Adding OpenConfig YANG models.

Change-Id: I0a2fdd5826e80933cf4b9ae939ff3051acec02aa
diff --git a/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/bgp/openconfig-bgp.yang b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/bgp/openconfig-bgp.yang
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ea180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/openconfig/src/main/yang/bgp/openconfig-bgp.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+module openconfig-bgp {
+  yang-version "1";
+  // namespace
+  namespace "";
+  prefix "oc-bgp";
+  // import some basic inet types
+  import openconfig-extensions { prefix oc-ext; }
+  // Include the OpenConfig BGP submodules
+  // Common: defines the groupings that are common across more than
+  //         one context (where contexts are neighbor, group, global)
+  include openconfig-bgp-common;
+  // Multiprotocol: defines the groupings that are common across more
+  //                than one context, and relate to Multiprotocol
+  include openconfig-bgp-common-multiprotocol;
+  // Structure: defines groupings that are shared but are solely used for
+  //            structural reasons.
+  include openconfig-bgp-common-structure;
+  // Include peer-group/neighbor/global - these define the groupings
+  // that are specific to one context
+  include openconfig-bgp-peer-group;
+  include openconfig-bgp-neighbor;
+  include openconfig-bgp-global;
+  // meta
+  organization
+    "OpenConfig working group";
+  contact
+    "OpenConfig working group
+  description
+    "This module describes a YANG model for BGP protocol
+    configuration.It is a limited subset of all of the configuration
+    parameters available in the variety of vendor implementations,
+    hence it is expected that it would be augmented with vendor-
+    specific configuration data as needed. Additional modules or
+    submodules to handle other aspects of BGP configuration,
+    including policy, VRFs, VPNs, and additional address families
+    are also expected.
+    This model supports the following BGP configuration level
+    hierarchy:
+      BGP
+        |
+        +-> [ global BGP configuration ]
+          +-> AFI / SAFI global
+        +-> peer group
+          +-> [ peer group config ]
+          +-> AFI / SAFI [ per-AFI overrides ]
+        +-> neighbor
+          +-> [ neighbor config ]
+          +-> [ optional pointer to peer-group ]
+          +-> AFI / SAFI [ per-AFI overrides ]";
+  oc-ext:openconfig-version "4.0.1";
+  revision "2017-07-30" {
+    description
+      "Clarification of add-paths send-max leaf";
+    reference "4.0.1";
+  }
+  revision "2017-07-10" {
+    description
+      "Add error notifications; moved add-paths config; add AS
+      prepend policy features; removed unneeded config leaves";
+    reference "4.0.0";
+  }
+  revision "2017-02-02" {
+    description
+      "Bugfix to remove remaining global-level policy data";
+    reference "3.0.1";
+  }
+  revision "2017-01-26" {
+    description
+      "Add dynamic neighbor support, migrate to OpenConfig types";
+    reference "3.0.0";
+  }
+  revision "2016-06-21" {
+    description
+      "OpenConfig BGP refactor";
+    reference "2.1.1";
+  }
+  revision "2016-06-06" {
+    description
+      "OpenConfig public release";
+    reference "2.1.0";
+  }
+  revision "2016-03-31" {
+    description
+      "OpenConfig public release";
+    reference "2.0.1";
+  }
+  grouping bgp-top {
+    description
+      "Top-level grouping for the BGP model data";
+    container bgp {
+      description
+        "Top-level configuration and state for the BGP router";
+      container global {
+        description
+          "Global configuration for the BGP router";
+          uses bgp-global-base;
+      }
+      container neighbors {
+        description
+          "Configuration for BGP neighbors";
+        uses bgp-neighbor-list;
+      }
+      container peer-groups {
+        description
+          "Configuration for BGP peer-groups";
+        uses bgp-peer-group-list;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  uses bgp-top;