blob: 0644c322bcd5b92181a649c100c3ac51cd559b5d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Open Networking Laboratory
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
ONOS GUI -- Base Framework
@author Simon Hunt
(function ($) {
'use strict';
var tsI = new Date().getTime(), // initialize time stamp
tsB, // build time stamp
mastHeight = 36, // see mast2.css
defaultVid = 'sample';
// attach our main function to the jQuery object
$.onos = function (options) {
var uiApi,
exported = {};
var defaultOptions = {
trace: false,
theme: 'light',
startVid: defaultVid
// compute runtime settings
var settings = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, options);
// set the selected theme'body').classed(settings.theme, true);
// internal state
var views = {},
fpanels = {},
current = {
view: null,
ctx: '',
flags: {},
theme: settings.theme
built = false,
buildErrors = [],
keyHandler = {
globalKeys: {},
maskedKeys: {},
viewKeys: {},
viewFn: null
alerts = {
open: false,
count: 0
// DOM elements etc.
// TODO: verify existence of following elements...
var $view ='#view'),
$floatPanels ='#floatPanels'),
$alerts ='#alerts'),
// note, following elements added programmatically...
function whatKey(code) {
switch (code) {
case 13: return 'enter';
case 16: return 'shift';
case 17: return 'ctrl';
case 18: return 'alt';
case 27: return 'esc';
case 32: return 'space';
case 37: return 'leftArrow';
case 38: return 'upArrow';
case 39: return 'rightArrow';
case 40: return 'downArrow';
case 91: return 'cmdLeft';
case 93: return 'cmdRight';
if ((code >= 48 && code <= 57) ||
(code >= 65 && code <= 90)) {
return String.fromCharCode(code);
} else if (code >= 112 && code <= 123) {
return 'F' + (code - 111);
return '.';
// ..........................................................
// Internal functions
// throw an error
function throwError(msg) {
// separate function, as we might add tracing here too, later
throw new Error(msg);
function doError(msg) {
function trace(msg) {
if (settings.trace) {
function traceFn(fn, params) {
if (settings.trace) {
console.log('*FN* ' + fn + '(...): ' + params);
// hash navigation
function hash() {
var hash = window.location.hash,
redo = false,
traceFn('hash', hash);
if (!hash) {
hash = settings.startVid;
redo = true;
t = parseHash(hash);
if (!t || !t.vid) {
doError('Unable to parse target hash: "' + hash + '"');
view = views[t.vid];
if (!view) {
doError('No view defined with id: ' + t.vid);
if (redo) {
window.location.hash = makeHash(t);
// the above will result in a hashchange event, invoking
// this function again
} else {
// hash was not modified... navigate to where we need to be
navigate(hash, view, t);
function parseHash(s) {
// extract navigation coordinates from the supplied string
// "vid,ctx?flag1,flag2" --> { vid:vid, ctx:ctx, flags:{...} }
traceFn('parseHash', s);
// look for use of flags, first
var vidctx,
// RE that includes flags ('?flag1,flag2')
m = /^[#]{0,1}(.+)\?(.+)$/.exec(s);
if (m) {
vidctx = m[1];
flags = m[2];
flagMap = {};
} else {
// no flags
m = /^[#]{0,1}((.+)(,.+)*)$/.exec(s);
if (m) {
vidctx = m[1];
} else {
// bad hash
return null;
vidctx = vidctx.split(',');
vid = vidctx[0];
ctx = vidctx[1];
if (flags) {
flags.split(',').forEach(function (f) {
flagMap[f.trim()] = true;
return {
vid: vid.trim(),
ctx: ctx ? ctx.trim() : '',
flags: flagMap
function makeHash(t, ctx, flags) {
// make a hash string from the given navigation coordinates,
// and optional flags map.
// if t is not an object, then it is a vid
var h = t,
c = ctx || '',
f = $.isPlainObject(flags) ? flags : null;
if ($.isPlainObject(t)) {
h = t.vid;
c = t.ctx || '';
f = t.flags || null;
if (c) {
h += ',' + c;
if (f) {
h += '?' +',');
trace('hash = "' + h + '"');
return h;
function navigate(hash, view, t) {
traceFn('navigate', view.vid);
// closePanes() // flyouts etc.
// updateNav() // accordion / selected nav item etc.
setView(view, hash, t);
function buildError(msg) {
function reportBuildErrors() {
var nerr = buildErrors.length,
if (!nerr) {
console.log('(no build errors)');
} else {
errmsg = 'Build errors: ' + nerr + ' found...\n\n' +
// returns the reference if it is a function, null otherwise
function isF(f) {
return $.isFunction(f) ? f : null;
// ..........................................................
// View life-cycle functions
function setViewDimensions(sel) {
var w = window.innerWidth,
h = window.innerHeight - mastHeight;
sel.each(function () {
.css('width', w + 'px')
.css('height', h + 'px')
function createView(view) {
var $d;
// lazy initialization of the view
if (view && !view.$div) {
trace('creating view for ' + view.vid);
$d = $view.append('div')
id: view.vid,
class: 'onosView'
view.$div = $d; // cache a reference to the D3 selection
function setView(view, hash, t) {
traceFn('setView', view.vid);
// set the specified view as current, while invoking the
// appropriate life-cycle callbacks
// first, we'll start by closing the alerts pane, if open
// if there is a current view, and it is not the same as
// the incoming view, then unload it...
if (current.view && (current.view.vid !== view.vid)) {
// detach radio buttons, key handlers, etc.
keyHandler.viewKeys = {};
keyHandler.viewFn = null;
// cache new view and context
current.view = view;
current.ctx = t.ctx || '';
current.flags = t.flags || {};
// preload is called only once, after the view is in the DOM
if (!view.preloaded) {
view.preload(current.ctx, current.flags);
view.preloaded = true;
// clear the view of stale data
// load the view
view.load(current.ctx, current.flags);
// generate 'unique' id by prefixing view id
function makeUid(view, id) {
return view.vid + '-' + id;
// restore id by removing view id prefix
function unmakeUid(view, uid) {
var re = new RegExp('^' + view.vid + '-');
return uid.replace(re, '');
function setRadioButtons(vid, btnSet) {
var view = views[vid],
// lazily create the buttons...
if (!(btnG = view.radioButtons)) {
btnG ='div'));
btnG.buttonDef = {};
btnSet.forEach(function (btn, i) {
var bid = || 'b' + i,
txt = btn.text || 'Button #' + i,
uid = makeUid(view, bid),
button = btnG.append('span')
id: uid,
class: 'radio'
btnG.buttonDef[uid] = btn;
if (i === 0) {
button.classed('active', true);
.on('click', function (d) {
var button =,
uid = button.attr('id'),
btn = btnG.buttonDef[uid],
act = button.classed('active');
if (!act) {
btnG.selectAll('span').classed('active', false);
button.classed('active', true);
if (isF(btn.cb)) {
btn.cb(view.token(), btn);
view.radioButtons = btnG;
// attach the buttons to the masthead
function setupGlobalKeys() {
keyHandler.globalKeys = {
esc: escapeKey,
T: toggleTheme
// Masked keys are global key handlers that always return true.
// That is, the view will never see the event for that key.
keyHandler.maskedKeys = {
T: true
function escapeKey(view, key, code, ev) {
if ( {
return true;
return false;
function toggleTheme(view, key, code, ev) {
var body ='body');
current.theme = (current.theme === 'light') ? 'dark' : 'light';
body.classed('light dark', false);
body.classed(current.theme, true);
return true;
function setKeyBindings(keyArg) {
var viewKeys,
masked = [];
if ($.isFunction(keyArg)) {
// set general key handler callback
keyHandler.viewFn = keyArg;
} else {
// set specific key filter map
viewKeys =;
viewKeys.forEach(function (key) {
if (keyHandler.maskedKeys[key]) {
masked.push(' Key "' + key + '" is reserved');
if (masked.length) {
doAlert('WARNING...\n\nsetKeys():\n' + masked.join('\n'));
keyHandler.viewKeys = keyArg;
function keyIn() {
var event = d3.event,
keyCode = event.keyCode,
key = whatKey(keyCode),
gcb = isF(keyHandler.globalKeys[key]),
vcb = isF(keyHandler.viewKeys[key]) || isF(keyHandler.viewFn);
// global callback?
if (gcb && gcb(current.view.token(), key, keyCode, event)) {
// if the event was 'handled', we are done
// otherwise, let the view callback have a shot
if (vcb) {
vcb(current.view.token(), key, keyCode, event);
function createAlerts() {
$'display', 'block');
.attr('class', 'close')
.on('click', closeAlerts);
$alerts.append('p').attr('class', 'footnote')
.text('Press ESCAPE to close'); = true;
alerts.count = 0;
function closeAlerts() {
$'display', 'none')
.html(''); = false;
function addAlert(msg) {
var lines,
if (alerts.count) {
oldContent = $'pre').html();
lines = msg.split('\n');
lines[0] += ' '; // spacing so we don't crowd 'X'
lines = lines.join('\n');
if (oldContent) {
lines += '\n----\n' + oldContent;
function doAlert(msg) {
if (! {
function resize(e) {
// allow current view to react to resize event...
if (current.view) {
current.view.resize(current.ctx, current.flags);
// ..........................................................
// View class
// Captures state information about a view.
// Constructor
// vid : view id
// nid : id of associated nav-item (optional)
// cb : callbacks (preload, reset, load, unload, resize, error)
function View(vid) {
var av = 'addView(): ',
args =,
args.shift(); // first arg is always vid
if (typeof args[0] === 'string') { // nid specified
nid = args.shift();
cb = args.shift();
this.vid = vid;
if (validateViewArgs(vid)) {
this.nid = nid; // explicit navitem id (can be null)
this.cb = $.isPlainObject(cb) ? cb : {}; // callbacks
this.$div = null; // view not yet added to DOM
this.radioButtons = null; // no radio buttons yet
this.ok = true; // valid view
function validateViewArgs(vid) {
var av = "ui.addView(...): ",
ok = false;
if (typeof vid !== 'string' || !vid) {
doError(av + 'vid required');
} else if (views[vid]) {
doError(av + 'View ID "' + vid + '" already exists');
} else {
ok = true;
return ok;
var viewInstanceMethods = {
token: function () {
return {
// attributes
vid: this.vid,
nid: this.nid,
$div: this.$div,
// functions
width: this.width,
height: this.height,
uid: this.uid,
setRadio: this.setRadio,
setKeys: this.setKeys,
dataLoadError: this.dataLoadError,
alert: this.alert
// == Life-cycle functions
// TODO: factor common code out of life-cycle
preload: function (ctx, flags) {
var c = ctx || '',
fn = isF(this.cb.preload);
traceFn('View.preload', this.vid + ', ' + c);
if (fn) {
trace('PRELOAD cb for ' + this.vid);
fn(this.token(), c, flags);
reset: function (ctx, flags) {
var c = ctx || '',
fn = isF(this.cb.reset);
traceFn('View.reset', this.vid);
if (fn) {
trace('RESET cb for ' + this.vid);
fn(this.token(), c, flags);
} else if (this.cb.reset === true) {
// boolean true signifies "clear view"
trace(' [true] cleaing view...');
load: function (ctx, flags) {
var c = ctx || '',
fn = isF(this.cb.load);
traceFn('View.load', this.vid + ', ' + c);
this.$div.classed('currentView', true);
if (fn) {
trace('LOAD cb for ' + this.vid);
fn(this.token(), c, flags);
unload: function (ctx, flags) {
var c = ctx | '',
fn = isF(this.cb.unload);
traceFn('View.unload', this.vid);
this.$div.classed('currentView', false);
if (fn) {
trace('UNLOAD cb for ' + this.vid);
fn(this.token(), c, flags);
resize: function (ctx, flags) {
var c = ctx || '',
fn = isF(this.cb.resize),
w = this.width(),
h = this.height();
traceFn('View.resize', this.vid + '/' + c +
' [' + w + 'x' + h + ']');
if (fn) {
trace('RESIZE cb for ' + this.vid);
fn(this.token(), c, flags);
error: function (ctx, flags) {
var c = ctx || '',
fn = isF(this.cb.error);
traceFn('View.error', this.vid + ', ' + c);
if (fn) {
trace('ERROR cb for ' + this.vid);
fn(this.token(), c, flags);
// == Token API functions
width: function () {
return $(this.$div.node()).width();
height: function () {
return $(this.$div.node()).height();
setRadio: function (btnSet) {
setRadioButtons(this.vid, btnSet);
setKeys: function (keyArg) {
uid: function (id) {
return makeUid(this, id);
// TODO : add exportApi and importApi methods
// TODO : implement custom dialogs
// Consider enhancing alert mechanism to handle multiples
// as individually closable.
alert: function (msg) {
dataLoadError: function (err, url) {
var msg = 'Data Load Error\n\n' +
err.status + ' -- ' + err.statusText + '\n\n' +
'relative-url: "' + url + '"\n\n' +
'complete-url: "' + err.responseURL + '"';
// TODO: consider schedule, clearTimer, etc.
// attach instance methods to the view prototype
$.extend(View.prototype, viewInstanceMethods);
// ..........................................................
uiApi = {
addLib: function (libName, api) {
// TODO: validation of args
libApi[libName] = api;
// TODO: implement floating panel as a class
// TODO: parameterize position (currently hard-coded to TopRight)
* Creates div in floating panels block, with the given id.
* Returns panel token used to interact with the panel
addFloatingPanel: function (id, position) {
var pos = position || 'TR',
if (fpanels[id]) {
buildError('Float panel with id "' + id + '" already exists.');
return null;
el = $floatPanels.append('div')
.attr('id', id)
.attr('class', 'fpanel');
fp = {
id: id,
el: el,
pos: pos,
show: function () {
console.log('show pane: ' + id);
.style('right', '20px')
.style('opacity', 1);
hide: function () {
console.log('hide pane: ' + id);
.style('right', '-320px')
.style('opacity', 0);
empty: function () {
return el.html('');
append: function (what) {
return el.append(what);
fpanels[id] = fp;
return fp;
// TODO: it remains to be seen whether we keep this style of docs
/** @api ui addView( vid, nid, cb )
* Adds a view to the UI.
* <p>
* Views are loaded/unloaded into the view content pane at
* appropriate times, by the navigation framework. This method
* adds a view to the UI and returns a token object representing
* the view. A view's token is always passed as the first
* argument to each of the view's life-cycle callback functions.
* <p>
* Note that if the view is directly referenced by a nav-item,
* or in a group of views with one of those views referenced by
* a nav-item, then the <i>nid</i> argument can be omitted as
* the framework can infer it.
* <p>
* <i>cb</i> is a plain object containing callback functions:
* "preload", "reset", "load", "unload", "resize", "error".
* <pre>
* function myLoad(view, ctx) { ... }
* ...
* // short form...
* onos.ui.addView('viewId', {
* load: myLoad
* });
* </pre>
* @param vid (string) [*] view ID (a unique DOM element id)
* @param nid (string) nav-item ID (a unique DOM element id)
* @param cb (object) [*] callbacks object
* @return the view token
addView: function (vid, nid, cb) {
traceFn('addView', vid);
var view = new View(vid, nid, cb),
if (view.ok) {
views[vid] = view;
token = view.token();
} else {
token = { vid: view.vid, bad: true };
return token;
// ..........................................................
// View API
// TODO: deprecated
viewApi = {
/** @api view empty( )
* Empties the current view.
* <p>
* More specifically, removes all DOM elements from the
* current view's display div.
empty: function () {
if (!current.view) {
// ..........................................................
// Nav API
navApi = {
// ..........................................................
// Library API
libApi = {
// ..........................................................
// Exported API
// function to be called from index.html to build the ONOS UI
function buildOnosUi() {
tsB = new Date().getTime();
tsI = tsB - tsI; // initialization duration
console.log('ONOS UI initialized in ' + tsI + 'ms');
if (built) {
throwError("ONOS UI already built!");
built = true;
$mastRadio ='#mastRadio');
$(window).on('hashchange', hash);
$(window).on('resize', resize);'body').on('keydown', keyIn);
// Invoke hashchange callback to navigate to content
// indicated by the window location hash.
// If there were any build errors, report them
// export the api and build-UI function
return {
ui: uiApi,
lib: libApi,
//view: viewApi,
nav: navApi,
buildUi: buildOnosUi,
exported: exported