blob: b5d8baf29b90767097d1774fd1026c18b62dd7dc [file] [log] [blame]
// js for roadm flow table view
(function () {
'use strict';
var SET_ATT_REQ = "roadmSetAttenuationRequest";
var SET_ATT_RESP = "roadmSetAttenuationResponse";
var DELETE_FLOW_REQ = "roadmDeleteFlowRequest";
var CREATE_FLOW_REQ = "roadmCreateFlowRequest";
var CREATE_FLOW_RESP = "roadmCreateFlowResponse";
var SHOW_ITEMS_REQ = "roadmShowFlowItemsRequest";
var SHOW_ITEMS_RESP = "roadmShowFlowItemsResponse";
// injected references
var $log, $scope, $location, fs, tbs, wss, ns;
// used to map id to a request call function
var flowCbTable = {};
function setAttenuation(flow, targetVal, cb) {
flowCbTable[] = cb;
devId: $scope.devId,
attenuation: targetVal
function queryShowItems() {
devId: $scope.devId,
function showItemsCb(data) {
$scope.showChannel = data.showChannel;
$scope.showAttenuation = data.showAttenuation;
function attenuationCb(data) {
flowCbTable[data.flowId](data.valid, data.message);
// check if value is an integer
function isInteger(val) {
var INTEGER_REGEXP = /^\-?\d+$/;
if (INTEGER_REGEXP.test(val)) {
return true;
return false;
angular.module('ovRoadmFlow', [])
['$log', '$scope', '$location',
'FnService', 'TableBuilderService', 'WebSocketService', 'NavService',
function (_$log_, _$scope_, _$location_, _fs_, _tbs_, _wss_, _ns_) {
var params;
$log = _$log_;
$scope = _$scope_;
$location = _$location_;
fs = _fs_;
tbs = _tbs_;
wss = _wss_;
ns = _ns_;
$scope.addFlowTip = 'Create a flow';
$scope.deviceTip = 'Show device table';
$scope.flowTip = 'Show flow view for this device';
$scope.portTip = 'Show port view for this device';
$scope.showFlowForm = false;
var handlers = {};
handlers[SET_ATT_RESP] = attenuationCb;
handlers[SHOW_ITEMS_RESP] = showItemsCb;
params = $;
if (params.hasOwnProperty('devId')) {
$scope.devId = params['devId'];
scope: $scope,
tag: 'roadmFlow',
query: params
$scope.displayFlowForm = function () {
$scope.showFlowForm = true;
$scope.hideFlowForm = function () {
$scope.showFlowForm = false;
$scope.queryShowItems = queryShowItems;
$scope.setAttenuation = setAttenuation;
$scope.deleteFlow = function ($event, row) {
devId: $scope.devId,
$scope.createFlow = function(flow) {
devId: $scope.devId,
flow: flow
$scope.fakeCurrentPower = function(flow) {
if (!isNaN(flow.currentPower)) {
var val = parseInt(flow.attenuation);
return val + (val % 5 - 2);
} else {
return flow.currentPower;
$scope.nav = function (path) {
if ($scope.devId) {
ns.navTo(path, { devId: $scope.devId });
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
$log.log('OvRoadmFlowCtrl has been created');
.directive('roadmAtt', ['WebSocketService', function() {
var retTemplate =
'<span class="attenuation" ng-show="!editMode" ng-click="enableEdit()">{{currItem.attenuation}}</span>' +
'<form ng-show="editMode" name="form" novalidate>' +
'<input type="number" name="formVal" ng-model="formVal">' +
'<button type="submit" class="submit" ng-click="send()">Set</button>' +
'<button type="button" class="cancel" ng-click="cancel()">Cancel</button>' +
'<span class="input-error" ng-show="showError">{{errorMessage}}</span>' +
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
currItem: '=roadmAtt',
roadmSetAtt: '&'
template: retTemplate,
link: function ($scope, $element) {
$scope.editMode = false;
$scope.showError = false;
$scope.errorMessage = "Invalid attenuation"
controller: function($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.enableEdit = function() {
// connection must support attenuation to be editable
if ($scope.currItem.hasAttenuation === 'true' && $scope.editMode === false) {
// Ensure that the entry being edited remains the same even
// if the table entries are shifted around.
$scope.targetItem = $scope.currItem;
// Ensure the value seen in the field remains the same
$scope.formVal = parseInt($scope.currItem.attenuation);
$scope.editMode = true;
$timeout(function () {
$scope.send = function() {
// check input is an integer
if (!isInteger($scope.formVal)) {
$scope.sendCb(false, "Attenuation must be an integer");
$scope.roadmSetAtt({flow: $scope.targetItem, targetVal: $scope.formVal, cb: $scope.sendCb});
// Callback for server-side validation. Displays the error message
// if the input is invalid.
$scope.sendCb = function(valid, message) {
if (valid) {
// check if it's still pointing to the same item
// reordering the entries may change the binding
if ($ === $ {
// update the ui to display the new attenuation value
$scope.currItem.attenuation = $scope.formVal;
} else {
$scope.errorMessage = message;
$scope.showError = true;
$timeout(function () {
$scope.cancel = function() {
$scope.editMode = false;
$scope.showError = false;
.controller('FlowFormController', function($timeout) {
var notIntegerError = "Must be an integer.";
this.clearErrors = function() {
this.priorityError = false;
this.timeoutError = false;
this.isPermanentError = false;
this.inPortError = false;
this.outPortError = false;
this.spacingError = false;
this.multiplierError = false;
this.attenuationError = false;
this.connectionError = false;
this.channelError = false;
this.spacings = [
{index: 0, freq: "100 GHz"},
{index: 1, freq: "50 GHz"},
{index: 2, freq: "25 GHz"},
{index: 3, freq: "12.5 GHz"}
this.flow = {};
//this.flow.priority = 88;
this.flow.permanent = true;
this.flow.timeout = 0;
//this.flow.inPort = 2;
//this.flow.outPort = 2;
this.flow.spacing = this.spacings[1];
//this.flow.multiplier = 0;
this.flow.channelFrequency = "";
this.flow.attenuation = 0;
var parent = this;
function createFlowCb(data) {
if (!data.inPort.valid) {
parent.inPortMessage = data.inPort.message;
parent.inPortError = true;
if (!data.outPort.valid) {
parent.outPortMessage = data.outPort.message;
parent.outPortError = true;
if (!data.connection.valid) {
parent.connectionMessage = data.connection.message;
parent.connectionError = true;
if (!data.spacing.valid) {
parent.spacingMessage = data.spacing.message;
parent.spacingError = true;
if ($scope.includeChannel)
if (!data.multiplier.valid) {
parent.multiplierMessage = data.multiplier.message;
parent.multiplierError = true;
if (!data.channelAvailable.valid) {
parent.channelMessage = data.channelAvailable.message;
parent.channelError = true;
if ($scope.includeAttenuation && !data.attenuation.valid) {
parent.attenuationMessage = data.attenuation.message;
parent.attenuationError = true;
$timeout(function () {
var handlers = {}
handlers[CREATE_FLOW_RESP] = createFlowCb;
this.createFlow = function(connection) {
var error = false;
if (!isInteger(connection.priority)) {
this.priorityMessage = notIntegerError;
this.priorityError = true;
error = true;
if (!connection.permanent && !isInteger(connection.timeout)) {
this.timeoutMessage = notIntegerError;
this.timeoutError = true;
error = true;
if (!isInteger(connection.inPort)) {
this.inPortMessage = notIntegerError;
this.inPortError = true;
error = true;
if (!isInteger(connection.outPort)) {
this.outPortMessage = notIntegerError;
this.outPortError = true;
error = true;
if ($scope.includeChannel && !isInteger(connection.multiplier)) {
this.multiplierMessage = notIntegerError;
this.multiplierError = true;
error = true;
if ($scope.includeAttenuation && !isInteger(connection.attenuation)) {
this.attenuationMessage = notIntegerError;
this.attenuationError = true;
error = true;
if (!error) {
devId: $scope.devId,
formData: connection
$log.log('Request to create connection has been sent');
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {