CORD GUI -- Dashboard and login pages have new look. WIP.

Change-Id: Ib38870c8acb5f443d2aedb6580180f5457f944df
diff --git a/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.css b/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.css
index fd873a1..1f44657 100644
--- a/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.css
+++ b/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.css
@@ -14,36 +14,73 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+#home div.main-left {
+    width: 55%;
+    padding: 0;
+#home div.main-right {
+    padding: 1% 0 0 3%;
+    width: 42%;
+#home div.move-down {
+    margin-top: 19%;
+#home div.image-holder {
+    width: 100%;
+    position: relative;
+#home div.main-left img {
+    width: 100%;
+    opacity: 0.8;
+    box-shadow: 10px 0 12px 1px rgba(54, 136, 210, 0.25);
+#home div.main-right div.bundle-title {
+    padding: 2% 0;
+#home h4 {
+    padding-bottom: 2%;
+#home p {
+    margin-bottom: 3%;
 #home table {
     width: 94%;
     table-layout: fixed;
     margin-left: 6%;
-#home table.title {
-    background: linear-gradient(lightgray, darkgray);
-    border-top-left-radius: 3px;
-    border-top-right-radius: 3px;
-#home table.title th {
-    text-align: center;
+    border-left: 1px solid #CE5650;
-#home table.content th,
-#home table.content td {
+#home table.users th,
+#home table.users td {
     font-size: 90%;
-#home table.content th {
-    background-color: rgba(173, 216, 230, 0.75);
-#home table.content tbody tr:nth-of-type(even) {
-    background-color: rgba(173, 216, 230, 0.25);
-#home table.content tbody tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
-    background-color: rgba(173, 216, 230, 0.5);
+#home table.users th {
+    background-color: #7AB6EA;
+    color: white;
+    letter-spacing: 0.05em;
+    font-weight: lighter;
 #home td, #home th {
     text-align: left;
     padding: 2%;
+#home table.users th.user-pic {
+    background-color: white;
+#home table.users th.user-pic,
+#home table.users td.user-pic {
+    width: 30px;
+    padding-left: 4%;
+#home table.users td.user-pic img {
+    width: 25px;
+    opacity: 0.5;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.html b/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.html
index 857d694..2c634ee 100644
--- a/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.html
+++ b/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.html
@@ -1,38 +1,46 @@
 <!-- Home page partial html -->
 <div id="home" class="container">
-    <nav></nav>
     <div class="main-left">
-        <h4>You are subscribed to the</h4>
-        <h3>{{bundle}}</h3>
-        <p>
-            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit
-            amet ultricies metus. Praesent pretium diam et nibh lacinia
-            faucibus. Donec commodo efficitur ex quis faucibus.
-            Pellentesque nec commodo metus. Nulla ultrices odio vitae tellus
-            tempor, quis fringilla arcu pellentesque. Duis efficitur massa
-            libero, et molestie diam vulputate nec. Nulla vitae lacinia odio.
-        </p>
+        <img src="/imgs/bin_ball.jpg">
     <div class="main-right">
-        <table class="title">
-            <tr>
-                <th>Users</th>
-            </tr>
-        </table>
-        <table class="content">
-            <thead>
-                <tr>
-                    <th>Name</th>
-                    <th>MAC Address</th>
-                </tr>
-            </thead>
-            <tbody>
+        <div class="move-down">
+            <div class="bundle-title">
+                <h5>You are subscribed to the</h5>
+                <h3>{{bundle}}</h3>
+            </div>
+            <p>
+                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sit
+                amet ultricies metus. Praesent pretium diam et nibh lacinia
+                faucibus. Donec commodo efficitur ex quis faucibus.
+                Pellentesque nec commodo metus. Nulla ultrices odio vitae tellus
+                tempor, quis fringilla arcu pellentesque. Duis efficitur massa
+                libero, et molestie diam vulputate nec. Nulla vitae lacinia odio.
+            </p>
+            <h4>Users</h4>
+            <table class="users">
+                <thead>
+                    <tr>
+                        <th class="user-pic"></th>
+                        <th>Name</th>
+                        <th>Last Login</th>
+                    </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
                 <tr ng-repeat="user in users" class="fadein">
-                    <td>{{}}</td>
-                    <td>{{user.mac}}</td>
-                </tr>
-            </tbody>
-        </table>
+                        <td class="user-pic">
+                            <img ng-src="{{'/imgs/' + user.icon_id + '.png'}}">
+                        </td>
+                        <td>{{}}</td>
+                        <td>Session Activity</td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+        </div>
diff --git a/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.js b/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.js
index c28cb81..4460f14 100644
--- a/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.js
+++ b/apps/demo/cord-gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/home/home.js
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
         .controller('CordHomeCtrl', ['$log', '$scope', '$resource',
             function ($log, $scope, $resource) {
                 var DashboardData, resource;
-                $ = 'dashboard';
+                $ = 'dashboard';
                 DashboardData = $resource($scope.shared.url + urlSuffix);
                 resource = DashboardData.get({},