Adding OpenConfig YANG models.
Change-Id: I0a2fdd5826e80933cf4b9ae939ff3051acec02aa
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospf-policy.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospf-policy.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da80fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospf-policy.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+module openconfig-ospf-policy {
+ yang-version "1";
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "oc-ospf-pol";
+ import openconfig-routing-policy { prefix "oc-rpol"; }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; }
+ import openconfig-ospf-types { prefix "oc-ospf-types"; }
+ organization
+ "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "This module defines extensions to the OpenConfig policy
+ model to add extensions for OSPF. This module is intended
+ to be generic for both OSPFv2 and OSPFv3.";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.0.1";
+ revision "2016-08-22" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "0.0.1";
+ }
+ grouping ospf-match-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for OSPF match conditions";
+ leaf area-eq {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-area-identifier;
+ description
+ "Match prefixes which are within a particular OSPF area";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospf-match-conditions {
+ description
+ "Match conditions that are added by OSPF";
+ container ospf-conditions {
+ description
+ "Match conditions specific to OSPF";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to OSPF match conditions";
+ uses ospf-match-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to OSPF match conditions";
+ uses ospf-match-config;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospf-actions-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for OSPF policy actions";
+ leaf set-area {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-area-identifier;
+ description
+ "Set the area for the matched route. This action is typically
+ used when importing prefixes into OSPF, such that a route can
+ be imported into a specific area within the instance.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospf-actions-set-metric-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to setting the OSPF metric";
+ leaf metric-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum EXTERNAL_TYPE_1 {
+ description
+ "Set the external type 1 metric";
+ }
+ enum EXTERNAL_TYPE_2 {
+ description
+ "Set the external type 2 metric";
+ }
+ }
+ default "EXTERNAL_TYPE_2";
+ description
+ "Specify the type of metric which is to be set by the policy";
+ }
+ leaf metric {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-metric;
+ description
+ "Set the metric of the routes matching the policy to the value
+ specified by this leaf.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospf-actions {
+ description
+ "Actions that are added by OSPF to the action framework";
+ container ospf-actions {
+ description
+ "Actions specific to OSPF";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for OSPF actions";
+ uses ospf-actions-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters for OSPF actions";
+ uses ospf-actions-config;
+ }
+ container set-metric {
+ description
+ "Configuration and state parameters relating to manipulating
+ the OSPF metric";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to setting the OSPF metric";
+ uses ospf-actions-set-metric-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to setting the OSPF
+ metric";
+ uses ospf-actions-set-metric-config;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // augment the groupings into the routing policy model
+ // TODO: discuss whether igp-actions should be used or whether this should
+ // be removed.
+ augment "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:policy-definitions/" +
+ "oc-rpol:policy-definition/oc-rpol:statements/oc-rpol:statement/" +
+ "oc-rpol:conditions" {
+ description
+ "Add OSPF specific match conditions to the routing policy model";
+ uses ospf-match-conditions;
+ }
+ augment "/oc-rpol:routing-policy/oc-rpol:policy-definitions/" +
+ "oc-rpol:policy-definition/oc-rpol:statements/oc-rpol:statement/" +
+ "oc-rpol:actions" {
+ description
+ "Add OSPF specific actions to the routing policy model";
+ uses ospf-actions;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospf-types.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospf-types.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99271522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospf-types.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+module openconfig-ospf-types {
+ yang-version "1";
+ // namespace
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "oc-ospf-types";
+ // import some basic types
+ import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; }
+ // meta
+ organization "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "Type definitions for OSPF";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.1.0";
+ revision "2017-02-28"{
+ description
+ "Initial public release of OSPFv2";
+ reference "0.1.0";
+ }
+ revision "2016-06-24" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "0.0.1";
+ }
+ // typedefs
+ typedef ospf-area-identifier {
+ type union {
+ type uint32;
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ }
+ description
+ "An identifier for an area with OSPF version 2 or 3. This value
+ is expressed as either a dotted-quad, or a unsigned 32-bit
+ number";
+ }
+ typedef ospf-metric {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "A common type that can be utilised to express an OSPF metric";
+ }
+ typedef sr-sid-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum LABEL {
+ description
+ "When the length of the SR/Label Sub-TLV is specified to be 3, then
+ the right-most 20-bits represent a label value within the SR/Label
+ Sub-TLV. When this leaf is set to a value of Label the first-entry
+ leaf should be interpreted to be an MPLS label.";
+ }
+ enum SID {
+ description
+ "When the length of the SR/Label Sub-TLV is specified to be 4, then
+ the value specified in the first-entry leaf should be specified to
+ be a segment identifier.";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "A common type used to express the type of segment identifier that is
+ used in LSDB entries relating to segment routing";
+ }
+ // identities
+ identity OSPF_LSA_TYPE {
+ description
+ "Base identity for an OSPF LSA type. This identity is intended
+ to be used across both OSPFv2 and OSPFv3. Identity values that
+ correspond to only one OSPF version are marked as such.";
+ }
+ identity ROUTER_LSA {
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 1 - ROUTER_LSA. An LSA originated by each router within
+ the area describing the state and cost of the router's links
+ in the area.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity NETWORK_LSA {
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 2 - NETWORK_LSA. An LSA originated for each broadcast and
+ non-broadcast multiple access (NBMA) in the area. This LSA is
+ originated by the designated router.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 3 - SUMMARY_IP_NETWORK_LSA. An LSA originated by area
+ border routers describing inter-area destinations. This LSA type
+ is used when the destination is an IP network";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA {
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 4 - SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA. An LSA originated by an area border
+ router describing inter-area destinations. This LSA type is used
+ when the destination is an AS boundary router.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity AS_EXTERNAL_LSA {
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 5 - AS_EXTERNAL_LSA. This LSA type is used to describe
+ destinations external to the autonomous system, and is
+ originated by an AS boundary router (ASBR).";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 7 - NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA. This LSA type is used by
+ systems within a not-so-stubby-area (NSSA) to inject external
+ prefixes into the LSDB. They are translated to Type 5 LSAs
+ at an ABR device.";
+ reference "RFC3101";
+ }
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 9 - OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA. This LSA type is used
+ in OSPFv2 to distribute arbitrary information via the OSPF
+ protocol. The contents is specific to the application defining
+ the Opaque Type specified within the LSDB. LSAs with Type 9 have
+ a scope of the link that they are being transmitted on (and the
+ associated network or subnetwork).";
+ reference "RFC5250";
+ }
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 10 - OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA. This LSA type is used
+ in OSPFv2 to distribute arbitrary information via the OSPF
+ protocol. The contents is specific to the application defining
+ the Opaque Type specified within the LSDB. LSAs with Type 10 have
+ a scope of the area that they are transmitted within.";
+ reference "RFC5250";
+ }
+ base "OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ description
+ "Type 11 - OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA. This LSA type is used
+ in OSPFv2 to distribute arbitrary information via the OSPF
+ protocol. The contents is specific to the application defining
+ the Opaque Type specified within the LSDB. LSAs with Type 11
+ have a scope of the autonomous system that they are transmitted
+ within.";
+ reference "RFC5250";
+ }
+ identity ROUTER_LSA_TYPES {
+ description
+ "Sub-types of the router LSA";
+ }
+ identity ROUTER_LSA_P2P {
+ description
+ "The LSA represents a point-to-point connection to another
+ router";
+ }
+ description
+ "The LSA represents a connection to a transit network";
+ }
+ description
+ "The LSA represents a connection to a stub network";
+ }
+ description
+ "The LSA represents a virtual link connection";
+ }
+ description
+ "The state of an adjacency between the local system and a remote
+ device";
+ }
+ identity DOWN {
+ description
+ "The initial state of a neighbor, indicating that no recent
+ information has been received from the neighbor.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity ATTEMPT {
+ description
+ "Utilised for neighbors that are attached to NBMA networks, it
+ indicates that no information has been recently received from
+ the neighbor but that Hello packets should be directly sent
+ to that neighbor.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity INIT {
+ description
+ "Indicates that a Hello packet has been received from the
+ neighbor but bi-directional communication has not yet been
+ established. That is to say that the local Router ID does
+ not appear in the list of neighbors in the remote system's
+ Hello packet.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity TWO_WAY {
+ description
+ "Communication between the local and remote system is
+ bi-directional such that the local system's Router ID is listed
+ in the received remote system's Hello packet.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity EXSTART {
+ description
+ "An adjacency with the remote system is being formed. The local
+ system is currently transmitting empty database description
+ packets in order to establish the master/slave relationship for
+ the adjacency.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity EXCHANGE {
+ description
+ "The local and remote systems are currently exchanging database
+ description packets in order to determine which elements of
+ their local LSDBs are out of date.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity LOADING {
+ description
+ "The local system is sending Link State Request packets to the
+ remote system in order to receive the more recently LSAs that
+ were discovered during the Exchange phase of the procedure
+ establishing the adjacency.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity FULL {
+ description
+ "The neighboring routers are fully adjacent such that both
+ LSDBs are synchronized. The adjacency will appear in Router and
+ Network LSAs";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ identity OSPF_NETWORK_TYPE {
+ description
+ "Types of network that OSPF should consider attached to an
+ interface";
+ }
+ description
+ "A interface that connects two routers.";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ description
+ "An interface that supports >2 attached routers which has the
+ ability to address all connected systems via a single
+ (broadcast) address.";
+ }
+ description
+ "An interface that supports >2 attached rotuers which does not
+ have the ability to address all connected systems with a
+ broadcast address.";
+ }
+ // rjs TODO: Maybe need p2mp here.
+ description
+ "This identity is the base used for opaque LSA types. The values
+ that extend this base are those that are described in the IANA
+ OSPF Opaque Link-State Advertisements (LSA) Option Types registry";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Traffic Engineering LSA. This type is used only with area-scope
+ Opaque LSAs - and is used to describe routers, point-to-point links
+ and connections to multi-access networks for traffic engineering
+ purposes.";
+ reference "RFC3630";
+ }
+ identity GRACE_LSA {
+ description
+ "Grace LSAs are announced by a system undergoing graceful-restart.
+ A system that is attempting an OSPF graceful restart announces
+ Grace-LSAs with a specified grace period, indicating the intention
+ to have completed an restart within the specified period.";
+ reference "RFC3623";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Router Information LSA is used by an OSPFv2 system to announce
+ optional capabilities of the local system, over and above those that
+ are included within the OSPF hello message field. The flooding scope
+ of the LSA can be link-, area-, or AS-wide (i.e., the LSA type can
+ be 9, 10 or 11).";
+ reference "RFC7770";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Extended Prefix LSA is used in OSPFv2 to carry a set of attributes
+ that are to be associated with a prefix that is advertised in OSPF. The
+ attributes are carried as one or more TLV tuples. The flooding scope
+ of the LSA can be link-, area-, or AS-wide as specified by the
+ advertising system. The flooding scope of the LSA may exceed the scope
+ of the corresponding prefix.";
+ reference "RFC7684";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Extended Link LSA is used in OSPFv2 to carry a set of attributes
+ that are to be associated with a link that is advertised in OSPF. The
+ link attributes are carried as one or more TLV tuples. The flooding
+ scope of the link LSA is area-local - i.e., it is carried in a Type 10
+ opaque LSA.";
+ reference "RFC7684";
+ }
+ identity OSPF_TE_LSA_TLV_TYPE {
+ description
+ "This identity is the base used for the type field of TLVs that are
+ included within the Traffic Engineering Opaque LSA.";
+ }
+ identity TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS {
+ description
+ "A stable IP address of the advertising router that is always reachable
+ if the node has connectivity.";
+ }
+ identity TE_LINK {
+ description
+ "A single link within a traffic engineering topology. A set of sub-TLVs
+ are carried within this attribute to indicate traffic engineering
+ characteristics of the link.";
+ }
+ description
+ "A stable IPv6 address of the advertising router that is always
+ reachable if the node has connectivity. This TLV is used only with
+ OSPFv3";
+ reference "RFC5329";
+ }
+ identity TE_LINK_LOCAL {
+ description
+ "Attributes associated with the local link by the system.";
+ reference "RFC4203";
+ }
+ identity TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE {
+ description
+ "Attributes associted with the local system";
+ reference "RFC5786";
+ }
+ description
+ "Attributes associated with the local optical node. A set of sub-TLVs
+ are carried within this TLV which are used within the GMPLS control
+ plane when using OSPF";
+ }
+ identity OSPF_TE_LINK_TLV_TYPE {
+ description
+ "This identity is the based used for the type field for sub-TLVs of the
+ Link TLV of the OSPF Traffic Engineering Opaque LSA";
+ }
+ identity TE_LINK_TYPE {
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE Link Type sub-TLV appears exactly once per OSPF-TE Link
+ and describes the type of the link";
+ }
+ identity TE_LINK_ID {
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE Link ID sub-TLV appears exactly once per OSPF-TE link and
+ identifies the remote end of the link.";
+ }
+ identity TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP {
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE Local IP specifies a list of the interface addresses of the
+ local system corresponding to the traffic engineering link.";
+ }
+ identity TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP {
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE Remote IP specifies a list of IP addresses of the remote
+ neighbors associated with the traffic engineering link.";
+ }
+ identity TE_LINK_METRIC {
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE Metric specifies the link metric for traffic engineering
+ purposes";
+ }
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE Maximum Bandwidth specifies the maximum bandwidth of the
+ link that it is associated with.";
+ }
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE Maximum Reservable Bandwidth specifies the maximum
+ bandwidth that may be reserved on the link in bytes per second";
+ }
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE unreserved bandwidth indicates the amount of bandwidth
+ at each priority level that is currently not reserved";
+ }
+ identity TE_LINK_ADMIN_GROUP {
+ description
+ "The OSPF-TE administrative group indicates the administrative group
+ that the is assigned to the interface";
+ }
+ description
+ "This identity forms the base for sub-TLVs of the Node Attribute TLV
+ of the Traffic Engineering LSA";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Node Attribute Sub-TLV contains a list of the IPv4 addresses of
+ the local system";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Node Attribute Sub-TLV contains a list of the IPv6 addresses of
+ the local system";
+ }
+ identity GRACE_LSA_TLV_TYPES {
+ description
+ "This identity is used as the base for TLVs within the Grace LSA";
+ }
+ identity GRACE_PERIOD {
+ description
+ "This sub-TLV describes the period for which adjacencies should be
+ maintained with the restarting system";
+ }
+ description
+ "This sub-TLV describes the reason for the OSPF restart of the system
+ that is restarting";
+ }
+ description
+ "This sub-TLV specifies the restarting system's IP address on the
+ interface via which it is advertising the Grace LSA";
+ }
+ identity RI_LSA_TLV_TYPES {
+ description
+ "This identity is used as the base for the TLVs within the Router
+ Information LSA";
+ reference "RFC7770";
+ }
+ base "RI_LSA_TLV_TYPES";
+ description
+ "Informational capabilities of the advertising system";
+ reference "RFC7770";
+ }
+ base "RI_LSA_TLV_TYPES";
+ description
+ "Functional capabilities of the advertising system";
+ reference "RFC7770";
+ }
+ identity RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG {
+ base "RI_LSA_TLV_TYPES";
+ description
+ "Operator-defined administrative tags associated with the advertising
+ system";
+ reference "RFC7777";
+ }
+ identity RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE {
+ base "RI_LSA_TLV_TYPES";
+ description
+ "SID or Label ranges for use with segment routing when forwarding to
+ the advertising system";
+ reference "draft-ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions";
+ }
+ identity RI_SR_ALGORITHM {
+ base "RI_LSA_TLV_TYPES";
+ description
+ "The algorithms that are supported for segment routing by the
+ advertising system";
+ reference "draft-ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions";
+ }
+ // will be shared with IS-IS
+ identity SR_ALGORITHM {
+ description
+ "This identity is used as a base for the algorithms that can be
+ supported for segment routing and are advertised by a system in the RI
+ LSA";
+ }
+ identity SPF {
+ base "SR_ALGORITHM";
+ description
+ "The standard shortest path algorithm based on link metric,
+ as used by the OSPF protocol";
+ }
+ identity STRICT_SPF {
+ base "SR_ALGORITHM";
+ description
+ "The standard shortest path algorithm based on link metric, with the
+ requirement that all nodes along the path honor the SPF decision. That
+ is to say that the SPF decision cannot be altered by local policy at
+ the node";
+ }
+ description
+ "This identity is used as a base for the sub-TLVs of the Segment
+ Routing SID/Label Range TLV";
+ }
+ identity SR_SID_LABEL_TLV {
+ description
+ "A range of SID/Label values used by the local system";
+ reference "draft-ietf-ospf-segment-routing-extensions";
+ }
+ description
+ "OSPFv2 Router Link Types as per the IANA registry defined in
+ RFC2740";
+ }
+ identity POINT_TO_POINT_LINK {
+ description
+ "The link is a point-to-point connection to another router";
+ }
+ description
+ "The link is a connection to a transit network";
+ }
+ identity STUB_NETWORK_LINK {
+ description
+ "The link is a connection to a stub network";
+ }
+ identity VIRTUAL_LINK {
+ description
+ "The link is a virtual connection to another router";
+ }
+ description
+ "Sub-TLVs of the OSPFv2 Extended Prefix LSA as defined by
+ RFC7684";
+ }
+ description
+ "The attributes being described relate to a range of prefixes";
+ }
+ identity PREFIX_SID {
+ description
+ "The TLV describes a Segment Routing Prefix Segment Identifier
+ associated with a prefix";
+ }
+ identity SID_LABEL_BINDING {
+ description
+ "The TLV describes a binding of a SID to a path to the prefix,
+ which may have associated path characteristics";
+ }
+ description
+ "Sub-TLV types carried in the SID/Label Binding Sub-TLV of
+ the Extended Prefix Sub-TLV";
+ }
+ description
+ "This sub-TLV indicates a binding between an SR SID and an
+ MPLS label and must be present in the sub-TLV";
+ }
+ identity ERO_METRIC {
+ description
+ "This sub-TLV indicates the cost of the ERO path being
+ advertised in the SID/Label TLV";
+ }
+ identity ERO_PATH {
+ description
+ "This sub-TLV indicates the path associated with an ERO
+ being advertised in the SID/Label TLV";
+ }
+ description
+ "The types of segment included within an ERO Path described
+ within the SID/Label binding sub-TLV";
+ }
+ identity IPV4_SEGMENT {
+ description
+ "The segment is specified as an IPv4 address";
+ }
+ description
+ "The segment is specified as an unnumbered interface of
+ a remote system";
+ }
+ description
+ "Sub-TLVs of the Extended Link TLV for OSPFv2";
+ }
+ identity ADJACENCY_SID {
+ description
+ "The extended link sub-TLV indicates an Adjacency SID";
+ }
+ description
+ "Triggers which cause the maximum metric to be set for
+ entities advertised in OSPF";
+ }
+ description
+ "Set the maximum metric when the system boots.";
+ }
+ description
+ "Entities that may optionally be included when advertising
+ the maximum metric.";
+ }
+ description
+ "Include stub networks when advertising the maximum metric.";
+ }
+ description
+ "Include OSPF Type 2 external routes when advertising
+ the maximum metric.";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-area-interface.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-area-interface.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81ce281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-area-interface.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+submodule openconfig-ospfv2-area-interface {
+ belongs-to openconfig-ospfv2 {
+ prefix "oc-ospfv2";
+ }
+ import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; }
+ import openconfig-types { prefix "oc-types"; }
+ import openconfig-interfaces { prefix "oc-if"; }
+ import openconfig-ospf-types { prefix "oc-ospf-types"; }
+ // include common submodule
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-common;
+ // meta
+ organization "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "This submodule provides OSPFv2 configuration and operational
+ state parameters that are specific to the area context";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.1.0";
+ revision "2017-02-28"{
+ description
+ "Initial public release of OSPFv2";
+ reference "0.1.0";
+ }
+ revision "2016-06-24" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "0.0.1";
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-interface-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for an OSPF interface";
+ leaf id {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "An operator-specified string utilised to uniquely
+ reference this interface";
+ }
+ leaf network-type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_NETWORK_TYPE";
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of network that OSPFv2 should use for the specified
+ interface.";
+ }
+ leaf priority {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "The local system's priority to become the designated
+ router";
+ }
+ leaf multi-area-adjacency-primary {
+ type boolean;
+ default true;
+ description
+ "When the specified interface is included in more than one
+ area's configuration, this leaf marks whether the area should
+ be considered the primary (when the value is true). In the
+ case that this value is false, the area is considered a
+ secondary area.";
+ }
+ leaf authentication-type {
+ type string;
+ // rjs TODO: discuss with bogdanov@ what the approach for auth
+ // links should be.
+ description
+ "The type of authentication that should be used on this
+ interface";
+ }
+ leaf metric {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-metric;
+ description
+ "The metric for the interface";
+ }
+ leaf passive {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, the interface should be
+ advertised within the OSPF area but OSPF adjacencies should
+ not be established over the interface";
+ }
+ leaf hide-network {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, the network connected to
+ the interface should be hidden from OSPFv2 advertisements
+ per the procedure described in RFC6860.";
+ reference
+ "RFC6860 - Hiding Transit-Only Networks in OSFF";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-interface-timers-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to per-interface OSPFv2
+ timers";
+ leaf dead-interval {
+ type uint32;
+ units seconds;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds that the local system should let
+ elapse before declaring a silent router down";
+ reference "RFC2328";
+ }
+ leaf hello-interval {
+ type uint32;
+ units seconds;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds the local system waits between the
+ transmission of subsequent Hello packets";
+ }
+ leaf retransmission-interval {
+ type uint32;
+ units seconds;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds that the local system waits before
+ retransmitting an unacknowledged LSA.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to MPLS extensions for OSPF";
+ leaf traffic-engineering-metric {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "A link metric that should only be considered for traffic
+ engineering purposes.";
+ reference "RFC3630, §2.5.5";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to an individual neighbor
+ system on an interface within an OSPF area";
+ leaf router-id {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "The router ID of the remote system.";
+ }
+ leaf metric {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-metric;
+ description
+ "The metric that should be considered to the remote neighbor
+ over this interface. This configuration is only applicable
+ for multiple-access networks";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating an individual neighbor
+ system on an interface within an OSPF area";
+ leaf priority {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "The remote system's priority to become the designated
+ router";
+ }
+ leaf dead-time {
+ // rjs TODO: discussion with aashaikh@ + hines@ around how this
+ // value should be represented, usually is a timer that
+ // continually counts down but this sounds challenging for
+ // telemetry.
+ type oc-types:timeticks64;
+ description
+ "The time at which this neighbor's adjacency will be
+ considered dead. This value is expressed as a number of
+ seconds since the Unix Epoch";
+ }
+ leaf designated-router {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "The designated router for the adjacency. This device
+ advertises the Network LSA for broadcast and NBMA networks.";
+ }
+ leaf backup-designated-router {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "The backup designated router for the adjacency.";
+ }
+ leaf optional-capabilities {
+ // rjs TODO: should this be anything more than the hex-string
+ // this is currently what is shown in IOS/JUNOS
+ type yang:hex-string;
+ description
+ "The optional capabilities field received in the Hello
+ message from the neighbor";
+ }
+ leaf last-established-time {
+ type oc-types:timeticks64;
+ units seconds;
+ // rjs TODO: check implementations - is FULL considered 'up'
+ // since the adjacency is probably up since ExStart
+ description
+ "The time at which the adjacency was last established with
+ the neighbor. That is to say the time at which the
+ adjacency last transitioned into the FULL state.
+ This value is expressed as the number of seconds, relative to
+ the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC).";
+ }
+ leaf adjacency-state {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_NEIGHBOR_STATE";
+ }
+ description
+ "The state of the adjacency with the neighbor.";
+ }
+ leaf state-changes {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The number of transitions out of the FULL state that this
+ neighbor has been through";
+ }
+ leaf retranmission-queue-length {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The number of LSAs that are currently in the queue to be
+ retransmitted to the neighbor";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-interface-lsa-filter-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration options relating to filtering LSAs
+ on an interface.";
+ leaf all {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, all LSAs should be
+ filtered to the neighbours with whom adjacencies are
+ formed on the interface.";
+ }
+ // NB: this container can be augmented to add additional
+ // filtering options which exist in some implementations.
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to MPLS LDP/IGP
+ synchronization on a per-neighbor basis";
+ leaf synchronized {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When the value of this leaf is set to true, the
+ LDP neighbors reachable via this interface are considered
+ to be synchronized, and hence the link is considered
+ usable by the IGP.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-interfaces-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for configuration and operational state
+ parameters that relate to an interface";
+ container interfaces {
+ description
+ "Enclosing container for a list of interfaces enabled within
+ this area";
+ list interface {
+ key "id";
+ description
+ "List of interfaces which are enabled within this area";
+ leaf id {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/id";
+ }
+ description
+ "A pointer to the identifier for the interface.";
+ }
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for the interface on which
+ OSPFv2 is enabled";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters for the interface on which
+ OSPFv2 is enabled";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-config;
+ }
+ uses oc-if:interface-ref;
+ container timers {
+ description
+ "Timers relating to OSPFv2 on the interface";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for OSPFv2 timers on the
+ interface";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-timers-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters for OSPFv2 timers on
+ the interface";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-timers-config;
+ }
+ }
+ container mpls {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state parameters for
+ OSPFv2 extensions related to MPLS on the interface.";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for OSPFv2 extensions relating
+ to MPLS for the interface";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state for OSPFv2 extensions relating to
+ MPLS for the interface";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-config;
+ }
+ container igp-ldp-sync {
+ description
+ "OSPFv2 parameters relating to LDP/IGP synchronization";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to LDP/IG
+ synchronization.";
+ uses ospfv2-common-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state variables relating to LDP/IGP
+ synchronization";
+ uses ospfv2-common-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-config;
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ container lsa-filter {
+ description
+ "OSPFv2 parameters relating to filtering of LSAs to
+ neighbors the specified interface.";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to filtering LSAs
+ on the specified interface.";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-lsa-filter-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to filtering
+ LSAs on the specified interface";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-lsa-filter-config;
+ }
+ }
+ container neighbors {
+ description
+ "Enclosing container for the list of neighbors that
+ an adjacency has been established with on the interface";
+ list neighbor {
+ key "router-id";
+ description
+ "A neighbor with which an OSPFv2 adjacency has been
+ established within this area";
+ leaf router-id {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/router-id";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the router ID of the adjacent system";
+ }
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to the adjacent
+ system";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to the adjacent
+ system";
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-config;
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-area.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-area.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5624a49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-area.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+submodule openconfig-ospfv2-area {
+ belongs-to openconfig-ospfv2 {
+ prefix "oc-ospfv2";
+ }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; }
+ import openconfig-ospf-types { prefix "oc-ospf-types"; }
+ import ietf-inet-types { prefix "inet"; }
+ // include other required submodules
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-area-interface;
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb;
+ // meta
+ organization "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "This submodule provides OSPFv2 configuration and operational
+ state parameters that are specific to the area context";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.1.0";
+ revision "2017-02-28"{
+ description
+ "Initial public release of OSPFv2";
+ reference "0.1.0";
+ }
+ revision "2016-06-24" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "0.0.1";
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to an OSPF area";
+ leaf identifier {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-area-identifier;
+ description
+ "An identifier for the OSPFv2 area - described as either a
+ 32-bit unsigned integer, or a dotted-quad";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-mpls-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to OSPFv2 extensions for
+ MPLS";
+ leaf traffic-engineering-enabled {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "Specifies whether traffic engineering extensions should be
+ advertised within the area";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-virtual-link-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to a virtual-link within
+ the OSPF area";
+ leaf remote-router-id {
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "The router ID of the device which terminates the remote end
+ of the virtual link";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-area-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for configuration and operational state
+ parameters that relate to an individual area";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to an OSPFv2 area";
+ uses ospfv2-area-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to an OSPFv2 area";
+ uses ospfv2-area-config;
+ }
+ container mpls {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state parameters for OSPFv2
+ extensions relating to MPLS";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to MPLS extensions for
+ OSPFv2";
+ uses ospfv2-area-mpls-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to MPLS extensions
+ for OSPFv2";
+ uses ospfv2-area-mpls-config;
+ }
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-structure;
+ uses ospfv2-area-interfaces-structure;
+ container virtual-links {
+ description
+ "Configuration and state parameters relating to virtual
+ links from the source area to a remote router";
+ list virtual-link {
+ key "remote-router-id";
+ description
+ "Configuration and state parameters relating to a
+ virtual link";
+ leaf remote-router-id {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/remote-router-id";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the remote router ID";
+ }
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to the OSPF virtual link";
+ uses ospfv2-area-virtual-link-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the OSPF virtual link";
+ uses ospfv2-area-virtual-link-config;
+ uses ospfv2-area-interface-neighbor-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-common.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-common.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6510816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-common.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+submodule openconfig-ospfv2-common {
+ belongs-to openconfig-ospfv2 {
+ prefix "oc-ospfv2";
+ }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; }
+ // meta
+ organization "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "This submodule provides OSPFv2 configuration and operational
+ state parameters that are shared across multiple contexts";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.1.0";
+ revision "2017-02-28"{
+ description
+ "Initial public release of OSPFv2";
+ reference "0.1.0";
+ }
+ revision "2016-06-24" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "0.0.1";
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-common-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters used for OSPFv2 MPLS/IGP
+ synchronization";
+ leaf enabled {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, do not utilise this link for
+ forwarding via the IGP until such time as LDP adjacencies to
+ the neighbor(s) over the link are established.";
+ }
+ leaf post-session-up-delay {
+ type uint32;
+ units milliseconds;
+ description
+ "This leaf specifies a delay, expressed in units of milliseconds,
+ between the LDP session to the IGP neighbor being established, and
+ it being considered synchronized by the IGP.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-common-timers {
+ description
+ "Common definition of the type of timers that the OSPFv2 implementation
+ uses";
+ leaf timer-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ description
+ "The backoff used by the OSPFv2 implementation is linear, such that
+ a common delay is added following each event.";
+ }
+ description
+ "The backoff used by the OSPFv2 implementation is exponential, such
+ that the delay added following each event increases.";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The timer mode that is utilised by the implementation.";
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-global.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-global.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f46c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-global.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+submodule openconfig-ospfv2-global {
+ belongs-to openconfig-ospfv2 {
+ prefix "oc-ospfv2";
+ }
+ import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; }
+ import openconfig-routing-policy { prefix "oc-rpol"; }
+ import openconfig-ospf-types { prefix "oc-ospft"; }
+ // Include common submodule
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-common;
+ // meta
+ organization "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "This submodule provides OSPFv2 configuration and operational
+ state parameters that are global to a particular OSPF instance";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.1.0";
+ revision "2017-02-28"{
+ description
+ "Initial public release of OSPFv2";
+ reference "0.1.0";
+ }
+ revision "2016-06-24" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "0.0.1";
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-config {
+ description
+ "Global configuration for OSPFv2";
+ leaf router-id {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "A 32-bit number represented as a dotted quad assigned to
+ each router running the OSPFv2 protocol. This number should
+ be unique within the autonomous system";
+ reference "rfc2828";
+ }
+ leaf summary-route-cost-mode {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum RFC1583_COMPATIBLE {
+ description
+ "Specify that summary routes should assume the cost of
+ the lowest-cost more-specific route as per the behaviour
+ specified in RFC1583";
+ }
+ enum RFC2328_COMPATIBLE {
+ description
+ "Specify that summary routes should assume the cost of the
+ highest-cost more-specific route as per the revised
+ behaviour specified in RFC2328";
+ }
+ }
+ default "RFC2328_COMPATIBLE";
+ description
+ "Specify how costs for the summary routes should be specified
+ as per the behaviour in the original OSPF specification
+ RFC1583, or alternatively whether the revised behaviour
+ described in RFC2328 should be utilised";
+ }
+ leaf igp-shortcuts {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, OSPFv2 will route traffic to
+ a remote system via any LSP to the system that is marked as
+ shortcut eligible.";
+ }
+ leaf log-adjacency-changes {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, a log message will be
+ generated when the state of an OSPFv2 neighbour changes.";
+ }
+ leaf hide-transit-only-networks {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, do not advertise prefixes
+ into OSPFv2 that correspond to transit interfaces, as per
+ the behaviour discussed in RFC6860.";
+ reference
+ "RFC6860 - Hiding Transit-Only Networks in OSPF";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-spf-timers-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to global SPF timer
+ parameters for OSPFv2";
+ leaf initial-delay {
+ // rjs TODO: IS-IS model has this as decimal64 - should it be
+ // that or uint32 msec?
+ type uint32;
+ units msec;
+ description
+ "The value of this leaf specifies the time between a change
+ in topology being detected and the first run of the SPF
+ algorithm.";
+ }
+ leaf maximum-delay {
+ // rjs TODO: same question as above
+ type uint32;
+ units msec;
+ description
+ "The value of this leaf specifies the maximum delay between
+ a topology change being detected and the SPF algorithm
+ running. This value is used for implementations that support
+ increasing the wait time between SPF runs.";
+ }
+ // rjs TODO: some questions here around what we should specify:
+ // JUNOS has rapid-runs and holddown
+ // Cisco has maximum time between runs, and then a doubling of
+ // the wait interval up to that maximum.
+ // ALU has first-wait, second-wait, max-wait
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-lsa-generation-timers-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to global LSA generation
+ parameters for OSPFv2";
+ leaf initial-delay {
+ type uint32;
+ units msec;
+ description
+ "The value of this leaf specifies the time between the first
+ time an LSA is generated and advertised and the subsequent
+ generation of that LSA.";
+ }
+ leaf maximum-delay {
+ type uint32;
+ units msec;
+ description
+ "The value of this leaf specifies the maximum time between the
+ generation of an LSA and the subsequent re-generation of that
+ LSA. This value is used in implementations that support
+ increasing delay between generation of an LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-spf-timers-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to OSPFv2 global
+ timers";
+ uses ospfv2-common-timers;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-lsa-generation-timers-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to OSPFv2 global
+ timers";
+ uses ospfv2-common-timers;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-graceful-restart-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to graceful restart for
+ OSPFv2";
+ leaf enabled {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When the value of this leaf is set to true, graceful restart
+ is enabled on the local system. In this case, the system will
+ use Grace-LSAs to signal that it is restarting to its
+ neighbors.";
+ }
+ leaf helper-only {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "Operate graceful-restart only in helper mode. When this leaf
+ is set to true, the local system does not use Grace-LSAs to
+ indicate that it is restarting, but will accept Grace-LSAs
+ from remote systems, and suppress withdrawl of adjacencies
+ of the system for the grace period specified";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-mpls-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for OSPFv2 options which
+ relate to MPLS";
+ leaf traffic-engineering-extensions {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, use traffic engineering
+ extensions for OSPF to advertise TE parameters via type 10
+ Opaque LSAs";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-inter-areapp-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters for OSPFv2 policies which propagate
+ prefixes between areas";
+ leaf src-area {
+ type leafref {
+ // we are at ospf/global/inter-area-propagation-policies/...
+ // inter-area-propagation-policy/config/src-area
+ path "../../../../../areas/area/identifier";
+ }
+ description
+ "The area from which prefixes are to be exported.";
+ }
+ leaf dst-area {
+ type leafref {
+ // we are at ospf/global/inter-area-propagation-policies/...
+ // inter-area-propagation-policy/config/src-area
+ path "../../../../../areas/area/identifier";
+ }
+ description
+ "The destination area to which prefixes are to be imported";
+ }
+ uses oc-rpol:apply-policy-import-config;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-max-metric-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration paramters relating to setting the OSPFv2
+ maximum metric.";
+ leaf set {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, all non-stub interfaces of
+ the local system are advertised with the maximum metric,
+ such that the router does not act as a transit system,
+ (similarly to the IS-IS overload functionality).";
+ reference
+ "RFC3137 - OSPF Stub Router Advertisement";
+ }
+ leaf timeout {
+ type uint64;
+ units "seconds";
+ description
+ "The delay, in seconds, after which the advertisement of
+ entities with the maximum metric should be cleared, and
+ the system reverts to the default, or configured, metrics.";
+ }
+ leaf-list include {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospft:MAX_METRIC_INCLUDE";
+ }
+ description
+ "By default, the maximum metric is advertised for all
+ non-stub interfaces of a device. When identities are
+ specified within this leaf-list, additional entities
+ are also advertised with the maximum metric according
+ to the values within the list.";
+ }
+ leaf-list trigger {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospft:MAX_METRIC_TRIGGER";
+ }
+ description
+ "By default, the maximum metric is only advertised
+ when the max-metric/set leaf is specified as true.
+ In the case that identities are specified within this
+ list, they provide additional triggers (e.g., system
+ boot) that may cause the max-metric to be set. In this
+ case, the system should still honour the timeout specified
+ by the max-metric/timeout leaf, and clear the max-metric
+ advertisements after the expiration of this timer.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-global-structural {
+ description
+ "Top level structural grouping for OSPFv2 global parameters";
+ container global {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state parameters for settings
+ that are global to the OSPFv2 instance";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Global configuration parameters for OSPFv2";
+ uses ospfv2-global-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters for OSPFv2";
+ uses ospfv2-global-config;
+ }
+ container timers {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state parameters for OSPFv2
+ timers";
+ container spf {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state parameters relating
+ to timers governing the operation of SPF runs";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to global OSPFv2
+ SPF timers";
+ uses ospfv2-global-spf-timers-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to the global
+ OSPFv2 SPF timers";
+ uses ospfv2-global-spf-timers-config;
+ uses ospfv2-global-spf-timers-state;
+ }
+ }
+ container max-metric {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state parameters relating
+ to setting the OSPFv2 maximum metric.";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to setting the OSPFv2
+ maximum metric for a set of advertised entities.";
+ uses ospfv2-global-max-metric-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to setting the
+ OSPFv2 maximum metric for a set of advertised entities.";
+ uses ospfv2-global-max-metric-config;
+ }
+ }
+ container lsa-generation {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state parameters relating
+ to timers governing the generation of LSAs by the local
+ system";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to the generation of
+ LSAs by the local system";
+ uses ospfv2-global-lsa-generation-timers-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to the generation
+ of LSAs by the local system";
+ uses ospfv2-global-lsa-generation-timers-config;
+ uses ospfv2-global-lsa-generation-timers-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ container graceful-restart {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state parameters for OSPFv2
+ graceful restart";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to OSPFv2 graceful
+ restart";
+ uses ospfv2-global-graceful-restart-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to OSPFv2 graceful
+ restart";
+ uses ospfv2-global-graceful-restart-config;
+ }
+ }
+ container mpls {
+ description
+ "OSPFv2 parameters relating to MPLS";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to MPLS for OSPFv2";
+ uses ospfv2-global-mpls-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to MPLS for
+ OSPFv2";
+ uses ospfv2-global-mpls-config;
+ }
+ container igp-ldp-sync {
+ description
+ "OSPFv2 parameters relating to LDP/IGP synchronization";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to LDP/IG
+ synchronization.";
+ uses ospfv2-common-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state variables relating to LDP/IGP
+ synchronization";
+ uses ospfv2-common-mpls-igp-ldp-sync-config;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ container inter-area-propagation-policies {
+ description
+ "Policies defining how inter-area propagation should be performed
+ by the OSPF instance";
+ list inter-area-propagation-policy {
+ key "src-area dst-area";
+ description
+ "A list of connections between pairs of areas - routes are
+ propagated from the source (src) area to the destination (dst)
+ area according to the policy specified";
+ leaf src-area {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/src-area";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the source area";
+ }
+ leaf dst-area {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/dst-area";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the destination area";
+ }
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to the inter-area
+ propagation policy";
+ uses ospfv2-global-inter-areapp-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to the inter-area
+ propagation policy";
+ uses ospfv2-global-inter-areapp-config;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9964191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,2343 @@
+submodule openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb {
+ belongs-to openconfig-ospfv2 {
+ prefix "oc-ospfv2";
+ }
+ // import some basic types
+ import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; }
+ import ietf-inet-types { prefix "inet"; }
+ import openconfig-types { prefix "oc-types"; }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; }
+ import openconfig-ospf-types { prefix "oc-ospf-types"; }
+ // meta
+ organization "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "An OpenConfig model for the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
+ version 2 link-state database (LSDB)";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.1.0";
+ revision "2017-02-28"{
+ description
+ "Initial public release of OSPFv2";
+ reference "0.1.0";
+ }
+ revision "2016-06-24" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "0.0.1";
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-common-prefix-properties {
+ description
+ "Common properties used in the LSDB that relate to IPv4 prefixes";
+ leaf prefix-length {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..32";
+ }
+ description
+ "The length of the IPv4 prefix contained in the Extended Prefix LSA";
+ }
+ leaf address-family {
+ // TODO: should this be an identity?
+ type enumeration {
+ enum IPV4_UNICAST {
+ value 0;
+ description
+ "The prefix contained within the Extended Prefix LSA is an IPv4
+ unicast prefix";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The address family of the prefix contained in the Extended Prefix
+ LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-common-link-specification {
+ description
+ "Generic attributes used to identify links within OSPFv2";
+ leaf link-id {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "The identifier for the link specified. The value of the link
+ identifier is dependent upon the type of the LSA. The value is
+ specified to be, per sub-type:
+ 1) Neighbouring router's router ID.
+ 2) IP address of DR.
+ 3) IP network address.
+ 4) Neighbouring router router's ID.";
+ }
+ leaf link-data {
+ type union {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ type uint32;
+ }
+ description
+ "The data associated with the link type. The value is
+ dependent upon the subtype of the LSA. When the connection is
+ to a stub network it represents the mask; for p2p connections
+ that are unnumbered it represents the ifIndex value of the
+ router's interface; for all other connections it represents
+ the local system's IP address";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv {
+ description
+ "A generic specification of a TLV to be used when the
+ value cannot be decoded by the local system";
+ leaf type {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "The type value of the unknown TLV";
+ }
+ leaf length {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "The length value of the unknown TLV";
+ }
+ leaf value {
+ type binary;
+ description
+ "The value portion of the unknwon TLV";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv-structure {
+ description
+ "A generic specification of an unknown TLV";
+ container unknown-tlv {
+ description
+ "An unknown TLV within the context. Unknown TLVs are
+ defined to be the set of TLVs that are not modelled
+ within the OpenConfig model, or are unknown to the
+ local system such that it cannot decode their value.";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Contents of an unknown TLV within the LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-subtlv-structure {
+ description
+ "A generic specification of an unknown TLV";
+ container unknown-subtlv {
+ description
+ "An unknown SubTLV within the context. Unknown Sub-TLV
+ are defined to be the set of SubTLVs that are not modelled
+ by the OpenConfig schema, or are unknown to the local system
+ such that it cannot decode their value.";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Contents of an unknown TLV within the LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-common-tos-metric {
+ description
+ "Common LSDB LSA parameters for type of service and metric";
+ leaf tos {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "OSPF encoding of the type of service referred to by this
+ LSA. Encoding for OSPF TOS are described in RFC2328.";
+ }
+ leaf metric {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-metric;
+ description
+ "The metric value to be used for the TOS specified. This value
+ represents the cost of use of the link for the specific type
+ of service.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-common-sr-sid-spec {
+ description
+ "Re-usable specification of a segment routing SID";
+ leaf sid-type {
+ type oc-ospf-types:sr-sid-type;
+ description
+ "The type of the value contained within the sub-TLV";
+ }
+ leaf sid-value {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The value of the binding included within the sub-TLV. The type of
+ this binding is indicated by the type leaf.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-area-state {
+ description
+ "Per-area operational state parameters for an OSPFv2 area";
+ leaf identifier {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-area-identifier;
+ description
+ "An identifier for the area, expressed as a dotted quad or
+ an unsigned 32-bit integer";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-area-lsa-type-state {
+ description
+ "Per-LSA type operational state parameters for an OSPFv2 area";
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_LSA_TYPE";
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of LSA being described. The type of the LSA is
+ expressed as a canonical name.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-area-lsa-state {
+ description
+ "Generic parameters of an OSPFv2 LSA";
+ leaf link-state-id {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "The Link State ID for the specified LSA type. The exact
+ defined value of the Link State ID is dependent on the LSA
+ type.";
+ }
+ leaf advertising-router {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "The router ID of the router that originated the LSA";
+ }
+ leaf sequence-number {
+ type int32;
+ description
+ "A signed 32-bit integer used to detect old and duplicate
+ LSAs. The greater the sequence number the more recent the
+ LSA.";
+ }
+ leaf checksum {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "The checksum of the complete contents of the LSA excluding
+ the age field.";
+ }
+ leaf age {
+ type uint16;
+ units seconds;
+ description
+ "The time since the LSA's generation in seconds";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-router-lsa-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for Router LSA contents within the LSDB";
+ container router-lsa {
+ description
+ "Contents of the router LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the router LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-router-lsa-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-generic-lsa-tos-metric-structure;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-generic-lsa-tos-metric-structure {
+ description
+ "Grouping including a generic TOS/metric structure for an
+ LSA";
+ container types-of-service {
+ description
+ "Breakdown of LSA contents specifying multiple
+ TOS values";
+ list type-of-service {
+ key "tos";
+ description
+ "Per-type of service parameters for the LSA";
+ leaf tos {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../state/tos";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the type of service identifier which is
+ specified in the LSA";
+ }
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Per-TOS parameters for the LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-generic-lsa-tos-metric-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-network-lsa-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for Network LSA contents within the LSDB";
+ container network-lsa {
+ description
+ "Contents of the network LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the network LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-network-lsa-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-summary-lsa-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for the Summary LSA contents within the
+ LSDB";
+ container summary-lsa {
+ description
+ "Contents of the summary LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the summary LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-summary-lsa-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-generic-lsa-tos-metric-structure;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-lsa-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for the AS External LSA contents within
+ the LSDB";
+ container as-external-lsa {
+ description
+ "Contents of the AS External LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters for the AS external LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-lsa-state;
+ }
+ container types-of-service {
+ description
+ "Breakdown of External LSA contents specifying multiple
+ TOS values";
+ list type-of-service {
+ key "tos";
+ description
+ "Per-type of service parameters for the AS External LSA";
+ leaf tos {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../state/tos";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the type of service identifier which is
+ specified in the AS External LSA";
+ }
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Per-TOS parameters for the LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-tos-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-nssa-external-lsa-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for the NSSA External LSA contents within
+ the LSDB";
+ container nssa-external-lsa {
+ description
+ "Contents of the NSSA External LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters for the AS external LSA";
+ // Type 7 LSAs are are a super-set of Type 5 LSAs so we simply
+ // include the Type 5
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-lsa-state;
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-nssa-external-lsa-state;
+ }
+ container types-of-service {
+ description
+ "Breakdown of the NSSA External LSA contents specifying multiple
+ TOS values";
+ list type-of-service {
+ key "tos";
+ description
+ "Per-type of service parameters for the NSSA external LSA";
+ leaf tos {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../state/tos";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the type of services identifier which is specified
+ in the NSSA External LSA";
+ }
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Per-TOS parameters for the LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-tos-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-lsa-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for Opaque LSA contents within the LSDB";
+ container opaque-lsa {
+ description
+ "Contents of the opaque LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters for the opaque LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-lsa-state;
+ }
+ container traffic-engineering {
+ when "../state/type = 'TRAFFIC_ENGINEERING'" {
+ description
+ "Include the traffic-engineering information when
+ the Opaque LSA being described is a Traffic Engineering
+ LSA";
+ }
+ description
+ "Contents of the Traffic Engineering Opaque LSA";
+ container tlvs {
+ description
+ "The TLVs contained in the TE Opaque LSA";
+ list tlv {
+ // this is an unkeyed list
+ description
+ "The Type-Length-Value tuples included in the TE LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "The contents of the TLV tuple within the TE LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-lsa-te-tlv-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv-structure;
+ container router-address {
+ when "../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_ADDRESS'" {
+ description
+ "Include the router address container only when the type
+ of the TLV is Router Address";
+ }
+ description
+ "Parameters included in the Router Address TLV";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the router address TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-router-address-state;
+ }
+ }
+ container link {
+ when "../state/type = 'TE_ROUTER_LINK'" {
+ description
+ "Include the link container only when the type of the
+ TLV describes a traffic engineering link";
+ }
+ description
+ "Parameters included in the Link TLV";
+ container sub-tlvs {
+ description
+ "Sub-TLVs included in the Link TLV";
+ list sub-tlv {
+ // unkeyed list
+ description
+ "The Sub-TLVs included within the Traffic Engineering
+ LSA's sub-TLV";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the Link Sub-TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-link-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-subtlv-structure;
+ container unreserved-bandwidths {
+ description
+ "The unreserved link bandwidths for the Traffic
+ Engineering LSA - utilised when the sub-TLV type
+ indicates that the sub-TLV describes unreserved
+ bandwidth";
+ list unreserved-bandwidth {
+ key "priority";
+ description
+ "The unreserved bandwidth at each priority level";
+ leaf priority {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../state/priority";
+ }
+ description
+ "A reference to the priority level being described";
+ }
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the unreserved
+ bandwidth of the link being described";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-link-unreserved-bw-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ container administrative-groups {
+ description
+ "The administrative groups that are set for the
+ Traffic Engineering LSA - utilised when the sub-TLV type
+ indicates that the sub-TLV describes administrative
+ groups";
+ list admin-group {
+ key "bit-index";
+ description
+ "The administrative group described within the
+ sub-TLV";
+ leaf bit-index {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../state/bit-index";
+ }
+ description
+ "A reference to the bit index being described";
+ }
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the administrative
+ groups being described for the link";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-link-admin-group-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ container node-attribute {
+ when "../state/type = 'TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE'" {
+ description
+ "Include the node-attribute container only when the type of
+ the TLV describes a node attribute";
+ }
+ description
+ "Parameters included in the Node Attribute TLV";
+ container sub-tlvs {
+ description
+ "Sub-TLVs of the Node Attribute TLV of the Traffic
+ Engineering LSA";
+ list sub-tlv {
+ // unkeyed list
+ description
+ "List of the Sub-TLVs contained within the Node Attribute
+ TLV";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the Node Attribute TLV sub-TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-node-attribute-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-subtlv-structure;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // A set of TLVs are omitted here - based on operational
+ // requirements, these are:
+ // * link-local
+ // * ipv6-address (OSPFv3 only)
+ // * optical-node-property
+ }
+ }
+ } // traffic-engineering
+ container grace-lsa {
+ when "../state/type = 'GRACE_LSA'" {
+ description
+ "Include the grace-lsa container when the opaque LSA is specified
+ to be of that type.";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Grace LSA is utilised when a remote system is undergoing
+ graceful restart";
+ container tlvs {
+ description
+ "TLVs of the Grace LSA";
+ list tlv {
+ description
+ "TLV entry in the Grace LSA, advertised by a system undergoing
+ graceful restart";
+ // unkeyed list
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Per-TLV state parameters of the Grace LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-grace-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv-structure;
+ }
+ }
+ } // grace LSA
+ container router-information {
+ when "../state/type = 'ROUTER_INFORMATION_LSA'" {
+ description
+ "Include the router-information container when the opaque LSA
+ type is specified to be an RI LSA";
+ }
+ description
+ "The router information LSA is utilised to advertise capabilities
+ of a system to other systems who receive the LSA";
+ container tlvs {
+ description
+ "The TLVs included within the Router Information LSA.";
+ list tlv {
+ description
+ "TLV entry in the Router Information LSA";
+ // unkeyed list
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Per-TLV state parameters of the RI LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv-structure;
+ container informational-capabilities {
+ when "../state/type = 'RI_INFORMATIONAL_CAPABILITIES'" {
+ description
+ "Include the informational capabilities specification when
+ the TLV of the RI LSA is specified to be of this type";
+ }
+ description
+ "Information related to the capabilities of the advertising
+ router within the scope that the opaque RI LSA is being
+ advertised";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the informational capabilitis of the
+ RI LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-informational-state;
+ }
+ }
+ container node-administrative-tags {
+ when "../state/type = 'RI_NODE_ADMIN_TAG'" {
+ description
+ "Include the node administrative tags specification when
+ the TLV of the RI LSA is specified to be of this type";
+ }
+ description
+ "Per-node administrative tags associated with the local system
+ specified by the operator";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the node administrative tags advertised
+ in the RI LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-admintag-state;
+ }
+ }
+ container segment-routing-algorithm {
+ when "../state/type = 'RI_SR_ALGORITHM'" {
+ description
+ "Include the segment routing algorithm specific parameters when
+ the TLV of the RI LSA is specified to be of this type";
+ }
+ description
+ "The algorithms supported for Segment Routing by the local system";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the Segment Routing algorithm advertised in
+ the RI LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-sralgo-state;
+ }
+ }
+ container segment-routing-sid-label-range {
+ when "../state/type = 'RI_SR_SID_LABEL_RANGE'" {
+ description
+ "Include the segment routing SID/Label range TLV specific state when
+ the TLV of the RI LSA is specified to be of this type";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Segment Identifier (SID) or label ranges that are supported by
+ the local system for Segment Routing";
+ container tlvs {
+ description
+ "Sub-TLVs of the SID/Label range TLV of the RI LSA";
+ list tlv {
+ // unkeyed list
+ description
+ "Sub-TLVs of the SID/Label range TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv-structure;
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the sub-TLVs of the SR/Label range TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-srrange-tlv-state;
+ }
+ container sid-label {
+ description
+ "Sub-TLV used to advertise the SID or label associated with the
+ subset of the SRGB being advertised";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the SID/Label sub-TLV of the SR/Label
+ range TLV of the RI LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-srrange-sid-label-tlv-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // router-information
+ container extended-prefix {
+ when "../state/type = 'OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX'" {
+ description
+ "Include the extended-prefix container when the opaque LSA
+ type is specified to be an extended prefix LSA";
+ }
+ description
+ "An OSPFv2 Extended Prefix Opaque LSA, used to encapsulate
+ TLV attributes associated with a prefix advertised in OSPF.";
+ reference "RFC7684 - OSPFv2 Prefix/Link Attribute Advertisement";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the Extended Prefix LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-state;
+ }
+ container tlvs {
+ description
+ "TLVs contained within the Extended Prefix LSA";
+ list tlv {
+ // unkeyed list
+ description
+ "A TLV contained within the extended prefix LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the sub-TLV of the extended
+ prefix LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-tlv-state;
+ }
+ container extended-prefix-range {
+ when "../state/type = 'EXTENDED_PREFIX_RANGE'" {
+ description
+ "Include the prefix range sub-TLV when the type of the
+ sub-TLV is specified as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the extended prefix range
+ sub-TLV of the extended prefix LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the Extended Prefix Range
+ sub-TLV of the Extended Prefix LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-range-state;
+ }
+ }
+ container prefix-sid {
+ when "../state/type = 'PREFIX_SID'" {
+ description
+ "Include parameters relating to the Prefix SID when the type
+ of the sub-TLV is indicated as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the Prefix SID sub-TLV of the
+ extended prefix LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the Prefix SID sub-TLV of the
+ extended prefix LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-prefix-sid-state;
+ }
+ } // prefix-sid
+ container sid-label-binding {
+ when "../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'" {
+ description
+ "Include parameters relating to the SID/Label binding sub-TLV
+ only when the type is indicated as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the SID/Label binding sub-TLV
+ of the extended prefix LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the SID/Label binding sub-TLV
+ of the extended prefix LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-sid-label-binding-state;
+ }
+ container tlvs {
+ description
+ "TLVs contained within the SID/Label Binding sub-TLV of the
+ SID/Label Binding TLV";
+ list tlv {
+ description
+ "A TLV contained within the SID/Label Binding sub-TLV";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the SID/Label Binding
+ sub-TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-sid-label-binding-tlv-state;
+ }
+ container sid-label-binding {
+ when "../state/type = 'SID_LABEL_BINDING'" {
+ description
+ "Include the SID/Label Binding sub-TLV parameters only
+ when the type is indicated as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "Parameters for the SID/Label Binding sub-TLV of the
+ SID/Label binding TLV";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameteres relating to the SID/Label Binding
+ sub-TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-label-binding-state;
+ }
+ } // sid-label-binding
+ container ero-metric {
+ when "../state/type = 'ERO_METRIC'" {
+ description
+ "Include the ERO Metric sub-TLV parameters only when
+ the type is indicated as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "Parameters for the ERO Metric Sub-TLV of the SID/Label
+ binding TLV";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the ERO Metric Sub-TLV of
+ the SID/Label binding TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-label-ero-metric-state;
+ }
+ } // ero-metric
+ container ero-path {
+ when "../state/type = 'ERO_PATH'" {
+ description
+ "Include the ERO Path sub-TLV parameters only when the
+ type is indicated as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "Parameters for the ERO Path Sub-TLV of the SID/Label
+ binding TLV";
+ container segments {
+ description
+ "Segments of the path described within the SID/Label
+ Binding sub-TLV";
+ list segment {
+ description
+ "A segment of the path described within the sub-TLV";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the path segment
+ contained within the sub-TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-lbl-ero-path-seg-state;
+ }
+ container ipv4-segment {
+ when "../state/type = 'IPV4_SEGMENT'" {
+ description
+ "Include the IPv4 segment only when the type is
+ indicated as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "Details of the IPv4 segment interface of the ERO";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the IPv4 segment of the ERO";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-lbl-ero-ipv4-state;
+ }
+ } // ipv4-segment
+ container unnumbered-hop {
+ when "../state/type = 'UNNUMBERED_INTERFACE_SEGMENT'" {
+ description
+ "Include the unnumbered segment only when the
+ type is indicated as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "Details of the unnumbered interface segment of the
+ ERO";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the unnumbered interface
+ segment of the ERO";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-lbl-ero-unnum-state;
+ }
+ } // unnumbered-hop
+ } // tlv
+ } // tlvs
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // sid-label-binding
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv-structure;
+ }
+ }
+ } // extended-prefix
+ container extended-link {
+ description
+ "The OSPFv2 Extended Link Opaque LSA, used to encapsulate TLV
+ attributes associated with a link advertised in OSPF.";
+ reference "RFC7684 - OSPFv2 Prefix/Link Attribute Advertisement";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the Extended Link LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-link-state;
+ }
+ container tlvs {
+ description
+ "TLVs contained within the Extended Link LSA";
+ list tlv {
+ description
+ "List of TLVs within the Extended Link LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the sub-TLV of the extended link
+ LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-link-tlv-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv-structure;
+ container adjacency-sid {
+ when "../state/type = 'ADJACENCY_SID'" {
+ description
+ "Include the Adjacency SID parameters only when the type of
+ the sub-TLV is indicated as such";
+ }
+ description
+ "Parameters relating to an Adjacency SID sub-TLV of the
+ extended link LSA";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to an Adjacency SID";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-extended-link-adj-sid-state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // extended-link
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv-structure;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-generic-lsa-tos-metric-state {
+ description
+ "Per-TOS state parameters for the Router LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-tos-metric;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-router-lsa-state {
+ description
+ "Parameters of the router LSA";
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:ROUTER_LSA_TYPES";
+ }
+ description
+ "The sub-type of the Router LSA.";
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-link-specification;
+ leaf metric {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-metric;
+ description
+ "The cost of utilising the link specified independent of TOS";
+ }
+ leaf number-links {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "The number of links that are described within the LSA";
+ }
+ leaf number-tos-metrics {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "The number of different TOS metrics given for this link, not
+ including the link metric (which is referred to as TOS 0).";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-network-lsa-state {
+ description
+ "Parameters of the Network LSA";
+ leaf network-mask {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..32";
+ }
+ description
+ "The mask of the network described by the Network LSA
+ represented as a CIDR mask.";
+ }
+ leaf-list attached-router {
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "A list of the router ID of the routers that are attached to
+ the network described by the Network LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-summary-lsa-state {
+ description
+ "Parameters of the Summary LSA";
+ leaf network-mask {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..32";
+ }
+ description
+ "The mask of the network described by the Summary LSA
+ represented as a CIDR mask.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-lsa-common-parameters {
+ description
+ "Common parameters that are used for OSPFv2 AS External LSAs";
+ leaf forwarding-address {
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "The destination to which traffic for the external prefix
+ should be advertised. When this value is set to then
+ traffic should be forwarded to the LSA's originator";
+ }
+ leaf external-route-tag {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "An opaque tag that set by the LSA originator to carry
+ information relating to the external route";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-lsa-state {
+ description
+ "Parameters for the AS External LSA";
+ leaf mask {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..32";
+ }
+ description
+ "The subnet mask for the advertised destination";
+ }
+ leaf metric-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum "TYPE_1" {
+ description
+ "When the metric of a prefix is specified as Type 1
+ then it is considered to be expressed in the same units as
+ the link-state metrics carried in OSPF. That is to say
+ that the metric advertised is directly compared to the
+ internal cost";
+ }
+ enum "TYPE_2" {
+ description
+ "When the metric of a prefix is specified as Type 2 then
+ it is considered to be expressed as a cost in addition to
+ that of the link-state metric to the advertising router.
+ That is to say that the metric is considered to be the
+ cost to the advertising router plus the advertised metric
+ for the external entity";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of metric included within the AS External LSA.";
+ }
+ leaf metric {
+ type oc-ospf-types:ospf-metric;
+ description
+ "The cost to reach the external network specified. The exact
+ interpretation of this cost is dependent on the type of
+ metric specified";
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-lsa-common-parameters;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-tos-state {
+ description
+ "Per-TOS parameters for the AS External LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-lsa-common-parameters;
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-tos-metric;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-nssa-external-lsa-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters specific to the NSSA External
+ LSA";
+ leaf propagate {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "When this bit is set to true, an NSSA border router will
+ translate a Type 7 LSA (NSSA External) to a Type 5 LSA
+ (AS External).";
+ reference "RFC3101, Section 2.3";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-lsa-state {
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters specific to an Opaque LSA";
+ leaf scope {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum LINK {
+ description
+ "The scope of the LSA is the current link. The LSA
+ is not flooded beyond the local network. This
+ enumeration denotes a Type 9 LSA.";
+ }
+ enum AREA {
+ description
+ "The scope of the LSA is the local area. The LSA
+ is not flooded beyond the area of origin. This
+ enumeration denotes a Type 10 LSA.";
+ }
+ enum AS {
+ description
+ "The scope of the LSA is the local autonomous
+ system (AS). The flooding domain is the same
+ as a Type 5 LSA - it is not flooded into
+ stub areas or NSSAs. This enumeration denotes a
+ Type 11 LSA.";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The scope of the opaque LSA. The type of the LSA
+ indicates its scope - the value of this leaf
+ determines both the flooding domain, and the type
+ of the LSA.";
+ }
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_OPAQUE_LSA_TYPE";
+ }
+ description
+ "The Opaque Type of the LSA. This value is used to
+ indicate the type of data carried by the opaque LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-lsa-te-tlv-state {
+ description
+ "The contents of the Traffic Engineering LSA";
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_TE_LSA_TLV_TYPE";
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of TLV within the Traffic Engineering LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-unknown-state {
+ description
+ "The contents of the unknown TLV within the Traffic Engineering LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-link-state {
+ description
+ "The contents of the sub-TLVs of a Traffic Engineering LSA Link TLV";
+ leaf type {
+ type union {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_TE_LINK_TLV_TYPE";
+ }
+ type enumeration {
+ enum UNKNOWN {
+ description
+ "The sub-TLV received in the LSA is unknown to the local
+ system";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The sub-TLV type specified in the Link TLV. When the value is
+ known by the local system, a canonical name of the sub-TLV is utilised
+ - the special UNKNOWN value indicates that the system did not
+ support the sub-TLV type received in the LSA.";
+ }
+ leaf unknown-type {
+ when "../type = 'UNKNOWN'" {
+ description
+ "Include the unknown type field only when the sub-TLV was not
+ known to the local system";
+ }
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "The value of the type field of an unknown sub-TLV";
+ }
+ leaf unknown-value {
+ when "../type = 'UNKNOWN'" {
+ description
+ "Include the unknown value field only when the sub-TLV was not
+ known to the local system";
+ }
+ type binary;
+ description
+ "The binary contents of the unknown TLV";
+ }
+ leaf link-type {
+ when "../type = 'TE_LINK_TYPE'" {
+ description
+ "Include the link-type field only when the sub-TLV type was a TE
+ link type";
+ }
+ type enumeration {
+ description
+ "The link being described by the TE LSA Link sub-TLV is a
+ point-to-point link to exactly one other system";
+ }
+ description
+ "The link being described by the TE LSA Link sub-TLV is a
+ multi-access link that supports connectivity to multiple remote
+ systems";
+ }
+ enum UNKNOWN {
+ description
+ "The link type received was unknown to the local system";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of the link that is being described by the TE LSA Link
+ sub-TLV";
+ }
+ leaf link-id {
+ when "../type = 'TE_LINK_ID'" {
+ description
+ "Include the link ID field only when the sub-TLV type was a TE
+ Link identifier";
+ }
+ type yang:dotted-quad;
+ description
+ "The ID of the remote system. For point-to-point links, this is the
+ router ID of the neighbor. For multi-access links it is the address
+ of the designated router.";
+ }
+ leaf-list local-ip-address {
+ when "../type = 'TE_LINK_LOCAL_IP'" {
+ description
+ "Include the local IP address field only when the sub-TLV type was
+ a local IP address";
+ }
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "The IP address(es) of the local system that correspond to the
+ specified TE link";
+ }
+ leaf-list remote-ip-address {
+ when "../type = 'TE_LINK_REMOTE_IP'" {
+ description
+ "Include the remote IP address field only when the sub-TLV type was
+ a remote IP address";
+ }
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "The IP address(es) of the remote systems that are attached to the
+ specified TE link";
+ }
+ leaf metric {
+ when "../type = 'TE_LINK_METRIC'" {
+ description
+ "Include the traffic engineering metric only when the sub-TLV type
+ is a TE metric";
+ }
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The metric of the link that should be used for traffic engineering
+ purposes. This link may be different than the standard OSPF link
+ metric.";
+ }
+ leaf maximum-bandwidth {
+ when "../type = 'TE_LINK_MAXIMUM_BANDWIDTH'" {
+ description
+ "Include the traffic engineering metric only when the sub-TLV type
+ is the maximum bandwidth";
+ }
+ type oc-types:ieeefloat32;
+ units "bytes per second";
+ description
+ "The maximum bandwidth of the link. This value reflects the actual
+ bandwidth of the link expressed asn IEEE 32-bit floating point
+ number";
+ }
+ leaf maximum-reservable-bandwidth {
+ description
+ "Include the maximum reservable bandwidth field only when the
+ sub-TLV type is the maximum reservable bandwidth";
+ }
+ type oc-types:ieeefloat32;
+ units "bytes per second";
+ description
+ "The maximum reservable bandwidth for the link. This value represents
+ the total bandwidth which may be used for traffic engineering
+ purposes. The value may exceed the maximum-bandwidth value
+ in cases where the link is oversubscribed. The value is reflected as
+ a 32-bit IEEE floating-point number";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-link-unreserved-bw-state {
+ description
+ "The per-priority unreserved bandwidth described within the unreserved
+ bandwidth sub-TLV of the Link TLV of the Traffic Engineering LSA";
+ leaf priority {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..7";
+ }
+ description
+ "The priority level being described";
+ }
+ leaf unreserved-bandwidth {
+ type oc-types:ieeefloat32;
+ description
+ "The unreserved bandwidth for at priority level P, where P is
+ equal to the priority of the current list entry. The reservable
+ bandwidth at priority P is equal to the sum of the reservable
+ bandwidth at all levels 0..P.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-link-admin-group-state {
+ description
+ "Per bit administrative group status";
+ leaf bit-index {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..31";
+ }
+ description
+ "The index of the bit within the 32-bit administrative group field
+ of the Administrative Group sub-TLV of the Traffic Engineering LSA";
+ }
+ leaf set {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "Whether the bit is set within the administrative group field";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-node-attribute-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the Traffic Engineering Node Attribute
+ TLV of the Traffic Engineering LSA";
+ leaf type {
+ type union {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:TE_NODE_ATTRIBUTE_TLV_TYPE";
+ }
+ type enumeration {
+ enum UNKNOWN {
+ description
+ "The sub-TLV type received within the TE LSA Node Attribute TLV
+ was unknown the the local system";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of the sub-TLV of the Node Attribute TLV contained within
+ the TE LSA. If the local system can interpret the value received the
+ canonical name of the type is utilised, otherwise the special UNKNOWN
+ value is used";
+ }
+ leaf-list local-ipv4-addresses {
+ when "../type = 'NODE_IPV4_LOCAL_ADDRESS'" {
+ description
+ "Include the local IPv4 addresses when the type of the sub-TLV
+ indicates that this is the contained data";
+ }
+ type inet:ipv4-prefix;
+ description
+ "The local IPv4 addresses of the node expressed in CIDR notation";
+ }
+ leaf-list local-ipv6-addresses {
+ when "../type = 'NODE_LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS'" {
+ description
+ "Include the local IPv6 addresses when the type of the sub-TLV
+ indicfates that this is the contained data";
+ }
+ type inet:ipv6-prefix;
+ description
+ "The local IPv6 addreses of the node";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-te-router-address-state {
+ description
+ "The contents of the value field of the Router Address TLV of the
+ Traffic Engineering LSA.";
+ leaf address {
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "A stable IP address of the advertising router, that is always
+ reachable when the router is connected to the network. Typically this
+ is a loopback address.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-grace-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters on a per-TLV basis of the Grace LSA";
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:GRACE_LSA_TLV_TYPES";
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of the sub-TLV received within the Grace LSA";
+ }
+ leaf period {
+ when "../type = 'GRACE_PERIOD'" {
+ description
+ "Include the period specification when the sub-TLV type is indicated
+ to be of this type";
+ }
+ type uint32;
+ units seconds;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds that the router's neighbors should advertise
+ the local system as fully adjacent regardless of database
+ synchronization state";
+ reference "RFC3623";
+ }
+ leaf reason {
+ when "../type = 'GRACE_RESTART_REASON'" {
+ description
+ "Include the restart reason when the sub-TLV type specifies this
+ is included";
+ }
+ type enumeration {
+ enum UNKNOWN {
+ value 0;
+ description
+ "The reason for the graceful restart is unknown";
+ }
+ value 1;
+ description
+ "The local system is restarting due to a software component
+ restart";
+ }
+ value 2;
+ description
+ "The local system is restarting due to a software reload or
+ upgrade";
+ }
+ value 3;
+ description
+ "The local system is restarting due to a switch to a redundant
+ control plane element";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The reason for the graceful restart event occurring, as advertised
+ by the restarting system";
+ reference "RFC3623";
+ }
+ leaf ip-interface-address {
+ when "../type = 'GRACE_IP_INTERFACE_ADDRESS'" {
+ description
+ "Include the interface address when the sub-TLV type specifies that
+ it is included";
+ }
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "The restarting system's IP address on the interface via which the
+ Grace LSA is being advertised.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters of the Router Information Opaque LSA";
+ leaf type {
+ type union {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:RI_LSA_TLV_TYPES";
+ }
+ type enumeration {
+ enum UNKNOWN {
+ description
+ "The TLV received within the RI LSA is unknown";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of sub-TLV of the Router Information opaque LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-informational-state {
+ description
+ "State parmaeters of the Router Information Informational Capabilities
+ sub-TLV";
+ leaf graceful-restart-capable {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, the advertising system is capable of
+ OSPF graceful restart.";
+ }
+ leaf graceful-restart-helper {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, the advertising system is capable of
+ being a helper for OSPF graceful restart";
+ }
+ leaf stub-router {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, the advertising system is able to
+ advertise its status as a stub router";
+ reference "RFC6987";
+ }
+ leaf traffic-engineering {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, the advertising system supports OSPFv2
+ traffic engineering capabilities";
+ }
+ leaf point-to-point-over-lan {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, the advertising system supports treating
+ LAN adjacencies as though they were point to point";
+ reference "RFC5309";
+ }
+ leaf experimental-te {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to ture, the advertising system supports the
+ experimental extensions to OSPF for TE described in RFC4973";
+ reference "RFC4973";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-admintag-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the administrative tags specified for
+ a node within the RI LSA";
+ leaf-list administrative-tags {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The set of administrative tags assigned to the local system by
+ the network operator. The meaning of these tags is opaque to OSPF
+ - and their interpretation is per-domain specific";
+ reference "RFC7777";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-unknown-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to an unknown TLV within the RI LSA";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-unknown-tlv;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-sralgo-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the SR Algorithms TLV of the RI LSA";
+ leaf-list supported-algorithms {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:SR_ALGORITHM";
+ }
+ description
+ "A list of the algorithms that are supported for segment routing
+ by the advertising system";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-srrange-tlv-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the SR SID/Label range TLV of the
+ RI LSA";
+ leaf type {
+ type union {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPF_RI_SR_SID_LABEL_TLV_TYPES";
+ }
+ type enumeration {
+ enum UNKNOWN {
+ description
+ "The type of the sub-TLV advertised with the SID/Label range
+ TLV of the RI LSA is unknown to the receiving system";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of the sub-TLV received by the local system within the
+ SR SID/Label Range TLV of the RI LSA";
+ }
+ leaf range-size {
+ type uint32 {
+ range "0..16777216";
+ }
+ description
+ "The number of entries within the range being described within the
+ SID/Label range TLV";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-ri-srrange-sid-label-tlv-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the SR SID/Label sub-TLV of the SR SID/Label
+ range TLV of the RI LSA";
+ leaf entry-type {
+ type oc-ospf-types:sr-sid-type;
+ description
+ "The type of entry that is contained within the sub-TLV. The range may
+ be represented as either a range of MPLS labels, or numeric segment
+ identifiers";
+ }
+ leaf first-value {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The first value within the SRGB range being specified. The type of the
+ entry is determined based on the value of the entry type as this value
+ may represent either a segment identifier or an MPLS label.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to an Extended Prefix LSA";
+ leaf route-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ value 0;
+ description
+ "The prefix described in the extended prefix LSA is of an
+ unspecified type";
+ }
+ enum INTRA_AREA {
+ value 1;
+ description
+ "The prefix described in the extended prefix LSA is an intra-area
+ prefix for the advertising system";
+ }
+ enum INTER_AREA {
+ value 3;
+ description
+ "The prefix described in the extended prefix LSA is an inter-area
+ prefix for the advertising system";
+ }
+ enum AS_EXTERNAL {
+ value 5;
+ description
+ "The prefix described in the extended prefix LSA is external to the
+ autonomous system of the advertising system";
+ }
+ value 7;
+ description
+ "The prefix described in the extended prefix LSA externally
+ advertised from an NSSA area visibile to the advertising system";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of prefix that is contained within the Extended Prefix LSA.
+ The information contained in sub-TLVs of the attribute is applicable
+ regardless of this value.";
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-prefix-properties;
+ leaf attached {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "If this value is set to true, the prefix being advertised was
+ generated by an ABR for an inter-area prefix. The value corresponds
+ to the A-flag of the flags field of the Extended Prefix LSA";
+ }
+ leaf node {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "If this value is set to true, the prefix being advertised represents
+ the advertising router. Typically, the prefix within the LSA is
+ expected to be globally-reachable prefix associated with a loopback
+ interface";
+ }
+ leaf prefix {
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "The IPv4 prefix contained within the extended prefix LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-link-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters related to an extended link LSA";
+ leaf link-type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPFV2_ROUTER_LINK_TYPE";
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of link with which extended attributes are associated";
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-link-specification;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-link-tlv-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to a sub-TLV of the extended link LSA";
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPFV2_EXTENDED_LINK_SUBTLV_TYPE";
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of the sub-TLV contained within the extended link TLV";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-tlv-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters related to a sub-TLV of an Extended Prefix LSA";
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ base "oc-ospf-types:OSPFV2_EXTENDED_PREFIX_SUBTLV_TYPE";
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of sub-TLV as indicated by the Extended Prefix LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-range-state {
+ description
+ "Parameters of the Extended Prefix Range SubTLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-prefix-properties;
+ leaf range-size {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "The number of prefixes that are covered by the advertisement.";
+ }
+ leaf inter-area {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this leaf is set to true, then the prefix range is inter-area -
+ the flag is set by the ABR that advertises the Extended Prefix Range
+ TLV";
+ }
+ leaf prefix {
+ type inet:ipv4-prefix;
+ description
+ "The first prefix in the range of prefixes being described by the
+ extended prefix range sub-TLV";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-prefix-sid-state {
+ description
+ "Parameters of the Prefix-SID sub-TLV";
+ leaf no-php {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "If this leaf is set the advertising system has indicated that the
+ prefix SID must not be popped before delivering packets to it";
+ }
+ leaf mapping-server {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "If this leaf is set the SID was advertised by a Segment Routing
+ mapping server";
+ }
+ leaf explicit-null {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "If this leaf is set, the advertising system has requested that the
+ prefix SID value should be replaced with the explicit null label
+ value";
+ }
+ leaf sid-value-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum ABSOLUTE {
+ description
+ "The SID contained in the Prefix-SID sub-TLV is an absolute
+ value";
+ }
+ enum INDEX {
+ description
+ "The SID contained in the Prefix-SID sub-TLV is an index to the
+ SRGB";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Specifies the type of the value specified within the Prefix SID
+ sub-TLV - in particular, whether the value is an index or an
+ absolute value. This value corresponds with the V-flag of the Prefix
+ SID sub-TLV";
+ }
+ leaf sid-scope {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum LOCAL {
+ description
+ "The value of the SID is
+ significant only to the advertising system";
+ }
+ enum GLOBAL {
+ description
+ "The value of the SID is globally significant";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Specifies the scope of the SID advertisement within the Prefix SID
+ sub-TLV. The scope of the SID is independent of whether the SID
+ contained is an index, or an absolute value";
+ }
+ leaf multi-topology-identifier {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "The identifier for the topology to which the Prefix SID relates. The
+ value of this leaf is a MT-ID as defined in RFC4915";
+ }
+ leaf algorithm {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "The algorithm that computes the path associated with the Prefix SID";
+ }
+ leaf sid-value {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The value of the Prefix SID. The meaning of this value is dependent
+ upon the type of SID, and its scope. The value contained is either a
+ 32-bit value indicating the index of the SID, or a 24-bit label where
+ the 20 right-most bits are used for encoding the label value";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-sid-label-binding-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the extended prefix SID SID/Label binding
+ sub-TLV";
+ leaf mirroring {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When set to true, this indicates that the SID/Label Binding sub-TLV
+ entries contained within this TLV are indicative of a mirroring
+ context";
+ }
+ leaf multi-topology-identifier {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "The identifier for the topology to which the SID/Label Binding
+ sub-TLV is associated. The value of this leaf is a MT-ID as defined
+ in RFC4915";
+ }
+ leaf weight {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "The weight of the advertised binding when used for load-balancing
+ purposes";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-prefix-sid-label-binding-tlv-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters directly relating to the SID/Label Binding TLV";
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ base
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of sub-TLV that is being contained within the SID/Label
+ sub-TLV";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-label-binding-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the SID/Label binding sub-TLV of the
+ SID/Label/Binding TLV";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-sr-sid-spec;
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-label-ero-metric-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the ERO Metric Sub-TLV of the SID/Label
+ Binding TLV";
+ leaf metric {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The metric representing the aggregate IGP or TE path cost for the
+ binding included within the SID/Label Binding TLV";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-lbl-ero-path-seg-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the a segment included within the
+ ERO Path Sub-TLV of the SID/Label Binding TLV";
+ leaf type {
+ type identityref {
+ }
+ description
+ "The type of the segment being specified as part of the ERO";
+ }
+ leaf loose {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "If this leaf is set the segment is identifier as a loose path
+ segment, otherwise the path strictly follows the path specified";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-lbl-ero-ipv4-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to an IPv4 address segment included within
+ the ERO path";
+ leaf address {
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "The IPv4 address of the hop within the ERO";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extprefix-sid-lbl-ero-unnum-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to an unnumbered hop within the ERO path";
+ leaf router-id {
+ type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
+ description
+ "The IPv4 router identtifier of the remote system";
+ }
+ leaf interface-id {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The identifier assigned to the link by the remote system";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-extended-link-adj-sid-state {
+ description
+ "State parameters relating to the Adjacency SID sub-TLV of the
+ Extended Link LSA";
+ leaf backup {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this flag is set, it indicates that the adjacency SID refers to
+ an adjacency which is eligible for protection";
+ }
+ leaf group {
+ type boolean;
+ default false;
+ description
+ "When this flag is set it indicates that the adjacency SID refers to
+ a group of adjacencies that have a common value";
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-common-sr-sid-spec;
+ leaf weight {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "The weight of the Adjacency SID when used for load-balancing";
+ }
+ leaf multi-topology-identifier {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "The multi-topology identifier with which the adjacency SID is
+ associated";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-lsdb-structure {
+ description
+ "Structural grouping for per-area LSDB contents";
+ container lsdb {
+ // Top-level RO, if this were ever to become writeable then
+ // the state containers lower down need config false added
+ config false;
+ description
+ "The link-state database for the OSPFv2 area";
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to the OSPFv2
+ area";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-area-state;
+ }
+ container lsa-types {
+ description
+ "Enclosing container for a list of LSA types that are
+ in the LSDB for the specified area";
+ list lsa-type {
+ key "type";
+ description
+ "List of LSA types in the LSDB for the specified
+ area";
+ leaf type {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../state/type";
+ }
+ description
+ "A reference for the LSA type being described within
+ the LSDB";
+ }
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Top-level operational state parameters relating to
+ an LSA within the area";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-area-lsa-type-state;
+ }
+ container lsas {
+ description
+ "Enclosing container for a list of the LSAs of
+ the specified type received by the system";
+ list lsa {
+ key "link-state-id";
+ description
+ "List of the LSAs of a specified type in the
+ LSDB for the specified area";
+ leaf link-state-id {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../state/link-state-id";
+ }
+ description
+ "Reference to the Link State ID of the LSA";
+ }
+ container state {
+ description
+ "Operational state parameters relating to all
+ LSA types";
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-area-lsa-state;
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-router-lsa-structure {
+ when "../../../state/type = 'ROUTER_LSA'" {
+ description
+ "Include the router LSA hierarchy solely when
+ that LSA type is being described";
+ }
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-network-lsa-structure {
+ when "../../../state/type = 'NETWORK_LSA'" {
+ description
+ "Include the network LSA hierarchy solely when
+ that LSA type is being described";
+ }
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-summary-lsa-structure {
+ // rjs TODO: check this syntax
+ when "../../../state/type = " +
+ "../../../state/type = 'SUMMARY_ASBR_LSA'" {
+ description
+ "Include the summary LSA hierarchy solely when
+ that LSA type is being described";
+ }
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-asexternal-lsa-structure {
+ when "../../../state/type = 'AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'" {
+ description
+ "Include the AS external LSA hierarchy solely when
+ that LSA type is being described";
+ }
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-nssa-external-lsa-structure {
+ when "../../../state/type = 'NSSA_AS_EXTERNAL_LSA'" {
+ description
+ "Include the NSSA External LSA hierarchy solely
+ when that LSA type is being described";
+ }
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-lsdb-opaque-lsa-structure {
+ when "../../../state/type = 'OSPFV2_LINK_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'
+ or ../../../state/type = 'OSPFV2_AREA_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'
+ or ../../../state/type = 'OSPFV2_AS_SCOPE_OPAQUE_LSA'" {
+ description
+ "Include the Opaque LSA structure when type of entry
+ being described in an opaque LSA";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afe163e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/ospf/openconfig-ospfv2.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+module openconfig-ospfv2 {
+ yang-version "1";
+ // namespace
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "oc-ospfv2";
+ // import some basic types
+ //import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
+ import openconfig-extensions { prefix "oc-ext"; }
+ // Include submodules
+ // Global: All global context groupings;
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-global;
+ // Area: Config/opstate for an area
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-area;
+ // Area Interface: Config/opstate for an Interface
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-area-interface;
+ // LSDB: Operational state model covering the LSDB
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-lsdb;
+ // Common: Content included in >1 context
+ include openconfig-ospfv2-common;
+ // meta
+ organization "OpenConfig working group";
+ contact
+ "OpenConfig working group
+ description
+ "An OpenConfig model for Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
+ version 2";
+ oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.1.0";
+ revision "2017-02-28"{
+ description
+ "Initial public release of OSPFv2";
+ reference "0.1.0";
+ }
+ revision "2016-06-24" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "0.0.1";
+ }
+ grouping ospfv2-top {
+ description
+ "Top-level OSPF configuration and operational state";
+ container ospfv2 {
+ description
+ "Top-level configuration and operational state for
+ Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) v2";
+ uses ospfv2-global-structural;
+ container areas {
+ description
+ "Configuration and operational state relating to an
+ OSPFv2 area.";
+ list area {
+ key "identifier";
+ description
+ "The OSPFv2 areas within which the local system exists";
+ leaf identifier {
+ type leafref {
+ path "../config/identifier";
+ }
+ description
+ "A reference to the identifier for the area.";
+ }
+ uses ospfv2-area-structure;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }