blob: b45a62d07f91facb569e627f3ce4712635597d7c [file] [log] [blame]
// The function exported from this file is used by the protractor_web_test_suite.
// It is passed to the `onPrepare` configuration setting in protractor and executed
// before running tests.
// If the function returns a promise, as it does here, protractor will wait
// for the promise to resolve before running tests.
const protractorUtils = require('@bazel/protractor/protractor-utils');
const protractor = require('protractor');
const path = require('path');
module.exports = function(config) {
// In this example, `@bazel/protractor/protractor-utils` is used to run
// the server. protractorUtils.runServer() runs the server on a randomly
// selected port (given a port flag to pass to the server as an argument).
// The port used is returned in serverSpec and the protractor serverUrl
// is the configured.
const isProdserver = path.basename(config.server, path.extname(config.server)) === 'prodserver';
return protractorUtils.runServer(config.workspace, config.server, isProdserver ? '-p' : '-port', [])
.then(serverSpec => {
const serverUrl = `http://localhost:${serverSpec.port}`;
protractor.browser.baseUrl = serverUrl;