : null,
+          "action_ids" : [2, 1, 3],
+          "actions" : ["set_egress_port", "send_to_cpu", "_drop"],
+          "base_default_next" : "node_7",
+          "next_tables" : {
+            "set_egress_port" : "node_5",
+            "send_to_cpu" : "node_7",
+            "_drop" : "node_7"
+          },
+          "default_entry" : {
+            "action_id" : 3,
+            "action_const" : false,
+            "action_data" : [],
+            "action_entry_const" : false
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "ip_proto_filter_table",
+          "id" : 2,
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 164,
+            "column" : 10,
+            "source_fragment" : "ip_proto_filter_table"
+          },
+          "key" : [
+            {
+              "match_type" : "ternary",
+              "target" : ["ipv4", "src_addr"],
+              "mask" : null
+            },
+            {
+              "match_type" : "exact",
+              "target" : ["ipv4", "protocol"],
+              "mask" : null
+            }
+          ],
+          "match_type" : "ternary",
+          "type" : "simple",
+          "max_size" : 1024,
+          "with_counters" : false,
+          "support_timeout" : false,
+          "direct_meters" : null,
+          "action_ids" : [4, 0],
+          "actions" : ["_drop", "NoAction"],
+          "base_default_next" : "node_7",
+          "next_tables" : {
+            "_drop" : "node_7",
+            "NoAction" : "node_7"
+          },
+          "default_entry" : {
+            "action_id" : 0,
+            "action_const" : false,
+            "action_data" : [],
+            "action_entry_const" : false
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "tbl_act_0",
+          "id" : 3,
+          "key" : [],
+          "match_type" : "exact",
+          "type" : "simple",
+          "max_size" : 1024,
+          "with_counters" : false,
+          "support_timeout" : false,
+          "direct_meters" : null,
+          "action_ids" : [6],
+          "actions" : ["act_0"],
+          "base_default_next" : "node_9",
+          "next_tables" : {
+            "act_0" : "node_9"
+          },
+          "default_entry" : {
+            "action_id" : 6,
+            "action_const" : true,
+            "action_data" : [],
+            "action_entry_const" : true
+          }
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "tbl_act_1",
+          "id" : 4,
+          "key" : [],
+          "match_type" : "exact",
+          "type" : "simple",
+          "max_size" : 1024,
+          "with_counters" : false,
+          "support_timeout" : false,
+          "direct_meters" : null,
+          "action_ids" : [7],
+          "actions" : ["act_1"],
+          "base_default_next" : null,
+          "next_tables" : {
+            "act_1" : null
+          },
+          "default_entry" : {
+            "action_id" : 7,
+            "action_const" : true,
+            "action_data" : [],
+            "action_entry_const" : true
+          }
+        }
+      ],
+      "action_profiles" : [],
+      "conditionals" : [
+        {
+          "name" : "node_2",
+          "id" : 0,
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 188,
+            "column" : 12,
+            "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.ingress_port == CPU_PORT"
+          },
+          "expression" : {
+            "type" : "expression",
+            "value" : {
+              "op" : "==",
+              "left" : {
+                "type" : "field",
+                "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+              },
+              "right" : {
+                "type" : "hexstr",
+                "value" : "0x00ff"
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          "true_next" : "tbl_act",
+          "false_next" : "table0"
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "node_5",
+          "id" : 1,
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 205,
+            "column" : 24,
+            "source_fragment" : "hdr.ipv4.isValid()"
+          },
+          "expression" : {
+            "type" : "expression",
+            "value" : {
+              "op" : "==",
+              "left" : {
+                "type" : "field",
+                "value" : ["ipv4", "$valid$"]
+              },
+              "right" : {
+                "type" : "hexstr",
+                "value" : "0x01"
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          "true_next" : "ip_proto_filter_table",
+          "false_next" : "node_7"
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "node_7",
+          "id" : 2,
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 217,
+            "column" : 12,
+            "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.egress_spec < 511"
+          },
+          "expression" : {
+            "type" : "expression",
+            "value" : {
+              "op" : "<",
+              "left" : {
+                "type" : "field",
+                "value" : ["standard_metadata", "egress_spec"]
+              },
+              "right" : {
+                "type" : "hexstr",
+                "value" : "0x01ff"
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          "true_next" : "tbl_act_0",
+          "false_next" : "node_9"
+        },
+        {
+          "name" : "node_9",
+          "id" : 3,
+          "source_info" : {
+            "filename" : "main.p4",
+            "line" : 220,
+            "column" : 12,
+            "source_fragment" : "standard_metadata.ingress_port < 511"
+          },
+          "expression" : {
+            "type" : "expression",
+            "value" : {
+              "op" : "<",
+              "left" : {
+                "type" : "field",
+                "value" : ["standard_metadata", "ingress_port"]
+              },
+              "right" : {
+                "type" : "hexstr",
+                "value" : "0x01ff"
+              }
+            }
+          },
+          "false_next" : null,
+          "true_next" : "tbl_act_1"
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "name" : "egress",
+      "id" : 1,
+      "source_info" : {
+        "filename" : "main.p4",
+        "line" : 230,
+        "column" : 8,
+        "source_fragment" : "EgressImpl"
+      },
+      "init_table" : null,
+      "tables" : [],
+      "action_profiles" : [],
+      "conditionals" : []
+    }
+  ],
+  "checksums" : [],
+  "force_arith" : [],
+  "extern_instances" : [],
+  "field_aliases" : [
+    [
+      "queueing_metadata.enq_timestamp",
+      ["standard_metadata", "enq_timestamp"]
+    ],
+    [
+      "queueing_metadata.enq_qdepth",
+      ["standard_metadata", "enq_qdepth"]
+    ],
+    [
+      "queueing_metadata.deq_timedelta",
+      ["standard_metadata", "deq_timedelta"]
+    ],
+    [
+      "queueing_metadata.deq_qdepth",
+      ["standard_metadata", "deq_qdepth"]
+    ],
+    [
+      "intrinsic_metadata.ingress_global_timestamp",
+      ["standard_metadata", "ingress_global_timestamp"]
+    ],
+    [
+      "intrinsic_metadata.lf_field_list",
+      ["standard_metadata", "lf_field_list"]
+    ],
+    [
+      "intrinsic_metadata.mcast_grp",
+      ["standard_metadata", "mcast_grp"]
+    ],
+    [
+      "intrinsic_metadata.resubmit_flag",
+      ["standard_metadata", "resubmit_flag"]
+    ],
+    [
+      "intrinsic_metadata.egress_rid",
+      ["standard_metadata", "egress_rid"]
+    ]
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file