GUI: Reverted changes to gulp task unit tests
Moved the unit-tests folder in to the correct location

Change-Id: I36bad4aea26ab2425e4b1b6bb2fea1d3be26548e
diff --git a/tools/gui/gulp-tasks/index.js b/tools/gui/gulp-tasks/index.js
index 5ac5c83..3bef084 100644
--- a/tools/gui/gulp-tasks/index.js
+++ b/tools/gui/gulp-tasks/index.js
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
 export { default as BundleJS } from './bundles/bundle-js';
-export { default as BundleCSS } from './bundles/bundle-css';
-export { default as UnitTests } from './bundles/unit-tests';
\ No newline at end of file
+export { default as BundleCSS } from './bundles/bundle-css';
\ No newline at end of file